Zurich Herald, 1929-11-07, Page 6. \
i (std ternent. The clttotatiorr (v. 2$) iso
Sunday School
f,ron a poet,, Aratus, a letote, with
I'wiiom, no doubt, hit hearers were well
Of God the 'Father of all men no
image of gold or silver, at stone, gra-
--- ven by ar•t and man's crevice, Ilan be
November 10. Lesson VI-=World.an adequate representation, v. 29, But
Peace Through Mutual Understand,' though invisible he is not hard to find,
Inge -.•-Isaiah 2; 22.41 Acts 17. 22.281 \he is not far from every one 05 es, In
John 4: 20, 21. Golden' Text—They him we live and mov&'and have our
shall, not hurt' nor destroy in all mY being. If this be true, and we believe
holy mountain: for the earth shall it is true, of all men, how great the
be full of the knowledge of the crime, so prevalent even today, of
and scorn for men
—Isa as the waters cover the sea,' 'of tother lands1and races, and of other
—Isaiah 11: 9.
ways of. thought and modes of life!
I. A YXSION of 'UNIVERSAL Pse.e1;, I5'" How necessary it is that we should
2: 2-4; 11: 6-10; 19: 233-25. seek a better and closer understanding'
of our neighbors! That is the way to
enduring peace. And the bond of
peace will be finally in the common
worship of God, whose sa. etuary is
not in Jerusalem, nor in :Itount Geri-
zim, but wherever nen approach him
in,spirit and in truth, John 4: 20-24.
r. hen will be surely realized Paul's
ideal of a redeemed humanity, one
body and one spirit, and one Lord,
Eph., chap. 4: 4-6•,
This is the task of the church of
Christ, and of all its workmen, to
build the body of Christ (vs. 11, 12),
the. perfect man . • . the measure of
the stature of the fulnessrofr Chris ,
a new humanity (ch. 15),
from all evil ways of thought'aad con-
duct, truly Christlike,
22.28; Eph. 4: 4-6; John 4: 20-21.
13-19. -
INTRonuoreON There is much
about war in the Bible, both in the
way of civil strife, and of war between
nations. Sometimes engagement in
war seems Lo have teen unavoidable,
or to have been 'in response to the
highest demands of duty and honor..
For example, Abram hears that his
kinsman Lot, and his family have been
taken captive by bands of raiders from
the East, and immediately arms his
trained servants, follows hard upon
the track of the raiders, and recovers
the captives, Gen., chap. 14. The Mid-
ianite Arabs invade the cultivated
lands of Israel, destroying and plund-
ering so that they,leave no sustenance
• for man or beast. The patriot Gideon
gathers a little array of the bravest
men and drives them out, Judges, chap.
6. David slays thr giant champion of
the • Philistine invaders, and Saul
wages war of defence thtought his
troubled reign against Ammonites,
Arabs, and Philistines,
There were wars of aggression and
of conquest, however, for which it is
not eas:, from the Christian point of
view, to find justification. For example
there were Joshua's war of .conquest,
Sampson's raids upon his Philistine
neighbors, the murderous attach by the
Danites upon the peaceful community
of Laish, Judges, chap. 18, and David's
subection of the Syrians of Damascus,
2 Sam. 8: 3-8. On these matters we
are, perhaps, too far away, and our
. knowledge of them is too slight, to
pass judgment. Our lesson shows us
that in the end, both in ti.e Old and
in the New Testament, ideals of peace
and international good will prevailed.
Many of the prophets saw in their
visions of the future a golden age of
universal peace, and this was the
theme of the angels whose song her-
alded the Saviour's advent.
2 2-4; 11: 6-10; 19: 23-25.
The fast of these passages is found
also ih Micah 4:1-4, with only slight
variations. The prophets, or the edi-
tors of their books, appear to have
inserted it from some other source. It ; experiments were cariae 'silhouetted it agaxn�t the slcylme .
will be worth while to c rmpare other i long or short sleeves, separate belt,
d turn -j New York on July 25 for Halifax the ship's course rebid then be alter-
' areal was
It Heidi • Seems Possible 'That This Can be an Airship
Clenerai view of
Two Tools Devised
That X111 Pierce
Be Used.
