HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-14, Page 9fi Otegdefl Signor Muse anaemiaCL�1L h,�,,, basis N middle life, when vitality. is not as great'as it once was, and the blood stream is naturally thinned and de- vitalized, anaemia easily lays hold on the system. At first, just a tired feeling, it quickly results in bodily weakness that ordinary tonics cannot avail. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills then become a wonderful aid. They supply the necessary oxygen to the blood, increase the blood count and renew waning vigor. "I was seized with anae- mia," writes Mrs. Charles Lambert of Port.Hope, Ont., "and was in a' very bad state. As a girl I had taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a run -dot condition and de- cided to take them once more.. Again the result was marvellous. In a little while I was fully well, again." You cannot begin too early to check anaemia. Drf Wil- liams' Pink Pills are_sold at your druggist's or by mail, postpaid, 50 cents, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 040 410, PE8 BEA oMili.cs' p PULL HOU4tiHOl..p [IAMB: IN 04 COU7ITRILS c,,,Mussolini On Drink T How TO RELIEVE 1Canada.ltalian 11I1' Alfred Pearce Dennis find an CHILDREN'S (�VO Ds. TradeFavorable ir)tereslillg article x11: Scots Wha. Hae Vancouver Province (Ind.. Cons.) : (Euglishmen are said to ,be tatting to the kilt, and eightsome reeks are be- ing Glanced in London ballrooms, in honor of the Duchess of York). ]3y encouraging the music and dances of the Highlands, the Duchess of York may seriously undermine the popu- larity of modern music and Claming, Highland. regiments have in times past conquered in darkest Africa and possibly • Highland music play now supplant the barbaric jazz and tribal dances copied. by modern society folk from the villages of jungleland. "Hello, Bertie 1)o you know Doris me posed to me last night?" "Did she, really? Doesn't she do It splen- didly!" A =ifferent Woman " 1 hare great pleasure in informingyolt that Ilrusehen Salts /tare worked wonders fat me, .1 hate been a grant sufferer of liter and kidney front/tic, and after trying one bottle .1 uni a different woman. I hart to gree up my work, but thanks to Rruseherl,Salts I am back at work again, and I sire my son a little, every ntornfng, and I don't hear of tha little complaints now which a child generally pets. Ile is happier and brighter. d have enclosed a snaps/tot ai son and self. I am.43 pears, bey 6 ?hears. 1 shalt always highly Iecomnlend Itruschen, and I would not be without them myself in a hurry." --(Mrs.) 1(0. P- Orlgrn:0 la.tor Ou filo tor Inepeotion- Kruschcn Salts Is obtainable at drug and ilopertmeut stores in Canada at 75e, a bottle. A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5 months—good health lot half•a-cent a day. snlini in, the "World' reeealtly, 11e i,a- t( rviewed the Italian .teteemau, who told 141ni .amongst, other things how b,e dealt with excess i11 drinking- "l aln personally tlrl," 13us601ini said, "in a eouutay 0' erwheittatngly wet. Our people drink too *tell for. their own good," Ile corilmeuted, quet' ing a string of figures as to produc- tion, coueulption, i311pUt'1s, "Cllr' na,. tional conautnption of wine approxie metes a hundred litres -(twenty-six gallons Pei' capita, but as the woolen and `leikivon drink but Mt le Ibis means a per 0al)ite, consumption of more than two huu(li'ed litres roti the oleo. The enormous ooease in vineyards brings little er a)o gold into the coup try, since the bulk of our Wine, un- like that of Prance, is not mapped for export. "Italian wines are. heady, running about 12 per cent. alcohol. Our .peo- ple who drink in their homes or in cafes belong to the tylle of moderate drinkers. Heavy drinking in Italy is associated with' the common public house, wheer no food. is served with drink, Frequenters of these low bars, such as chauffeurs, muleteers, pick - and -shovel ,men, drink to excess. "1 ant aiming to reduce the con- sumption of wine by that element of. the population which uses it to , ex- cess, I see no logic in penalising ,, other classes of our population ivilo e Cave;Man Avoid Serious Results by :Using l3nby's •Own t'ablets. When a child shows the fast sylip-1 loins of a cold; suele as sneezing, red -1 11600 01 the eyes, clogged Or running; nose, Prompt measures for relief may avert serious results. Mothers shouldi always have on hand sante 311111)1` safe aria effective remedy for :imnledi•� ate vise. ' Baby's Own Tablet` 'act ciuieklY, contains no opiates or narcotics,, are tasteless and harmless. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Cadieux, Holyoke, Mass,, says: ---"l leave used. Baby's Own Tablets for my children and find them a very satisfactory medicine. When my little boy had a cold:I gave him the Tablets at eight and 11e was well the next day., I gave them to the, children for constipation and they ere; always benefited, 1 think L'aby's Otv1a Tablets are m«011 easier to give a child than liquid medicine. I strongly , recommend all mothers who have young children to keep a box of the Tablets in the house." