HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-14, Page 7r.Cliursduy, Novem'ik r 'If4tti, IBS " :>. EU*ICI1-PIEBALD '813SINESS ICA11, .DrDLEYE.HoL1U S lYAO$IBTER, SOLICITOR; NOT 'ANY IUBUC, WO. "STP10E--Hamilton Street; 3^iset oft tire Square, GODBRICH, Ontario.' Special attention to Counsel •*d Court Work!, "tr. Holmes may be consult l at 'Soderieh by Phone, and Plume chargees: reversed. Ds'. II. H. C0WE, L. D. S. D. ID S. DENTAL SURGEON At DF;ITZ BLOCK-- IIBIClll 'troy Thursday,' Friday, Saturday H,ARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASliW OOD anvil Envy Idoaay, Tue;saay 'Wednesday oseAs $LOP'.' Graduate- Carey Jones .Nat - v$1 School f Auatioleering. Try an Live Stock, for Registered to keeping sli Bigwig). Choice l'.ti prevailing )� thing Fps for sale. Wi11 'doll any Anywhere, ' Zurich.Sema i1-93 or write, Licensed Auctifueer POB HURON & MIDDLESEX N- AY I A POSITION TOardlO Seat any auction Salo, r a ar I e 10 Mae or artiele to solicit your business, and if not ,yatyCad will make no charges for Arthur Weber — ]Daahixooa. Shone It --5.7 Overstock 29x4.40 30x31 Tues, Tubes. Low Prices N Q W S. S. Veia DASHWOOD 110/Of11M0afit04is0'iM000i0010i• 7,urichs'' popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING 'WHAT WE HANE' PURCHASED FROM TILE FIRM OF YUNGBLIJT lk DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Via. yungblut & Son 114111101111411410118111411111411161/1101/6•011 00iN111141Mo 0000 GOAL 1 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Bcrautou Coal Coke Alberta ` Coal and Soft Coal R. ;SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ten will be allowed for cash. Abater Early as prices will adKaace, on June 1S016 Oise & Sun sill: IHEN13ALL IPtema VE POI;L,T R i WANTED llikfai-0,01 dt till i�►eSeeRiP• 's ;WI f tlowl war awr`Rci k Prices C A trsatm st xd Eggs ..t' Writiett; '49�Ip 45 s*satr rat Troon Wafts, for ..,Sale: Lost, Foundy:NOddCe, Etc. Ads IN THIS COL MA' • FOR SALE Knotty r TCnitt€ng Machine; nearly new'. Akply at home of Mr. C. Schr.ag, Miss Nancy Gmgerich, own- er, R.$.2, Zurich. tf-22 t. DEBENTURES FOR SALE Debentures to be dated December 1st„ 1929, under authority of By -Law No. 8. 1928, Jeffrey Municipal Drain amounting to $2646.30, are payable in five years with :interest at five per cent'.. per annum. Also Ptsebe and Aux Sables Riv- ers and Mud Creek Debentures am- ounting. to $360.30 for term of five years. Fier particulars- apply to: A. F. HESS, (Clerk, Hay Township. STRAYED a Unto our premises one two-year- old red and white heifer calf. Own- er may have same by proving proper- ty, and paying this adv. James Rennie, Phone 81 r 5, Zur- ich, Ont. Produce Wanted Highest cash prices paid for cream, Eggs and Poultry. Thomas Meyers, Phone 116 Zurich SITUATIONS VACANT Bright boy wanted 8 to 14 years of age to work after school and on Saturdays. Will not interfere with school duties. Good pay and bonus- es, Young Canadian Boosters' Club, apply by letter or post card to, 153 University Ave., Torelrte- FOR SALE A Slightly used M. H. Quebec Sul- ky plow. Also a Ceckshutt foot -lift riding plow. Apply to: J. E. Druar, Zurich, Ont. 19tf FARM FOR SALE Consisting the Easterly PO acres of Lot One anrk Easterly 60 acres of Lot 2, all im the 2nd Concession, London lord Survey of the Township. of Tuckersmith, Huron County. On the property are erected a substantial, co:mfortable solid brick house and a new bank barn of sufficient capacity with metal roof and other outbuild- ings. The land is of excellent soil suitable for general agriculture. For further particulars apply to Mr. D. Stewart, R. R. 2, Hensall. FOR SALE A limited quantity of choice potat- oes. for quick sale. Apply to Wm. Koeehler. NOTICE We are operating our cider mill, on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, and would advise the public who repuire cider made or applebut- ter cooked, to make arrangements by telephone. F. C. Kalbileisch, Zurich. LOOK A Fordson Tractor and a Two- Furxow Plow in good shape, that ha been taken in on a new Case Tractor, for sale . J. Hey, Jr., Zurich. 