HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-14, Page 3Sir William Cope
Says Turner Valley
Offers Possibilities
Another Sphere Where Can-
ada's Natural Resources
Will Help Build U,p
the Country
Calgary, Alta,; Nov. 2.—011 fields in
'Southern Alberta offer themselves
'possibilities; Sir William Cope, pyo-
minent Brinell financier, stated here
•on his return fi'oui a visit to Turner
Sir William has been in the Calgaz•Y
-district for the .past fortnight, and
•during that time made an extensive
•study ,of the Valley, field and of At*'
sail structures in the southern parJt
"Southern Alberta offers the r
wonderful possibilities I know o:
-the :British Empire as an oil field,",
•clared Sir William. and
"Its potentialities have only I`•.
seratdhecl as yet, and I confide
:look forward to its .early deveioP1-
en a large scale." •
After mentioning that he had s
the past two weeks in studying
Alborta all situation, Sir • Wiliian
•clared that he had:aiso visited t1 at–
fiela lying just south of the bard! Try
Montana. hack,
"From my observations thereiQiug
added, "I have no hesitation in sbotee
that the Turner Valley shows the pest!
indications of oil wealth,"
Sir 'William, on his retarn to Eng-
land, intends to report the result ot
his enquiries to other British capital-
ists who are interested in. the de-
velopment of Canadian oil fields.
For many years Sir has
been interested in the development of
mineral resources in Great Britain,
and has been a director of the Al -1
Won Colliery and of the Welsh ColiUnlicensed Transmitter Used by Bootleggers Traced by. De-.
Uncover .the Secrets of Rum Violators
The Stone of Nf erory' tat Chir War Comrades
Also. Ptsebe and Aux Sab es
ere and Mod Creek Debentures
ounting to $360.30 for term of
For articalars apply to:
Clerk, Hay Township.
-Unto our premises one two -y7
old red and white heifer calf. 04%
or may, have same by proving pro>
ty, and paying this adv.
James Rennie, Phone 81 r 5,
ich, Ont.
Rumanian. Royalty
A Distressing Scene
Queen Marie, Interferes' with'
Young King Michael and
is Evidently Asked to
Leave Palace
Berlin ---A report received hero
from authoritative souses in Bitch
avast said that Dowager Queen Marie
of Rtunania had lied from the Royal
Palace at13alehik because of cliSsen
slop in the Royal Family,
Rumors of strife between the Dow-
ager Queen and others of the family
have been current for some time. It
was declared that several of the fail-
ilv were opposed to her inclination to
interfere with the regency which, pre-
sides over Rumania on behalf of her
.grandson, the boy Icing, Michael I,
Only recently Princess Ileana, 20-
year-old daughter •of the Dowager
Queen, setting out in her yaoht, the
Istrava, to visit her mother at Bat-
chik, narrowly escaped disaster when
the yacht struck a reef near Agrigas.
The yacht was pulled off by a gun-
boat and towed back to Constanza,
its starting point,
Was Ejected, is Report
An unconfirmed report stated that
Marie was actually ejected from Bal-
ch*.after an intermediary, acting on
behalf of the Princess Helena, moth-
er of The boy King, requested the
Dowager Queen to leave the Palace.
Where S00 Canadians,. killed in the battle around. this famous War centre Fare :buried, together with a hundred Fi:euch so c lets•
Illegal Radio Station Leads
U.S. Authorities to Liquor "Ring" Sore at France!
ss- La ehea St .rage
Sets e ° i Reed
liery company. partment of Commerce Engineer; Decipher Code and
As a director of the Electrical i
Power Distribution Company, he has I
-also been associated with the de-
velopment of power resources.
Business Good
An unlicensed radio station, operat-1 salt in the iznmeCiate closing down of
ing on 'a short-wave length, contra- the station, -for Redfern took over the=
bated largely -to the'uudoing of one of key, and using the rum runners' own'
the most eactensivo liquor -running code sent out messages which result•,
"rings" which the U.S. government has ed in one of the liquor 'boats proceed- following the attempt on the life of
Despite Crash
'High Piled Bins Contain 76, -
Italian Papers Incensed at 062,000 Bushels of
France for Harboring .. Grain
Anti-Facist Exiles
London, Nov. 2.—The British auth''
tinder the terms of the testament et
the late King Ferdinand, the Palace
belongs to young Michael. Marie re-
fused to leave. She hid in a small
wing of the Palace, but continued to
use the mails entrance.
Furniture Thrown Out
Several clays ago, Queen Marie was
astounded to find several pieces of
her furniture lead been moved into the
courtyard. The situation was ag-
gravated by numerous intimation..
which slie then received that her re-
moval had become imperative.
