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Zurich Herald, 1929-11-07, Page 7
Watch your growing children • WTATCH the health of sola growing children! See that they have the health and energy necessary for their /school work and play. For growing children---per- ticularly girls --a rich supply of red blood is essential. Languor, nervousness,de- pression, fickle appetite er pallor indicate anaemia, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood, prevent anaemia and build healthy bone and tissues. Thousands of mothers have proved this. "My twelve -year-old gid," writes Mrs. Robert Devitt of Brougham, Ontario, "became so pale, so 1.11 and nervous that we had to take her out of school. I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for her and she gained in weighs and strength. She is now t;ne.pic ture of health." liuy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at all druggists and dealers in medicine or, post paid, by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. S-21 59\ PEC ©OX M llianis' PINK PILLS '•A HOUSEHO1-D NAME IN 54 COUNTNIESI• "All Clear!" Nark Barr in Collier's Weekly Tells How London Saved "POMEROY'S PITS" liatl; and his eompanlou aces, Hirsch midnight we were awakert0ri1 by the" and Becker and the others, Were til- ground suets, I rushed to a v, iudOW,1 nripire r .1s , e most as oleyer, certainly as •brave. thinking af 1''oi lay. But soon the So ondon v,' . Lset :.desperately about the action began to die don; the mead Makes Progress ]cork t defense. '!-'he means at fire ceasing and the searchnghts rad - band were inadequate: gorint 'lads itiM Tllis could oltly mean a false 1 1Notabtes Enlisting spinning into the air in Meelmencal elaren, or hat the ZepPelius had g, t For Latest box -kites, ground gunners lutrl'ng one- Clean away. pounders and l,ve•pounders and sltrap- 'Lien . stldtlerlly there wOS-a mica; net into trio night skies more hope- melees flare in the sky, •411 T�andpn fully than accurately. was lit up by 'a glaring • tireworl(s-red, 411 Londoners jumped to the task as vivid es sunlight; atld otiegreat of borne defense. filen ,ant Women MU went up fromtale millions oC notables met at dinner under the watchers In the city. The lurid lighC cltan•niuSABand toiled 20 bout's a clay to put a PingI l nilx° from Choi ]ream LordanslMelc1pof ttir ouvetline planaileys fez' the formation of an "1t;mpire Cru. seders"' organization with the object Of the promotion of Empire trade hY any menus that an evamination of the problem suggest. Other speakers fosse .Col. L. C, Af . S. Amery, Lord Lloyd, iter'beet ti'il ants, and Sir Henry Croft, Those present included Sir Frederick Lewis, Lord Waring, V. A. Malcolmson, • I9, R. Peacock, Sir Henry Brittain, Henry Mond, Sir Ed- mund Vestey, Sir harry McGowan, Sir Hugo Cunliffe -Owen, Lord thing - worth, P. C. Goodenough, Sir Herbert Austin, Sir William Lacks, Colonel R. W. Fennell, Sir Benjamin Morgan, Sir Robert Hadfield, John Bailey, and R. D. Blumenfeld. The standing of these People warrants tbe assumption that Effort Fathered in London London. -- The Empire crusade reached another stage' w'hen many of searchlights 40 miles in diameter s lotted poop a lint a 1 areantl Lcndan. young Lieutenant houses into the streets. Two inillirn Warneford in his airplane massaged to CtLbie feet of hydrogen gas, and the bring down a Zeppelle, not by fine, groat gasonne. tanks Mode a light uselessiY into tris, hag -2000 bullet: that was seen 20 mules away ; Lnd char-. holes had failed lo bring clown art air-' Ing more than half a r inu«o the ham - ship, owing is its many infiat•ed conte' tag airniliil drUpped swiftly to earth, partnients—ibut by zooming in toe' Leefe Robinson Was the pilot who had done it. He bad beeped cif at Lace of its machine guns and mowing, down the officers at their ,'ondola' the first alarm, but everyone had nl controls, Ile got the rtetarit CrasS;, iesetl' tbe lone raider. -Leers scour- but he was killed in the next weekg en rite clautls all the way t° the Coast, What �• nee tv a bullet that and was on his way home when lie nl a t e needed as b t waulil ignite the, Zeppelin gas: sau. a. dark shape below Hint—•the Z Bombs began to fall often in Lau-epeolin LS -11, not Mathy'S ship, sanat 11.,500 feet,, 1neteetly he den, :luny: were • killed. And diveilidg tinct. poured his Poineroys into Maths and itis crowd went