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine',clealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co., 13roc1tville, Ont. use wine in moderation. \\'e ;are cursed in Italy b3' the low -class bars, and I intend to do away with them)— hut gradually. When a complaint is made about .a particular place I close it, and from 111)r edict there is n0; ap- peal. I have closed twenty-seven thousand In five years; give"'Ine time, and I will close them all. "I deal with the drink questiotk by malting haste slowly rather than by' attempting to change inveterate na- tional habits Overnight. In this irate ter of clostug ,public houses I am. for- tunately not competed to solicit the approval of either the keeper or his clients." THE HORSE (A horse -cab 'driver summoned for assault declared that a motor driver had jeered at the cab driver's horse). The man who jeers the patient steed Has fallen very low indeed. The tyres of such a wretch accurst Should sinultaneousiy burst; Ills tinting should be quite upset or Water invade his carburetor, Ills oil and petrol should run out "With neer a garage round about: He should 1)e trapped and smartly • fined For faults of every sort and kind; t And on his journeying the. road i With- nuts and gadgets should be stowed. His radiator, .too, should freeze Iu wiuter, and hie pistons seize,. And cranking -up be no avail What time his batteries shall fail. Yea, every evil that can be Should conte to soul' an cne as he. Till 'mid the mirth we ca:.'t restrain 1 A steed shall tow ]lint home again, Tortured at last with deep remorse Por having mocked the noble ]gorse. "Cost of Living Down," says a head- line,—Yes it is very difficult to live some things down. He who laughs last has most prob- ably had the joke .explained to him, L FOR THE 6 FAIR Asti- Your Barker—l-le Knows hen tico need any rcuktr SOUS For wood Orme tae get a "STiOMDS9 —the specially tempered Steel takes and holds a wonderful edge; Ask your dealer or write ear nc.. rest blanc/t. THE 8180805 CANADA - Q'Lei.•,nyuylY�c}�C SAW Co. LTD, V0©ih6Cflaw[J MONTREAL , TORONTO ep1WJ� VANCOUVER BT, JOHN, N.e, GvCiV1HF •.i - PHILIPS , QV MAGIVFs `/ • x For Troubles due NOli,EOT10 d ACID STOMACH ,I HEARTBURN tADACNE GASES .l.IAUSEA Many people, two hours after eat- ing, stiffer indigestion as they call it.. It is usually excess acid.Correct it With an alkali, The best way, the quires, harmless and efficient way, le Phillips Milk of Magnesia, It has re- mained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many. times its volatile in stomach acids, and at once, The syfs ptOms disappear in fivo minutes, You will never use crude methods when you- know this better method, And you will never suffer from excess acid 'When you prove out this easy relief. Please do that --for yon` own sake—now, 13e sure lib get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. 1l ash bottle contains full direct. tions—'any drugstore. N(nv Peter Park possessed a wile Who'd plagued hint all their 'wedded life; 'Twee war eternal, to the knife Between his dame .aid1 Peter, Whatever Peter did or said It hvrn, ht c1olt'n vengeance on his 1 • heart; He lived 311 constant fear and dread, Did'poor, unhappy Peter. .1t last, he sought a man. he knew, Who quickly taught hint jtt•jutsu, A soft persuasion knrwn to fele, And home 10 hope hied.Peter. On all his chums he tried his shill, but none could stand against hr) will; So Peter's fame the town 'did fill, And strength the 'soul of Peter. One ;tight his wile let looseller ton- gue With w(rds that should have bit and .stung, Ilut Peter merely laughed and sung And with contempt 'rid .treat her. When cups and plates commenced to hunt, He "locked" her quietly by the thumb,' And soon in startled fear.. grew dumb The clacking wife of Peter.' Thus Peter now became her Ione, Looked up to, worshipped. and adored; And both • Bund _peace ie. sweet ac coral - Through jtr jutsu end Fete3, The moral's pretty platin to see; 4. elan both strong and kind should be, And exercise diplomacy- If not as used by Peter. Noel F'err'is. League of Nations \4'tth the visit of Ilt. Iglu. Ramsay MacDonald to the Dulled States and Canada and the momootuous decisions which wilt result from that visit pub- lic attention bas been concentrated on the subject of world peace. In considering this subject much credit is given to the League of Na - ti, ns in Geneva and the great work it .s doing. This is only right and the more th'1 ideals of the League are brought before the public the more likely is it that still further practi- cal results will follow its effects. But in Canada and elsewhere it Is only fair that some credit should conte to the home secletieS which are actively Propagating League deals in