Zurich Herald, 1929-11-28, Page 9Is your daughter
enjoying Iife?
TT is just in her "--teen
age" that a girl should
be getting the most fun
out of. life !—Yet so often
it happens that girls of
sixteen • to twenty have
outgrowntheir strength
—are quickly tired, pale,
nervous, generally run-
down and unhappy I
These are sure sign's of
anaemia, a condition that
results from thin, worn-out,
under -nourished blood. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have
corrected this in 'thousands
of girls. Here is the actual
experience of Mrs. Ben
Nicholas of Erieau, Qnt.
"My daughter was its a
run-down • state. She was
easily tired and did not wish
to associate with others. As
this was unnatural, I began.
giving her Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, end they soon
made a strong healthy girl
of her. Now the is as happy
a girl as one would wish to
Start your daughter on
this proven treatment now
by buying Dr. LWilliazn.' Pink
Pills at your druggist's: or any
dealer in medicine or by
mail, 30 cents, postpaid,
from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. s. s
Botha grad �rls� Countrymen" ;rnanents" ,,, WHEN .YOUR BABY
Fro., table Now
British .Women Pay Estimat-
ed Sum of $600,000,000.
• Every Year
Landoll.—Perihanent waves are a
permanent source of revenue to. I3rt.
tains hairdressers. It is estimated
that 10,000,000 members of the so-call-
ed weaker : sex spew:! $600,000,000
'every year.•on .this particular 'forte of
.glorifying their .crowning glor'y.- A
permanent in this country cents on
an average $155 and of e is needed
four tini.ee a year.
{n addition the average woman. tie but: thorough laxative that sweet. -
spends $40 a year in the hairdresser's,' en . the . stomach and regulate the
parlor in waving, shampooing, shing- bowels, thus driving out >constipation
ling and so ou, and indigestion and relieving the baby
Fashionable women sometimes pay of the many childheod.ailments which
as much as $2,500 a year to their hair- are the disect result of a clogged con -
dressers. The feminine hairt'atl,t of -
of• the bowels or -soar stomach.ten costs as much as -a dollar, a tar They are absolutely safe --being guar -
shampoo 'a little more, and if a anteed to contain no drug at all harm-
"blue rinse" is given as well, which :fell to even the youngest babe. They
simply means a water rinse with the
cannot possibly do harm—they always
addition of a blue bag, It 'costs half
a dollar extra. Five dollars is the
fee for bleaching, and two dollars for
alt egg--and-rum shampoo.
According to a number of tonsorial
experts, the society woman sof today
spends something dike five or six
hours every week at this shrine of
Indicative of the extreme interest
of both 'sexes in this comparatively
new industry or,
profession, is the
Hairdressing. Fairof Fashion, which
was held, here recently.
Ali the. latest fashions' and styles
were reteaied. There were seen and
explained the mystries of the classic
shingle, the satin shingle, the silvery
` glory, the •piquant crop, and even a
wonderful method of training a baby's
hair to grow early. w.
The mechanical side played an im-
portant part In the exhibition. Weird
specimens of e1e tlical apparatus,
super -permanent waving machines,
-looking like giant octopi with fear-
some tentacles, super -winders, and atl'
the paraphernalia of the industry
were shovel,
There • were demonstrations of the
only way to adjust a mud -pack and
an Ice -pack. Shelves were laden with
Tobannesburg Times; The Cabinet
for xef inelt a. site to Unionto Building
j for a sernorlal statue. to General
t Botha, one-time Commander -in -Chief
tJle 'rider �1rnly and the first Pre -
In spite of all precantione little ones
Mier of South Atria wider whose aegis
will take colds--espec:ielly (Luring the the Union Buildings were ereetdd. Oce
changeable clays of our Pall seas= theU onZe thought that ect ,
When the first 'symptoms eppeer-- Ationafrica11liet Government
— al
sneezing, redness of the eyes, run- Africanwlletlier arty -
;ling hose — Baby's Own Tablets would have bean petrel to honor the
shouter be given at once. They will memory of so distinguished. a sae of
rapidly break no the edict and'`:prevent SouthAfrica as Louis ptba•-1-
More serious complications. though his load deeds for` the Unlet;
• Mothers who keep a hox''of Baby's` have given him a monument much
Own Tablets, in the, home always feel 'iuore enduring than stone or brass.
safe. In fact they are like having a Louis Botha loved this country with
doctor in the house. They'are •a gels- deep sincerity end that the country
loved hint has been proved with great
frequency. The farmer's boy of the
Past was destined to become Com-
mander -in -Chief of -the Boer forces
during the most momentous years in
the history of .,the' Republic, and, af-
ter the signingof the Peace Treaty of
Vereeniging, he developed a sense of
vision and statesnnanshlp which tea;is-
formed four antagonistic provinces in-
to a great Union—how great in the
future depends els.tirely upon diose
do good.
