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Zurich Herald, 1929-11-28, Page 10
a E i '' w�. PAGE EIGHT _.0 T 1-:E STORE WITH TI -E STOCK Our Stock of F all & Winter Goods Is in readiness for your in.speclion Ey where you have a choice of Goods atid sizes to select from at reasonable prices. WEHAVE YOUR SIZE IN ALL LINES OF UNDERWEAR, ,SWEATER COATS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS, MACKINAW COATS, SOX AND HOSE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SEE OUR FINE RANGE OF BOY'S WEAR; BLOOMERS, LONG PANTS, SHIRTS, SWEATERS, ETC. WE ARE NOT GOING OUR OF BUSINESS, BUT WILL CON- TINUE TO SERVE YOU. TO BEST OF OUR ABILITY, WITH No.,1 QUALITY GOODS, PROMPT SERVICE AND BY EXTEND- ING CREDIT TO OUR PATRONS. OUR MOTTO: A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL. Fresh Groceries at lowest possible Prices Always in the market .for good Produce SC 0 SONS . Pro -in,t Wanted Phone 59 li Why not let your money earn O ;PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR WITH SAFETY AND. CONVENIENCE INVEST IN HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Or CANADA MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Combined Assets over $65,000,000.00 OLDER THAN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. APPLICATIONS*RECEIVED AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1' 3 en's .4.44. Underwear, 'Woolen, Fleeced Line, Two piece, or Combinations, Hats, Caps, Sweater Coats, Socks, Etc. All at the Right Prices LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. WOOL BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, FLANNEL- ETTE SHIRTING, PYJAMA CLOTHS, AND EVERYTHING CALL AND SEE OUR NEEDED FOR THE COLD WEATHER. LINES DRIED APPLES TAKEN. COMMENCING MONDAY 0 CTOBER 28h, WE WILL TAIGE DUTCH SETT ONIONS., AND PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR SAME. . J. W • ME NEI? YELLOW FRONT STORE . PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF .LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Ezra Bender and son Archie, of Blyth were business visitors ice the village on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess. were business visitors to London, on Wed- nesday. Mrs. P. Koehler, has returned to her home here after attending the funeral of a relative at Port Hirron, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merrier, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Herb. true- ger, of the 14th, con., were on o most pleasant outing to Hamilton, Burling- ton, Bridgeport, and Kitchener, dur- ing the past week. Mr. John A. Smith, south of the village, has decided to offer by public auction his farm, farm stock and im- plements on Tuesday, December 10, and La planning to leave this section, when sold out. wrsd31 iGITtig•tatioo4ld doth•' oesteCOOM• ••OiNNlitiii0N •• • • •• • The Best Place to Buy 1 HARDW4RE Some real specials are being offer- ed in Wurm's general store, the last few days of this week. Be there on time and get first choice, because at the rate things are selling they cannot last very long, and to miss it is to regret it, act now and 1% a hap- py customer. Ontario Again Wins Prize Messrs. A. N. Ure, Maidstone, Ont. and F. F. Wright, Clanswortn, Ont., won first and second prize for honey JUST ARRIVED AND WE at the British Dairy Show now on in London; England. This is the sev- ASK ALL LADIES TO GET YOUR'S enth successive year that Ontario WHILE SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FROST WIRE FENCING, I GOLD MEDAL TWINE, SHERWIN 'WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOOD- • YEAR TIRES AND TUBES, HECLA FURNACES, QUEBEC 1 Western Farmers' Mural Weather Insurance Ceo OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31st, 192S, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds •. $1.60,378.74- Rates—$4.50 per 