HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-11-07, Page 1Vol. XXX. No� ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 7 (929. Chester L. Smith,, Prebridesets $L25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advanosr $1.5o I1 ARR1;AR8,$2 MAY BE INEAROMV Make your Fall purchases from your home Merchants Temperance: Edcteatiors re (Farmer's Sun) . . Before the prohiibi:tion cause can hope to repeat some of its eariier soc- eesses at ,the palls or elsewhere, a revision of the ideas of soma or as advocates on the sul ect of temper- ance education would app ar to be necessary. A /at Of instabue .was propagated during the election ,cans- paign just closed and not aa: ine`Orc- siderable portion of it emanated. from prohibition; sources:, Or geaes the temperance cause has sufferer from the misdirected; &toils of fan - sties who have viewed the ligaec question simply as a challenge to eight, and who visualize: temperance education as a process of hurling vective at all and sundry who do not; immediately agree with thy. A morning paper which has been fore- most in the "fight" and tells of the ;, drys loading guns "for a feral broad • THE ELECTION The Provincial election campaign, which ended with the voice of the ballots on Wednesday of last week, was one of the quietest in the "history of many. No great enthusiasm was shown atany time: by either side. Only one meeting was held in Zurich, and throughout the riding when a meeting was called, the people would go and listen what the speakers .had 40044 0,0•••41404.04••••••••• 0••••••••@.04,4•40.004-41°4-) 'v 6 e. 4 6 •A • •e 6 0 • •6 • e • e • • •• • r • • • • a Mason: , Risch Upright Piano, •good as mew. Will sell at right • 7 price for quick sale. A .real buy v 1 FRED THIEL - ZURICH .6•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••$4>•00•04.0040.4 *0 PIAPiO Seasoria le Footwear At easonable Prices FINEST OF PATENT., NEWEST WOMEN OF .PATTERNS. ALSO IN THE SMARTEST OF COLORS. IN ;HIGH AND MEDIUM WALWmG HEELS eCHTT,DIZEN'S MANISH OXFOR- DS AND DADITY S'TR'APS. 1.:N SQUARE TOE, LIN'DY OX- FORDS. XFORDS- HERE ARE ALL THE LAETHERS. mmt ARE WEARING PATENTS, BROWN A1'1D BLACK IN QUALITIES TKAT MAKE THE PRICES PIJLOST UN- USUAL. . A :LARGE. ASSORTMENT NT OF RUNNING -SHOES FOR EVER O NE.. WOS. BATHING "SHOES, ETC. REPAIRING AI31NG NEATLY DONE Brovnes : OUR sof Shop IND^ y DISPLAY • a 0 • g - i 0" 43 0 8 0 0 e e 43 43 5 43 as 43 • ••••••0411001102••••••••••••00000•80.4180•08•0000•8000 e f ••••••••••••••••••••••••• @ob.@ .404.0 06.44000,004"144.0. 0 iI ti• 4. 410 L S What We Mean WHEN \WE :SAX AUoodSuit of Clothes A ,.GUARANTEE •OF 'WORKMANSHIP. 3 EACEii star 11CUT DUALLY _A}<ifib rainizem * EXPERTS 3, CORRECT STYLE AND FIT. SMARTNESS'OF DESIGN `S BEAUTY t> OF FABRICS COMBINED INI1U41,V2ALITY • • • Li: W. IIOFF z• • **••••••••900444040.44•440g +r w rM + a••• . OVER OW S'Pit4@I"= TO SCR^ :SE FRINIR I1OFF fAN''S ILIMENiE lealiME 86 ,tl 4. 4 44. 4 to say and then go about their way again. It was a question whether the mass of the people were just sat- isfied with the government as, it stood and meant to return it or whether discusted with the work, and meant to overthrow it from power. However, the ballots spoke with a meaning louder than words, and se- emingly -with nothing better in sight, the big majority of the peopre voted to return the Fergusson Government with the following standing as we have it: Conservatives 91; Independ ent Cons., 2; Liberals 11; Progres- sive 3; Liberal -Progressive 2; Labor 1; United Farmers 1; Deferred 1; Total 112. In Our riding of South Huron there was a big turnover in favor of the Government, as in the last election of 1926 Mr. Medd, the Progressive Candidate had a major- ity of 1628, as compared with the recent election when his majority was cut