10-t The Imperial Life Assurance •Co. of Canada "IAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZIIRICH !nota 11-11 summate. and Aceddaat Iii uratslcn,. ,ldattit and Btris t Cis. w Cabada Miss Olive O'Brein spent the week - and with relatives in Detroit. Mr. Gordon Rau, of Detroit, is vis- iting his parents; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. LUCA1 NES.. Sunday visitors in Hayfield. "Were Mr. and Mrs. Gid, ayfiel. Miss Geraldine Surerur has return- ed to Kitchener for the winter. High Constable A. Whitesides of Goderich, was in the village on Fri- day. Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, is spending a few days in. Forest, with her sister, Mrs. Wm- F. Braun. Mrs. 'Harvey Cowen and Marion are spending the week with Dr. and Mrs. Pink at Deleware. Mr. Newell Geiger who is attending Toronto University, spent the week- end at his home here: Mr, G. Koehler is away to Oshawa to bring home a new Pontiac Coach, for which he has already sold, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman is spending a chased this farm a few years ago few days atatiwn...., ,..,,t. -.gig :.0 from Mr. Alfred Sreenan, home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Finkbein- er. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Deters, o Desboro, are spending a few days at tine lion..: 0 . uriner a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters Sr. Rev. A. Clemens of Stratford, de- livered a very interesting illustrated lecture on the Holy Land, in the Ev- angelical church on Thursday even- ing last. Miss Mae Maghorne and friend, Mr. Rowe, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams. 1VIr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, spent the holiday at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs. Thomas John- son. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, and Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt, were week -end visitors with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber of town. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber of Hensall, motored to Detroit and visited the former's two daught- ers in that city. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Klopp and family of Welland; Mr. Len. Klopp and family of Waterloo, visited at the so well known as Canada's outstand- home of their mother, Mrs. Win. ing farm and home paper is launch- ing another of their popular Know Canada contests, in which $3000.00 are being given as prizes. The First Mran Charles 'rita:spent 'the'week end with her sister, Mrs. Jaeob Kel- lerman at Dashwood: ' . Mr. Gordan Miller spent Thanks- giving with his father, Mr, Wm, Mil- ler of town. Merrsx. Lawrence and Francis Overholt of Detroit, are spending a few week's vacation at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Miler. . . OP* ***I • •o WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR R FARM IMPLEMENT$, ,ltNlDl-, • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND 01r j MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL • • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS' AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. } LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. rm PAGE riVF wrwwrrr •+Y. IP* 9"0;.f44., 4*-4*******1•44...444. iirin1ement,. Do you own a Ford? It is our bus- iness to repair your car, the Ford 0 way—Sandy Elliot. We sto^k genu- ine Ford parts all models 1912 to t 1929. i Mr. Charles S. Badour has purch- ased the 130 -acre farm on the Blue • Water Highway, north of Drysdale, .6 from his neighbor, Mr, Lawrence • Denomme, and gets possession on • April 1st, 1930. Mr. Denornme pur- The Bazaar and Supper given by the members of St. Boniface R. C. Church in the town hall on Saturday was in every way a decided success. A large gathering of people was pres- ent at the fine chicken supper in the evening, and there surely was a sum- ptuous repast in store for every one that sat down to the well laden tab- les of the "best in the land." The annual joint Sunday School Convention of South