HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-07, Page 5"Tllarrsd'ay; 1.1bvennber• '7'tV 2929. *us(ils 'CARPS DIDDLEYE.HoLmEs MAIIRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT IARY prBI.IC, ETC. the 10E--Ilaroilton Street, t off Square, GO'D;ERICH, Ontario. Special o. mal attention to Conncel and Court Work! ]Roans may be consulted at Illloderieh by Phone, and Phone chromes reversed. Dr. H. B. COWEN L. D. S. D. ID S. DENTAL SURGEON Ali DE1TZ BLACK—ZURICH Every Thursaay,t Friday, Saturday At HA1 '1 1B'S BLOCK, DASUWOOD livery Monday Tuesday and Wednesday A -U -C hT-I-U-N-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP $3radcaate Carey M. Jones Nat - S1 School of Aurtioneering. Try ISYS for Registered Live Stock, ll Breeds). Tis in keeping prevailing prices, Choke Varna for sale. Will +deli anything Anywhere. Sone 18-93 or write. Zurich Licensed Auctioneer IOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON- -duct any auction Sale, regardless VI pdxo or article to sell. I solicit your business, and id not Aatisfied will make no charged for r+. icoo" shwood. Arthur Weber Ua ane 19--5T _�______ Oversto ek 29a4.40 30x31 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices NOW! 5, Wei i.S WOO I PLT Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads 1 IN THIS COLUMN STRAYED Unto our premises one two-year- old red and white heifer calf. Own - I er may have sante by proving proper- ty, and paying this adv. James Rennie Phone 81 r 5 Zur- I ich, Ont. Produce Wanted Highest cash prices paid for cream, Eggs and Poultry. Thomas Meyers, Phone 116 Zurich SITUATIONS VACANT Bright boy wanted 8 to 14 years of age to work after school and on Saturdays. Will not interfere with school duties. Good pay and bonus- es, Young Canadian Boosters' Club, apply by letter or post card to, 153 University Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE A Slightly used M. H. Quebec Sul- ky plc :v: • Also a Cockshutt foot -lift riding plow. Apply to; J. E. Druar, Zurich, Ont. 19tf FARM FOR SALE Consisting the Easterly 60 acres of Lot One and Easterly 60 acres of Lot 2, all in the 2nd Concession, London Road Survey of the Township of Tuckcrsmith, Fluron County. On the property are erected a substantial, comfortable solid brick house and a new bank barn of sufficient capacity with metal roof and other outbuild- ings. The laced is of excellent soil suitable for general agriculture. For further particulars apply to Mr. D. Stewart, R. R. 2, Hensall. FOR SALE A Iimited quantity of choice Ives. " for quick sale. Apply to ' Koeehler: potat- Wm. 040011440004i04001000011111111414114 Zurichs' Popular -MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING WHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT yr DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ,. Yungblut & So n COAI, 1929 Announcement SPRING- PRICES NOW 1N EFFECT FOR Scranton ..; Goal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal ,A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF b0 Cts. Per Ton . willbe allowed for cash. aOeIsr Early as prices will &dram:e on .jYL. 1st6. Case & Son Alma* 3$. RENSALL L I V . 0 tiL T R Y country go to ebfitt'c,ll. Why dont higher than last year' and so they NOTICE We are operating aur cider mill, on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, and would advise the public who repuire cider made or applebut :or cooked, to make arrangements by telephone. F. C. Kalbfleiseh, Zurich. LOOK A Fordson Tractor and a Two - Furrow Plow in good shape, that has been taken in on a new Case Tractor, for sale J. Hey, Jr., Zurich. 10-t The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE ;- TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 1.1-81 ,narantee and Aceideet Ioauranet. -Wert and Stroe4 1t Co. in Oanada+ Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. -Jr. League. Friday 7.30 p.m. -Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m. --Choir Praetlep;; 'Dipped From the Stream • The shortest road is the 'straight` road To fill your job let the job fill 'you' ` ,To.bear :the 'best 'fruit dig,your roots down deep. To Canino tel the top, dig to the bot- om of your job. The kindlyness you radiate ,you also retain. Don't be a pushcart