After the furnitnre episode, the
orities are watching with some' Working Margin of Ten Mil -I Dowager sought refuge in the wing,
anxiety the attacks being made lion Gushers Encroached and the royal architect advised her
against France in the Italian press, that he was commanded to build her •
on fox. First Time a separate entrance. .
The incident is another in a series
of discordant episodes which recently
have • forced the Rumanian Roya:
Household into the limelight, among
them being the sensational street
fight between Marie's son, Prince
Nicholas, and the chauffeur, John
•enountereci, it was .disclosed following ing to a point where a Coast. Guard the Italian Crown Prince at Brussels. Winnipeg,—Swelled by an added
It is even suggested that naval con- store of more than half a million
the making of raids: eking the New vessel was waiting to take it over,.' versatiaus between Italy and France' bushels of grain, storage at lake -
It Value
Jersey. and Long Island .coast, which. Although authorities are inclined to
, Stock. - `resulted •ail the arrest: of thirty-two withhold 'information relative to the .will be'imperilled by resentment felt' head elevators pushed onward to an
throughout Italy against r unheard of mark for the season. The
ti en and the •seizure,•of :large duan .. 1 radio Jersey
apparatus both a the central prance., (unheard-of
rehear • - (1 mark 76,062,000 'bushels in the
0tiawa.—There is nothing in the ties of liquor. New Jersey station encs •aboard the I''rance is accused in Italian news -high piled bins showed an advance of
general situation in Canada to wars.Operaxing in the. • bend of wave rum -running vessels, it •is generally papers of sheltering the man DeRose, 655,000 bushels over recent figure
rant any panic in the stool. mantel, 'iengtt 1 largely by amateurs it b,elievec1 that it all was .of amateur when he crossed the frontier without was itself a new high marls
according to Government ofh.cials'l�he l • possible
have to do with the Banks but not longe
I t
diretly with the stock market. In the
absence of the Minister of Finance no
oiircial statement is made, but, spea`lk-
ing unofficially, other officials. of his
department said that the Public ought.
to be reassured. Conditions • are with the call letters which were being
thoroughly sound, it was stated. used,nor were its messages hauler-
"Bitsiues is exceptionally good, and stanclable, being hi code.
if it only reverts -ta normal, p Station,
n a firmer
is used which _'
Ssible . tha;t the Station. might h Carol in Trouble
r: have escaped detection had it pert. .Che equipment discovered to card which enabled him to 1 ti t
( coustrurfon and assembled by an ex- a passport, and giving him a police I..,
leave Paris
:tor or t e season.
The new figure established by ris-, Paris—With rumors arriving via
his motliet
New Jesse was composed of vaisous for Brussels.
r 'arts •available to' amateurs. us to this incident,: consider-' ing contents in elevators at Port Berlin and Bu tares ra
operation over..;lpng: perkods, sonic p Previo �-Arthur and Fort William encroaches sled been ejected from the Rumauiar.
times tis much as fifteen to ei �•hteen I It is also believed that the Jersey able friction sled developed between
first time on the so-called Royal Palace a
1 .Crown Prince Carol found bins
not been fol ,the fact that at was in Y
hours at a time... Seargll of • license , station was .the control of, tlie• entire, Italy and France which had mope
records failed to show any station ring.and receiving operators at alt i-.ta,;, lip when attempts were made by the
poetant headquarters and aboard all Italians - resident in France on the
vessels of the ring. The station is re- lives of prominent Fascists, including
ported to have maintained an eigh- premier Mussolini.
even Engineer Runs own a� on, teen -hour -day schedule and is believed Italy has frequently demanded that spite of a satbstautia s 1
everything lvill'be satisfactory. Baulc r to have been in constant cominunica- the shelter given by P rarrce to anti• I. 1,360,000 bushels eastward by four pay $300 to cover not only damages
ing eandihons here never o tion with vessels at sea. Fascists must cease. 1 boats recently. The increased stor- to the apartment in which he lived.,
i . What is happening now is only leg station, Forest Redfern, formerly • From time to time radio officials Hitherto, the'French have retorted 1 age showed as its result, however, but also unpaid coal bails.
a rlarea this one restricting itself to an engineer of the Signal Corps and have been informed that "private eta- that if they take steps to deport the that oars awaiting unloading at head Prince Carol protested the order,
1' -engineer in the New York
area of stock d 1 will have to deport t ' • were decrees- and it was announced that he would
for the elf iii
working margin of 10,000,000 bushes distressing Carl. troubles sl his
gin is volved in g
the larger er
but b
stated d be necessary for oonveni °wOa the complaint of his landlady,
Ont handling of the grain.