Huron, Hay, St- anley and Tuckersmith will be held in the Evangelical Church, Zurich, on Friday, November 15th at 2 p.m. and 7.45 p.m., when all S. Schools i,rr this area are sending delegates to re- present them at the convention. The speakers are Rev. H. C. Priest, Gen- eral Supt., of the Religious Educat- ion Counsel, Toronto, Rev. M. CoII- ing, Grand Bend, Mr. Colin Camp- bell, Bayfield, Miss J. S. Murray, Exeter, Mr. R. P. Watson, Brucefield, Please arrange to attend and receive the benefit of this assembly. Supper will be served for a nominal fee at the Convention Church. The Family Herald & Weekly Star Klapp, and other relatives over the holiday. We are in receipt of a communic- ation from Mr. Herod Monitan of Prize is $1000,00, Each week four ay.a:le , N', Dak., in which ire quotes pictures are published and readers the following incouraging words, for are asked to decipher the Canadian which we greatly thank Mr. Moritz: "Enclosed find check for renewal of your valuable. paper, you are surely keeping up a good paper." Mr. Theopiule Bedard, who has had his father's farm leased for a number of years, has purchased a 100 -acre farm near Tilbury 'and has moved on it with his family. Mr. Gilbert Jeffrey has moved on to the farm vacated by Mr. Bedard, which he has Leased for a term of year: The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boy's Association of Toronto is being held in the Y.M.C.A. Auditor- ium, 40 College Street, Toronto; on Friday evening, November 29th, at 8 o'clock, when officers will be elect- ed and a full evening's program is prepared. We regret very much to report that Mr. Milton. Deitz_ the Focal tel- ephone lineman, is laid up with a sore eye, which he received from the re- sult esult of a small piece of the fine wire used in the cable, becoming lodged in Mr. Deitz's eye, while he was mak- ing the repairs to the cable going westward and which was destroyed by the fire. Mr. J. W. Horner while returning home from Hensall the other day. had the misfortune of getting a piece of iron lodged in a tire of his car, which made a rather sudden punct- ure about half way in from Hensall, this causing the car to slew, and Mr. Horner lost control, with the result that the car turned over. Fortunat- ely they were not travelling fast, and no serious physical harm was sus- tained, only Mrs. Horner receiving a few minor injuries. The car, how- ever, requires some new glass and other straightening up. Mr. Chas. Fritz and son Ward spent the. week -end with friends in -Windsor, and early on Monday morn- ing they motored over to near Kings- ville, where they enjoyed the morn- ing at Jack Miner's bird sanctuary. This is about the best time of the year to visit this noted place, and they had the full -pleasure of spend- ing the morning with 'Mr. Miner him- self and witnessed what Mr. Fritz thinks about a thousand wild geese, which had come off the lake to this havean for their morning food. They arrived there just at daybreak, and just at the best time to see this lov- ely sight which these two Zurichites will never forget. Mr. Peter Mcisaac, the worthy operator of the Hay Telephone Sy- stem at Dashwood central, wishes to advise the public of the misunderst- anding many may have to the ab- sence of the Dashwood Fire brigade 1 at the . Zurich firm early Sunday `[r. and Mrd. C. 1.. Smith said L''I,8P Inoc;iii>. In the fast place 1r, Me` visited with' friends at llroadhagen' Isaac dfd not Chow. az certahn just and near New Hamburg over Sunday. who Would be the right party to call as the fire chief, and after arousing several be finally located ,the right party. But 'there was no determined effort made to , go. So they waited for second 'word, and in the Mean time the fife . at Zurich had made such headway ' that the cable was melted off and all communication was (nice and +quiet in. the'illsige'sts there cut arto Zurnch, and since no more ,w.as no special excx't>elalient • of any can for help came in the Dashwood ":Ind, 4',nd the dad w ,! approprfatelf brigada;,thought -that the Zurich peo- abserred ati as thankftd writ. lido bed' this Are in fail control, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wnt. P. Timm, and two sons of Forest, were holiday vis- itors at the home of Mr. Wni. La- mont Rev, ' and Mrs. Lloyd .Kalbfleisch 'and 'family of Elmira, are visiting 'relatives in town this week. ' Thanksgiving Day aft very GARAGE SUPPLIES • • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. 