scot free.. her. She burst into banes at once. The results of the 9iambs varied. The enemy did not realize yet that greatly. The worst effect was that we had a certainty of defense. haps- 1 tan llathy Was still carryings on, 1301 the Empire Trape crusade may be - ins which damaged no less than 900 very soon the little Pomeroy bullets come a far-reaching policy, removed There to some extent from politics and pos- sibly relieved of embarrassing tree trade implications which would in- evitably retard its progress here and overseas. Nevertheless, Lord Beaver- brookto every idea, suggestion, or pian.l maintains a vigorous Empire Some three liuitcired scientists ttiete' aleft, anti once again the 1>iglit sits free trade propaganda arid has issued teas scazlet—;llathy vas dead. his manifesto in the Times, Morning furnished . With set set to facilities) Tltat was the enct. Tile Pomeroy Post,DailyNews and bail Herald, without stint, and set to work at the I ballets hacl saved London -'-had made y prrbiem. I was one of these scien_ calling attenrr n to and explaining his England invulnerable from airship campaign. There are numerous let- t:ists. Then suddenly a inessa a attack. came to us—"Cease work." Some -1 tors in the press demanding that Co.zl- servatism take a stronger r line on of a 700-pottted charge of nttrogly.er- bnlldtngs. ,there was• a• year of this brought dot\"Il. llle next ZsPpeli.0-1t Oft of thing. Casualties and des -1 Billericay. And then came the sigh trustion grew worse;, Srmething that the enemy had doubts: llathy must be done. ( himself came at a new height -14,000 The ln;ret Vous Board Was organiz-� feet• But the searchlights fl and ed hastily with strict orders"to listen. him; s drum of Porneroys snapped betty lead perfected a bullet. Who, 1 e o gethe One day there had came into the GUARD THE CHILDREN we wondered?I subject. The Hampstead Parliament, a noted harassed Inventions Board a quiet debating society, held a discussion on sort of man named Pomeroy. !FRO AUTUMN OLDS the I.m.pire Free Trade, problem and • "I've a scheme for burning the voted against the idea. Zeppelins," he said timidly to an alde.1 Lord Beaverhrook's activity is illus - "What is it?" asked the aide, as!' The Fall is the most severe season trated by the announcement just made patiently as is possible for a man of the year for colds — one day is of a "talkie" for Empire distribution., who bad listened to a thousand fruit-, warm, the neat. cold and wet, and un- less schemes. less the mother is on her guard, the little opes are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are mothers' best friend in preventing or banishing colds, They act as a gen.le laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. "It's quite simple, sir. All you've got to do is put a pinch of dynamite in the nose of a machine-gun bullet and when it hits the Zeppelin—pop site goes!" "'Won't week. Sorry!" said the aide, An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent coins,or, it it 'does -come ou suddenly their prompt use will re- lieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a, box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.' Settlers Who Settle Saint John Telegraph -Journal (Ind.) —Three families out of one hundred settled in New Brunswick during 1928 have failed to stay put. Probably there may be more sone other year. Possibly some others of the 1923 ar- rivals will, in the course of a year or so, drift away. But even so, even if no more than nine families out or ten Rt permanently into a niche, it is a pretty geed showing and argues gen- erally careful selection of the settlers and farms. "But it has worked. I fired my bullet into a brick wall and it blew the bricks apart.':.. "There's your answer, Poweroyl Dyiinmite will explode that tray, but Thera is a -quiet chap smarting his not if it strikes the soft silk of a Pipe as he putters in his Sarrey gar- Zeppelin bag. You see, dynamite is nitroglycerine made safe by soaking dell, who smilesas he remembers. his . great triumph in science, He is still it up in infusorial earth so that it as little known as he Was before 1311 lases- its dangerous habit of going off incredible experiment—but not so' at a feather's touch." . poor, because England was grateful. 