81,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and alt kinds of Fire insurance M illinery FINE DISPLAY FALL HATS honey producers have carried off the, CHOICE IS GOOD. first and second prize, in competition, with the world. Last year Messrs. THF+ PRICES ARE RIGHT, WE Watts, Cudmore and Scribbons of CAN ASSURE_ . YOU,. AND THE Clinton won first. They did not com- pete this year. THE SUPPLY AND STOVES AND HEATERS, HEATING, PLUMBING AND TINS- S MITHING, A SPECIALTY FIIRNITIIRE DINING AND BED ROOM SUITS, CHESTERFIELD SPRINGS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, ETC. SEEDS SUITS, B11PERS AND RETAILERS OF ALL KINDS OF CLOVER AND .' GRASS SEEDS. SEE UR FOR. PRICES AND QUALITY "When the cold weather does fin - QUALITY IS GOOD COME EARLY AND GET FIRST ally come" the Kitchener Record CHOICE AT THE hopefully remarks, "thank goodness A 11 P� ��T the .flies will go." If there is any -1 A. thing much more annoying than the common heuseffy, well, we no not ONE DOOR WEST OF MERNER'S want to have anything to do with it. i BLOCK, But, by the aid of screen doors, some poison fly pads and swatter, the lat- ter an instrument unknown to most places most of us are able to keep fairly free from the pests. [ Did you buy your full $94.89 worth of goods from the United States last year, Apparently that is the a- mount per head that Canada purch- ased from her southern neighbor in 1928. If Canada could sell half that much per head to the United States she would be a busy and prosperous country. The trouble is we sell our raw materials to the United States, and buy back the finished articles, sending our trained young men and women across the line to assist in the• manufacture of them.—Ex, If Canada can accomodate those 5000 Mennonites who wish to come here it might be a good move to bring them. They are farmers who would go on and stay on the land; they make good citizens and do not take perodical spells of wishing to go about without clothing: One thing the Government should avoid how- ever,' is giving any assurance that they will not have to bear arms or do anything else a native-born may be called -upon to do. Those who come to Canada should expect to obey Canadian laws. What is good enough for native born Canadians Is good enough for those who come here to settle.—Ex, COUNTY NEWS If in need of new furniture, dont • forget; we have it! STADE & VVEID ZURICH L+/ N Tw • rr,VIrIYiElt+i+0 46tat.$01141144111000110$1' • • Vera V. Siebert OP Seasouaijle Goods + • Now is the ti..: r�t,e of � ear to fit out �y Y • your home with new Furniture 411 Also Simmons Gaaranteed Springs r•. and Mattresses 4. it•��•611���4GipQ1�®p�0�•�•��t•�gBiirl�N•46••®9'��ls•••+G1 is Scarfe9s Celebrated Paints z and Varnishes FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL All Lines of Hardwaret CIH-NAMEL VARNISHES 04011••• •00OO • 0•6•00•di& "> 00•1100 , and Tinware GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS SEE US WHEN IN THE IVICARKET FOR PUMPS; PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING„ ETC., ATTEND- 4: ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE Johnton &lialbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t+++++++++++++++44++44,4.4444+++++++++++++++++++++++4 CALL AND SEE US eter collided. Mr. Ingramaccomp- anied by his wife, was coining to sp- end, the week -end with relatives in Hensel and when in front of the home of Wm.. Boa, he noticed a flocs of ducks on the road ahead of him. He swung over to the other side of the road to avoid hitting them; at the same time Jas. Grassiek, driver of the Hoggarth truck noticed the car com- ing oming and prepared to pass It when he noticed the car swing to the other bide of the road. Thinking the car was going to turn into one of the gatewaysthere, he swung over to', the other side of the road at the', same time as Mr. Ingram swung back to his own side of the road+ The cars, going at 35 miles an hour, met with disastrous results, both being badly smashed. Mn and Mrs. Ingram and. Mr. Grassic were badly cut with flying glass but were able to go to their homes. Prov. 