their several countries. In Canada there has existed for some nine years an organization' well and favorably known as the League of Nations Society of Canada. Handi- capped by laces if tends, by com- parative public in(111fesenre and an inadequate, staff it his contlnuousIy attempted to be an influence for gcod in all parts of the country and to zealously battle for the ideals for which it was founded. Through the co-operation of the press of Canada whose leading execu- tives recognize the importance of its campaign some publicity has been given to the yearly effort 01 this or- gnnizaiion to increase Ile member- ship but we feel that more centime - ons co-operation both by press and pebble would be most 0pp0itltlle at the present time. Geneva is far away and many of the issues with which it deals are too complicated for the average man to readily understand No organization is more In need of domestic interpre- tation and that work is being car- ried but 'with praiseworthy diligence. It Is not too much to say thet such an organization •would be a fit MO - jetzt for a perpetual endowment which would relieve it of ,the necessity of canvassing for the comparatively small surd 'which it requires to carry' on its immensely valuable Work,— The .Prederictcn Daily Mail, October 25th, 1029. Clark --Do you want a '00011 for 50 01' 75 cents? St-t'auge1-—What 'S the (liffe00)1ce between 1110111? Clerk --in the 75 -cent rooms we put a l'at trap, Feet Sere? Use Minerd's Liniment. • Commissioner' Here During Tour Says Exports Continue Trade with Italy is good and more than 00 C303(1138 limes 11ave repro-. eentatives In that £Ountl'y, A. B. Mud - (Metall, Dominion Governmeut trade commissioner with •headquarters in Milan. stated recently, At 1110 same time, he pointed oat, exports this year will be less than last, When according to official Italian statistics $51,400,000 worth of goods were Fold, owiug to the grain drop, toes, lifiddiman has visited Montreal in the .course of a tour of Canada. While his office 18 in Milan he is also interested in promot- ing trade with Spain, Portugal and Yugo Slavin, Among Canada's exports to Italy he enumerated wheat, oats, Indian 00011, niekle, lead and other metals, lumber agricultural machinery, asbes- tos, eanued salmon, coli fish, eels, shoes, radio appliances, furs, building materials. The new commercial treaty between Portugal and Spain which came into effect last year, he said is showing good results as it has placed Canadian cod fish 011 the sante tariff basis as other countries. In regard to Spain, Mr. Muthiiman stated that there was a large increase in Canadian exports last year but this year the figure will be reduced great- ly owing to the grain crop. lie has not had not opportunity of visiting Yugo Slavia for some time but hopes to go next year. People there are now interested, he said, in establish- ing silver fox farms. Mr. Itituldiman refused to be quoted on the general situation in the coun- tries he reprosents, saying' that be is concerned solely with trade, but he did make the observation that under the present regime Italy is going ahead by leaps and bounds. Worried \Wife•— "My 'nsban(1's nerves are that bad,'e's afraid to ask 'is employer for a rise. Do you think it would do any good to give 'im a dose of them aspiring tablets?" "What has four legs and no wings, but can jump as high as the Eiffel Tower?" Tagg: "I give it up." "A dead horse." "But a dead horse can't jump." "Neither can the Eiffel Tower." TORONTO giri i Prize Winner "CONSTANCE was cross and I -A fretful a lot," says Mrs. J. Platt, 99 Highfield Road, Toronto, Ontario. She was upset and bilious; didn't want to eat and couldn't digest her food right. "California Fig Syrup has changed all that, and made her a different girl. It regulated her bowels quick- ly, improved her appetite and diges- tion. She has had no trouble since; but has continued to gain until to- day friends say she's a regular prize winner for health." Mothers by thousands are prais- ing California Fig Syrup. Physicians endorse it. A pure vegetable prod - C A L 1 F O R N S Blending Red Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the fine flavor and full-bodied richness required years gf ,exlacari. encea Every package guara,uteed, • 6 is is goo } .teas RED ROSE ORANGE, PEKOE els,extra go'.,,c. St. Lawrence Waterway Manitoba Free Press (Lib,): The opening of the Hudson i3ay line may alter Montreal's attitude towards the St. Lawrence waterway), If IVlontreal interests were t0 give some thought to the situation that will inevitably arise within the next few years, it might occur to they that, if they want Western grain through their own port, they had better help to bring about the reduction of the present carrying charge from Poi't Arthur to Montreal through the deepening of the St. Lawrence waterway. By the time it is built, given the greatest ex- pedition, Montreal will be in urgent