HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-21, Page 4iWYllml� ."1M As e sell lore New Fordswe get more used cars LOOK THESE OVER o .1928 Ford 'Coach $550.00 1927 Ford Coach $275.00 3:926•;lord Coach $150:0 ' T921 I+'ord"Goltch $4O:ItiG- 92G,-1Ebrd -.Coupe $4.00 410 'ORO TRUCK, 190 AT ..v(iM•+1„ u* tirticAkait4400- • bet home on the Breedon Line :north. Miss Marybel 4.rni'e of Hensall, j spent the;week-end under the parent- al roof. • Miss Lydia Gingerich, R, N. and Miss Gladys Douglas of Seaferth Hos pital, spent Monday evening.,at their respective home. • • A family re -union was held at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. Ross Johnston on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Jessie Tough who spent a few months with friends at Dutton, Sar !1 nia and Hyde lark, returned home last week. Mrs. 'E. Clarke and daughter Mary accompanied by. Mr. J. Thirsk and Mr.. Jim Johnston, called on friends in Seaforth on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard of Ex• eltex, accompanied by Mrs, F. Hess, and grand children. of Hensall, called; on 'friends in • this vicinity on Satur-- Mr. Sant Hey spent Sunday with friendsin Zurich. { Mrs. Jake Schwartzentruber is visiting friends in Kitchener. Miss Alberta Finlay is spending a few weeks with friends in London. 192& (Pontiac coach like new $675.00 1926 Overland Coupe $390.00 1926 Chevrolet touring $200.00 1924 Studebaker tearing $150...00,:. 1927 Ford Truck $275,00 $125.00 SANDY ELLiOT WE SELL AND WE SERVE FORD CARS ZURICH EXETER 1 aseesilessownweraimpoisosee 'l .., 1`11111111Ih1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111!`IIIi1111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I111111111111111if11111 111111 i .r THE NEW+ a WESTINGHOUSE Radios.Pleasure Craft By/ the World's 'Pioneer ''Radio Engineers, introducing the New Super Sensitine Toned Radio fre. quency and Super-Hetsendyne Circuits surpassing by tea times the Selectivity and $ensitiiity of any previous circuits, plaei,eg the ii'i, l l� '� ;� • Westinghouse far in advance of any receiving set on the market. TONE -Close your eyes and you will instinctively 'feel'yourself in the presence of the living Artists - = who are entertaining you. POWERFUL Responds to' your control like a giant racing motor This is the only instrument that .can fully satisfy the n+ost'critical ra4L, enthusiast, Nothing less than the realism. of . the . entertainers zein compare itself to this marvel of eke radio age, the realization of the Westinghouse Radio engineering sine - TO :SEE 'IT IS TO•ADMIRE IT! TO HEAR IT IS TO DESIRE iT! BY ALL )LEANS HEAR IT! u E ,..„u ; -„az ii=1iIi111I1111HR:illuiIIINil111 li illi 111111IIIIli,11111141111111111111NIIIIIIINIfl111111l'.I 1 I 111 1111111111111111111111111111110. ..p + + + ,t. + + + T. Ee Wurm has consigned 1 his entire Stock to the Sanders Selling System I • 'CANADA'S .FASTEST SELLING ORGANIZATION 'it• WE ARE IN CHARGE. WE SET THE PRICES. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD. OUR ORDERS ARE: "SELL REGARDLESS + $3F COST. GET RID OF THE ENTIRE STOCK IN THE SHORT- + j EST POSSIBLE TIME." �+•, 4. SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21st, AT ,+i, 9. O'CLOCK, P. M. + • T Coma Early. Come Often. `'The more you buy, the more you save. 4 ',Year .rill like our System of conducting a sale. Everything displayed 4. for fast selling.. All Goods -,.marked in Plain Bargain Prices. . + NOTE: HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRY APPLES +. + SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR REAL BARGAINS '1" .1. .4. Phone4. 4. 1. L. WORM ," 140 + y. 400.44404.4+44++++++++++,... ,.+++++ +++++4 • •!••i"'!'4'+4 ++++•++ BLAKE. • • 'The .annual Thankoffering meeting 1 the W. M. S. will he held in the ':dke church on Sunday, November .246, at 2.30 o'clock, when Miss E.M. •i?',a.'letbarpe, a returned missionary bola. Henan, China, will address the • 'meeting. :Everyone . should avail ihrnnselves of the opportunity of hear isup 'Vas Palethorpe who cornea with • a very interesting account of her ealtork i*thn : nission field, Mrs. Wm. Yule of Fullerton is vis- iting at the home of Mr, and Mrs Ross Johnston. Quite a number front this vicinity attended the Sunday School Conven tion which was held in Zurich on Fri- day. Mr. Gordon Johnston left on 'Satur- day for New Ontario where he in tends spending the winter. (Too late for last week) Miss Margaret `lough, who is ter' clung scnooi spent tine week -end HILLSGREEN W.M.S.