1 Pomeroy, keenly disappointed, went You remember the Zeppelin raids' back to his little bicycle shop where en London, of course. Feeling safe, Itis only research equipment was an in her isolation and in the history of old rifle and a bit of dynamite. But 2000 years free from hostile arms,1 the very next day he was back. He London, astonished, suddenly found sought out the same aide. herself in the thick of action. It' "I tried my bullet on a bit et silk—. grew to be a war within a war—the and it worked!" Zeppelins against London, with Herr The aisle probably thought now that Matt against '1 a whohe was dealing with a mildly dement - 1 Matey a suet an unknown man was slow in appearing --a quiet chap,1 ; 1 P e r' to 1 incl Pomeroy by name. 1 finally succeeded in getting a 'mem- In 1914, on Christmas Eve, the one ber of the Board to come and look day in the year when people cau least i at his invention. It must have been bear to think of war, the first bomb rare scene in the bicycle shop; a dropped on England. On Christmas! man who knew nothing of science «A desire on the part of travelers Day another Zeppelin carie, but was: arranging a demonstration for a man to go in special parties uucler, expert driven off at the mouth of the Thames.' wile knew wbat dynamite couldn't tour management prompted our cob? - Then a New Year's visit, and this do! pany to experiment with the all -ex - time there was death in Bngian(.1 Pomeroy suspended a handkerchief, pease, personally -escorted plan the Mathy was learning • the lay of the stretched it tightly' on strings and past two winters," Passenger Traffic English countryside. He learned it) feed his dynamite -nosed bullet. Manager W. J. Black, of the Santa Fe so well that later, when not a light through it; and the handkerchief Railway, announced the other clay.. All -expense Tours glimmered. in all England at night, 11e could follow the dull silver ribbon of the Thames, calling off the nromi- went to ash. They were so popular we will repeat Presently the scientist was en the this winter. All necessary expenses tram, going home deep in thought. are defrayed. The passenger pays a nent buildings of Lonclomtown at The tram itself was a perfect itlustra- lump sum. The railroad takes care this and that bend. tion of the secret overlooked by of all details from start to finish." This was the manner cf enemy the scieuee which Pomeroy had quite in- Fite of these tours will be roll by nocently stumbled on. Here is the the Santa Fe in connection with the • illustration: when you are in a tram Burlington SystemChiago to Cali - His Hearing Restored or a train that is gats}eying speed. ,Poirot and Back-tt The invisible ear drum invented by yea are pressed back against your journey of about A. 0. Leonard, which resembles a seat. In the same mamter,l the G000 mites by rail, several hundred miniature megaphone fitting inside heavy infusorial earth of the dyna- miles by motor, and requiring three the ear, entirely out of sight, is help- Write in the bullet nose was set back, weeks on the way. One will leave in Mg the hearing of a great many peo- thus squeezing' out in front a spraY January, two in February and two in aMarch, 1030. tile. Mr. Leonard invented this drum of pure nitroglycerine. And this The itinerary includes the Ilitlian- to relieve himself• of deafness and would blow up on touching even a detour region around historic old heats noises, and it does this so sue- feather. The Admiralty at last had Seton T e; also Taos, where It it Car- son that no one could tell he is wrist it needed. son ()rite lived. Grand Cauyou Na - a deaf man, t1 request for irilorma- We found ourselves excitedly wait - Unmet Park next will be visited, lilts tion to A. 0. Leonard, 70 Fifth Avenue .ing for the next raid.' The night of fosse Tijuana acid Agra Caliente in Suite 437,' New York City, will ' be September 2, 191G; u:as a perfect Old Mexico. After viewing all 'mind. - given a prompt reply: Advt, night for a real.. Sure enough, after: tial points of interest in California— a.......