HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-14, Page 5Sir 'William Cope Says Turner Valley Offers Possibilities ;Another Sphere Where Can- ada's Natural Resources Will Help Build Up the Country. calory, Alta„ Nov. '2. -pit fields in 'Southern Alberta offer themselves, possibilities, Sir William Cope, pro, rainent British 'financier, stated -Here on his return from a visit to Turner Valley, Sir William has been in the Calgary •district for the .past fortnight, and during that time made an e4 Fen ive study of the Valley, field and of o •oil structures in the southern par tho,.province. "Southern Alberta offers the g wonderful possibilities I know o the British Empire as an oil held,' ,clarecl Sir Williamu, "Its potentialities have only 11 •scratched as yet, and I confide :look forward to its ,early de -velem on a large scale." After mentioning that he had the past two weeks in studyin, Alberta oil situation„ Sir .1Villia clared that he had.also visited tl fields lying just south of the bora Montana. "Front my observations there added, "I have no hesitation in s that the Turner Valley shows the id s indications of oil wealth," Sir William, on his return to Eng- land, intends to report the result of Isis enquiries to other British capital- ists who are interested in. the de- velopment of Canadian oil fields. For many years Sir William has 'been interested in the development of mineral resources in Great Britain, and has been a director of the M - bion Colliery and of the Welsh Col- liery company. As a director of the Electrical Power Distribution Company, he has also been associated with the des velopmeut of power re urea. Business food '. Despite • Crash . . Of Stock Values. • Ottawa.—There is nothing in the general situation iii Canada to war- rant ant panic in the stock market, The Stone of Memory to Our War Cornracles ECOIVRES Where 800 Canadians, killed in the battle around this famous CEMETERY, NEAR ARRAS war centre are buried, together with a hundred Fleiiclt soldiers. Illegal Radio Station Leads U.S. Authorities to Liquor "Ring Unlicensed Transmitter Used by Bootleggers Traced by De partment of Commerce Engineer; Decipher Code and Uncover the Secrets of Rum Violators An unlicensed radio station, operat- stilt in the immeCiate closing down of Ing on 'a short•wvave length, contri-the station, for Redfern took over the buted largely -to the'uudoing of one of key, and using the rum runners' own the most extensive liquor-runniug . code sent out messages which result "cross" which the U.S. government has ed in one of the liquor boats proceed - Italy's 1g Boss- I Lakehead Storage Rumanian Royalty. A :Distressing Scene Queer, Marie, Interferes with Young King Michael and is Evidently Asked to Leave Palace STRANGE TALES Berlin ----A report received here front authoritative sauces in Bitch crest said that Dowager Queen 1Vlarie of Itiunania had, fled from the Royal i'aled° at Balchik because of dissr.ai- sion in the Royal Feruily. humors of strife between the Dow- ager Queen and others of the family have been current for some time, It was declared that several of the fam- ily were opposed to her inclination to Interfere with the regency which pre- sides over Rumania on behalf of her .grandson, the boy Icing, 1Vlichael I: Only recently Princess Beane, 20 - year -old daughter of the Dowager Queen, setting out in her Yacht, the Istrava, to visit her mother at Bal• chik, narrowly escaped disaster when the yacht struck a reef near Agrigas. The yacht was pulled off by a gun- boat and towed back to Constanza, its starting, paint. Was Ejected, is Report An unconfirmed report stated that Marie Was actually' ejected from Bal- chik after an intermediary, acting on behalf of the Princess Helena, moth- er of 'the boy King, requested the Dowager Queen to leave the Palace. Under the terms of the testament at the late King Ferdinand, the Palace belongs to young Michael. Marie re- fused to leave. She hie in a small wing of the Palace, but continued to use the main entrance. Furniture Thrown Out Several days ago, Queen Marie was astounded to find several pieces of her furniture had been moved into the courtyard. The situation was ag- gravated r gravated by numerous intimation.; which she then received that her re- moval lead become imperative. After the furniture episode, the Working Margin of Ten Mil -1 Dowager sought refuge in the wing, Sore at France; Sets New Record High Piled Bins Contain 76, - Italian Papers ^Incensed ata 062,000 Bushels of France for Harboring I Grain Anti-Facist Exiles London. Nov. 2.—The British auth• orities are watching with some anxiety the attacks being. made against France in the Italian press, following the attempt on the life of BIG GAIN IN DAY lion Bushels Encroached on for First Time •enountered, it was disclosed following Ing to a point where a Coast Guard Winnipeg.