-Thee regular monthly meeting of the Women's.,Missionary Society was held on Wednesday aft- ernoon. Noventbar 13th at 2.30 o'cl- ock. The meeting opened by singing Hymn 758. Mrs. (Rev.) Connor led in prayer. The Secretary's and Tre- asurer's reports were read and adop- ted. The Society, then presented Miss Annie Jarrott with a memoriam in honor of hermother, the late Mrs. W. Jarrott. The Scripture lesson' was read responsively from 2nd chap ter of Heb. Then sang hymn 759. The roll was answered from •the text word "Cheerfulness". The study was taken from the last chapter of "Drums in The Darkness" by Mrs. W. Carlile and Mrs. W. Turner. The. business was then transacted. It was decided to hold a birthday party at the Deceniber meeting as usual. The offering was then taken and the me- eting closed by all praying the Lord's Prayer. Y. P. S --The Young People .• met on Thursday night Nov. 14th, .at 8 • o'clock. Miss - Eileen Turner pres- iding. The meeting opened by sing- ing hymn 770. ' Rev. Comior led ' in prayer. Hymn 544 was sung. The sciripture lesson was read responsiv- ely from Matt: 4: 1-11'.' The, devot- ions were taken by Miss Muriel Carl- ile; after which Rev. Connor gave a sketch on "John Bunyan" followed by a paper on "Jesus Teachings"' by Rev. Connor. The offering and bus- iness was then taken. The young people are planning on holding a Banquet on' Monday evening, Novem ber 25th. This brrouffhfthe meetinn. ro'"a close by all -'repeating the Miz- pah Benediction. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Stephenson sp- ent a few days' visiting relatiyee in Michigan: • We are sorry to• report that •..lvir.. Wm .Love is confined ,to his room We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weide and fam- ily were Sunday .visitors with fri- ends near Seaforth. Mr..Jas. Hagan and son Leo. of Seaforth called at the home of Mrs. A.Hagan. recently. •+Miss Agnes Love spent the week- end under the parental roof. Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. E. Harold and two children', Miss V. Williams, and 1'[iss Erma Smith, of Shakespeae, and Mrs. C. L. Snaith and Mae,. of .Zurich, and Miss Pearl Schade arid+ friend of London, were Sunday. visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mts. Hy. Schade. Mrs. ,Fisher left on Saturday for Detroit, -where she will spend the winter. Mrs, Schenk spent a few days in Stratford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartman are spending a week in Detroit. Miss Emma Tieman of London, sp- ent the week-nd with relatives. Rev. W. Ness occupied the pulpit in the Lutheran Church, London last Sunday evening. Miss Siebert of Detroit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. George Becker enter- tained a number of their friends to t birthday party last Wednesday even- ing. All report a very pleasant even- ing. Dashwood school concert will be held on Thursday evening, December. 19th. Miss Elda Kraft who spent the sun) mer at Grand Bend, has returned to her hone. • '� HENSALL. Thelma Hudson of Detroit, spent a week -end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson. A sale of work and home cooking will be held in the basement of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, on Saturday, Nov '30th, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gram, of Lan- sing, Mich., visited their parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,George Grain. At the recent meeting of the mun- icipal Council By-law No. 5 was giv- en its several -readings and passed, placing a licenser fees of $150.00 on all transcient traders who wish to do tuainess in the village. Joseph Hagan, tend fir. and Mrs. a Getirbe Hess motored to Windsor tut' attend the opening