HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-14, Page 4Try this fl voury bend when next you orer tea ORANGE PEKOE BLEND „, 'Fresh from the gamategte ser 1�►111(H IIillllillll!IIIIII,II fl) nUrnt ir"esinm l�p(pj1111if(f�r ,iIIjIgii,IjJIIiiIIIi„,,liIIIIlII;I:IIUp11(llilll lI Ii Ty ARTHuR, 15. REEVE CHAPTER "Was the fellow in the tower Glenn Buckley, you ttr.1;k7” "Loakea like him, sir." "Who was the gi 1?" "I can't say, oh:'' "That will do, John," motioned Mrs, Walden. There was something in' her tone that checked Garrick from insisting on the pursuit of the identity of the mystery girl. McKay touched his hat .nd return- ed to his car quicker than he hacl left it. Garrick turned keenly toward Mrs. Walden. "What does Ruth say? Who was up there? Was she in the tower":" Mrs. Walden looked away and mur- ing a good time and with. the Garrick fortune that 1vaa. ample to indulge his hobbies, go, be continued:.) rick, then in a tone of gentle raillery, "Who are these dancing men?' "There's young Glenn Buckley. They call him the Demon Lover, you know. IIe's just a smart college kid with a pile of money, and a smatter- ing of information. He can take up Fill Found With Lights on its Side Phosphorescent Phrnornelxa Captured by Bermuda Expedition i T New York.—Dr. William 'Beebe, the noted explorer and ichthyologist, has,. returned from a seven months' ex- .peclition in Bermuda, with 70 crates of strange fish, and vegetation taken from the floor of the Atlantic. His prize find was an 1S -.inch long fish, equipped with phosphorescent side lights, and heretofore unknown to science. Dr. Beebe said that he had brought back many specimens of deep-sea fish never before known to Man in what he described as the "most iprOBtable expedition" of his •eareer•. His party included scientists, technicians and artists. The expedition; Beebe's twelfth, was under the auspices of the Depart- ment .of Tropical Research of New York Zoological Society. , Governor Sir Louis Bois, of Bermuda, granted, the party the use of Nonesuch Island cricket or radio or acting or relatis- as a base for their operations. ity OT banking—he knows then all. Another is that Jack Curtis aver at the Hotel. They call him 'Worcester- shire' -he's the sauce to anything they arrange, makes it snappy. In my humble opinion, though, he's nothing more nor less than another cabaret product." "I know him—what I call a`di3 o boy,' plunges in r with a big 1 • - and swims the tide." "Oh, why can't Ruth accept Dick nsured, • "Ruth refuses to say any- Defoe" implored Nita. thing."Richard. Defoe was a friend of Gar - "Was it Glenn in the tower?" rick, grdaaate of a great engineering school, son of a fan. us engineer and alrady an inventor of no mean fame. Of late he had turned all his attention to a radio invention in which he seen- cl to have a strange aptitude. His cork on wireless photo transmission, his perfection of a wireless dictagraph and wireless teloutogrr.ph" had won him wide recognition. Just now he was• at work on a radio boat, a radio automobile and a radio airplane. The mere mention of Dick consti- tuted an added reason why Garrick felt impelled to come to the assistance of Nita in distress. "Tell ale something about til girls," Nita was getting more nervous by the second. "She .won't say," she re- plied in a hoarse whisper. "H'm," considered Garrick. "It comes down to whether it is another crime in the wave of crime that has been hittir_g country places this sum- n1er—ov is it a job pulled off with the assistar.c of someone at the dance!" Nita Walden shook off' a restraint, as if it had been a wrap. She had come at last to the real point that had led her to seek Garrick's counsel and now stood trembling as if on a springboard above the water. "This morning,"she I The Colored Man Jamaica Times, Kinston: What- ever undesirable character ashes -s. moral, physical, or social --may be ac• entuated by inter•broeding, it is cer- tain that, frons the point of view of socia: .efficiency, it s not the minted ,tent colored � class, if any, that is decadent iti physique, intelligence, or energy ' t 1',. in Jamaica. It won id ann'Au. reason. it:'i �;:?t4. 1, a'. 7; able that where' we have a community of` diverse races` we had better malte up our mind not only not to despise the offspring of the illegitimate inter- breeding that invariably takes place and will continuo to take place in such conditions, but to make our ae. count fora certain amount of legiti- mate am: honorable interbreeding, 'and to look upou it as not, necessarily or presumably a misfortune, but as more probably an advantage. _---.,----.;.---- "Did you know, dear, that tunnel 1 we just passed through was two miles long and cost $12,000,4002" said the young man to his sweetheart.. "Oh, 'really, did it?" she replied as 'she started to rearrange her hair. "Well, it was r` orth itt,'-il°asn't it?" 666 '3666—One-piece coat. dress .douse an inset vestee that is slashed f neck at centre -.:rout, slashed fr finished to close. Attache4l iesl�f re- movable belt and dart -fitted set-in sleeves, inset pockets are provided, at- tached three-piece skirt. For Ladies and Misses. 