—Swelled by an added the making of raids; along the New vessel was waiting to take it over: It is even suggested that naval con- store of more than half a million Jersey. and; Long Island .coast, which Although authorities are inclined' to, versatione between Italy and France bushels of grain, storage at lake - resulted in. the arrest: of thirty-two `withhold *information relative to •the will be imperilled by resentment felt' head elevators pushed onward to an leen and the..seizure.•of;large quanta radio apparatus both a the oared throughout Italy against France.: unheard-of mark for the season. The ties of liquor. New Jersey station and aboard the France is accused in Italian news -1 record cf 76,062,000 bushels in the • Operating m the • •band. of wave aiun-running vessels, it as generally papers of sheltering the man DeRose, I high -piled bins showed an advance of denetas Ilselargely.t' 655,000 bushels over recent figure the Italian Crown Prince at .Brussels. g • cl by amateurs, it believed that it all was .of amateur d thebon wathou when he Crosse 1 .which was itself a new high mark 1 a passport, and giving him a police 1. and the royal architect advised her that he was commanded to build her • a separate entrance. The incident is another iu a series of discordant episodes which recently have forced the Rumanian Roya: Household into the limelight, amort; them being the sensational street fight between Marie's son, Prince Nicholas, and the chauffeur, Jolir Damian. according to Government officials whip is possible runt the station might constiucior and assembled by an ex- C t in Trouble have to do with the banks but f the season d' ll with the stat,- market in aro t°elonger have escaped detection had it part. The equipment discovered in carol which enabled him to leave Paris. ' The new figure established by cis• Paris—With rumors arriving vis not been for •tile, fact that It was in l'eww Jersey was composed, of various for Brussels. I in contents in elevators at Port • Berlin and Buehanes ti e y wvr ge a t that his motliel absence of the Minister of Finanoe no opel atioii over•.If,ng: periods, some- parts available to amateurs. previous to this incident,. consider , g 1 official statement is made, but, speak- able friction had developed between, t`Arthur and Fort William encroaches had been ejected from the Rumanian times as much as fifteen to eighteen. It is also believed that the Jersey Royal had ped g bushels h urs at a time. Search of license station wvas the control of• the entire_ Italy and France which crop records failed to show any station ring an receiving operators at all, is up when attempts were made by the e with the call letters Which were being portant headquarters and aboard all Italians resident in France on the used, nor were its messages under vessels of the ring. The station is re- staudable, being fa node. Ported to have maintained an eigh- even if it only reverts •.to. normal, teen -hour -day schedule and is believed Engineer Runs- Dawn Station, everything will'be satisfactory. Bank- , • to have been in constant communioa- ing conditions were never on a firmer In an effort to run down the boot- tion with vessels at sea. basis. What is happening now is only leg station, Forest R•eclfein, formerly 1 From time to time radio officials Ing uuofrccially, other officials of his department said that the publtc ought a▪ ro t d t to be `reassured. Conditions are thoroughly sound, it was stated. "B'itsines is exceptionally good, and for the first time on the so-called workingmargin cf 10,000,000 but the larger workinmargin is stated to be necessary far couveni- Palace at Balchik, former Crown Prince Carol. found Himself he volved in distressing troubles of his own. lives of prominent Fascists, including 1 lent handling of the grain. ; On the complaint of his landlady, Premier Mussolini. -Rise in lakehead figures came gni the justice of thn peace has issued Italy has frequently demanded that spite of a substantial shipment of 1 an order requiring Prince Carol to the shelter given by France to anti • 1360,000 bushels eastward by four { pay $500 to cover not only damages Fascists must cease. ( boats recently. The increased stor- to the apartment in which he lies'-.