Zurich Herald, 1929-11-21, Page 5101014crl• - • • DUML4BY Be II oLmts soLsailori; ,srOT OP. I* "1111 1w to Fir ..ie, Lost. Foam.* Ito. Ado MI MAW 'go NOP /01-11C04,10110.4.11016 IAIRT .9anrica-Igamat•• ago ifet As!Jw., ODDORPCM, *ate** &Seadel atheotiele to Counsel. is* Court World, - a sans of, Money. Finder kindly ga, Illsesnaa *Ay bs consulted lit inotifY the liersati Office. • - 1110401141, by Phone, and 11,0E0 ' • 'Nem. neWiseed • "" FOR:, SALE • • A remoddeled DeLaVal Cream sep- rotor; 'MSD one Macksmipi0e. L. A Poang, tunas. L.,Ta'zuaie% *Lathes. Purse, contabt- Di. 11.11 COWZ'N • L.D.S D. 130 •-$. DENTAL SURGEON, At DkrikxillsOCK.--XLIEICii N-20aT•+-..§41,41,04/4 4431 itralfflASOleiltii.0*,. 1)A13"RWOO;DI also 2donday. Tuesday and Wednesday .'" NOTICE . . • SPEC1411. MEETING.' Of the Alnipne csab, on Friday eve: '14raYeinbere22nd, at,* o'ckesk- ' raC'retbelsie 3rIa-it;Vit to be PieSent,' Vett important business's' r '• .• Jarsethlk ZAPT. .gresideat• t TIMBER FOR SALE Offers fee the timber and wood .on A -11.1 -C -T -1 -0 -4 -E -E -lit the. 'road allowance between conees- sicme 8 and 9, north of ZuriCh.-Road to north Boundary, known as "Road or Babylon Line, will be rec- eived by the Council of the TOwnship of Hay up to two o'clock, Dec - _______ember tisk 1929. A. F. HESS, Clerk, Hay Township, . Zurich, Ont. &SCAR icLopp illeaduste Carey M. Jonas 'Sat- ins* St11001 01 Alieti011•00114. Try au ter Registered Live Stock, Tense is keeping With prevailing prices. 0/0100 1,411000 toe •010. Wi11 Oat esithiag Asywkere. Mese 111 -Nr. sir write. Zwick. Licensed Win' neer MR 91:111ON & MIDDLBSSI AM IN A posrriox TO CO( - set .1'14 amities Side, raegerdloas la Is Nis* or article to reit. I solicit your bookie** and if, mot tis* will make so charges ter Services. Arthur Weber - rinds -wood. 1110.• 111-17. Overstock 29x4.40 30x3 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices NOW! APPLICATIONS FOR TELEPHONE LINESMAN. Applications for the position of lin- esman in connection with Zurich Central of the Hay Municipal Teleph- one system will be received by the council of the Township of Hay up to two o'clock, p.m., on December 2nd, 1929. *' Particulars can be obtained at office of the Township Clerk.. A. F. HESS, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE pod yquog IistlAtqi.av?y,, due on April 25th next. Apply -(6 • : Henry Clausius, Zurich. FOR SALE Knotter Knitting Machine, nearly new. Apply at home of Mr. C. Schrag. Miss Nancy Gingerich, own- er, R.R.2, Zurich. , tf-22 a 3a -; • ., .t• • .Wein s ...- DERFMTVitES FOR SALE , ' b Debentures to be dated December DAsnwooD . NIsot... 8, 1928u, djecrfrarenythmority.'coipfaBl By -Law amounting to $26416.30, are payable ' ,in five years with interest at live per sasbiefoilsie•iiewfiee•• . IMMI eent. per annum. .- •*-.• ' Also Ptsebe and ,Aux Sables Riv- d Debentures am- Zurichst ropular ers and MuCreek ounting to $2'60.30 for term of five MEAT MARKET YeaFor particulars apply to: TS.. A. F. 11E8S, ANNOUNCING Clerk, Hay Township. 911IAT WE HAVE PURCHASED : *ROM 'THE FIRM a YUNGBLUT & DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB Produce Wanted LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOIACIT YOUR PATRONAGE H. Yungblut & Sou i••••••••••••mesiiiimese•• COAL. 1929 Ann 01111cemept SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT ItFO Highest cash prices paid for cream, Eggs and Poultry. Thomas Meyers, Phone 116 Zurich SITUATIONS VACANT 'Bright boy wanted 8 to 14 years of age t work after school and on • Satindays. Will not interfere with school duties. Good pay and bonus- es; Yining, Canadian Boosters' Club, apply by letter or post card to,, 153 University Aye..,..Toronto. *: and Mrs. Albert Hess wee* Sunday visitors at,IllYth• 'Mr. Mines " of Butfale is: visiting at the Williams home for a few We - Mr. Milne Rennie ofReafort4! Was a Monday' visitor with his inOthei