HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-31, Page 3ATAPTAAAA Do you take pleasure in "I NOW go about my daily work with pleasure," ,says Mrs. Scott of Guelph. In. spite of tiring domestic tasks and family care., that is the way every"waman should feel. But how many do? Thousands of women all over the world have regained strength and nervous energy by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,, and write to tell us so. Mrs. Scott le one of these. "I was very much run-down, nervous, tired. .I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. and am as well as ever again. Now I go about my work with pleas- ure; in fact,'feel 10 years younger." Buy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at all druggists and dealers in medicine or, post- paid, by mail at 30 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. 5.22 Owl La: :s The Mece:ere cif a Men Notes -"How did be lite?" l3ut—`How did he live? Not—"\That dict he gars?" But --"\\'hat did he give?" Tbese are the units rro measure the worth Of a man, as a Haan, Regardless of birth. • Not—"What was his station?"' But—"Had lie a heart?" And—ilIloli' (lid ho play. his God-given part?" Was he e'V.er ready With a word of good cheer, To bring back a smile, To hauish a tsar?" 50 PER BOK DrWIII cans' PINK PILLS '•A HOU•CHOLD NAME IN e•1 COUNTRIES" • Not—"What was leis church?" Nor'•-�"\\'hat was his creed?" Bute. --"Had lie befriended those r iu need?" Not—"Whatslid newspaper say?" NO MEDICINE LIKE 1 BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a Mother s Used ThemShe Will Use Nothing ElSe. 7'o once use Baby's Own Tablets is to use them continually ---that 'is ae long as there are young children in the hone. That is the testimony given us by mothers from all parte of Canada, They all say that they know:of nothing to equal the Tablot4, that they find Ulmsafe and eine elan' and at the same time pleasant: to take. Silex. John I3ollinworth, Maidatrne, Ont., writes:—"I have three children, the eldest fourteen and the y..c i gsst Ane months old. I have always used Fairy Tales and Facts Rebecca West in the London Even- ing Nets (Ind, Cons.): A good•look' Seg young woman who is not born to fiches i$ exti•einely unlikely to win any dazzling social success unless she gives herself prestige by following sense sort Of. occupation. Unless she sloes that she is extremely unlikely to secure admission to the world .of galety' en any terms, nniole leas per- manent ,elevation to the prosperous classes. The fairy tale of -Cinderella is only a fairy tale. In real life few 'people marry out of thein own class. One is born to chandeliers and mar- 'iage at ,Hanover Square; they are not to be obtained otherwise save once in a blue moon., Baby's . OwnTablets for them and eal;t,, )lave i:ound no •other medicinu 10 equal the Tablets as a relief for the pillar -boxes it is a delight to find them many ailments of childhot d." looking once more like women, and to Farewell to Fasting London Evening Standard (Ind. Cons.); After a decade during which Women have looked like pencils or ilio sketch in the Baby's Own. Tablets are a mild bu t have all the ancient poetic images of But—"I-low many were sorry:when he thorough laxative which regulate the the female fc:m again coming true. Bowels also site ten the stomachIt'is undoubtedly prettier that raptur- . passed away?" • Civil Aviation Makes Strides In Canada They drive out constipation and indi- sus admirers should be reminded of Greek vases by the appearance of the ladies of their choice than that they should have to recall a mere coffee canister. But the revival has its dan- gestion, break u colds and simple e We heard a flapper say if you avant a sure-fire thrill try kissing a mail easy They are sold by medicine e • d 1 the Cutting of teeth with hiccoughs. dealers or by mail •at 25 cents a box Standing on a street corner the. other day a friend told. JIM that a lady just passing was over 50 years old. Jim said, "You woudn't think it to look at her knees." Why the Diet Habit Continues to Grow Compete with yourself; set your Wife --"Will you love me if I grow teeth and dive into the 'job of break- endeavor revenge. fat?" • ing your own record. 'few women are color blind, ex - ter or for worse—not through is Husband—"No„ I promised for bet- No man keeps up his enthusiasm 1 thick automatically cent in the matter of distinguishing fee m The Dr. Williams' Alec -lime Co., gess, since, if carried to extremes, it Toronto.