HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-21, Page 7Dees rheumatism
- oder your
t prl*IIL E working in a ..
quarry as a fdrillef,"
writes !dr. John J Hogati . .
of Satitii: March, Orn„ "i
was seized with rheuma-
tism in the left shoulder.
I followed treatments for
sone time without relief.
I had heard so much con-
cerning Dr. Williams'
Pink• Pills that "Idecided.
to give them a trial. They
were certainly the medi-
cine that I needed for it
was not long before I was
as well as ever. Now I
take them every Spring as
a tonic."
This is one of hundreds of
cases in which these blood-
enriching pills have proved
effective in eradicating rheu-
matism. Buy Dr. Williams'
"- Pink .Pills now at your thug -
gist's or any dealer in medi-
cine, or by Mail, . 50 cents,
postpaid, from The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brock -f
ville, Out.
PER aeJf
Owl Laffs BABY'S OV'N TABLETS Dept, of Health
A farnlat ;vas losing kiss patienceC�iR ISE1"^
and temper teyin ; to drive ,two .mules �! The Autumn line arrived, land We .en -
into t field and ;was using ,etroog' , —ter ante the 'season* of the•,00l-imon
language I,hen the local .parso.0 carne ??Manly. Mothers Always - Keep cold;' . untortuna,tely this season is
y and rlong And will he with. Us until the.iceI
I Them in the ..(ruse.'
"T3an't spool( like that to dumb ani melts and the hewers bloom again in'
mals.' 1 Thousands of mother's state that the spring.
l+avnacl'--"You 1'ou € re• jut t
want to see."
I b. rg•ttd•
"-man I tile3' • know of no Other medicine for The' l ell of the Common Cold
little ones to equal Baby's Own Tab: Tlie 'colnlnan Cold costs the people
Parson --"And' why?" lets—that they always keel? the 'lab of Ontario a heavy sum very winter
Farmer—"Tell me, how did' Noah' lets in,;•:the home as a preventive of First, .too mai>y reinter deaths call 130
get these into the Arlt?" .. I childhood ailments, • or if sit;Itrle5S i traced to the simple beginning' of e
,r., „J does suddenly mils their little 00001 rage C cold;' no col('! is so simple
The banquet was 'a :great success, they feel safe with such a remedy at 'that it can afford to be neglected, par -
And not a dreary time and glom; • hand. • I ticularly in small children and older
Tills added to the lia0pi neis, Concerning. the use of the Tablets people.
Two of the' speakers Elio : not. come. 11[r's, Donatoure, Pl d '1'ingw icic 4tuo' '
w rites:— a
I '
for Baby's
' �atluri but pram• 1 The`Cost'of'the Common Cold
Own Tablets. they
"Tuve they
Thven 6
The number of persons snffering
More cup's to the,pcund, more flavor -in the ,e;up, c
tang to the 'taste. That's what makes Red Rose Tea
so papular. 'Every package gUararitcee. OA
r E ROSE ORANGE P .O is bxfra good.
Been ilaiciietl long?"
wt 11 one clay during the i Pig T ifitEel3 IDkisoni
' "Jest long;, enough so theY _have.
r'e the onlymedicine T have ever gat eu tont co c s.on any
Classified Advertisements
o g Sold I
?nmol? cold i6 eliai' tOe at Auction , sITI7ATIfiITS VACANT.
er that 'the `Caplets: have alrways+mous. Every second man working In( London -.Sir Kynaston Studd, Lora ,,o,, AIEIN tVA:NTOD QU.Lr K, lilci•', .
you can't say with flowers." , state,
he 1 'in perfect health. 1 feel
Ontario's indust lies r Is src.c with a t tile annual meet �'� qay. easy work, Lan hit 1 n ,
Rept them 1
"Dad," said his soli Ciraa•les,_" do .so safe with: the 7.'t -beets that I al.
yon think they .will ever Sna, a sub- ways keep a box in the house."