• : m of the 8-101, r•eceutly constructed one-lnindrecl-passenger British
cozntuodiotis lounge xo
Best Bank Vaults
"Fluxing Rod" and "Oxygen
Lance" Can se� y
But One Dozen a e
Not even a inillion•doller vault
world be proof against burglars arm-
ed with the latest and most powei•firi
scientific rutting tools—the "flexing
rod" or the . "oxygen Sauce'—witlr
either •one • a criminal Could cut
through a steel wall a foot thick : in
five minutes,
Against these' potential" tools of
safe breakers no absolute defence 15
known. The financial world is wait-
ing to see what super -criminal will
use them, for to elate none has dared
to employ Dither.
So expert must be the men behind
these 3nsrumeuts, •writes Henry Mor-
ton Robinson in the November "Popu-
lar Science Monthly," that only a
dozen men in the world are capable
of breaking into a vault with them.
Fortunately these men are not erim- '
inals. They Are' vault experts who
have gained their "dangerous" know-
ledge by exhaustive experiments with'
torch, rod and lance upon metal tar-
gets, and their names are wel known,
But so cautious is the financial world
that it -must even take account of the
Possibility that one of these melt
may turn criminal.
A torch and a "fluxing rod" can cut
through any known combination of
elements. Solid granite a foot thick
can be pierced in ten minutes and
crumbles under the rapid heating.
Armor plate burns up in half that
time. This magic rod is simply a stick
of soft steel which the expert oper-
ator holds against the metal to be
burned. Then be applies the oxyace-
tylene flame to the tip of the fluxing
rod, which oxidizes so rapidly that
the temperature can be raised to un -
1 believable heights.
The "ogygeu lance" has been known
for fifteen or twenty years to a few
blast furnace experts. It consists of
a long pipe about a quarter of an inch
in diameter, through which axygen
gas is forced under pressure. The
business end of the lupe is heated
red-hot by a eutter-burner. The hot
iron ignites in the oxygen stream and
flares fiercely. Held against any ob-
ject it burns its way straight through
Blast furnace Wren use the oxygen
lance to free "rozen" tap holes in fur-
The best types of•vatilts now in ex-
istence are not designed to be proof
against the fluxing rod ,and the oxy-
gen lance, for that is impossible. They
are engineered simply to delay en-
trance by an arch thief as long as
Possible. Every hour spent in vault
breaking increases a criminal's ride
eing caught. Oue of he strongest
vaults in this country might be proof
for six hours agaiust the attack of
any one of the world's dozen super-
rim]ixals. And although vault men
fear the potentialities of the new
scientific tools, there are practical ob-
jections t. their widespread use, They
require an immense amount of oquip-
ment and expert technical knowledge.
Moreover, the oxygen lance generates
such intense heat as to be dangerous
to use without cumbersome shields.
It generates billows of black smoke
when it meets cast iron, leading to
probable detection—a risk that few
criminals wvould care to run.
-, ,..,.,,...'-.s where before only one male fail speed, collisions-- ' by knowing
full speed, ortantData•
On ice d.
eft, and avoid. -
reethods of Detection location of icebergs in their paths,
ce �9 Three different methods of detect The Royal Commission on
ing icebergs were tested as the opnor-
tunity granted.
' The first described Liquor
Van Horne
Expedition Under was that afforded through the peen- dew Statesman (London): It is re
Dr; Barnes Carries On liar phenomena of warmer water in Ported that the Commission will viret
Successful Study the 'vicinity t 1 an iceberg, Contrary , Canada and the United States to
to general belief, Dr. Barnes pointed ; study Amerian liquor conditions on the
oat; when tests are made with a , spot, If this is true, we trust that
ICEBERG DETECTIONmicrothermonxeter, as a ship comes • they will also visit Prance and Italy
l u the vicinity of an iceberg, the tett-. and Germany, and seep to disover
Findings Expected Material y perature of the water .is found to rise' why the liquor problem in those conn-
m -
to Aid In Fight to Clear while peri ispfolo ilntogv� lad the
xltla�ta- tries is almost nonexistent. Surely
peratu otic aim shbttld be to attain ilial hap
Riven Channel tions cf this seetning'ly contradiction
, py combi}ration of freedom and so-
briety of the Van Horne Iceberg ti<ere •given. briety which rules Practically all over
Expedition in the vicinity of Ne -W-! The ship's navigator might, by taleprance. Weeh anticipate, however, that
foutnclland last August when Dd. How- ing the temperature of the water at the proceedings of the Commission
a, Waste Ot publiC money.