—Civil aviation in. Canada has become an important factor in the many phases of the business and com- munity life of the Dominion. It is 10 years since civil aviation began in the Dominion, when a commercial cora- pan obtained a contract from the Que- bec Provincial Government to patrol an area of forest land for fire protec- tion during the summer of 1919. Since then many uses have been found for aircraft, which include for- est fire detection land suppression; timber cruising, air photography, transportation of passengers, express and mail, instruction, advertising, sightseeing, and ,"joy -rid ,, ing. Sixty-two organizations or individ- uals are now engaged in civil flying, including the Ontario Provincial Air Service, while 21 light airplane clubs are in operation.' There are 330 air- craft licensed for commercial use in the Dominion, by the Department of National Defense, and 27S commercial pilots, and 253 air engineers hold cer- • tificates. Fifty-three airports and seaplane ports are similarly licensed, while a large number of municipalities In every province are giving considera- tion. to the cou_struction of airports. Nino schools of flying, ,are conducted and a large number of pupils are re- ceivillg instruction. In addition there are 22 private owners of aircraft, and 221 licensed private pilots. An important part is being played by ` aircraft in connetion will •`mineral development hi the northern parts of , the Dominion, The carriage of mail by air is another important Phase, Eighteen months ago , Mail was de- livered to a few outlying districts. During 1923, however, 313,031 pounds of mail were conveyed. For the first 'six months of this year 245,75.0 pounds have been carried by contractors. The. light airplane club movement inaugurated In 1927 has shown great results. Twenty-one clubs are active and have a membership of 4248, of which 278 are solo pilots, and have to their credit a total of 5975 hours in the air to date this year. The construction of an airship base and airport at St. ,Hubert, near Mont - nal, followed the decision of the Do- minion to participate in Empire air , -communication by airship. A moor - king tower has been erected and equip - Ped with the most efficient machinery obtainable for the reception of the British airship 8101, which 18 expect- ed to snake its first transatlantic pass- age in the autumn of this year. An airdrome eeluprising 792 acres is be- ing constructed, which, when corn- plet.ed, wil'rank as one ofinest nest in, the world. Christian Science Moui- tor, Neariy 30 women drove automobiles in the recent 001 -.mile reliability race froin Paris to• the .I'i,ivfera. .'oft can tell pretty well how you stand the comnumity by the way children and dogs like you. Brockville, Ont. Erethu5iaSm. If you can't get enthusiastic about your work, it's time to get alarmed. Something is wrong. will bring hack tight lacing and with it all the ills that went with that bar- barous mode. 'If you are affronted, it is better to pass it by, in silence, or with a jest, though with some dishonor, than to The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says. If not satisfied return the unused part in the package ant the grocer will, refund. your money. e>a REP ROSE ORANGE ]PEKOE ys extra go The rose is fairest when 'tis budding:Classified Advertisements new; .And hope is brightest when it and thin." Enthusiasm must be nourished with, red and green traffic light's,—Florence new actions, new aspirations; new of We will believe that aviation has forts, new vision. It is one's own fault if his enthusi- asm arrived when we see a two -pas asm is gone; he has failed to feed• it. senger.,airplane go by with seven or And right here is the big season eight high-school students seated in why thousands of men hit high-water it. marks at thirty-five and then recede. They can "do their work with their eyes shut," and that is the ,way they do it. They have lost the driving bower of enthusiasm. They sleep at the switch. All ,they see in life is the face of the time clock. All they hear is the quitting whistle. If you want- to turn hours into min- utes, renew your enthusiasm. Helen—"Is your physician helping you to reduce?" Gladys—"I think so. I fancy both father and myself have grown thinner worrying over his enormous bills." The modern girl would rather mend a fellow's ways than his socks. • Then there was the absentminded professor who put the light in bed and put himself out for the night. Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment. Alarm is expressed for fear that ( When joy is denied to the child, skirts may eventually become so high there is very little chance that it will they will be mistaken for neck ruffles. • ever come into the .life of the grown man Scientist has invented a machine that -eau match colors perfectly. We don't know what the machine is, but it isn't a husband. Re—"Have you ever kissed a man before? She (falteringly)—"Y7-yes." He (excited)—"Tell me his name so I can give him a good thrashing." She—"But--=but—he might be too many for you." Teacher—"Tommy, tell the class something about Lindbergh's great feat." Tommy—"I Bever saw them, but I can tell about Charlie Chaplin's." • If he asks mo I'll say "Yes," It doesn't make much difference. He's clever and good looking. His hands are gentle. I like to feel them in my hair. I think he would treat me all right. If he doesn't ask me, never mind—but if he does I'll say "Yes." "Shampoo, madam?" "Yes." Customer—"I want a ton of coal." Dealer—"What size do you want?" Customer—"Well, if it's not asking too nosh, I would like to have a 2000 -pound ton." Nothing makes hair grow so fast around the edges as being bald on top. Talkmuch or write much and you'll be disliked much. Minard's Liniment for Neuritis. x FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber—He Knows or woman. It is just as easy to form a good habit as it is a bad one. And it is just as hard to break a good habit as a bad one. So get the good ones and keep them. INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY ONTARIO FUR & AUCTION LTD. (PRE -LISTING) Activities: 1. Fur Farming in all its branches. 2. Fur Magazine. 3. Marketing service for rabbit breeders. 4. Fur Auction. Please send me without obligation full details oe how your assets were increased over 800 per cent. in two years and your prelisting offer. Name Address Dominion Government Building '59-61 Victoria St. Toronto SAW e'$ pith geiP: I SAW Stays sharp longer Cuts easier. Saws faster SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD, ' MONTREAL .TORONTO '• VANCOUVER. ST, JDUN. N.N. j+! a,c - GceNutNC PHILLIPS `y�of MAGN , d°r��d. INDIGESTION 'ACID srOMActl NeArrrsuati HEADAdlia eAssES•NAUSEA Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about tWo hours after eating. The quick corrective Is an alkali which ' neutralizes acid. The best corrective Iis Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has retrained standard with pbysi.cians in the 50 years since ,,its invention, Otte spoonful of Phillips` Milk of Magnesia, neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. It is harm, dawns from fear's; The rose is sweetest washe dwith morning dew And love is, lovliest when embalmed in tears. —Scott. Riches adorn the house ,and virtue adorns the person, ASTHMA TREE TRIAL PACitAGE of Dr. j. 73 Guild's Green Mountain Asthma Compound sent on request. Origin- ated in 1819 by Dr• Guild, specialist 10 respiratory diseases. Its pleasant smoke vapor quickly soothes and re - Reyes asthtnar—•also catarrh, Standard remedy at druggists, 35 cents, 60 cents and $1.50, powder or cigarette form. Send for PEEE TRIAL i.acic- age of G cigarettes-- Canadian Distri- butors, LYmans, Ltd., Dept, CC2, 280 St. Paul St West• Montreal, Canada, Dr. u t d ASTNMAiCOMPOUN Children wilt fret, often for nn apparent reason. But there's al- ways one sure way to comfort a restless, fretful child. Castorial Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than some powerful medicine that is meant for the stronger systems of adults. That's the beauty Cf this special children's remedy ! It may be given the tiniest infant—as often as there is any need, In cases of colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb- ance, it is invaluable. But it has everyday uses -all mothers should va (90o DROP$) rYRO/d,tvJ 407 �� ASeNlaDleheMwioade• tin! heStalelt ei fHµnR*.N' 5. maebyPromeiof Q�O.Sica`.' cheerNmene• Shear new Oplum,Napb id MineraL OTNAT+LOT ,,,,p„raxierg�A,+g04 tr Ado. After �r1 A helpfulitemeJYAr Constipation and Dwrrl eta and reverinaSL�P L055 OF SLEEP rtluElRCl iw rnesiRlle sitrohued 1NOM1S: The ewrauee,+- •� x+�'i"e 5Do.d. understand A coated tongue calls for a few drops to ward off consti- pation; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever' children don't eat well. don't rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed to set everything to rights. Genuine Castoria has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. SITUATIONS VACANT MORE SIJSN WANTED QUICK, !ilii Pay. easy work. learn while learn- ing barber trade under famous Moler American plan, World's most reliable Immediately school system tcatal Write nrcall 1doier Barber College, 121 Queen West. Toronto POB SALE. CGISTERED PEDIGREED SIX,VPR. foxes, $900.00 a pair delivered. Win. Bates, Ridgetown, Ont. BONNECNERE POS RANCIH. 