?" IOwn Tablets are it mild but
statute for pellet. l Baby's 0;
"They have one now, and- I wish thorough laxative.: They regulate the
you'd give it a ti:iai
"Huh" retorted Charles, "I've; never
heard of it. What is it, anyway 7" as heavy. ins,' • said the Lard Mayor,
i cutting of teeth painless- tn,,."the
Shoe leather'!" retorted .his father. make Tlie Tablets are absolutely sate, being Cause of the Common Cold gain is• great: -This-is the police
Passenger 'on Atlantic_ liner (who guaranteed free from all injur.iaus A persoli sufl'Prin'g'from a colo? can court missions work, and it does it
is really enjoying; the sea; tel his oom- drugs.: They are sold'by Illi. nQdicine 'pass if on to others, The infectious very effectively:°' i i the magistrates
auloii wne has' gone below) "'Come dealers or by mail at 25,c a box.from material Is 'present in the discharge Last year, he said, 1 g
Pardon I requested the missionaries to assist
on up Jim! We're passing a sl>ip." The. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of the nose • and 'throat;' it can he
Voice from Below—"1 .don't want to Brockville, Ont. transferred to others by coughing and in, no fewer tban 17,000• cases in the
see no ship. You call me when we're
passing a tree:'®l4r,wnn4estrtF Youth
Things .are looking up for the
American drama., The other clay a ether Way's of Correcting His
to get a seat ;sults Than -tile - Prison
and I an- glad to � season of the
found there area lot of things that my two little ores i 1
'bowels, sweeten •the: stomach and, thus
banish constipation and indigestion;
break •up cold's. and' simple fever end
3o's3Ca3'or,• piesid ng a re at while ear
cold some time (luring the ;r'iiter.ing barber trade under fa
ail of the"Lalldrn'C+Inti i�lisslau, at tuous !\toter,
Women workers stiffer to the extent the Mansioh Mouse,, declared prison
of three out •of every four. For the ,ga terrible punishment." Ho proal
balance of the population—children, ed the iv%,rk of the pollee court mi•'•
and those who 'wor'k • •at home—we sir Ual'ies .in saving ?nein oiid •a (:mon
have no statistics, but 'feel sure their fi•ntr, prison. "If we Can effect the
bill for sickness due to colds is just reitrm. of the wron.galeel by other
.. Aima Mater
The Cape Argus, Cape Town,
Africa: A hundred' years, ago
Chicago theatre patron shot two men
. or Reforrnato'ry •
-Fresh ,Marketer—"Are those eggs It is related that .a teacher on be
Strictly fresh?" ing asked how he ` got along with the
Grocer-"B'oy, see if those eggs are bad boys, replied that he got along
•cool enough to sell yet."
Have you Beard about the Scotch -
man who gavehis wife a pait of rub-
ber heels when she begged him for
a new spring outfit? •
Many a man is paying alimony to-
day because he thought there was no
South -great harm in a little flirting.
Cape Peace and Quiet.
Town was already old, but South At -
Tice was only beginning to be. All 'The editor was dying, and a sigh
eyes were tamed to the future. We.
are still looking to - the futuye, but we
came from fns `breast:
"Please bury me, my friends, where
I will find eternal rest; •
with them all right, for, he 'added, "I
just, expel them." There will prob-
ably be a consensus of opinion that in
view of • his candid admiseiou it. was
the teacher and 'not the seholar .who
should be expelled.
And yet, says 3. 3. Kelso,,there is
a moral contained in t'his,•incident
that is applicable to the work of child -
saving, There are riiany good peo-
ple, who, unwilling to be, patient and
faithful with,, -boys who have gone
astray. consider` their . whole duty
performed when they succeed in hav-
ing the • lad sent off to a retard)
echogl. • This readiness Ice throw off
must .never forget that History hasis de
• been made in this land of ours, and I long for peace and quiet, so when I responsibility;
was on th s'to be tltlta-
' most of our present ideals and aspire- ,.
have -.closed nay' eyes, • ated and it
tions . have their roots in the hast. Just• plant me,,in spore store where the executive officer of .the Children's
I they “do not advertise."•' Aid Society was . given extensive
This Educationally, fitly true of South
rights in the disposal: of juvenile of-
hanit is true, South Africa Young Merchant—"Here's an invi fenders.