16, 18, 20 yeasa. 34, 30, 38, 40, 42 inches bust.. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to V./lists] Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early mail. 680 Child's yoke dress, made col- larless, with or without applied skirt bands, long or short sleeves. For lit- tle girls. 2, 4, 6yei,rs. Fear at Midnight' Midnight, and silence of the infinite spaces; In glittering legions, rank on rank arrayed, "It's Pude to throw one's spotlight The fixed stars gnaice and tremble In on a necking party." their places; blurted out in ________4. --,Orion Myers like the Bear he chases; desperation, "a messenger boy deliver - he suggested, TimWife (to husband who has The Hosts of Heaven are afraid. "Well, there's ViTimid Wife G�erai'd. You. fallen asleep. at the wheel) : "I don't —F. L. Lucas in the London Observer. ed a package to Ruth. In it were her I know her, `the blonde vents. they've ( mean to dictate to you, George, but jewels that had been taken from her I nicknamed her, ever since she went isn't that bilboard coming at us aw- into that amateur motion picture the fully fast?" girls made at the school of the 1Vlisses Place. She thinks she: is a new Tal- 'A Many a young hall finds at the niaclge or Pielcfatd—reallyto girl of his choice is "a little dear." —.he Tv'alden pearls!" "Whew! Have any of the others been returned? Coald it have been a hoax?" "No!" Nita sank back in a wicker chair, her splendid shoulders convuls- be the `society girl with a career on eel as she sank her head into a little the screen.' "Then there's that Rae Larue, who filmy laceiticaborthRufth's silence— and sobbed. has been the guest of one or another Is silence confession?—Better atto Iose of the girl's all summer. Just between you and me and the listening post, the jewels a hundred times—than to I think she's an adventuress. I've have them returncl under st ch cir- heard it whispered that she used to be eL.Garrick !" a cabaret singer or a dancer or some - Walden, the pretty flapper sub -deb. thing. been takenhup by the girls of He said something sa.thing, reassur- sthe youngr set and it's not for the ing. "I didn't think Ruth was muds likes of us, Guy, to tell the young more than a child," wailed Nita, idea how it shall shoot away its time. straightening and dabbing at her eyes any store. with These dance palaces and cabarets," been going todall isortschief� ofbdances."ut she has pondered Garick, considering, "have "What sort of dances?" given a new twist to crime. "And the pace! How do they do it "The cabaretsrs on the Isin the city—and and, his road- —0Y1 their allo xances? Cut them off houses out her to next to nothing. They seem to go Garrick involuntarily elevatedright on. There's something mighty "Oh, it's not a questionqueer about it all. You will—look of morals into it for ane?" --alone," she hastened. "After t: After all, „Indeed I e?ll, Nita. Glad of the sometimes common sense and foolish- ness are fair equivalents for right opportunity. I'm rather fed up on and wrong." country life just now, anyhow. Be - Guy looked up quickly, genuinely sides, I'd like nothing better than to some of the youngsters right." surprised at this bit of worldly wis- setNita Walden glowed her thanks anddm u• "When girls do stupid, dangerous was whisked away. things, trouble follows," she persist- Garrick took a turn or two acres:. ed, "if not at once, a bit later. I'm the deserted end of the verandah. afraid this is a case of it. Besides— A couple of years before the war, Ruth comes into the income from the Garrick, just out of college, of fine ten million trust fund of her father's family and some fortune, had decided to dilettante his way into detective estate next month when she is life eighteen:' ,, "There must be something new in "Who are in this set? asked Gar- order to catch criminat)a nowadays," he told a frier:d. "The old methods are all right --as far as they go. But ��° ritninals are keeping up with science." 'g.n ��� "But what a bobby!" his friend had ss returned. "Never knew anyone in our set to take up thati,s ft suPPlies body fuel 1 "It's just our set titin needs it most. for r the e n e e' f Y that We're always shaken down, black - keeps the going and mailed, victimized, imposed on—until we, the wise ones, are the easiest , rItAilyiPga No need to manes of all!" • , stuff or get fat and lazy. s), in his casual way, Garrick had traveled to. London, Paris, Berlin, Use WRiGL Y'S for Vienna, wines he had studied the sugar and flavor, and amazing growth abroad of the new gee hr ruddily tie bgys I alining science. It was not merely ti - _ Desultory. With his careless predi- - lection, lie had absorbed nearly every- thing f?0111 such mon as Gross, Lacas- s;tgne> Reiss; all the successors of the day of the imrmortal'Berti:lora. Next a ' strange thing' happened. The war