down to what lqoks like a nar- row escape of only 26. And the rid- ing was in doubt • until Tuesday of. week, when the Returning Officer, Mr. Ford gave out his report of 26 in vavor of Mr. Medd. In North Huron Mr. Robertson, Liberal, and a member of the last Legislature, was returned, but with his 1926 majority cut nearly in half. One of the out- standing pecularieties is that the votes in Hay Township were a per- fect tie: And someone has said that if all the voters of Hay would have. stayed at home and not voted things, would be just the same. The report as voted: No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 Hay Township Elliott Medd 22 41 16 60 90 112 99 68 32. $2 97 57 23 30 52 , 31 431 431 Other Municipalities Totals Usborne Township .62 439 Majority 177 Exeter Village 424 477 Majority 53 .Stephen Tp. 455 552 Majority 97 Hay Tp. 431 431 Seaforth town 434 304 .t Iajoeity 130 Huilett Tp. 345 Majority McXillop Tp. 331 Slajoi'ity 21 .Stanley Tp. 543 361 Majority 182 G.oderich Tp. 504 258 Majority 246 T,uckersinith Tp. 275 Majority Hensall Village 151 Majority :Clinton Town 601 .Majority 173 496 51 310 Totalis 4756 Majority for Medd 527 252 199 48 428 4782 26 More thin Ever ...A Fine Set With ifs exclusive Feature .....Selector Tuner; Dynamic S,pealCer; and other superiors- sties the New Kolster Radio les i'he set you will want to. own. A demonstration will nein you. Come in any time. ELMER OESCH Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Hen sail, were Sunday visitors at the home of M'r's. Lydia Pfile. Dr.. and Mrs. Bryce of F.lesherton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr: and Mrs. C. Fritz. Miss Ethel Fowlie of Bayfield vis- ited the past week with her sister, Mrs-. G. Koehler. Mr. Milne Rader of the 14th con„ has treated himself to a new Pontiac auto from Mr. G. Koehler, local' dis- tributor. Miss Wilson, Supt., of Scott's Mem oriel Hospital, Seaforth, was a Tues- day visitor with her aunt in Zurich, Mrs: Jos. Routledge. Mr. Daniel Smith, who spent a few pleasant weeks with friends and his two sons here, left on Friday for Aumelree where he will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Koffman, Miss Vera Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy O'Brein were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, at Galt. Mrs. D. Gazebo, who spent the past week assisting in Scott's Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, has returned to her home in the village. Township Engineer Rogers, of Mit- chell was in the village on Friday, on professional business, as he was look- ing over some of the ditches in the toWaship that require attention. Mr. and Mrs. James Humphrey and Mr. ,Kenneth Weber, former res- idents of Zurich, were' Sunday visit- ors with friends and relatives in the village. They are now residents of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. F. Braun and family of Forest,' Who were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G..Braun of Crediton, called on Zurich friends on their way home. Sorry to report that Mr. G. Braun of Crediton, is not enjoying his usual good health at present. Hay Council met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday after- noon and had a rather lengthy sess- ion as considerable ditch questions were up again for consideration. This seems a big problem in practically all township municipalities to try and please every ratepayer with the wat- er courses, and in most cases if peo- ple would stop and think and then get together, the cost and hard feel- ings would be reduced in a great many 'cases to half. Monday, November 11th, that is Monday next, will be observed a large National holiday, when we will cele- brate the 'annual day when the Arm- istice was signed of the world war, All places of business