Baby's Own Tablets are -sold by all who live in it.
hnediciee dealers or willbe :sent 1.Y —
plait at 25 cents a bei from The Dr.
Mother-in-Law—"Why, Marie, any
ams' 'Medicine Co, Brockville,
woman would be satisfied with fhat
Ont. _ Percy says he gives you." Marie—
"So would I."
�� "Where have you been?" "In the
In An ®�d Building �ir: hospital 'getting censored." Censor-
._- ' , ed?" "Yes,
I had several important
Two Old Prospectors Make parts cut out."
Strike in "Ghost" , Town
Fortune Discove 1
• •
of West
Yet'ington, Neu—.Angora; one of the
west's "ghost" towns whosesejstreets
once echoed to the tramp ' of sour-
doughs and plodding burros, again has
'yielded "pay dirt, Not from the
earth that men probed hopefully in
quest of riches in a bygone era of the
golden west, but in tIte ruins of ani
old abode 'building; was a small for-
tune recovered.
Buried treasure—$5,000 worth of
$20 gold pieces—was there, stained
with blood and lying unmolested for•1 •
65 years to become, strangely enough,
a "strike" for two, old prospectors—
lotions, balms and complexion pow- Wallace Dowell unit lames Handel. It
eters. was chance that brought an unexpect-
One revealmen y of the exlii onled change. in the fortunes of the men,
was that women are not the only
seekers after beauty. There was a
fair percentage of men in the atten-
Elderly men spend much time and
large sums of money trying to
smooth away wrinkles and the double
Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with
the sane care-- -as if our reputation were to staled or
ail upon that single package. as
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra. good
There :is more satisfaction in look-
ing through the telescope al faith than
into the microscope Of criticism.
1 Although there is to be no more
war, one of the habits acquired in the
last war may possibly be continued.
One who obviously„ has the welfare of
the nation at heart has suggested that
the wearing of identity discs should
be compulsory, In view of the casual-
ties in the streets nowadays.
two of the fast disappearing type of
prospectors Who followed the trails
over mountain and desert. In an an-
cient motor vehicle which they nursed
along—one driving, the other holding
the clutch — Dowell and Handel
Iiappy season of Childhood! I�iucl chins, and young men crowd the, stopped one clay recently in the shad-
that net to all h a bottIcintl llali'dlessers' parlors trying not toy ow of the crumbling walls 'of Angora,
! look like the diel men. 160 miles east of here, seeping relief
Mother; that vfsitest the poor plan's 1 from the desert heat.
hut with auroral radiance; and for I The desolate picture which greeted
thy Nursling . hast provided a soft MALICEthe prospectors as they paused for
swathing of Love and infinite--Ilepe, Malice at any time, is a reprehen- their siesta conveyed nothing of the
wherein he waxes and Slllmbeis; sible state of mind. When it Comes in- one-time greatness Of tile village that
danced round by sweetest dreams.— I to being, there is a return to the priori- to -day lives only in history and le -
Thomas Carlyle. tive, Probahly the . psychologists ;end.
world describe it as a return to type. Once Angora was a 'Soaring town,
Son --"Why do you suppose Adam \ 'e would probably say it was a coveted by both California and Ne
wars made before Eve?" Dad—"Oh, I !`thio—back." vada, and finally 'marked on the map
It doesn't matter what we call it of the latter place after a federal sur-
tosuppose it was n thin him a chance vey established its claim It was
a.little something first." malice is a very bad thing. And when
it comes, there is no telling -how far "bait" even 111 an era when civic vir-
we shat go in it. It grips some badly tue was at low ebb among the boom-
-seriously; it ]ands them in a very towns of the youthful west Then
dangerous, and even a criminal, posh- came the rebellion against the 'domin
tion, ante of the lawless element in Febv-
But malice of the usual known kind, uary, 1864 The lawabiding organized
the kind that is obvious—and, if the a vigilante committee, seized the. ar-
add expression may be used, above -1 mory and established order after :ar-
board—is bad enough. .What is really resting the sheriff his deputies and
worse is that super -malice that creeps four desperados, whole, they hanged,
in and out and around us until we It was conerning that clean-up that
feel it doing its fell work, and yet we i a story about Governor Nye of Nevada
never know when it is going to strike is told. Hearing of the excitement,
he telegraphed Samuel Youlhg, then a
county commissioner, warning that no
violence must be done. Back went
the laconic reply; "All quiet and or -
its fangs are going to bite next. The (Tests Four men`will be hanged in
mind that has this kind of malice in I half an hour."