or wheelbar- row, they always have to -be pushed. If you wait for every move to come from a push you will not get very far or iIo very much to -day. Mighty' moving engines are replacing push- carts. A man with push will get there but it requires courage to stay There.. If you would live a great life, link it with. a, great cause. Uneeda church and the church needs your f you knew you would die on Monday We have alI received again our what would you do on Sunday? annual tax notices for 1929, and Strong, succesSful• men of this in most cases they are just a little Y+ rr,�-+ you? Great leaders in every move- keep gradually going up,. In fact ev- i 1. ment„.have invariably been men of , erythmg goes up a little &lin yea? deep convictions relgiousljr Those to year, and while we are not living who shun the church are weaklings. any better, yet we have the satisfaet ion to realize that we handle a little SUNDAY SERVICES , more money each year. We notice the County rate has increased some- Worship 10 A. 1N1. what, and also some of the smaller Subject Thanksgiving. ., school sections have quite a good 11 a.m.-,Bible School, rate, while others are getting off with less than half what the higher J. B. Gaache, Superintendeaat. ones ore' paying. To these highly as - Worship;, ?.3O, Is, Nl se•.ssod ones the Township Sshool Subject, i 1ding' a Warless Hoard would be a big advantage, as World. , i l would equalize the school rates in Everybody Welcome to alt Set rices. ^t+% lti"l,>1, the entire township. j E d xcr: i caa.up senor. see- ..rZ.+'Y.RJC:L.HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mrs. John Albrecht is visiting a few days in Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hess motored to. Stratford on Sunday. Merrsr. Gordon and Garnet Wol- per of Detroit, were week -end visit- orsunder the parental roof. Merrsr. Ed. and George Regier, and Miss Deiterich, were week -end visitors at Detroit, Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith, of Kippen, a son, on October 31st. Mrs. Harry • Gellman has returned to town after spending the past two months with friends in St. Thomas, Toronto, and Windsor. When you need Ford Service try the home of the Ford, Sandy Elliot. We stock genuine Ford Parts, all models, 1912 to 1929. Mr. Conrad Truemner, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner and family of the 14th, con., were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gaseho, Harriston, Ont. The local hunters are quite. busy these fine and early mornings trying their luck at capturing wild geese, a goodly number of already been cap- tured, and some real good ones. Don't forget the lecture at the Evangelical church Thursday evening of this week, November '7th by Rev. A. Clemens of Stratford. Be sure to come and see the views on the Hily Land. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch have moved their household effects into their new home recently purchased from Mr. P. Ravelle, while Mr. and Mrs. Lee- roy O'Brein have moved their effects into the rooms vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Oesch in the Deitz block. iVIr. and Mrs. Wm. Steinbach, and Mrs. Cove of Port Huron, and Mrs. C. B. Strothers of London, came to attend the big fowl supper at the Lutheran church and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ,Wag- ner of town. Among the recent auto sales put through by C. Fritz & Son, we not- ice: Mr. Norman Overholt a 1928 Essex Sedan; John Thirsk, of Blake a Ford Coach; Chas. Weiberg, the Blue Water Highway a Fo Coach; Mr. Harold Beaver, Exeter, Ford Touring ear, Haloweren pa se'd off in the usual way las; Thursday evening, with, of course the younger people getting in their usual pranks, and regardless o. in some cases a watchful eye was ex- ercised in keeping thcrn in sumnio sion, yet when their opportunity av- ailed they made tne;r objective. of rd a Mr, Julius Block. made a, business trip to Goderich on Wednesday last. 1V1x. and Mrs, Harry G. Hess visited friends in Preston on Sunday. Mr. John Deichert, Misses Inez and Flossie Weber, spent Sunday 'at Stratford, Mr. Dennis Bedard, Jr., has re- turned home after spending a week in Detroit. 