broke out, and before 'he knew it, he was drawn into brilliant service in the Office of Naval Intelli- gence, from which he emerged Lieu 1 tenant Commander. Then for Mout year;, lie had settled back into the life he had been born into, until now he was virtually father , •, ,/4t confessor of all the trouble's of the C344 social leaders, a sortof unofficial ad. r - r- - –oltsztioratemotailalasaksWituasitita vises, with no profession exCept hav- 'a•iud glris resPol . Ws the new science oa health building. Try WRIGLEY'S Your- self and stay thin. Z Ha€i & Packs for Sc Wlli1GP ISSUE E No. 45—'29 Miatard'5 LiniMent relieves stiffness. Use Minard's Liniment in the Stables. Mrs. Bloop: "Does your car_have a worm drive'. Mrs• Bleep: "las;' but I tel hire where to go." ou now that is the ideal place to spend the winter --you may not know the best way to get there People who want to reach the coast quickly ;i take The Chief as a matter of course, because it is the only extra fast --extra fine --extra fare train to Southern California— .It has no rival .There is no extra fare on the fast California Limited and Grand Canyon Limited or on the Navajo, Scout and Missionary. Fred Harvey dining service is another distinc• tive feature of this distinctive railway. on the ways --the Indian -detour and Grand Canyon National Park Escorted all -expense tours on ecrtdn days in January, February and March 1 , T. Bendrv, Gen. Arent, Pass. Dept., Santa Pe P9. 804 Transportation alttMich.ndoph 8748' If you are, you'll want to remain so. But if you do not provide for old age, you will lose your inde- ncnd.ence. Small :sums NOW in Canadian.' Government nnuities will prevent this. At 65 you will still be self-reliant and looking forward to an old age of peace and happiness. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT Poor Geese ishpetninl , I IicI ,—Tho savory odor of roast goose filled tbo 'al? recently, telling �eurious snilrers wulio won the battle between 200' wild geese and the hi at miners who woa'ic the night shill . .the Tillden open fait. The geese came ltoaakiti out of the north en route south. Above Ishpe- ming a blizzard: broke up their for.lna- tion. They sighted the beacons liglrt- ing the mine workings and tried to • reconnoitre. shovelsn 114inp buildings, steam and ore cars loomed too late fol' two point landings and the fowl racked up over the property, The atinei•s attacked ill . a body, souse capturing as many as four geese apiece. One gander scored a techni- cal point by snipping the finger off a miner's leather glove, The finger' was no in the glove, however, so the super intendent said it was a foal. Mail this coufnon. toricty POSTAGE FREE Annuities Branch Department of Labour", Ottawa HON. PETyyE�R HEENAN /JACKED ni ill Annuities Branch. Dept 7,'\4 i.-1 Department of Labour, 01,.utra. I?leaac Bead me COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annuities, When a, girl tells a man she won't be his, it doesn't mean she-aoti't let; him be hers, es fferin i r >:S•:{•: M:n•�:fay.:� ::'......... .. ii The next time a headache makes you stay at home— Or some other ache or pain pre - Vents your keeping an engagement— Remember Aspirin! For there is scarcely any sort of pain it cannot relieve, and relieve promptly. These tablets give real relief, or millions would not continue to take them. They are quite harmless, or the medical profession would not constantly prescribe them. Don't be a martyr to unnecessary pain. To colds t might so easily be checfe3f neuritis, neu- salgia; to those pains peculiar to women; or any suffering for which Aspirin is such an effective anti- dote. ss You need not hesitate to take Aspirin. It is safe. It is always the same, It never depresses the heart, so use it as often as needed; but the cause of any pain can be treated only by a doctor. TRADE MARK REO. . � .�• ":...�'' ''�,, :weed; �o�.lLa :'t,F,.�1�'S��"+Mer/"�'{iE.':�w-ze:.s'�'v;•S&'�`'��� `CYr. 4,• •"WHITE SWAN" snow' white Tissue. In wrapped, dust proof Rolls of 7g0 sheets. - b7ti are awls 1 'n. !issues ONLIWVON Highest grade Toilet Tissue. Served from handsome, compact fixture —a sanitary, dust proof Cabinet available in nickel or porcelain. ,finish, "COTTAGE". The aristocrat of Toilet Tissues. Completely terapped Rolls. 3,000 sheets, full count.. 4,4.",“* .. 4. 4?`. 4 44i You can safely select any one of these four rolls, knowing that the Tissue it contains is made under the strictest sanitary con- ditions, to the high stars• dard of immaculate cleanness and quality that puts it on a plane with other refined bathroom equipment. • • • • Buy Toilet, Tissue by name. Ask your dealer for "Eddy'4". of TISSU ES Nome Print Clearly ) "Wl-7GyLe pcyl;IiIN10N ;. Acarlroes LTD... ••44,.••• 4•.4441.41116 TEM NULLA C .i4AC A • "NAVY"A full weight Roll of quality Tissue.' -•-700 sheets of soy.., safe,sani' tory papw. - - "DREADNOUGHT"A big value Eddy line. Seven ounces of quality creped Tissue int every Roll. .14.4••os.••+4•.4 oaes,..� •