it 3a not far off insanity; for it is no I ta
normal malice. And certainly it is not Franchise Dangers
normal mind that conceives it. I Tinges of India; We have frequent-
requentFortunately it is not prevalent, But l ly stressed the point, and we da it
we do have to deal with it at times. with the utmost earnestness, that the
Then it is that oursoul and happiness present is not the time to enlarge In -
are in jeopardy.
Ask Your .i3arber--He linowS
Messrs. Tanguay, Limited of
Quebec, Quebec, Beg to an-
The opening of an Ontario
Sales Office at 2834 Dundas
St., Toronto, under the direc-
tion of H. L. Spicer, former-
ly Secretary -Treasurer of
Empire Fertilizers Limited.
We can offer EXCEPTION-
ed Fertilizers, Superphos-
phate and Fertilizer Mate-
rials sold In carlots for cash
ONLY. Write above ad-
dress for prices, etc.
This sort ' is s0
delicate in its ma-
chinations that it become: positively
snakish. You can never tell where
Feet Sore? Use Minard's Liniment.
• "Our opponents are trying to win
this. election with a campaign of lY-
ing; but, thank Ileaven, we have a
candidate who can beat them at their
own game."
—•••.," a-4.44444
004 /4,44,
PIliLLlPs –
For Tr„,, hies'
due to Acid
ACM sromAca
the Acic
Sick stomachs, scuff stoltiachs and
usually ,
Y mean
The stomach nervesare over-sthnts4.
latec. Too niitch acid makes the stone-
ach and intestines sour.
Alkali kills acid instantly, The best
form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be -
,cause one harmless, tasteless dose
neutralizes many times its volume in
Steil. Since its invention, 50 years ago,
It has remained the standard with
physicians everywhere.
'rake ;t spoontul inwater and your.
unhappy condition will probably end
in: five minutes, Then you will always.
know what to do. Crude and harmful
methods will never appeal to you. Go
prove this for your own sake. It may
sav,o a great many disagreeable hole's.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia p`teseribed by'physi•
clans for 50 years in correeting excess
acids, Each bottle contains full 'direr•
dian electorates. There is indeed
much ground for thinking that the
electorates are already too large. The
many cases of maladministration
among loal boards and "smaller munt-.
cipalities point the same moral. As
the control of administration passes
into Indian hands it must of neces-
sity rest, in the first instance, with
the intelligentsia, whose efforts are
bound to be hampered by the claims
of a large and ignorant eslectoh'ate. To
give people the vote first and educa-
tion afterwards would be to put the
cart before the horse. Education
must come first. It is the duty of the
Government and the intelligentsia to
educate the masses as speedily as pos-
sible so that they can take an intelli-
gent part in the government of the
,Appreciation is a Happy state of
mind awakened by something that is
felt as . well as perceived. It as
-wholly a question of the value of thltt
which is perceivgd. And the appre-
ciation of values depends upon, cul
tore, which is analogous to what re-
ligious teachers call a state of grace,
A man might' absorb all the book
knowledge that the ptiblishe;s eoulcl
supply hint, and his ° higher nature
still remain tinted.
•Loutse'---"1 wishX thought twice
before marrying you." Sam ---"Ilett -..
I'd be satisfied If I had thought once."
Minard's Liniment relieves gtiffnes't.
When. you want the most
economical & satisfactory
lumber cutters, write us
for information & prices.
Montrenl •
11- 29
seemed a Burden
"I feet I must write and tell you of the great
benefit I have derived from Bruschen'Salts. For
three years I suffered front constipation, depres-
sion and nerves, which made everything seem a
after attending doctors on and off for thie
tth;'radaettauand om
ee lgradually got butalte rl usual state of
health. I have now resumed my duties, and nor
is once more a pleasure.
"I am continuingwith ErteschatSalts,and after
being back at business nearly six weeks asp main-
taining the ' Erusehen feeling' and recommend the
public to take the ' little daily dose; and keen
Themselves fit these hustling days.
”I shall always be pleased to answer ank
Inquiries in praise of Eruschen Salts." —0. C
Orlglnal letter on Ala for Inspection.