•'Rise in lakehead figures came in the justice of tri;; peace has issued
1 hi anent of all order requiring Prince Carol to
t Balchik, former
In an effort to run down the boot -
1 e in tie mar- office of the radio division of the De -(them down. Usually, however, they the entire Italian colony resident in eel by 200 to a total of 4,200 cars; and appear M court on November 7 to
gin. «• ith so ma•
ket they have run lip stacks 'to levels Pertinent of Commerce; was given the were . found to he experiments by'
oust of line with trip interest returns' .assignihzeut of locating the station and 1 amateur set builders, who had no in -
and when the structure gets top heavy deciphering the code. Virtually, it I tention of deliberately evading the•
it is bound to come down sooner or was Redfern's detecting which led to t license requirements, but occasionally
later. the routing of one ot the greatest f unlicensed stations havebeen found
"The intrinsic value of Canadian liquor rings ever encountered by the i which were being used for malicious
stocks to -day is jest as high as it was prohibition officers. When the strange , purposes.
a week or a fortnight ago. The whole signals were reported in central east- •
With star
Prance, w
tainly desire.
One Italian newspaper asks bluntly
if France wants war but the majority
of attacks on France, ti
ich Mussolini does not ser- I lakehead ttnloadings outnumbered ar- appeal from the decision.
rivals in 7,292 cars to 505.
The number of cars waiting to be Prince of Wales Urges
emptied into the Port Arthur and Britain Buy Own. Beef
I' while bitter in Fort William elevators are the low- London—The Prince of Wales is a
tone, are more moderate in statement est figures for two full weeks. Mean- farmer himself and he in tt:a
-. td.
han this. The Giornale clItalia says, `wile, car loadings at prairie points fartieinh the roast Beef believes Ohl ktu -
"For her own defence, Italy has a , showed a slight decrease to 707 cars;
• duty to do by malting a categorical' and marketings by country farmers larDuring a visit to the Smithfield
future of Canada is ahead of these ern New Jersey, Redfern, %y i a i
alwa ,s of radio experts, set out to find the , Naval .Parity
+col mai.ions the same as rt 3 declaration that the protective toter increased a little to1 1,0w 000hi bushels, treat Market in London recently the
p Glasgow Ileralci (Cons.) ; Iu outer assist
was. The trouble, as everyone lcuows, station with a directional' radio ie-{ '• ante hitherto given to ental still a comparatively Iow daily figure. Prince personally marked some :isles
is the unwarranted' and `excelitionall ceiver installed in an automobile. Al -,I words, so far as : the. two great Eng exiles on.French territory has become, Though Ball of the storage space of British beef and advised London
t ion in the market lay weak 1 though deciphering the cede was more , lash -speaking Powers are, eoeeereee, olio of the fundamental problems of i ill prairie elevators still remains uliouse�vives to ask for national meats
participation Holders, operating on margin, and hop- fern alt than locating the station, Red- iht it naval problems as. virtually sols Italian relations with France. It really filled, an increase of only 9,000 bush -"and see that they get :
1 't
ingeto conditions
some easy money. '`any1the country storage
real con atious cio not warrant any
panic whatever." i we copiedI peace Y Buxton,
fern: soon solved the fairly simple wed; They have agreed on parityeceived by the Lord Mayor of Lou -
cipher used by, the station. Messages. in -the proper sense of that Winch mks-' ofere asa if France has no intention ; els was last 24 rn to
of regulating her debt of loyalty and in the 24 hours. Present figures don, Sir William �"t'aterlow; Noei
re' fold several weeks prior unclerstooct word—that is to say, they to Italy. are 66,166,000 bushels.on Minister of Agriculture, and
e...-----,.. to the raid and the translations of have .recognised that parity means. "We ask, therefore, this time, does , _ _ •------ market officials, the Prince made
messages turned over to the Federal not necessarily identical tonnage, heti France intend to continue to sponsor i torr of the Smithfield district and iu
a movement whose aims are directed.; 7 o despise money on some ossa
against the Italian State? Today, no Bions is a eery great gain• -••-Terence.
can quibble any longer that it zs
not the friendship of the two nations
that -is involved but a clearing up of
the Franco -Italian situation.