ernes in ternatioriallirkriotivn t the proper intervals and recording will turn out to be merely the old
ars 7 •R these findings on a curve or chart, he dreary 'farce of a conflict between
ice engineer of McGill University, enabled to avoid shoals and icebergs t fanatics, leading to nothing at all but
in the temperature in the water, the
conducted a series of experiments in =by noting any unexpected fall or
an attempt to free the St. Lawrence 1.
route from the iceberg menace were
made knowaf
cent y
the expedition and the results obtain-
ed before a meeting of the McGill
r. �t�ea nci. said.
for the first time re- i The second method of detecting ice
1 Dr. Barnes gave a resume ° bergs at night c r .during fogs was to
shoot thermit flares Forward in the
ip's course and to
658—Dress ensemble, one-piece dress ;physical Society. rich the.
o shadows icebergs. -Th 'watch
rich lap closing below round collar, The Uvira, the boat with tvout left on the opposite side of the iceberg
passages of prophecy in which there hcoat with ra
future ofservice to'len sleeves an
are similar expectations of a gloriousebaric cuffs, convertible collar and pat
trsalem and for her people.
for J, In Jer. pockets. For girls. 6, 8, 10, 12, `
3: 17, "the nations shall be gathered"years.
to Jerusalem, "to the name of the 0 ORDER PATTERNS.
Lord," and shall do evil no more. In
Zech. 2: 11 "Many 'nations shall be
joined to the Lord," and shall be his
people, and God will dwell in the midst
of them. In Zech. 8: 20-22 "Many peo-
ple and strong nations shall come to
seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem,
and to pray before the Lora." Com-
pare 14: 16; Isa. 56: 7; 60: 3; 66: 23.
In Zech. 9: 10 the Lard "shall speak
peace unto the heathen," and his dom-
inion shall be over all the earth. And
in Ezek. 40: 2 and Zech. 14: 10, there
is the same conception of Jerusalem
as being"lifted up" as on "a very high
All this has been fulfille I in a re-
markable way by the spiritual eleva-
tion of the holy city, and by the in-
spired teaching of her scriptures
which have gone out to all the world.
Jerusalem has become the prophet of
where the Canadian equip ed to avoid a collision.
taken cn before- the taro -masted The• obvious weaknesses such a
schociier with auxiliary engine left method of dwean SSes inPpuch a
for St. Johns, Newfoundland. The
HOW T actual expei'iinents to make icebergs • These flares were subject to the cap
'l rite your name and address plain "Her money is her only attraction."
rice of the wind and were rften. car -1 "The„ time will surely add interest
at present known were pointed out.
ly, giving number and size o
patterns as ycu want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, '73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Patterns sett an early mail.
The "Small Investor"
Truth (London) : Though it may be
the nations, and those 'who give heed i any investment that can be regar
to her teachings learn the ways of '
peace. For verse 8 compare Lukekas reasonablyy sound.
when tley go
coot for
24: 47. big gains,
In chap. 19: 23-25, there is a re- grief throw all the blame on'the law
markable anticipation of a league of l and the Stock Fxehange.
nations- The prophet sees ati the fu- ;
• tune a 'highway out of Egypt to AS-)• Culture
visible at nights or during fogs were
carried out in Notre Dame' Bay on • riecl ;far from their objective dnrin=
the northeast of Newfoundland. ! stormy weather. They were most to her charms." _
Important Discoveries effective in calm weather, the speak
In opening his talk which was ii- er said. , The Unemployment Problem
lustrated with a film of the trip aitd Chance Discovery I Kappa in the Nation and Athenaeum
numerous slides Dr. Barnes stated The third method of iceberg deter- , (London) : Mr. Thomas uncannily
nc norrhis
that perhaps the most important die,'tion, which was Bailed by physicists i asute; but neither his training
bergs es yet made in regard to i�Y-
ands scientists present as being per- habit of minduch care such
cas nto give
a the
bergs were disclosed during the haps most portentous in possible ay public r
peditiou, which was made possible in licatiorxs and future results, was dis I to tacklef this formidable task ... .