Erusehen Salts 's obtainable at drug and
tepartment stores in Canada at 75e. a bottle.
d bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5
mouths -good health for half-a•eent a day.
Are yoti prepared to render
first • aid and quick comfort the
moment your youngster has an
upset of any sort? Could you do
the right thing—immediately--
though the emergency came with-
out warning ---perhaps tonight?
Castoria is a mothers standby at
such times. There is nothing like
it in emergencies, gencia, a
nd nothing
better for everyday use. For a
sudden attack of colic, or the
gentle relief of constipation; to
allay a feverish condition, or to
soothe a fretful baby that can't
sleep. This pure vegetable prepa-
ration is always ready to ease an
Is2pflinc l tyiiunrfpr- it is illStY as LL
NO 4090
IhtRnntt 7ertYnntlitaidate
late sblettep ra
s;mda•5 Iherosd•
Thor L, rramolinOt0.cstion
Chectfa;uess aidRQStoatios
neat erOppl�um,Morp
Mlnerat. NOrNARcoric
'& 'pmsnzLYa�l
Copnan W
Loss orSLar.t,restaIntthertoTaY
Facsimllt $;411...
a' The cENTn eCOi''e,E010,04
harmless as the recipe on the
wrapper reads. If you see Chas.
H. Fletcher's signature, it is
genuine Castoria. It is harmless
to the smallest infant; doctors
will tell you sa.
You can tell from the recipe on
the wrapper how mild it is, and
how good for little systems. But
continue with Castoria until a
child is grown. _
No wonder this
is proud
Classified Advertisements
moetal MEN WANTLI) QUICK; 1310
pay, easy work. Earn while learn-
ing barber trade under famous Meier
unerican plan, world's most reliable
barber school system Write rir call
immediately for free "catalogue. Mier
Barber Col'lege,.121 Queen West, Toronto,
lee and light sewing at home, whole or
snare time good' par work sent any
distance; charges paid. Send stamp for
particulars. National Manufacturing Co.,
Women and men of retiring timidity,
are' cowardly only in dangers which
affect themselves, but the first to res-
cue when others are endangered.--
Free Information
Patent Solicitors
m itgr E
Used by Doctors
Many doctors recommend Min-
ard's as the best Liniment made.
They use it for many ills
FT. Guild's preen 'Mountain Asthma
compound sent cm request. Origin-
ated in ]2;0 by Dr. Guild. specialist
in respiratory diseases Its pleasant
smoke vapor quickly sootbOS and re-
lieves asthma—elan catarrh. Standard
remedy at druggists 05 cents, GA
cents and $1.10, powder or cigarette
form. Scud for 1Ple,Bn neva,,. oett-
age of G cigarettes. Canadian Distri-
butors, I.vinous, Ltd., Dept. CC2, 2Se
St. Paul St West, Montreal, Canada.
alt ifY little son, Richard, was
troubled a lot with constipa-
tion," says Mrs. Ethel Evans, 263
Monarch Park, Toronto, Ont. "Ile
got veryweak, run-down and under-
weight. I gave him California Fig
Syrup; and in just a little while he
was eating heartily and gaining.
robust, bright d act ve e' he's so
Temporary relief should be far
from the first consideration 'when rt
child shows by bad breath, coated
tongue,biliousness, oraftHess,w
condition, that he's constipated. Of
course, the child's system needs a
prompt cleansing. 13ut the young-
ster's bowels also need toning and
That's where California Fig Syru
does its best work. It helps strength-
en the bowel muscles; gives tone to
weak stomach. That's whylenity
digestion improves with its use
bowel movements become regul
and remain so.
ar -
Every child loves its flavor; its .
eleansingactionnspromptbut gentle.
A purevegetabie product;mo danger
of causing the laxative habit. It has
full medical endorsement.
E° A L X F O R 14 i A There are man un;tations; but
S'!JtlJ the word Calljornia marks the
Nmelt, OylI iAs
"1 think Lydia 1: Pinkhaln's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful!
1 have had six children of which four
are living and my youngest is a bon•
pie baby boy now eight months olid
who weighs 23 pounds: I have taken
your medicine before each of them
was born
and have r cellai
ceived great benefit from iv 1 urge
tnyfriends to take it as 1 am sure
they will receive the same help 1 did.
Mrs: Milton McMullen, Vanessa,
s :t
L9Y1'ia E t"i�nkt,aln #ltd iter Lynn;.?hn ri ti _;fit,;;
•.45�;1i Cepbur�,.�ilflliTrO, 4:1070d0.
ISSUE No. 47--'29