Zurich Herald, 1929-12-05, Page 1'" Oi. XXX No., ZURICH. T1 URSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 51929, Chester L. Smith,. Puldisfarai ;1,25 d year, T<T,S, $1.5I in Adviser/1P *Lep INARRRARS,22 MtY B1 f11If4R8 l 3 more weeks till Christmas. LOCAL MST Do your Shopping Now! HAY COMM,. (Corrected eager 'Wednesday) The .regular meeting rat the :Coon-' eil of the Township of Hay was :held $3utter, creamer 45 .;. n in the Town Hata,, Zurich, ion. Monday Eggs 20, 00, 40 December 2nd„ I9ry3, F with all the 'Old Hens , «. _ .. * , .. 9---1.8 members present:. The minutes of tl Cbickens ... , ... 12---26 the previous meeting were 'adopted, Ducks , 15 ;Wheat Oots .,.. ..,, ... Barley . . .. 70 Buckwheat .„ .,.,..: 80 Flour ewt.. .. _ 3.50 4.75 Bran ton .. , ...... • _ 34.00 Shorts ton "36..00 :Dried apples ..,,. as read. The following resolutions were passed • That the appRcatien of E. 4Geiser for a loan under the TileDrainage Act be received and that a meeting of the Council of the 'Township Af Hay to .consider a By -Law to enable Dutch sett onions.. _,. �. _ .... g the Township to borrew money under the said Act be head i>i tltce Town 4000**0044.4. o- 4•f®144404.0401?i?400de+p•••••••••••amot_ 4. 0 0 • a e e •e 0 • e e 4 0 e e • e • &r +e•00O04+9044404:* 4.44.04•••• 94+$9+•4+0944**•••++,+ • 9 • 4 Mason. & Riau Upright Piano, a good aa new. Will sell at right price for quick sale. A real bay • i� FRED THIEL ZURIOH PIANO � 4 The Thoughtful Famii-y Clit 9 HERE WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF SLIPPER FOR EVERYBODY SLIPPERSFOR TINY FOLKS, TO THOSELN WHICH FATTER READS HIS EVENING PAPER AAe Wontere's Felt ..6:ar&iets, ac. splendid Assortment af. collars. Woolen's �s Felt Comfy?' xm$l Leather Baxucloir Slippers. See our New Women's 6 Overshoes in the latest Styles.. Men's Black and Chocolate :Kid Romems.. Felt: froudear and Choc. Slippers. Children's Fe1tSI';ppe`rs Alt these Mahe Excellent Xinas. Gifts. 9 8 WHERE GOOD SHOES COST LESS .REIP'X,GRING NEATLY DONE 1 Brows $ Boot Shop WINDOW DISI AYSEE R �. es9sssooesssa9499a ossa•••• +►4ws++9 weasels9•9p.999ee•sesesee+94♦o9*4% ••s+.o • inter' and Cold Weather is Here • OVERCOATS • • BLule,. ANTI OrEnrk COLORS AND PA:TTER]S` riEDIXED t YI1 S, a C UNDERWEA114--STAVEIEELDS AND PENMA S, wool.:, ,SLD PYJAMAS AIM NICHE *ORES,--F�.l�NCy STRIPED AND EXTRA, , MEN'S IF' rier 3IHO51F LAIN .A iia rimer 2Se,, To '75c •t SCARFS -MEX.'S $C.M' 'moi :SQUARES 14101. MUM . IN, ASSORIMD.I!I5T'I3 RAD 1G VINE, AILCiRIIIIi , , L�Ut "SPECIAE, ORDER TO YOUR MEASURE R*NN%tl fff :S.i't "S 24.11RANS ON HAM AND MADE 4.'r ATM THR OlOr LI NOS AND TRI s II 1 ,,+"S„ +► C3V.E: LIS.. ;CALL?: ' It 1 - at.ocK' Mi ♦? . f +i 4 4 EIIdFIUtallaSxkl".s <ICIIE:.' lig) 0'I+ 1, it`l! 4104404 PUSS Hall, Zurich, on Monday, January 13th, 1930, at three o'clock in the afternoon. That the offer of Fred J. Haberer for wood and timber en the road al- lowance on Road No, 6, north of the Zurich Road to ioad No, be ac- cepted at the sum of $15. That BY- ;w No. 16-192k to regu- late and govern Transient 'graders in the To'wnsltip';,'of Hay and fixing ti e fee of $100.00 be teed three ;:times and finally pgssed, That By-law No. 17-1929, provi ing for the appointment of Pollan Places, Dep` Returning Officers the Mast few weeks in Detroit, return and Poll r be read threbe read threand finally pa • tries ;ed to his home last Thursday. ed.' Mrs. Brenner of Dashwood That the sum of $607.49, being withher niece Mrs. • s\)01'41_,',. At Christmas A Diamond Will Thrill her Hear A Gift that will he treasured Always