Mrs. •$. Rennie. ':"MrS. H. 11. Cowen has returned from Deleware, Where she. Visited with her cousin, Mrs. (Dr?) kink. Mr. ,George Harron ' of :Stratford, was a business visitor in' Zurich on Friday last. Miss Susie Westlake of Hayfield, visited -with Miss Susie Johnson•re, cenPtile5tn. that MO: S. lien - hie; whoshas beuite ill, is impsn'y' Hit in health. • , • • , Mr., and Mrs. Roy Merrier, Mr. and Mrs Hy Kele**. Were vistors to Kitchener the past week. ana..1gm lay .Scotchiner"i. and 1:Mrs. T-AloY4-' StanOn spent Thanksgiving holidays in De- troit. Have you a Phonograph, Sewing Machine, Shot gun or Ride that ne- eds repairing. Let us look them over for you. -Hess, the Jeweller. The many friends of Mr. Alex. McConnell, of Varna, regret to learn that he is laid up from the effects of falling off a scaffold while doing re- pairs to his house. The many. friends 01 Mr. Aserick Brisson of the 14th Con., Hay, are indeed pleased to see him around a- gain after being laid up for some time with sciatica. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Hen- NOTICE. sall, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender, and Mrs. E. Bender and son Edwin, of Blyth, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile:: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brennerman-of Buffalo, N.Y., spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerman, of Blake. she Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth eran church, Zurich, are holding a Bazaar of Homemade baking, sewing and will serve lunch on DeCeinber 7th. Mr. Lorne Dreier and friend, of Chesley, were week -end visitors ut • fhe hgroe' of Rev. and Mrs Vit Y I• AUTO DRY CLEANER 'braes all Suffday, xis pearl Lax", daughter of Mr. Messrs. S. A. Williams & Co., Zur- and' Mr.i. Wm. Leibold, of the Baby- lon Line, was taken to London limp: ital on Tuesday of .last week, and operated on for appedicitis, and we, are pleased to learn, is progressing - quite fovorably. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein, of Detroit, are spending a few weelcsnt the home of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein, the for- oner Mr. O'Brein being laid off for a few weeks, as the firm he is connect- ed with has shut down for a few we- ews. •Evangelical Lutheran Church We -are indeed sorry to report that Mr. Martin Edighofter of the 14, Con. Hay, one day while felling a tree, in some way his leg was fract- ured, unfortunately both bones are broken and will lay Martin un for some time. Mr. Fred Cords of Elmira, visited at.the home of Mrs. 8. Ronnie; on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Surerus of Be- troit, were recent visitors with. Zurich ' friends and at his 'home on the 14th Concession, Hay, roistLirYt ig!bfiorles an4t41ZLeC7ithvilgestreel41itoafow1. „ GIVE YOU -MOST :VALUEAR PER DOLLOF COST. on WednesdaY"last., , ; . • First- Payment a Peni"ns . e. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; "PIPING. AND FITTING, 1•AND BESIDES AVE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. 'sions Board 'held another Meeting on LET'YOUR 'NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR HE A DE LAVAL The Huron County Old Age Pen- •I Tuesday of last week when quite a s . • • . , Wo have the Agency for this District. number niore applications were dealt • with. Some 425 applieatiOns have : been received to date arxd about 325 r . GARAGE SUPPLIES granted. There have just . been two i WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPESAND , I SUPPLYLI, applicants refused lik the 'Toronto Board of all 'those Passed by the loc- e t CAN YOU WITH • ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO 9 al Board and these were made spec- :, PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME • ial cases. . Ali applications, by.N0v., • DO EXPERT BATTERY; NOM. ..ONREPAIRING AND RR. .: lltlrreceiveci the November' ciAtre. : • '.