• �h life p
•a li htweight in politica.
an unpopular thing to say, the plain such an extended scale throng 1 covered to some extent by chance. He is,
truth is that a good many so-called I generosity of Mr. Van. Horne, a form -I Dr. Barnes explained that icebergs 'There is grave doubt whetlxer ... .
small investors are not investors at I er Montrealer. in disintegrating give forth an fire• i in 11Zr. Thomas we have the strong
all in the strict sense of the word, I The object of the trip briefly was alar series of explosive sounds. re man we ueed'for the job. His first
rs and reckless specu to find a means of detecting and thus 'ular tempts were made to pick up these I step, the neliday visit to Canada, and
but speculators, to first icebergs at night or durhng�
lators. into the bargain. Safety fi , avoiding iceb fi sounds, carried by the medium of the 1 its ludicrous results, have left a bad
not appeal 'to thein, nor g The St Lawrence route to the ordinary ship's submar• I impression. There was no need for
securities a
are they satisfied with the yields of
svria. passing• through the land -,f'
Israel, and these three nation to- , Culture is 'activiiy of thought, and•
a og• water, on ne
Europe, the speaker said, was becom microphone but nothing waslylr Thomas to go to Canada, but the
ing more popular year "by year byI lure of Empire was too iauch for him.
reason of its beauty IE the iceberg •rne
menace were removed, it would pes- An improvised. microphone consist- He would have been far better em-
iny. cf: a rubber hose with a funnel at- ployed 'at home, where, if at all, the
sbly be life most popular, and S° •
taobeil to one end and a sheet of rob job must be tackled and 'done.
bring great advantagewere .to' Canada. her 'placed over the funnel to make
Tlie -scene where the apparatus tivaterproo
1 the ill-fated Tel g `Was then
ft tr king an ice-
tank went clown, after striking utilized, RABBITS
berg; Was slxoevn in a .slide lin wlticit� Within a. dstance of six miles of
i'wa's also illustrated. the north and an iceleery.the explosive sounds were
gether.serving the Lord del oearth.'.
earfigi receptiveness to beauty, and humane south routes by way .of the St. Law; picked up, At five miles these "dis-
x lrlesstn ; in Or n naest res the. ear lx ' In training a child to renc� to Europe. The only great dis
tinctive sounds could ,be plainly
Religion will be the bond of this per -,fee ing.. .
_• « which hisinper-, activity of thought; above Wall; things1
advantage with the northern route Beard, while at; three utiles distance trees from the pest has been found in
feet union ofeadsotr 1 through the Strait of Belle Isip, which •i
l yve been at deadly 5tzifa- we must beware of merely received was from •two of three hundred miles they )Vere chute :loud: lightly smearing the trees to a suf-
4 This later' finding is now receiving Relent height with axle grease.
THE 5; Ep RXIOOD OF MEN, Acts 17 • intorthetl mind tir thout bei g utilized,`l horter to Europe, was the cold Arotoa I the attention of r'esearelf'Vet ricers and
22-28; Eph. 4; 4-6; John 4: 20-21.
current bringing down dangerous o. l shipping men and it is expected that,
Long before the days of Paul this. ar tested, or thrown into fresh com-.I E the Year a t but us
• Rabbits 'have in past winters 'done
considerable dauiage to trees 'planted
iu shelter -belts on prairie farms. An
effective method• of protecting the
brotherhood had been recognized and
declared by far-seeing men of the He-
brew raee. In the story of creation
God is the maker of all without dis-
tinction or difference. Al. races of
men are declared to be descended from
1 and Psalm 100. Here Paul, in his
binatlons. Education with inert ideas
is not only useless: 'it is, above all
things, harmful, -A, N. Whiteliiacl in
The New ltepub'ie.
See tine comine-cial tra'veller,
How blithely c o'
bergs at certain seasons o ,with Biro suitable 'eels ra lis; .•. are
when shipping schedules must be ing the same prhiciple,, icebergs will) Great blessings that
witltwon b
maintained, he sale, be detected at a distance of five miles prays
r shotild The route •to alsohe south • .of New-, or more and thir position located 1 fulness,—Goodwin•
ice ergs had itse dangersmmom quickly by means` of the' differential t depth of vurgarism is
and fogs, sometimes the ruoreicro hones' placed at
icebergs g,I ery two" m p I
liotwe the tl
The deeper ep Wide—"bo you like my new coat?"
xtit of setting up money as the ark y Hubby ---"Yes, but o 'llfobet won't
a common stock. Compare Amos Idifferent positions on the bow of .
cloth he roam! • so as icebergs tended to break up on.�
ick for reaching warmer waters and so pro- i Ships' will then be able to't the covenant,—Thomas Carlyle.
able to say the sem
• address to a group of Athenians, as- And. he re never homesick,sll p.ab
— - -
sent rho danger oE, cc•Ilxsion with. so-,
setts the same truth, and quotes from;I. He' • s never long at borne.
their own Creels lioets xxx lrroaf of his
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The 'Queen's English Is What Jeff Desires.
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