has none of the traditions that lite
Wayward boys, if taken,at the right
powerfuly affect the thought anti lite, ration to my geldeu .wedding." time and in the right way, can be
of the more ancient seats of learning His Friend—'Why, You're not even
married:' . • converted into first-class men. Boys
in the es Coun ty. But even wren- Young Merchant—'NO, but I'm go- of sanguine temperament furnish the
tory gives time for great traditions to
form ac'nd proud memories to' evolve. ing to marry a ri h man's• daughter" good bays and the bad boys ot the
sileezitag. A person : suffering from a
cold will carry infection onbis hands;
he should therefore wash his hands
before eating, and especially behre no fewer than 24' prisons in EngIand
'handling milk or food to bo used, by had been cicised.
others. He will also .infect the cups, In this connetion it 'is announced
glases, dishes, etc., from which he that the empty county Prison of
drinks and eats; .alis :dishes should be Knutsford in Cheshire will be sold
carefully .washed. at auction' early in' December 50010 of
Children, and adults too, Qflen take the buildings, whiel. will 'be offered
cold as a result of over exposure ,to in 27 lots, being over 200 years old,
cold, getting feet wet, chilling after f'a-a
leaving a, hot school,, house, etc. Dress . , i CsoverTnine 's Duty
in the coke or wet weather so as to Ceylon Times: So long as people
protect the hotly from chili and the leave few outside:social interests and
feet from getting. \vet. recreations, the liability to bicker and
Those i;bo'have "bad throats"-dis quarrel will be great: and in Ceylon
eased or enlarged tonsils—suffer more'ail too• often • gtiaitrellian is sCeylo
frequently from colds ' than those mons with the use of the knife. If the
with healthy throats. Repeated colds assoiation just. formed, while promot-
lower one's resistance; children and ing the crusade against crime, will
addits "who have one cold after an- not neglect to encourage all sorts of
other all through the winter are in a recreational activities, tenfold better
weakened condition by the beginning results will be' produced, Most Gov -
London courts. If that policy was gen-
eral, it must --make clear the extent
of the 'effect, namely, that since 1914
• }world, not the pious and vicious.
to- 'student, whether of yesterday or They are as the name implies; full of
to ti."r, can thiel: of the old buildings Felt hats may coni and straw hats
In the, Avenue, the gates, the oak inaY go, nut the high hat goes oeon
for -
trees, the paddock, the professors. of ever -
a, former day, the companionships and
'games, the colege songs, days of study
and, nights of revelry, without being
deeply moved:
Stolen Goods
Detroit Free Press: The Cleveland
•Museum of Art has returned to the
Jugoslavian Government a -'are panel
of ivory, which it had purchased fron-
a dealer, without knowing that it had
been stolen from the Cathedral of Ag -
ram. At least four dealers had bought
and sold the panel in•good faith. The
identity of the thief has not been es-
tablished, although the fact of the
theft was proved to the satisfaction
of the Cleveland museum. All that
the museum could+ do was to return
this treasure.
bleed, full of life, activity, "'mischief
and fight. Yet, for the sante reason,
they are full of tenderness, synpatbY
The old fashioned theory that there and loving kindness: What shameful
is danger from exposure has been ex- ignorance to be at war with! snoh a
bay! Let him' know that yen are
his friend, that yon like him, that you
wish him well, and you have at once,
an empire for good, moving itself and
ploded by the new fashion woman.
Teacher's Pet: An ancient saying,
stili in use, but the apostrophe is others on the way to righteousness.
"Maybe I shouldn't have brought
this up," murmured the aviator, as his
plane began to fall: .
A committee is a perfect device for
postponing action and dividing re-
• There were fifty-eight slight earth-
quakes during one day 'recently in
bewail. No wonder those Hula maid-
ens can dance.
Muskrat. Farming
From the knowledge obtainable from most reliable sources has every in-
dication of showing HANDSOME PROFITS, owing mainly to the decrease
of natural supply and INCREASE IN PRICE OF PELTS. Our farm is in
charge of Mr. Ben Harris, a reliable experienced tnvsl-rat farmer, and we
hare confidence enough in our Farm to offer you a ranching contract which
will give •a RETURN OP 200% before the owners receive any remunera-
tion, if ,you .are interested enough to investigate, fill in and mail the
following form, o y,1.elephone Waverley .3544, _ M
Please forward further Information without obligation:
Name . ,.