'Miss Margaret Amy of Crediton, visited with I andBstet on Saturday. r. Mrs. B. iae wi1 lY E PAGE 1?'IVF • soer000r000e***♦.a•+w,:.r+ +n► #♦,►*14♦♦a4Ma♦40v44.44 400440'o+►�'iM , qp ' 6 • • • .le o WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND ” 1 WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITII JUST THE KIND OF • MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, WIT.1, • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND Fl � • Mrs. W. L. Siebert is visiting AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. a LET YOiirr, NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. in Montreal, the guest of her son,,.rlr. Albert biebert. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm were Sunday visitors with relatives in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thiel, Mr. and 1/Irs. Hugh Thiel and son Keith, Miss Gertrude Weber were Sunday visit- ors at Seaforth, Mrs. Thos. Appleton anti caugh- ter Doris, of Hensall, spent the week- -•:nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel of St. Jacobs spent a few days last week with the latter's mother, Mrs. S. Rennie, who is ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weber, and Mrs. J. Sturdy of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. Gcol ge MsCallum of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Major and fam- ilyKeith. of Goderich, visited with Mr. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCutcheon and little daughter Marian of Lond- on, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. S. Rennie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Fahner, and family, of Crediton, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Haist on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.. Gross, (nee Annie Bossenberry, and their son Lloyd, the hockey player, and Miss Legg, all of Kitchener, were visiting with Mr. Ed. Bossenberry, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koehler on Sunday. The following, are the . Radio sets sold by Hess, Radio, Electric: Mr. John Horner, Westinghouse; Mrs. Jim Keys, De Forest Crosley; Mr. n Oswald, DeForest Crosley; Miss Bernette Mousseau, Westinghouse; air. Tom Reid, De Forest Crosley; Jim Trevitick, De Forest Crosley An Early Winter It's going to be a hard winter!Such is the warning of James 13. Bowes, 73-year-ild "Sage of Chatsworth," and a long-distance weather prophet, whose predictions are gospel to many in the district. "A real Christmas, I one of the coldest in years," is Bowes outlook on the holiday season. Win - The fine and warm rains on Friday ter, he told a reporter of a Toronto t and Saturday. of last week, have a- daily, will begin November 27th, and gain been very welcome to the far- niil start in earnest. This gray-hair- mers, as it will help the rather back- rl Scot will tell you that he is able ward fall wheat, and it just put the :;o predict the weather not only we - soil again into ideal condition for Bks and months but years ahead, and plowing, as the heavy land was get- do it in such a way that he is right ting just a little dry and hard. eighty -rove per cent. of the time. And 'what -is more, he is able to back up his assertions by compar:aons of his previous forecasts with actual re- cords of the weather as it has occur - ed. s • TTINCA, GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND j • CAN" SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO r PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME - DO EXPERT BATTERY WORT: ON REPAIRING AND RE. 411/ BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • • • • Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases, L. A. Prang - Zurich *666464♦666664.44.4446446♦ ,6606464666416664404466*6* t+4 04444444444444444+44444444 .-.8...M++++.i4+.144••3-•i•+ +.14 ♦ .1 The Winter Season I ac + IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS + ♦ OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR 4' FRENCH DOORS ♦ • 4 LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND +i •4' KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR _SPRING DELIVERY T. .... C. XAL FILM i , :I, I ZURICH -j PHONE 69 ID 43++'3'4r+++i40+++ ++E4+•F♦+ ++ +4+404,44.+!++++.4+4+.F4•Fc.•r••t••l..l..{.4+++a realsogsseesororoomerposerao oeorroor iorreerreEwe rrilt0ee0. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau have re- turned from a few weey's pleasant visit with relatives and friends in De- troit and other points. However the trip would have been all the more en- joyable, only for Mr. Rau coining in touch with a pickpocket, who reliev- ed him of some $70.00, of which loss we all sympathize with Mr. Rau. The public is cordially invited to attend the Grand Bazaar and Sup- per in the Town Hall, Zurich on Fri- day evening and Saturday, under the auspices of the St. Boniface. R. C. Church. Bring your friends to the supper, and purchase many nice and useful articles suitable for gifts or for the home. Remember Every- body is invited. Miss Helen Sreenan, of Drysdale, and who has recently purchased a dwelling in Zurich on Louise St.,from Miss Ida Brill, has on Monday moved into this house, which will make an ideal home for.'' her, having made- ex- tensive repairs to the property, - and also installed hydro power for fights, range, etc.,. and we hope Miss Sre- enan will live many years to enjoy a well earned retirement. The Evangelical League held -their weekly meeting on Friday evening of last week. The Bible Study Com- mittee, Miss Faust convener, had charge of the meeting. Mr. Glad- win •Melick read the scripture read- ing. Members of the committee then read a short interesting bible study period. This was followed by a study of the fourth Commondment with Rev. Dreier in charge. A live ly discussion followed on this topic. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Don't forget the lecture Thursday, November 7th. askew every day tiff >teeeteelt,p.m. Ili rpt feed Fowl rangy nwc ruing t+Erbele 'brenisht Iia. Highest Cash Prices 'ream and Eggs. W. O'Brien SCHOOL REPORT The following is the school report of S. S. No. 3, Hay, for the month of October. Those marked with an asterisk* missed one or more tests. Sr. IV—Clicord Weido 80, Davie Kyle 79, Louis Forrest 74, David Blackwell 65, Harold Broderick ** 48, Edward Schroeder 44, Laird Jac- obe *29. Jr. IV—Herbie Stephan *52, Orl- and Reichert 43, Joe Marskell **30, Jr. III -Mildred Kipfer 65. II—Elgin Kipfer 95, Howard Ad- kins 66, Clarence Love 62. Primer—Harold Dignan, Leaton Siemon and Ivan Reichert (all equal) Ervin Reichert, Witmer Adkins. Those having perfect attendance for the month :were: Davie Kyle, Clifford ' Weide, Orland .Reichert, Mildred Kipfer, Howard Adkins, Elg- in Kipfer, Clarence - Love, Wilmer Adkins, _Harold Dignan, Ervin Rei- chert, Ivan Reichert. Eileen Turner, + Teacher. SCHOOL. REPORT ' Report of S. S. No. 4, ° Hay for the month of October. Sr. IV—Olivia Masse 345; Clare Surerus. 231 Jr, IV_ --Della Smith 470. Sr. III—Norman Geromette 295, Alice Erb 264, Dorothy Gesell° 259, Emmerson Erb 237, *Laura Masse 119. Sr. II --Gertrude Thiel 368, Elzer Masse 180; Dennis Masse 168. Jr. II—Reta Masse 300, Claire Geiger 261; Grace Ortwein 197, Gerald Masse 60. Sr. Primer—Adelore Masse 234. Jr. Pr.—Clare Masse 440, Ernest Masse 282. Average attendance 16.14. Lylyan Martin, Teacher. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran4Church "A Changeless'- Christ for a chang- ing World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. nu .German Service. 11.t 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. 1 • I • SEED CLEANER WE HAVE A MOST UP-TO-DATE SEED CLEANER FOR CUS- TOM USE AND ASK YOU TO BRING YOUR SEED TO US FOR CLEANING. ALL THE BEST AND LATEST SCREENS AND EQUIPMENT USED. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS THE BE -ST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son a0•0�N�NNts�lM♦M/NNRif♦�O♦t Nr#6MM11100♦�Nr - - SeiMitliMMINAWAVAMMATMANIAMWAN Zurich DStore -ar 1 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have a full Line of all the requirements for School Opening NONOOON A11 authorized Text .Kooks kept in Stock e1100S01eNOSSNOSSNe1000•!SS We keep a good supply of Scribblers Note Books, Pencils, Pens, and Ink, Good choice of Fountain Pens 100000000000000000001e 001100 WE HAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS RSQUIRED IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL KODAKS AND FILMS ire ea or e wr r'"riC sr 1 Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich imAnAMtlgu IN, A60. J.