- ' - •.' : ' 4411111414.1° ./ r14 ; . _ -•., * ' -- .. ikfter that the- next •cheques will be - •: - +T. '1601111-407AVRON*OL SOLICITED'i' issued in December. All applications 1 ,,,.. ... _ • , :, , .,„ ,. - - ,,- , - ;.--•:,,, . . Who. haVe , hien basSed liy the, Iiiiriiii' ',:';', - , 111illig.is , Gar gilt :ant treasis' County Board will receive their firsi r t • cheque of $20.00 in the near future. • After that once a month as long as • they live. e L. A Prang - Zurich. t nog v v.*, •••••••••••••••••••••• • • Farm plements. I WE •.411E Hem/gumtrees Fon,...FAum imrLemeNrs. WILL EE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT yGD NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL Naha. I am in a position to take in a number of cattle for winter feeding: For further Particulars apply to: Henry Waiper, Parr Line, Hay. Protect your Radiator with Glyc- ine or Alchoi, for winter driving, we sell itl L. A. Prang. I hereby take this medium in gre- atly thanking my many friends for the assistance and contributions giv- en after our recent misfortune thro- ugh fire. -Leon Jeffrey, Jr. and W. P. Mellis, Kippen, are again handling the famous Automo- bile Wash and Polish Dry Cleaner at, $1.00 per bottle and the content's of' ' each Bottle will wash and polish Ten ordinary dirty cars. Fully guarant- eed not to damage the finest paint or 'varnish. It is also good for Furnit- ure, Harness and leather upholstery. ST. PETER'S ee4141414100100011eSesee••••••••••441414141•410411041.444teessesse4.41140 Ist.••••••••••••••••••••••••• •.+44•••••••••4444•011 •The Winter Season I IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS LET US QUOTE 'YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 7. 0. KALBILEISCH PHONE69 - - ZURICH ••••••..............db•••••••*•••+..+•*wmosmni tegessamperesseseimmose• 110000000000000•••••••00001 A number of our local huntsmen made a trip to Camlaehe, this week, but unfortunately they returned as the saying goes "empty handed" The wild gees are exceptionally hard to get this fall as very few have as yet been shot, and now the season is too far advanced for any late shoot- ing, and so the 1929 shooting season. is a thing of the past. This week on Wednesday the Roy- al Winter Fair at Toronto will open and will close on Nov. 28th, •The Canadian National Exhibition at this industrious city,. has become almost a world wide eyent, and we are told that this' Winter Fair runs closely to the Exhibition in public popularity. J. Gascho & Son, general merch- antswish to advise the public that anyone. interested •in securing a fur coat or neck piece -for this winter, are to come to their store on Tues- day, November 26th, when a travel- Sorantou ..' Goal FOR SALE ' ' . . . displaY. ,or -these artieles. For better ler will be present and show ',a fine • • A Slig,htly used AC FL'Quehei Anl-, information semi their adv. this.week Coke Alberta' Coal ky ploW. Alse• a Coeks'hutt foot -lift riding plow.. .A.pply to: J. E. Druar, Zurich, Ont. , 19tf -and Soft Coal .*SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Bar Tsar Will be allOwed for cash. Order Early as priest's wit! onivanen an Jima 11k1s. Cam & SOn ME' MALL Pitman 311. LIVE - POU LTR Y WANTED. agile %wiry der1111 110,000/1.Pms i feed Put ISIMOS rakes Ii1,04111t Highest Casli Prices , Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien FOR SALE • A limited qmmtity of 'choice potat- oes. for quick sale. Apply to Wm. Koeehler. NOTICE • We are *berating *our cider mill, on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, and would advise the public who repuke cider made or applebut- ter cooked, • to make mrangements by telephone. F. C. ganzetsch, Zurich. Mr. John England, of the village, and who has been suffering with gan- gerine on the leg, was rushed to Lon- don Hospital on Friday of last week, and the leg was amputated at the knee. Mr: England's many Zurich fri- ends are pleased