•• Hitherto, the French have retorted age showed as its result, however, but also unpaid coal bills. t a th order, >t phase—this one restricting itself to au engineer of the Signal Coups auci {have been informed that "private std that if they take steps to deport the that cars awaiting unloading at head, Prince Cato to e e the area of stock speculation. on mar- now a radio engineer in the New York tions Were in operation and have run thatitheanti-Fascists they will have to deport I of the lakes eleven rs were ciecreas and it was announced that he wailer' gin. With so many people m the mar office of the radio division of the Dee , them down. Usually, however, they the entire Italian colony resident in del by 200 to a total of 4,200 cars and appear iu court on November 7 to ken• they have run up stocks to levels partment of Commerce; was given 1wvere found to be experiments by France, which Mussolini does not ser lakehead uuloaclhzrgs outnumbered ar-i appeal from the decision. out of line with ti e•interest returns" assignment of locating the station and amateur sot builders, who had no in- tainly des, rivals n - re I i '7,222 cars to 505. Italian newspaper asks bluntly The number of cars waiting to be if France wants war but the majority emptied into the Port Arthur and of attacks on France, while bitter and when the structure gets top heavy deciphering the code. Virtually, it i teution of deliberately evading the One 1 bl t2 it' Prince of Wales ages it is bound to come down sooner or was Redfern's detecting which led to license requirements, but occasionally the routing. of one n e greatest unlicensed stations have been 'Pound hit b'tt in ter. Fort William elevators are the low - future intrinsic value of Canadian liquor rings ever encountered by the .i.wvbich were being used for uialieious tone, are more moderate in statement est figures for two foil weeks. Mean- f t f Canada is ahead of these ern New Jersey, Redfern, with a staff i Britain BuyOwn Beef la London—The Prince of Wales i� a stocks to -day is just as high as it wag prohibition officers. When the strange purposes. than this. The Giornale cl'Italra says, while, car loadings at prairie points fanner himself anti he believes hi acl a weal: or a fortnight ago. The whale signals were reported in central east -1 ..•�, "Por her own defence, .Italy has a showed a slight decrease to 707 cars; vertisiug the roast beef of Old rub• u ire o corporations the sante as 'it always of radio experts, set out to find the i land. duty to do by making a categorical and marketings by country farmers During a visit to the Smithfield Naval Parity increased a little to 1,095,000 bushels, a clirectronal radio re Glasgow Herald Cons. In other declaration that the Protective toles- •wvas. The trouble, as everyone knows, station with ) V i )ante hitherto given to anti -Fascist still a comparatively low daily figure. Meat Market in London recent,} atm is thea unwarranted and 'exceptional selves installed in an automobile. Al- 1 wards, so far as the to o •great sang exiles on French territory has become j Though half of the storage space Prince personally unasked some �vle: of participation in the• market try weak though deciphering the code was mord lash -speaking Powers are concerned, holders, operating on margin, and hop- difficult than locating the station, Red.; thein' naval problems ae Virtually sol- ing to make some easy money, 'The fern: soon solved the fairly simple vecl: They have agreed on parity seams as if France has no intention ;els was u; ted in the counts} storage Received by the Lorca Mayor of Lou- don •e ti conditions clo ret warrant any cipher used by the station. Messages,I in •the proper sense of that Much mis- of regulating. her debt of loyalty and ' in the last 24 hours. Present figures don, Sir William aVaterlowv; Noel one of the fundamental problems of , iu prairie elevators still remains un- Italian relations with France. It reahlY 1 filled, an inorease of only 9,000 bush- housewives to ask for national im a, ti "and see that they get them." British beef and advised Loiiiioil 1 C panic whatever: Were 'copped for several weeks' prior !Understood word—that is to say, they to f recognized that 't the raid and the translations o ,lave reeognlzec a parity peace to Italy. are 66,166,000 bushels. We ask, therefore, this , , means i bine does —___ ..,__._.__ Buxton, Minister of Agriculture, and massages turned Over to the Federal not necessarily identical tonnage, but tout oft officials, the el Yrincd made :z authorities.raaice intend to continua to sponsor 1 D ••X Plans No Atlarztie equality of strength when due regard a movement whose aims are directed 1 To despise money on some ossa tour of the Smithfield district and in Flight Before Spring During the course of the raids the is paid to the essential tasks which cions is a vers' great gain. --Terence. in- spected the system by which benne 1 t . perform. This h against the Italian State? Today, no 1 killed beef i marked and graded nn Adtenrhein, Sattzerlanth—No Arlan-' radio .station ��•. --� ` one can quibble any longer li wvas Included and it Was oactt Navy las o per inn bbl 1 that it ns ° planned for the Max,' found that not only was the• station, a very great achievement, and the not the friendship of the two nations 1 What can money do to console a der the "national mark" stamp. tic• flight is p highest credit is due and will be glad- headache?