----.... --• - including Hollywood, Yosemite and Catalina—tire return to Chicago will be by way of. Feather Rivera Canyon, Salt Lake City, the scenic. Rockies of Colorado and .Denver: oorieneo ,..4.P..6117611.ATU4704. Foe Troubles. due to Acid /NPI dE5TIGN ACID ET6t 1ACH HEAR.TEIURN HEADACHE. `GASES•NAUSEA. When Pain omes 'What many people ball Indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach: The stomach nerves have: been over -stimulated, and food sours. ,The corrective is an alkali; which neutralizes acids instantly. And the best alkali' ].town to medical science Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has relnaiiied tite standard with liitysi• (flans in the 50 years since its inven- tion. Otte spoonful of this harmless, taste- less alkali in water will neutralize in; stantly many times as nlucli 0.cid, end the symptoms disappear at once, 'fors Will never' use crude methods when Once you learn the efficiency of this, Go get a small bottle to try. )3e sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia proscribed by physi- clang for 50 years in correcting excess acids. )'lath bottle contains full three tions,'--auy, drugstore. Britain's Milk Problem,; G. T. Garratt in the Nation and Athenaeum (London): A ;special liceiise should be required froth all producers of liquid milk. All other unlit should be labelled "commercial," and used exclusively for ntanufactnr- Ng into milk products. The license should, only be granted to herds .01 more than .a certain number of cows mill. ---de retires no Buret lex, It should insist upon,a proper water sup- ply and cooling apparatus, a stet'iliz- iitg plant,' and a maximum bacteriolo- gieal count. SENTIMENT' Who can explain the operation of That sentiment wlticlt strips the ebjeet or our late passion rf all its. adventi- frons charms ;and reduces It to ordii nary level ?—G. 1'. 'Morris. ' Mllnard's ,L.irt,thient for warts.' whereat he is shown and heard argu- ing the case. He is succeeding in forcing the Opposition press to Ileal editorially with his project. SUMMER RESORTS IN NATIONAL FORESTS A number of localities in the nation- al forests in the provinces of Mani- toba Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Bri- tish Columbia have been found suit- able for the establishment of summer resorts, and, in accordance with the policy of the Forest Service of the Department of the Intet'iot', which ad- ministers the national forests, these resorts are being fitted with conveni- ences for summer residents and camp- ers. LOST POUNDS OF FAT --in 2 short weeks Iiruschen Salts will give many a fat person a joyous surprise. Ton can knock pounds oft your weight and years off your age this safe and easy way. i:very morning take " the little daily dose " of Kruselien in a glass of hot water before breakfast. Titin will mean that every particle of poisonous waste hatter and harmful acids and gases is being expelled from the system. They are the cause of all the 'trouble because they remain in the system and accumu- late in the form of excess, unhealthy fat. " I have lost several pounds in less than 2 weeks. le is so safe and easy. No dieting, no drugs. I have tried several other ways, but with no good results. I rnschen is all you claim it to be." Mrs. T. H. After three or four weeks of the little daily dose, get on to the scales and see how many pounds of fat you have lost. 'Your mirror also will tell you what you leave gained in health and vigour. Your eyes will sparkle, your skin will be clearer, you will feel unbelievably youthful and energetic—you will feel many .pounds lighter and mauy years younger," Red Rose Tea conies 'direct tows from the finest tea gardens, then straight to your grocer —brimful of flavor and freshness. Every,, package guarantgod.70 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extraggood INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY What we llave'to avoid is not work; we have to avoid that 'which makeOO work a Wardell, sometimes an intoler- able burden, sometimes an injury to life and health. What we have got to do is to see that exhausting labor is avoided, fitting the square pegs to the square holes, and the round pegs. to the round holes, and at the same time. to see that neither the square nor tbe round pegs are too large for the lioles they are destined to fill. The Earl of Balfour, KG. A TEACHES Let the soldier be abroad if he will he can do nothing in this age. There is another personage, a personage less imposing in the eyes of some, perhaps insignificant. The schoolmaster is abroad, and I trust to Mini, armed with his primer, against the soldier in full military array.—Lord Brougham. Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment. TWO CLASSES The human race is divided into two classes—those who go ahead and do something and these who sit still and inquire: "Why wasn't it done the other way?"