ceremoyiies • cone nected with the fine new, suspension bridge 'across the Detrgit river, ' and report a wonderful crowd and most interesting and impressive ceremon- ies, ' Laird 3oynt of Toronto, ' spent . a' week -end at his home • here. Mildred McDonell, of Guelph, was a holidday visitor at her home' here. Russell Ingram of • Algoma spent a' few days with friends-in'town. , A pleasant evening was recently spent at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sang stew, when a miseelleaneous shower was tendered in honor of Miss'•Ber"tha Corbett: - Annie Corisitt, who is teaching in Stanley, spent: holidaysat her home here. .. Mr. and ..Mrs. • Manley Jinks and babe -or Detroit, spent a- few days, with friends 'here Alex: Mc°Murtre o'"i `i'on`ta; was sa visitor, ht the.honte Ofiiiaernother `Mr. and 'Mrs. Bertram' North cif' Woodstock, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins. The other day when Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, and daughter were motoring from Walkerville to Wingham, on the London Road a few miles north of Hensall, when turning out to pass a team going in the same direction, they did' not' -notice another car com- ing ' from the north' with the 'result that there was a collision in which their car was badly damaged, Mrs. Fisher sustained scalp wounds and the daughter a broken arm.. There passed away at the,residence of her daughter,. Mrs. John L. Wren, Toronto, on Nov..4th, Mrs. Jas. Tay- lor, aged 78 years. Mrs. Taylor was almost a lifelong resident of 'the dis- trict and has lived in Hensall for . 35 years. Before coming to Hensall Mr. and Mrs. Taylor lived. in Tucker - smith, he predeceased her about 10 years ago. About 'a month ago she went to spend the winterwith her daughter, and . since going to. Tor- onto she has been in poor health, and passed away. The remains were .brought to Hensall for burial. • COUNTY NEWS Mr.'and Mrs. A. H. Neeb, of Step- hen, wish to annopnce the engagem- ent of their daughter Erna E- to Mr. R. Gordon McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McDonald, of LFsborne, the marriage to take place the mid- dle of November. - A, quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. Canon CIuff at St. James Church, Stratford, on Tuesday, Nov- ember 12th, at high noon. when Hilda Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Win. • R. Jowett, of Bayfield, was united in marriage with Mr. neeP .41 ,• ears of Mr. and Mrs Fred, .•• Pott: of ,New Dundee, Only imined- late,members of the two families were present. The bride wore a tweed travelling; suit, with brown fox fur, brown fur felt hat, and.accessor.' ies to match. After tt wedding bre alcfast, the bridal couple: left by mot- or for Florida where they'will spend the winter. - Mr. and Mrs., Ifiiaan: .McDonald,. of Ripper announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary H. Is- abella, to. Ross Dickson Broadfeoti eldest son of Mr; and Mrs. Wm. S. Broadfoot, of Ttidcersmithyy the mar- riage to take place puietly, early, in November- - OIiver Goldthorpe, who%'h'as condu- cted very st>4ccessfullie • the Bayfield Garage for' the an inert bas .closed it for a time w Bile be is aW.ay hunting in. Muskoka. . Mr: an'd l Mrs: Wm. R. Jowett., of Bayfi'clti aitnounce i` e f rnletnt •o't:tlteir tlaigeiter,'Hilrta••Ethet,..'to'MrE 'ROY Path of New Dundee;; the "scar 'rage tn'take+ Iilaee• early in •Neveitr • ber. Miss Edith Siegel' of Mitchell is in Scott Memorial Hospital ' in a very serious condution following am ac- cident just north of Walton on Sun- day evening last, when her brother car left the road in some unknown manner. With both legs broken and and suffering much from m• shock, her condition caused anxiety until. Wed- nesday -when improvement was nak- ed. All the occupants of the car we- re brought to the hospital.. John G: Young, was born Septem- ber 10th, 1849 in Markham Village, York Township, Ont. The family moved to Stephen Township. when John was a boy and in:the course orf time he married Adelaide` Banes, of New Castle, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Yo- ung moved to the village of Crediton where he purchased the hardware store and continued to be one of the leading business amen for a period of 40 years. A family of seven child- ren was born to them, five of which are still living: He passed away e.atr ly Sunday morning last at the age of ' r Rist, 19,21 1 P f. '.. IINI aii'Kt,1kK',M riOterof Strdthroy ., was appur+oaditing ;g+►ittg north also, Mr VirAlracate. p e . dit'eetly into the ' p l►t of.! ,norlin n; car: Yi tlifaale .carrdsss 'wbu 1lv4l+s on a farm. "a . near IlIrossalve lost his fine,barn and all.,'on?s.