NEWEST MOUNTINGS SET WITH: PERFECT DIAMONDS,. ?MAMA' : BOXED, $25.40 TO $200.00. OUR XMAS FEATURE: - GRANDFATHER'S CHIME CLOCKS IN FULL SIZE, BEAHTI 1;, ; - . FINISHED IN OAK OR WALNUT. SPECIALLY. PRICED $95.00 'Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Koehler of Detroit, were visitors with relatives in town the past week. - Mr, Harold Klopp, who has spent the montes received from the Town- l. Wagner one day ship of Stephen on the Mud Creek ast week. Drain scheme'? as Hay's portion of Rev E. Tuerkheim., who returned Government Aid and refund en cost on Tuesday evening from Kitchener. of construction be paid to theown, and Elmira, reports considerably more snow in that district. ers assessed in the Township of Hay under the said scheme p'o rata. Among those who attended the That allowances for bridges . and Winter Fair the past week are; F. C. disposal of material under the Black Kalttfieisch, Alf, Pfaff, Ted. Haberer, Creek Drain By-law be paid to the Jacob Deichert, and Gordon Surerus. Various' persons entitled thereto. NI3. and Mrs. Emmerson Overholt That'/Harry G. Hess be engaged of Bedford, visited at the home of as linesman for the Hay Municipal the fornier's mother IVIrS, Wm. Miller Telephone System in connection with of town. Zurich Central, and also supervisor of the Central Office at Zurich, at fifty cents per hour and thirty cents per hour for helper for time actually spent on System and that an agree - anent be prepared and signed by both parties. Satisfactory bond to be fur, nished for services to be rendered. Services to begin on Dec. 3rd., 1929. and payment to be made monthly. That the following be appointed Polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the sever - a1 Polling Places of the Township of Ray for the - year 1920, -and .that - a By-law be prepared confirming the same. Sub -Division No. 1, Polling Place. School House No. 2; Deputy Return- ing Officer E. Campbell; Poll Clerk C. Prouty; No. 2, School House No. 14, D. Burns, W. Alexander; No. 3, Town. Hall, Zurich, W. O'Brein, 0. Surerus; No. 4, Town Hall, Zurich, W. G. Hess, D. Oswald; No. 5, School House No. 12, U. Pfile, Herb Krueger No. 6, Dashwood Central Office, C. 0. ?file, A. Weber; No. 7, School House No. 3, J. °B. Forrest, J. McAllister; No. 8, L. N. Denomme's Store, P. E. Ducharme, J. Corriveau, Jr. Accounts covering Tp. Roads, Tel- ephone, Salaries, Schools and Gener- al accounts were passed, which will appear in the Treasurer's Financial Statement soon published, 'The Council anjourned to meet a- gain for final session of the year at. 1.30 co'•.ciock, on Monday, December 16th. - A. F. Hess, Clerk, BACKED By 21 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We are happy to pre. sent the New Kolster Radio toour friends. The New Kolster, in cabinet beauty as in performance is this year, more than ever before, "a fine set'''. • . , You'll agree after youve seen and heard the Kolster. ELMER OESCH TIME n8W HOLSTER RAMO ORE Tlt&N MEL ,.A FM SET Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, andMr. Clayton Hoffman, all of Galt were Sunday visitors at the homes. of their parents in town. Mr. and Mrs.. Len. Heist of Detroit spent holidays, with the latter's par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp, of the .14th con. Mr.. Lentils O'Brein, who left for Detroit last week, has returned to enl�yZurt a, as the concern he has been nt ed with, -,has not as yet re- sur'� , s, operations to the extent Of taking on their former employees. Mrs. Alex. Foster spent the week. with her daughter Helen in Teledo. We are very pleased to learn that Helen has accepted a good position in a large clothing concern in that city. Mr. Herb. H. Happel of Jackson, Mich., accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Happel, who resides with him, were visitors in town on Tuesday. They also visited Mrs. Happel's bro- ther, Mr.'"'