18777 CAN SUPPLY BEAUTIFUL V stock in Sliver Black Poxes. Reg- istered in Canadian National Live Stock Records, Free from lung worm or other diseases., Li averaged four this Year. Order early. J, M. Briscoe & Son, Northcote, Ont, less and tasteless and its action 10 (Melt. -YOU will never rely on crude, methods, never continaer t•, 'when you ]earn how quickly, how : pleasantly this premier method acts,/ it Please let it show you --now. Be sure to get the genuine I'li!Illps 1. I Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pbysl- dans for 50 years in correcting excess; aids, Bach bottle co)itains ful (Brea -1 tions—ally drugstore. 'fi =!Fe .x•/111.6 ONLIWON Highest grade Toilet Tissue. Ser' ved from handsome, compact fix' tura- -a sani' tary, dust' proof Cabi' net available in nickel or porcelain finish' EDDY'S WiNiteig SI55UE L� fid(% jet tit hihro 11 SLA;'4 Tissues Discriminating women whoride themselves on fine bathroom appoint, ments insist onabathroom paper of real quality It's so easy to get this kind of paper too. Just tell your dealer you want "Eddy"- Tissue. Buy it by name. Then you are certain of getting safer, better, more economical paper, immaculately clean. TISSUES THE E. B. EDDY CO. LTD,. HULL, CANADA •aSe. e wesger eesee ,•6••1• CID 111666616.16. 6.6x, 14, 6 tier . i flssoa ryry�� 10., 6 "COTTAGE" The aristocrat of Toilet Tissues. Cornlilctely wrapped Rolls. 3,000 sheets, full count. - - . "WHITE SWAN" A snowy- white Tissues In wrapped, dust/goof Rolls of Ifo sheets. .. - t`DREAD2'OUGHT" A big value Eddy line. ,\ Sevenouncesof qualityere' ped Tissue in every Roll. A full weight Roll solus' lity Tissue-- 700 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary paper; eel. b'r'ie 11.66.1+11/ 11/61.e as ap .. •ei a e..eie !!► `ei 1 42 -.s•ds�raM we NORSE BLANBET3 ITORSE BLANKETS, LARGE SIZE, fully lined extra real good quality. heavy jute Blankets that will give years of good service. brand 1.w, used as samples. Price Six Dollars a pair, regu- lar Eleven Dollar Value, packed. Shipped on receipt of Money Order. y'rank Bal- mer, Toronto Storage warehouse, Stables 108 Robert Street, Toronto. A MONEY-MAKER! A MONEY -SAVER! CLOVER HULLER After the clover has been thresh- ed by the ordi- nary thresher you can hall, clean and scar- ify your clover seed. This ma- chine can be run by one man. An ordinary gaso- line engine will drive it. rices. Well cleaned clovers bring high p SUPERIOR CLOVER E XLLER CO., Sox 75, Guelph, Ont., Canada After Shave Minard's 'nixed with sweet oil makes a cool, soothing after shave. Heals tiny cuts made by razor. ' For three years I have been troubled with kidney trouble, and could scarcely walk for pain: last Christmas a friend of ming came to stay with us for a few days, and brought with her a bottle of 7Crnschen Salts and gave me a good dose. After about a week, taking a little every morning, I found the trouble leaving me, end I could walk well. 1 have taken Kruschen regn olumtimlott,ulstwee)cudmnagew ti hembtatkthe old trouble came back again. 1 immediately got a bottle of Tirnschea Salts then and there, and I feel quite a now woman again. I am so grate- ful that 1 thought 1 would write and let you know what I think of your wonderful Salts.' (mtant letter ee Ole for iwpcctton.—airs.) •a• R Erusehen Salts is obtainable at drug and department stores in Canada at Tile. a bottle. mq bottle food health for hallast s cen 4 or HLLPED Et1LIIUI43 MOLE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E. Pinkhar's Vegetable Compound Sarnia, Ont.—"I am willing to answer letters from other women, to tell themthe won- derful good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound did me. T cannot be thankfulenoughfor the benefits T re•• ceived during the Change of Life. T do housework and my troubles made me unfit to work. A. friend advised me to try the Veg- etable Compound. 1 felt great re and once, began to regain my app my nerves got better. I will recom- mend your medicine to all with troll, 1621 N. like Christina St., Sarnia Ontarrio. ISSUE No. 43—'29