need of the lower rates which the waterway will make possible. Mont- real needs this waterway much more titan the West sloes, Minard's Liniment for Coughs. A holidaymaker, accompanied by a Dutch friend, happened to pass a church whose notice -board bore the following words in very large type —"The Church With the Warned Heart." The Dutchman exclaimed— Ha, it has, what do you call it, central bleating? Letter received by The Argus this week: "1 oiclese herewith a snap of our little infant son—which hap- pens to be the best X have." BEST PAID WORK A well connected man can obtain a very desirable Agency in this Dis- trict with a strong progressive Life insurance Co. Box 4 c/o Wilson Publishi,tg Co., Toronto. net; it is safe for any child. The prompt relief it brings bilious, head- achy, constipated children lasts; be- cause it helps tone and strengthen bowels and stomach. Appetite in- creases; digestion improves with its user A youngster's entire system benefits. Next time bad breath, coated tongue or feverishness warn of constipation, try it with your child and see how it helps! When buying, look for the name California. That marks the genuine. THE AIC;};,, FRUITY LAXAT1V 3 AND TONIC FOR CHILDREN Classified Advertisements SXTii4TIONS VACANT lie ORE etEN WANTED QCICK., 11((1 ere. pay, easy works Earn while learn- ing barber trade under famous Muter nlorican plan, world's most reliable barber school system write nr call Immediately fur free catalogue, Hiller Barber College, 121 Queen West, Toronto 8011bTEC$EXLE PDX RA,NCIE. `. W 0 CAN SUPPLYSUPPLYBEAUTIF UL stock 1n Silver Black 7"own. Reg- istered in Canadian National Live Stock FHecoi'd5. li'ree from lung worm or other diseases.,Litters averaged four this' year. orer early, J. M. Briscoe & Son. Northcote, Ont MEMORY And when the. stream Which ovet'fowed the soul was passed , away, A. consciousness remained that it had left, Deposited upon the silent she re Of memory, images and precious thoughts That shall 11 .1t (1)e, and cannot be de. stroyed.--Wordswor th. HOW TO PROs ECT THEM Free Information GLEN 84 GLEN Patent Solicitd's BLACKBURN BLDG. OTTAWA _:si . of i�s� � These �ti o � r et =i One are upset Baby ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night. A. sud- den cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea ---a con- dition it is always important to check quickly. How would yott %meet this emergency—tonight? Have you a bottle of Castor'ia ready? There is nothing that can take the place of this harmless but effective remedy for children; nothing that acts quite the same, or has quite the same comforting effect on them. For the protection of your wee one --for your own peace of mind --keel this old, reliable prepara- NG itommZylle`gig&i.te ANC¢ciabiitepnratindarAs• simgatiirOlukad byBtidfa • tinglheStootitsaadbwCl, therebyP nofintDittstfea Cheer(ulnestiand gestdonein gather op_litrOlorFhiii oar Blneraf. NOTNAR2°Trc ma,avavnrstTasa%TTM zza Pre } YN, AbeipduKReuseyre Cohsitpation and Dtarrhe(a /NW Feverishness amt loss of Si tt;e resuttinttthhere lkinla°'" ra,c5 mdc Sanort They co c0 >.To,>tartn�ra55 tion alta} s on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who' cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria; the genuine bears Chas, H. Ii letcher's signature on the wrapper, VALUABLE PREMIUMS given free for selling 17 packages es of our Christmas and New Year Carols and Folders at 10c, or 12 bottles of Excelsior Liquid Perfume at 15c. Write today. Send no money. Beat Premium, Co„ Torpato. DONT tons RUB tint RACK OF EARS. INSERT IN NOSTRILS.•.. fess e nart1 MAR. O1 O 0185 All Druggists Descriptive folder on regntst A. O LEONARD, Inc. 10 Firth Ara„ New works ('ity a 'guesser ILE5,3Ep ot,tutlled by 111011- 0ancts through use of Do', J H. Uuild's Green .Mountain Asthma. Compound. its pleasant smoke vapor soothes and relieves. Originated in Inca by Dr. Guild, specialist in respiratlxy eases Also relieves catarrh. Standardremedy at druggists: 35 rent,• tit) cents and $0.80, powder or cigarette form. Send for FREE Tt.19.L pack- age (If 6 cigarettes, Canadian Dis- tributors, x.ymans, a,ttt , Dept. CC1, 286 St Paul St. West, 1)Sontreal, Can. ° f GREEN M011hIT,W4 �.a i�11�SASTHI4ACOt.?POUtJi) Earache Heat an iron spoon. Place four drops of liniment and four (lrops of sweet oil in it, mix 1111d put 011e or two drops in the ear. ,.PiNKOWS COMPOLJND IS :nNraFuu Read This Letter from a Grateful Woman Vanessa, Ont.—"I think Lydia 1, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful, I have had six children of which four are liv- ing and my young- est is a bonnie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds, I have taken your medi- cine before each of them was born and. have certainly re- ceived great benefit. from it, 1 urge my friends to t'.1,ke it as 1 am sure they will receive the saline help I did. —Mils, MILTON l&IC- MULLEN, Vanessa, Ontario, ISSUE No, 45-029