•Chas. Stelck, of Varna, who is quite ill at present. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen, Mr. Ward Fritz, Miss Pearl Wurtz; and Miss Olive O'Brein were Sunday visitors with friends at I{itchener and Fergus.; They made the- trip by auto and encountered with plenty of snow at places. Rev. and Mrs. S. It; Knechtel, of St. Jacobs, are spending the week at the Rennie home in town. They came up in their auto last week, and are now somewhat snowbound, as the roads in that direction are pract- ically all blocked. Mr. Knechtel oc- cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening, and his message was well received. The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church will hold a bazaar at the town hall . in Zurich on Satur- day, December 7th. The doors will open at three o'clock for a sale of fine.sowing, fancy work, and a large variety of 'baking and from five o'clock onit the ladies will serve a most delicious supper for the small sum of 25c. and 15c. to children un- der ten years. Come one, come all Mr. Wilfred 'Laporte of Windsor; spent the •week -end with his father, " Mr. John Laporte, of the $lue Water Highway. Mr. Laporte's sister accom- panied him home from Windsor, while .another sister underwent a rather critical operation in Windsor a few weeks ago: but is improving to the extent'„that ,she will. soon be able to return to' her honto with her father. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. S. Ronnie on Friday afternoon last we note ; Rev, F. B. Meyer, Bridgeport; Oliver and Edem Kenzie and Ortatt Bechtel, of I.itchener; kir. and Mrs. Gideon Bechtel of Baden; Noah Bechtel, his son and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Schantz of -Wilmot Tp; Mrs. Stelck Of Dauphin, Man;; Mrs. Paulin, of Regina, Sask; Milton Heyrock, of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. .'rank McCut- cheon, London; Rev. and Mrs. S. t. Knechtel of St. Jacobs; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Edighotfer, Mitchell; Miss Grace Guenther," Stratford; Newel Geiger of Toronto; Mr. Milne Ren tie of Seafortli. HESS, THE JEWELLER ar' ►IIS+++++++ `g°'1'+++++4++++vf^+4^k 4. rte.....' . '***d' `4'$°44* FIVE 5 FIVE Outstanding Used Ca BARGAINS! SPECIAL CAR IS BE/NG OFFERED AT A REAL - BARGAIN'. 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SUDAN IN EXCELLENT COIVDITI4:`5; FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW.. THIS "SEEING IS BELI.EVING" FORD SEDAN NEW TIRES, BUMPERS, SHOCIS, SPECIAL, $135.00 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL, BUMPERS,, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIKE NEW SEA 7t'JIS SPECIAL FORD COUPE 1925 MODEL, NEW BALQ}'i+"; TIRES, BUMPERS, FIND: FENDERS AND UPHOLSTER: ING LIKE NEW SEE THIS GINE 1927 FORD ;COUPE 2 TRACTORS PIANO 1 BUGGY 0 FR TZ & SON HIGH PHONE 82 CRASS USED CAR 13ROKERS . ZUBSCH. Christmas. Greetings We invite Our customers AND FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY ' OP Chins'. MAS GIFTS SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN JNg GROWNUPS; I A;NCY DISHES} TeY$,, PICTURE SWIM XMAS., CARDS AND. BOOKLETS COMb)'ir N BOOKLETS* � NUTS* OI@.A141`r5'.St LEMONS. PAIS 'lNS, . Cttl :}6NTS,, PE£It. +n ETC.„, ETC. Ria Nor PHONE LAS 1t° t wr