—Oliver Wendell Holmes. OCCUPATION People who are occupied are never dull, are never melancholy, and never gt into mischief. LUXO FOR THE HMR Ask Your Barber—He Blows 7,..;.,.7 mvt, gtr r,,,,,,,,i One '� `', 11, r �, These IJABLE PREMIUMS igiven free for selling 17 packages of our Christmas and New Year Cards and Folders at lne, or. 12 bottles of Excelsior Liquid Perfume at 15e. Write today, Send no money. Best Premium 00., Toronto. Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT 15i'Ofl0 AMEN WANT/✓/) CQUlCI(, 1311( L74. pay, easy work, Earn while, learn- ing barber trade under famous ender nmei'ican plan, world's most reliable barber school system write Or "all Immediately for free catalogue. 51 ile1' Barber College, 121 Queen West. Torooto Bleu SALE. - GGLSTERED PEDIGREED SIT.vt'1RF foxes, 3400.00 a pair delivered. Win., Ont. Bates, Ridgetowit IEitSEY CLOTS, er ICRSEY CLOTH SUPPLIED DI1(110? from manufacturer. Wool and Stll:j and wool. Write for samples and prices. Novo Knit Co., St. Catharines, Ont, BONNECEERE PON.'RANGS, $ E CAN SUPPLY U'EAI]TIl'U1 i stoclr in Silver Black Foxes. 1tt-q-.' !stored in Canadian National Live Suoc1. Records. Free from lung worm or other diseases.Litters averaged four fids year. Order early. J. 51. Briscoe do Sun, Northcote, Ont A TENTS List of "Wanted Inventions•' and Full Information Sent ifree. on Request. THE MAMSLY CO., Dept. W. 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. FARM ANO STOCK ACCOUNT BOOKS "This valuable book was com- piled to advertise CARHARTT OVERALLS —the best farmer's overalls in the world. One farmer wrote that he would not take ten dollars for his book. Write for yours to -day. Hamilton Cashew, Manufacturer, Ltd.,Toronto Over twenty thousand .agencies BUY FLORIDA FARM Choice Selected Sections. Garde. -truck, hog raising, dairying, watermelons, Satsuma oranges, pecans; 2 crops -a -year, most profitable Farm. Belt, 10 acres supports family (6) ; Best year round climate for' invalids tk old people. 2 RR., 2 State Highways,. modern 'schools, churches, bus -lines. Quarter Sections, (10 acres) $25 to $40 acre. (Terms) Title guaran- teed. This is your chance to buy guaranteed farming soils near highly developed, paying farms held above 5500 acre. Write today. FLORIDA FERTILE FARMS, Inc.. 55 West 42nel St.. New York City. 'Send details of your Guaranteed Farm.. Name , ry Street Town now trs 4nm IN EACH OF EARS- II 83511T bM NOSTRlts,,.. eafness MAD NOASES eo ar 1A= ORZo 51.25 All Druggists Descriptive folder 08 request A. O. LEONARD, Inc. :n drill Ave., New York CRY After Shave Minard's misted With sweet oil makes a cool, soothing after shave. Heals tiny cuts by razor. FOR. QUiCN, HARMLESS comPowr _aadra: en}farlt fORCOi(STO1TIM.Di P tIEA,FEYERISlit4t1S C Rac al a Soap is more than a flue soap 0 in sanative, antiseptic and not only cleanses, but heals irritations and restores the normal action of she pores For 50 scars the standard of excellence w she's always hungry," ... says TORONTO mother! "1VANCY is absolutely the pie - IN tore of health again," says Mrs. b. Fraser, 6 Currie Ave., 'Toronto, Ontario. "A few weeks ago we had to force her to eat; now she's always hungry. f `I knew what to do when she be-' carne bilious, half -sick and list. less, because we've always known about California Fig Syrup. Nancy's coated tongue and badbreath cleared tup with the first few spoonfuls; and in just a few days her stomach and bowels were acting perfectly. She's gaining right along now." California Fig Syrup has the full endorsement of the medical world. A pure vegetable product, loved by children. A gentle, but thorough cleanser of a youngster's system and_ a gentle energizer for sluggishbowels. A stimulator for lagging appetites and digestions; a help in building sturdy limbs and robust bodies. The name California is important. No imitator eon put that on his prod CA. L I r O R N I A FIG SYRUP TIlil RICH, FIlI)ITY LAXA.I'IVE AND TON'I'C' Fon CIIltzinazN "I think Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful) I have had six children of which four are living and my youngest is 0 bon - ole baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. 1 urge .my friends to take it as 1 ant sure they will receive the satne help I did." —Mrs. lvf short McMullen, Vanessa, Orttczrio. 1QC,11 •1