'Whitesides was soon ,on the scene of the wreck and the car and truck wore towed to. Ex- eter and luckily no one was seriously injured. 1lIUItiLIh'iIUQIly111lfiFl9l�tll4iilUtllIli"�1'�'IIIC@illflfl5pildllilUlilG€ipUliilfillllNlllil]:I�IIIfiI➢IIIY,°IIID'9i9{Illfhltiil5?IIIIIfINllll814r'.�la�ifrlliE;ll�'�';filllllr Workmen are putting in five new bridges and culverts on No, 4 high- +7>ay a few miles south of Exeter, the largest one being in front of Sid - ley Smell's. The traffic has had to take to the ditch and during the wet ;; atlrcr some of the large transport trucks got stuck in the mud and were ".aidedai. with mach. difficulty. A serious erious accident happened on Saturday evening Iast> on the London 'load south .o•t Hensall when a earl driven by ,Alvin Ingra::m. o Detroit, and Iiuggarth's Rouitry truck of Fair Sisters Re•United 'Mand Ellen are eletors. and 2g yearsarg of age. Their Parente38 are both dead, and the girls trust need provide for themselves. Mary had just begun to earn a comfortable wage when she was stricken with consumption and had to go to the Muskoka hospital. lidlen, left to her own resource$, having to work header than ever, soon proved unequal to the taak long exposureto the disease through close contact with her sister, coupled with overwork, brought the inerit- able result; o few months later she too was compelled to give, up and join her sister in the hosliltal. 'There both girls are doing well, and their restoration to health in eon iidently exlseeted. r to bel" to sac: M � ould veru not lilts p. Week. as Okla. Your eOdltt`ibrii . q,r` o ‘t1. m.rk o ribdged if beta+ Ga "C.O C4 Street„ ''Xoioittlr 2. a�aai�k NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon. tip airing, Painting, Etna Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH NIIUNIUllial 111115111tI1N1Ii;Ill'ita74IlI1111 CILiCu[t;,' i uA18UIlIJfl1@HRIIIIi�iluINITAE>Ei� �,�tllf2lL�!!N11 I.;::IIIIIIIIIMIIIII'>iiw'J!iPf'•_; Sltlli v�±Iiiu11I411 44++lH+i«I+3++F++A+i+1.++F+E+4•+[++i++t++l+1• +ti�+fi++-0.,'^F + °+i++F+•i++++I++i~II++E++E++E++II+++b+fi++i++E+�II+4 �++b ANNOUNCEMENT. We have been app + inted Agents direct for 6 ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF,, TRIED) AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OE! +* WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. W�T ARISTOCRAT OF ia\HR LOW PRH HIPPET FOUR CED FIELD. SEFE IT;• Di; I;E IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED z AND PROVEN' PRODUCT OF QUALITY + THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON WHIPPET 7 I x THR MARKET. A CAR 'WITH y�� 7B,�OUND REPUTATION v i▪ ii.378 Knight TTHE FAMOUR PROVIDEDWO MODELS, SLEEVE VALVE I MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SIM US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A. SATISFACTORY DEAL f ASSURED, BESIDES: t "WE GIVEliYOU • SERVICE" i+ a il, f II. Moaaseau Zurich f-. I' 1÷1• •44+++44-14++++++1-144•14444444+++++++1-1441--144•14++++ li i. $.++++++++++ '+++++4:+++ +1-Irk.ri+ rI'°I'°ir+aF :2++-1-1.4-++ ++ -+1++k+1+ ++I4:I'- SUITS SUITS1,41 3e To the manwho regards a well dressed + jappearance, we recommend you. to* + ome and look over our fine range of. +C I i THE NEWEST SU TINES +..tri WE GUARANTEE SATISFAC'TION OR MONNY MAIM V ALI(i OUR sun's ARE MADEAND+TRIMMED WITS 1TNB $ BEST OF LINING + +` S AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE 1 + BAD AGENT FOR TER WELL KNOWN MADE TO MBAS- 1 _. $ ©RT CI.f11TIi1g9-yCORN>$Lii„ 1, ..+ FHOFFMAN!: + d •b I1BRO"BANT TAILOR W: H+HOEI�' N, , E S*n, BA,ifbD` t i+ til +AFi'D! i►BfN1ntA>i4 Di$IItat Do r1nd mid* + 404+++ X44+ +I44+4*e 11"44+:t4>i 4 4 y