For 'Teo paid
doss to
Whit Most people Call indigestion
is usually excessacid in their stomach.
The food has soured. The instant r'e-
lief is an alkali which neutralizes.
acids. But don't use crude helps. Use
what your 'doctor would -advise.
The best help is Phillips' Milk of
iviaghesia, For •the 5Q years since its
invention it has remained. standard
With- physicians. You will find noth-
ing else so (Mick in its effect, 'so hand-
less, so efficient, ,.
of spring.
• • • Treatment of Colds
The best thing to do for a cold is
to go to bed; go early enough and
stay long enough. It is much simpler
.to prevent pneumonia than to cure it,
and tilos case.
i t sof pneumonia have as
.,morican Pian, World's most reliable,
barbel' . school system Write el.eali
Mimedtately for free catalogue 4lnler'
eruments nowadays recognize their ob-
ligations in this respect and strive to
promote intelectual and recreational
pursuits. We have now left behind
the narrow conceptionot the State's
function as confined to securing order
and liberty for persons and property,
Liarber College. 121 (Queen West. Toron•
and light sewing at home, whole or,
r•pare time; good pay; work sent any I
distance chlrgee pale Sena stamp for
particulars, National Manufacturing Co,. l
a beginning the neglected common and every Government has a social
cold. program to promote moral and bodily
Write tor health literature to De-
partment of Health, Ontario, Parlia-
•men.t Buildings, Toronto.
"Jini and His Job"
J. L. Garvin in the London Observer
(Ind.) : There is a general impres-
sion, even in his own party, that i;Ir.
J. H. Tliotnas is "up against it" . .
Like a born comedian exaggerating
.a pessimistic role, the devoted victim
enjoys himself in this big political
drama, now in its first act, which has
been popularly called. "Jim and his
Job." His opening methods are quite
colcnlated. As regards his gorgeous
official title, he mimics Poor Jo, and
protests that "my name is agin me."
Labor at laige is apt to imagine the
Loral Privy Seal as a personae who
dines in gold lace at the expense of
the unemployed. When he minimizes
his • promises and confesses his dif-
ficulties,- he means to enhance any
• effects he may achieve. He eneour-
ages the Oppositions at' this stage to
• make alow estimate of his chances.
The predicted ankle -length skirt
coming in style will be another factor
against the freedom of the see.
"I think I'll go call on Smith. I won-
der it he's in."
"Yes, but it will be useless to call—
he's in for bootlegging."
There is big money in Wall Street
for any one who 1:11ews how to play
the market, and Beethoven's sonatas
are on the piano if you just happen
to hit the eight notes.
It takes a bravemall to be aa burg-
lar, for he never knows when. spine
woman will Mistake him for her hus-
band and shoot.
It may be the fault of progress, but
it does seem as. though they i'e trying
to "stabilize the 'terra industry; after
the horses are gone •
. What a 'great molly people consider
to be the; latest. Scotch joke Is the ap
'poli-tment of a gentleman named Me-
Nab'rto draft a iiew' i?rohtbition-en-
forcodieii.t prograiil with the 173.
One tasteless Spoonful trl• water nen-
tralizes many tin -es its volume ,in
acid. The results are immediate, with
no •1)ad after effects.. Once yen leant
this fact, you will never deal with ex-
cess acid in the crude ways. Go learn
—nota -why 'this`inethod is supreme.
Be sure to get the,genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magneelit prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in Coitecting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full di.
rcctione--ant 'drugstore.. '•
•Feet Sore? Use Minard's Llninient.
rive Monterey convicts escaped by
sawing their jail bars- with razor -
blades. Quite a lost of shavers ;will
recognize those blades.
It is hard to lose agod friend, and
harder still to lose a bac? one.
Use Minard's Liniment in the Stables.)
Chi drenery
Employment Agency Needed,
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Some of
the college graduates advised by the
Boston professor to be snobs are find- •
ing it hard . even to get a boss, to say ,
nothing of marrying his slaughter.
Incidentally one of the best ways
to put an end to all wars is not to be-
gin any.