to learn that he is improving as well as can be expected. Magistrate Reid and Solicitors, D. E. Holmes and Mr. Dancey, of God- erich, attended a Police Magistrate's -Court in the Town Hall, Zurieb,' on Friday morning. An Indian' from Crediton pleaded guilty of being intoxicated in a public place pleaded guilty, and was fined $10.00 and costs. Another local case which has created much interest, was settled out of coart, as the parties came to a settlement. --..... The weatherman gave us a sud- den change on Tuesday morning, as The Imperial Life following the ,lieay• rains on Mon- de, there carne' a' real fall of snow ACa. of Canada and a little winter set in, with con- ssurance siderable frost, but tbe auto is run - BEAD OPFICR ---, TORONTO ning fine as yet, but we are advised north at Winghinn, the afire traffic E. E. Wuerth-Agent, is reverted to Old Dobin and the - ;sleigh. We are indeed looking for - ZURICH Plume J-�3 ward for some real line weather in luarantoe and. Accident Insurance. the next few weeks, which will.short- 4444 AAA ,W1.114041;til OMR CAttadh ea the winter great:36 • "A Changetese Christ for * ekang. ins World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.15 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Smokes. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes zukucu L' ONT. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. day 7.$.0 p.m. -Senior League Friday• 1.31 Practice The Gospel of Exchange Is Gambling Wrong? In gambling, a , number of people pay a smaller amount and hope to win a much larger amount, the result being that .a few persons win by chance and not by skill and all the others lose all they paid. It's a get - something -fol --nothing scheme and when stripped of all its gay tinsel is Wrong. It runs straight across the Sacred law of honesty, namely to give a fair return from what we, get. Gamblinglehds -to the paialysiS of your personel powers, _creative 'eff- ort, joy of work, growth in skill'and if carried on by respectable persons or churches is al the more .a danger- ous example. Honesty is the best policy and the best principle..:' Paul. says: If any will not work neither let him eat'. Gambling gives life an unrest foundation. It runs away from facts, honor, industry and trust to chance and luck. It turns us from study, work, efficiency and skill to chance. It, as it were, uses rotten material to build a srtong character. It leads from seeming trifles to ser- ious danger; the outcome Often being the gallows, or the electric chair. Be- ware! The greatest delusion is trust- ing to luck and chance. riches in glory." „e' • SUNDAY SILIIVICIti 11.11 Worship 10,A. M. • Subject,--WhOioever will be chief among you let him be your ser- vant forever, Mat. 20: 27 11 a.m-Biblo, School, 3. R. Gascho, Superintendent. Subject --Not slothful Woin business, Dr. A. MacKinnon,Zurich • Rom.12.11. ! rship: 7.30 P. M. 'get Y Dftier, Pastor ° 01,0 1, 'IltinttalkAYVIIM13°N ikitliWNSAVVRe 7" MT? VII " OC, Stock Foods Dr. Hess' Stock am d Poultry Food ALSO MASTER .14RAND LAYING' MASHES, ?IG CHOW, COW CHOW, REEF SCRAPS, OYSTER, SHELLS,..ETC. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IR THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN. DUGEMENT,IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES, ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son ..••••••••.....••••••••••••••• iffirliViiiiMMOAMONWEAVANWAIWIN I Zurich Drug Store 1 -312 SCHOOL. SUPPLIES We have a full Line of all the reqUirem ents.for. School Opening esesesemieste••••••••••••••• All authorized Text Books kept in Stock tour/04,114411.11MOMBOOMMOM We keep a good supply of Scribblers Note Books, Pencils. Pens, and Ink, Good choice of Fountain Pens 1100011110011011•0111011•111041111410MMI WE HAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS ItSQUIRED IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL KODAKS AND FILMS