'M BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases; L. A. Prang - Zurich •♦++000N+++++AO+++++..........0.4..•+++Oi..... •+®iN # 1.14+446+44+44+++++++++++4+4 ..4•h+.i*.......+.F ... 4 I The Winter Season 1 + + iS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS ,t+, OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR I FRENCH DOORS • 1'. C. IC PHONE 69 e� LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY + + LBFLEJSQI:I - ZURICH +++++++++4+++++++++++++++++4-1-14+++++++++.•444++++.43 ,.":141191011801•000.1111•011111111011 011.01.00000000000000000011 - post offices they represent. It is a most interesting pastime combining a great deal of real amusement and entertainment with an opportunity of 4 i carrying oft a very nice sum of mon-I ey in prizes. It is a Contest that in- terest every one of our readers and details of it can be had for the ask- ing. ' A letter to the Family Herald & Weekly Star, Montreal, will bring you all the particulars and a sample copy of the paper too and of course it does not obligate you in any way. ST. PETER'S Lvangelical Lutheran46Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." f 1 Friday, Sh : Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11..5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all S. vices. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT, Tuesday, 7.15 p. m: -Jr. League. Friday 7.30 p.m.—Senior League Friday 3.30 p.m.—Choir Practice The Gospel of Exchange The gospel of Jesus is a gospel of exchange. It is the good news, that God hi Christ will exchange the worst we have for the best Be has. If we want God's best, we mustbring him our worst; can you spare it? Do you love the worst in yoa, so much that you will insist on developing it indefi- nitely? Imagine , can you, what the finished product will be. If you have no "worst" to give up to God, then He has no best to give you. 1'au.l gave up his infirmities for the stren- gth which Christ alone can supply. "When I am weak, then am I strong" said Paul. Christ cannot offer his strength to strong people but to weak ones. Strength for weakness, what a glorious exchange the gospel offers. Purity for vileness. Victory for defeat. For everything that mak- es for darkness or despair, if we will bring it to. Christ. He will give light and triumph. Exchange is the very heart of gospel. 'He will give us His might for our, helplessness. His peace for our worry. His comfort for our sorrow. .You can make as long a list as you will and "My God will supply 111 your meed accordingly to His riches in glory." SUNDAY $''*VICE$ Worakip 119 A. M. Subject—The future church and The future life. 11 sits.--aibte School, J. IL Owls*, . Sup•rlotendeat. lil(itilsiplt 7.39 P. M. • .Subject --The ministering: Masi+'r An ideal of leftieet. Service. as sOPoi 1 Stock Foods Dr. Hess' Stock ar d Poultry Food ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW CHOW, BEEF' SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1929 COAL .141 NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN. DUCEMENT 1S 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son MNi11000e1a10000N0000N0411ea ••.N11160e10et..•••100a1a10 laWiNWArliiAWMPAMiViik 4.. 1 Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have a full Line of all the requirements for School Opening isoe..000000oN0000000! All authorized Text Books kept in Stock 001110011110i4•••••0010N01000000 We keep a good supply of Scribblers Note Books, Pencils, Pens, and Ink, Good choice of Fountain Pens fMAONiAifloo0lMOINft0o0000• WE NAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS IRSQUIRED, i>r IN THE, CONTINUATION SCIIOOI. _ i!r KODAKS AND FILIMS C A. MacKinnon Zurich{