DO-. Plans No Atlantic
authorities. i equality of strength when clue regard
Flight Before Spring j During the course of the raids` the ; is paid to the essential tasks which
Switzerland—No Allan-! radio station was included and it was , each. Navy has to perform. This is
A flight is, Swine found that not only was the, station' a' very great achievement, and the
flight is planned for the DO -it
• i r air plane, before Wait; uniicensecl, but the operators also lract•I highest credit is duo and will be glad-
giant Darn e t f •l i t comply with the Department i iy given to those on both sides of 11
spring, backers of the huge ship have
ar ec o 1
masse latown. Distance trials how] of commerce's regulation requiring all i Atlantic. who stave made it possible,
ever will h0 held in the near future � telegraph operatoris to lie!licensetl In-.,
Those connected with .the Dornier, asnnich as the law provides penalties
organization and residents of the I running as high' as =$5,000 fine ttnd five:'
Lake Constance area •alike were de- year's' inhprisoninent for owners of un-
lighted with the performance of the: licensed stations ',.or for unlicensed
gialit craft, which carried 169 pas -1 operators, the mall found at the key
sengers and crew aloft for all hour's; whelk the raid w S made is about in
remarkable flight. • i as serious a prbdicaluent as those
Those .who. made : the, flight were' token With liquor in their possession,
unauioons in praising the comfort of I The rum ring's station at Sea Bright
their trip, and ease of the ship's .tak-1 consisted of what is said to be a most
ing off and alighting, and the remark -I modern..aniatour installation. The
able spged of 105 miles an hour. The l transmitter was a short-wave type
. craft's twelve motors ,developed 6,0001 having a power of approximately. 100
horepowt'r and liffect tite fifty-one t watts, Several short and long -wave
tons easily, An altitude of 1,200 feet 1 receivers as well as a precision wave
eta• reached, ,, j meter were obtained .ill: the raid, as.
Two easter ships, the pO-X.-2 and well as apparatus for listening to
the D0 3T-3 ' are now half completed'( Coast Guard stations and a copy of
oil! Italian onlere. The Fe.ncil gov-1 the Coast Guaixl. code ,cipher. • '.Che
ern trent. also has shown an interest antenna for.. both transmitting and
in Vie- t.pe of craft for use across the i roeeiving were locatoci inside the
Nlrtlitt(?.'cancan between ' Marseilles building, apparently to conceal the
• r and :Elgters I location of the transmitter.
Gall Letters Withheld , .,
.C2.2•3' to T€iach Sovi,st CouncriS I Several well known radia amateurs
illoseew---The Soviet, government 1n central • New Jersey reported reg
las just graduated 175 young worse peatedly lleariug the station and fre-
en from a special course designed to quently wondering what curious mess-.
train theut for instructing tillage I ages the strange coded signals dolt-
councils in dovtet �lolietos and politi I tallied. The call letters which were
cal' methods. They were scattered issued by the illegal station were
atnta1lg the provinces, 1 ?withheld by the authorities, but, it, is
_ generally believed that when a sign
•r• eoplo talo no care el tlici? tl'as users: it was similar to those Me
i,lat # p signed telegraph amateurs in the dis-
fn:ney tall they come nearly to the:tract.
cul Of it, and others do hist the saltie Arrest of ilia operator did not re
with their limo,-w-Goctlle'
spceted the system by whteh home
killed beef is marked and graded me
What can money do to console a der the "national mark" stamp.
He asked for a marking instrument
man with a headaehe?—George
i Donald.
Mac -
end reached up and marked a huge
side of beef with the stamp, "Prime
Home hilled," which also shows an
outline map of England.
"In the interests of British agricul-
ture and as a farmer myself, I hops
London butchers will take full tui•
vautago of this scheme," the Prince
then said.
British Industry Urged
To Develop Canada Trade
London.—That British manufactur-
ers and exporters are not taking ad-
vantage of the oppoi.•tunities awaiting
them in Canada is emphasized by C.
W. Rowley, English industrialist, itt
an interview with "The Financial
Times." "Empire Shopping Week"
was cited as an example.
"The Empire 1tlarketing Board sup-
ported us admirably with a splendid
display of posters and the British
Trade Cotnmisioners vera equally in-
defatigable in their efforts, but tate
co-operation of British producers
was lr.cking. They had a fine chance
for aswell-organized selling campaign
in a highly favorable atmosphere, but
010 not avail themselves of it"
It isn't every girl that bathing suits,
and s1111 fewer that bathing suits ,do.
The persons who have the most sub -
Hine Contempt for money are the
same that have the strongest appetite
for the pleasures it enables then; to
Crowds gathered to watch fleet of trigs eltdeays.ring t0 get' Empress of Canada off rocks in Straits of AMA