51.25 All Druggists Descriptive folder on request
10 Fifth Ave., New Fork City.
L ll 3C
Ask Your Barber—He ?Knows
A well connected man can obtain
a very desirable Agency in this Dis-
trict with a strong progressive
Life insurance Co. Box 4 c/o
Wilson Publishia Co., Toronto.
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and .Full Information Sent Free
on Request.
273 Bank- St., Ottawa, Ont.
The Perfumed :i'roncli that
llaa&,es Four Toelet Complete
Talcum Powder
Delicalely 7fedicaledand -lnti.re!,t IC
Every day 10,00b women buy a
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound. They know that
there is no better remedy for their
troublesome ailments with their
accompanying nervousness, back-
ache, headache, !`blue" spells, and
rundown condition.'
is relieved by Minard's. Spread
on brown paper and apply to
throat. Also inhale.
Deaf Hear. Again
...Through • New Aid
Earpiece No. Bic/ger Then Dime TV'ins
Enthusiastic Following. 'en -Day
Free Trial 0.0'er..
After twenty0vo years devoted. exelu-
sively to the maiitifaoture of scientific.
hearing -aids, the Canadian • ACo1Rtieon
X,td,,, :Dept. 470, 40i I.1clunond St, 'Wort,
".Toronto, Ont,, Sins Inst perfected a new
!Model, Acousticoi�. thatirrrep nett? a the
$'.realest fl,dvaitce- y t
Oreatior} of nearing` 3or the deaf- '.LhiB
latest Acoustecon is featiuedeby itnti
ear-pleoe oto bigger tartan 0 sii
t1tis c1eV•i(;e, sounds tiro dourly 011(1 c1.iS-
tinctly transmitted to subnormal' ears
With wonderful benefit to hearing stud
health alike. The makers offer all nano.
an o-
lntely floe trial for 10 days to any '000
1,51.900 tVV110 pray bo aitterosted, and a let
ter will bring' oite of these menra�rintbl.e
aids ,to your Monte for ti thorough and
convincing test. Send theist your 3%100
and adc-res'0 today!
TORONTO Mother's
Plan is succeeding
WHEN your child is headachy, clogged system; make a child happy.
bilious, feverish, half -sick, There isn't a child who doesn't
with no •appetite or energy, nine' love its rich, fruity flavor. Improved
times out nofs ten, jural one thing is to follow appetite, digestion USSee. Alchild't child's fesystem
d assimilation
blame; ntY a little digestive tract is toned and strengthened. tl
Cleansec' Syrupand see•Mrs. Charles Deily; 91 Carlene
Californiais sweetened; d Ave,Toronto, Ontario, says: 'Since
howtobreath ideyesbrGene ' d out he good California Vile
Moren'Ye cleared; are seldom Syrup .I have kept. some in the
than two.doses are, seldom Syrup is, fails to het my
necessary to drive awayallsignsofa house.ld et nosierave t htheelp
chl to
sign ofupsets or colds. Their
wonderful Condition proves this
a good plan.' Cirution: Tile .
genuine always bears the name
CA.LI.) 0 R N IA
A11FI} TOS'lIic Fon C1i1II DREN
EtifIGNED 163 IBS.
-NOW 140 LBS.
NAW ono Froman Lost fat
and gained health
Many people who are fully aware of the
health -giving properties of iCruselteia
Salts have not yet heard of the wonder-
ful effects these Salts have in reducing
unhealthy, excess fat. By their gentle
action on the liver,`kidneys and bowels
they urge these organs to throw off the
poisonous waste platters, which, if
allowed to accumulate, form fatty
deposits in the body. Read hory this
-woman lost fat and gained health
"' I have taken Kruschen Salts every
clay for nearly a year, and I have not
felt so well for many years. My weight
has dropped. from 163 lbs. to 140 lbs,.
All my acquaintances say how ntnctt
younger and better I look. li feel bright,
and well, ?whereas before I was always
IIervous and tired.." Mrs. I3..'
Try taking 1Cruschen Salts every morn-
ing. in a glass of hot water 'before
breakfast. ,tithe try little 'the unttealtky
accumulations of fat will slowly but
surely disappear.. A neve feeling of
health and vitality will follow --the
years will fall away as your form takes
on the slender lines ol! youth.
ISSUE No, 46•- -'29