-PrOP 81.1.4"'. da' 1 " } v1it ,n null :; � l» ke • loose while lie Was dhing the chores, • attack- ing bmn..ncid iupsett3ng the lantern. Ife was knocked mown and had his leg" dislocated. , wBB' ,:ananaged to suntan n help and t'he •'jirestock including thee- fiull? was Latin out Safely. * akar s .Imam ear. .1 tem emerleaseit banes a ewe she hats iter lrestgtt+ lerfaseir (watt as de an ADAtea r enosiooddig ea�• 'hoottlidt -- $or her boa ...pad woo haste Aust 'strove tint ,:ileo Xtra 'Ammo 'tor iniokosea wssM&tu- tiest.�-' Meir dlo., tar* *hoer dot' into' 'tali"//, T--$rtsoot toe.CNNmp- • ^'IataletiFtrtlf•tlia lino sow too- : Viati i'Ltstarasi the Wog strus- ItIta iesic'tii' lssellrG Not arse ata;I"-tt+tr Air1iP:M*-- west. Wed It 3o Jett mach tasks that tine AlMot ubeteso ani mumble aro es. Mies .clam .sputa 3+o do. Atter moms ae.atlee oleo -Woo dlee3al'ied. 'Practi- ow the Yttt,llrresrlr oa sloe b.ue oad''s to tempo IMOD 1111111110a. 1116, theogrOdoll 4. deootty to need or duals- WW1 "too toile M ..e,lae atilt art Alar r to 'W. A. Cttarttlii :,,,.., Air,' -i r mar % SWrtit+wt. Ta- 57'ii ZURICH HERALD abibo 'iitad 1H heel 3tle WER'T WEDNESDAY 1 NOON PROM TRH Herald PriretingOlfice. SUBSCRIPTION RRATBS - 1$1;25• at year, strictly to advanoe;. $1.50 iio: o trawan or Stet aaay be chsrg;' %T. S 1L5 year in advance. Ns9 paw aliavontinued 'until -alt: arrears ,are paid unless at, ibe optima el +t. -,publisher. Thaa. . date of 'which every Sul aetipt•i paid is donated on 'Mao LOW.. :, 1 ), 80 gears. ADVERTISING RATE • - Display --Advertising trade Dnp on application. - • Wiaeollamemas articles of not more than four lines For Sale:. Rent, Wasted, Lost, Found, e Mrs. Dick Webster of Lucknow, �� ><ssertion 351e, • had the misfortune the other dam„ Farm!, ar Real 3atate For sale $2.0a while engaged in „housecleaning, to)for ';rat. X1.00; for coca fall from a step ladder and fracture? 50c� ' Insertion $t.* a bone in the wrist of her ppm. PcoiiisnaI i.'ards ' oot s�veediad. ono inch ti per year. W. Ernest Williams of CIarideboye :&tion -gait!! ;,,.; 2 per dingitai, £a.. • died in. London Hospital the other taartnoa R aotoyertotlr incl a, itis ` morning from injuries received when. tenth. . he was hit by a motor car. • At the Five vessels already have taken up their winter quarters, moored -at the. new warf at the west of the Goder- ich harbor. • • ,:r time of the accident, Mr. ,Williams Addrasa all communications t, • was walking behind a cultivator veli- ich -was being driven by his son and was *ring north. As .,ear )driven by T10 MP:PAL, • O �,•w;" e Ii'B. - ., - FADA..ALONE OFFERS. TEN , Great Radio Features SCREEN GRID TUBES BAND. PASS FILTER PUSH PULL AMPLIFICATION 245 POWElt 'LUBES POWER. DETECTION COMPLETE: SHIELDING E1.E.CTRDs?DYNA141IC Spaskter CAB.6NET ACOUSTICS 227 HEATER TUBES iLiI1MINATED Single DIAL' AllOthe rRadifos Combined Cannot Give alift Ton of them! FADA does not depend'on,one alone: Emma. ffeatkl►re list- ed' here is, employed to give the perfect ieception'.FADA mons ae"sig sive. Other makes may have one or two. FADA alone, of ell tles� lass theist a11. A great engineering staff, devoted exclusively to radio over deepest nine year -s, enables FADA to produce this, the greatest of all x*ceiivers FADA 35.• The new FADA models are a profitable investment. Years o'i'xntertais- inent are built into them. At the new low prices watt lilserad deferred payments FADA is not only worth investigating -It is :swell worth buying THERE IS A FADA MODEL FOR EVERY HOME. John Hey, Jr. - Zurich •