—George He asked for a m:ukini instrument f next uniicenseci, but lige operators also ltacl + that is involved but a clearing up of man with a headache. Gc orae i4iac g •and retched up and marked a huge it ossihle, the Fflnco Itchen situation, Donald• side of beet with the stomp, "Priam- p Home Billed;' which also shows on outline map of England. "in the interests of British ngricul- ture and tis a farmer mw elf, I grape London butchers will take full a:l- vautage of this scheme;". the Prince thea said. t D to an Plane be ore gian cin i • failed to comply with the Departnt.eiit I ly given to those on both sides of the slicing, backers or the huge ship have . tf h fluids i known. Distance trials how -t of commerce's regulation regmting all , Atlantic who d? Have made snow • trials ever be held in the near future I telegraph operators to be licensed. In- willi , Those connected with the Denier! asmuch as the law -provides penalties organization and residents of the I ruining as high- as 45,000 fine itnd five Lake Constance area alike .were de-i,years' imprisonment for owners of un- lighted with the Performance of the I licensed stations •;,or for unlicensed giant craft, which carried 169 pas -I operators, the Man found at the key sengers and •crew aloft for an hour's I when the raid was made is about in remarkable flight, i as serious a liredicament as those Those .who made ; the: flight were°', taken With liquor iii their possession. nrianieous iu praising the , omfort of i 'The rune ring's station at Sea Bright their trip, and, ease or the ship's .talc-tconsisted of what is said to be a most ing off and alighting, and the remark-, modern..aniateur .installation, The -able sped of 105 miles an hour. The! transmitter was a short-wave type craft's.. twelve motors developed 6,0001 having a power of approximately, 100 . ho 'gower and lifted the fifty-one ; watts, Several short and long-wvave tone easily, An altitude of 1,200 feetl receivers has well as a precision wave was reached. , I meter were obtained .1. the raid; as. 'Two sister ships, the DO -t-2 ai1d 1,we11 as apparatus for listening to the D0 3 • are nowhalf completed'i Coast Guard stations and a copy of on Italian order's, The french goy -1 the Coast Gtiaicl code ,cipher. ' Tho ernnaent also has shown an interest I antenna for both, transmitting and l'n /the t$Tas of craft for lase across fine; receiving were located inside the Z,I r. littttit anean between Iilarseilles'i building; apparently to conceal the• nail Algiers.• 1 location of the transmitter. 1 Call tetters Withheld r 1 • Team C -.:3 to rl'eam6ovist Councils l Several well known radio amateurs Moscow --The aoviet government• in coutral New :Terrey reported res las just graduated 175 young woin-I peatediy hearing the station and Pre- en from a special course designed to 1 quently wondering what curious hues- iraain theta for insiru'cting village ages the strange coded signals con - councils in Soviet policies and politi-I tallied. The call letters which were cal' Methods, They were scattered issued by the illegal station were among Ibe provinces. ,I withheld by the authorities, but, it, Is I generally believed that Whet a sign as - Malty t people take no cava of their was lisisd : it was similar to those as• ton,, y lilt they ceche nearly to the' signed telegraph amateurs in the dis- end of it, and ethers do just the salve dict, With their tinto, Goethe 1 Arrest .oaf the operator did not re - Crows ole 1iuca, endeavt.ring to gets Empress of Canada de rocks alt Straits of British Industry Urged To evelop Canada Trade London.—That British manuTartur- ers and exporters are not taking ad- vantage of the opportunities awaiting them in Canada is emphasized by C. W. Rowley, English industrialist, in an interview with "The Financial Tinges." "Empire Shopping Week" was cited as an example. "The Empire Marketing Board sup- ported us admirably with a splenchi+l display of posters and the Briti;lt Trade CnnunisianerS were equally in- defatigable in their efforts, but the co-operation of British producers was lacking. They had a fine chance for a well -organized selling campaign: in a highly' favorable atmosphere, but dict not avail themselves of it" It isn't every girl that bathing suits, and still fewer that bathing suits do. The persons who have the most stib- luue contempt for money are ilio same that have the strongest appetite Juan for the pleasures it enables them to procureeseShenstone.