in. Zurich, as well as all over Canada, will be clos- ed, and the people are requested to be thankful unto their creator for the many blessings and prospetity re- ceived during another year. Surely we all have much to be thankful for. Let all give this some thought over the week -end. In practically all the churches the pastors will have suit- able messages for the occasion. Lantern Slide Lecture On Thursday evening 7.30 at Em- anuel Evangelical Church. Rev. A. Clemens of Centenial Evangelical Church, Stratford, will give a most il- luminating, interesting and educat- ive "travelogue;, on observations in the Holy Land from first hand know- ledge. Rev. Clemens during this past .summer travelled over the paths where Jesus feet grew weary and dusty and he has a very charming story to tell you. Admission 25c. and 10c. This treat is open to any one young or old. - We invite and welcome you heartily. Mr. Joseph Gelinas of Drysdale, received the intelligence last week that their son Mr. Leon F. Gelinas of Fielding, Sask., met with a very painful auto accident, when his car in which he was driving, and another car crashed into each other at a road crossing on a very nasty morn- ing two weeks ago last Sunday. Mr. Gelinas was taken to the Hospital where he is suffering of back injur- ies; ono ankle was badly swo en:and other cuts and bruises about the head and face are nicely healing. Mr. Gelinas is still at the Hospital, at Haford, twenty miles from his home. Watermars The wise school belle takes a Waterman's Fountain Pen back to class. It means quicker and better work—high. er marks—and lots more leisure time! We have a Waterman's thatwillexactly suit YOU: SEE OUR DISPLAY Priced from $1.00 to $6.50 Hess, The Jeweller COAL 18 COLD DANS YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE BEIM AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPA.Ft.?" WE ARE Prepared with a ieree Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracia,,:,, way Coke, Miller's Creek Sri Pocahontas, Cannell, Gait. Alhrtaz. and Small Pea Coal for Banking DISCOUNT of 50c per ton ansa: for CASH PAYMENT O!NEY a *ter a1.eu"g HENSA5...L OGQ�Ter+ Office Phone 10w House Phase ler 4K 3,•S++++++•84r+'€ +'i'+0+++4,41.44114-We+44+++++•'r++o°4•£4'i,4. .; HIGH CLASS USED CARS BEFORE BUYING A NEW OR USED CAR OF SURE AND SEE US. LONG EASY TERMS H ti .r 1927 FORD COUPE ANY MUSE ER f EXTRA CHRYSLER 4 DOOR SEDAN 4 Wheel Hydraulic Brakes, New Goodyear B:aloon Tires, Nat.urmir Wood Wheels, Fenders, Upholstering and Motor 0. K, SPECIAL ONLY $450.00. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4,4+0eq-:-+÷÷i-÷•:-1-1. Leeks Like New Special Equipment: Front and Rear Bumpers, Heater, Foot Accelerator, Water Pump, and Extra large Steering Wheel. 1 BUGGY. 1927 FORD COACH Finish and Upholstering Like New 1 Ford Light Delivery Truck One Overland, and On 1 Piano. Jewett Touring Cars, 1 Heider Tractor. At your own price, in ? ;A, 1 1929 Essex Sedan. 1 Mechanical Condition., 0 FRITZ & SON USED CAR BROILERS CHEVROLET AND UNITED TRACTOR AGENCIES. �r 6 +++++++++++++++++4414+4444-1444+++++++++++++0442-1.14. c+4*44-14Edr+++++++++O+++044i-1.14. • reKtMtAl Seasonable Goos .. We have a large sioeh of Fal and Winter Goods ON HAND. NEW FLANNELETTES, MILETARY FLANE,L,,„ MACKINAW FLANNELS AND TWEEDS, WOOL AND FLAN- NELETTE BLANKETS,, MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATER COATS, WIND BREAKERS, HEAVY SOCKS AND STOCII.INGS, UNDER- WEAR N ERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ALSO I ; „ GLOVES AND CAPS. ALL PRINTS, G1NGI3AMS„ BROADCLOTHS .i4ND SODOM GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES WE KEEP SUPPLIES FOR. ALADIN LAMPS. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CL AT OUR STE R. N. DOUGLAS QENEi .4al„ MENOMA IT PHONE NE 11 9? E3LA PC