HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-24, Page 8PAGE . VTGHT TH ST1 O I WITH T$R STOCK Sale Prices 11 'LL •.,UMMER DRESS MATERIALS MUST GO REGARDLESS QF OF COST, TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS NOW T ARRIVING SPECIAL PRICES STILL IN EFFECT ON LADIES' HOSE AND UNDERWEAR Sweaters WE HAVE OPENED A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE . FAMOUS BALLANTYNE SWEATER COATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN, PO:S AND GIRLS. THEY ARE PURE WOOL AND IN SEA- SON'S BEST STYLES. LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU Grocery Specials DOI'.N FLAKES 3 FOR 'ASR RUBBERS, 4 DOZEN FOR.•............................25c ICING SUGAR PER LB. FANCY PINK SALMON, TIN • IALY WHITE SYRUP, 5 LB. TIN • .......... • ......-43c ZIN _ JAR RINGS, DOZEN 18c CANNED PINEAPPLE, TIN 15c POTATOES PER PECK30c . ,• .29c IOc 20c J. GA:HCHO & SONS Prof lLt Wanted Phone 59 W JT not let your money earn 5% PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR WITH SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE INVEST IN • HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Or CANADA MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Combined Assets over $65,000,000.00 OLDER THAN THE DOMINION OF CANADA APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest ----INVESTIGATE! Andrew F Hes, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? .tel,.; .._ ftwayracmilnurteremralavece 1 Z'SVQFV010:40 0404E **151*'ririt*ik 3 t4 0****$&!60®DtiTb® 06 I The Best Place to Buy .AR➢WARE ZUR•ICN JIM* Men's and Boy 's Underwear, Woolen, Fleeced Line, Two piece, or Combinations, Hats, Caps, Sweater Colts, Socks, Etc. All at the Right Prices. LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. WOOL BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, FLANNEL- ETTE SHIRTING, PYJAMA CLOTHS, AND ., EVERYTHING NEEDED FOR THE COLD WEATHER. •CALL AND SEE OUR, LINES DRIED APPLES TAKEN. COMMENCING MONDAY OCTOBER' Mkt, WE WILL TAKE DUTCH SETT ONIONS, AND PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR SAME.,. J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE N(?:145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Championship Public Speaking Contest On Saturday aftern.00n, October 26th, at 2.00 o'clock the Huron Cham pionahip Publis Speaking Contest will be held at Clinton in the Auditorium of the Collegiate Institute. All first prize winners at each school fair in the public speaking contest are exp- ected to compete. This should prove to be a most interesting afternoon for all who wish to attend. November Rod and Gun Featured in the November issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, Canada's national outdoor life magazine, which is just to hand are some splendid and seasonable yarns of hunting in various parts of the Dominion. The noted western hunter, A. Bryan Williams, recently reappointed Chief Game Warden. of British Columbia, returns to the pag- es of the magizine commencing ano- ther of his popular series of hunt- ing experiences. His article, how- ever, is merely one of many dealing with all angles of outdoor life and fishing and hunting interests, while the silver fox department is an ext- ensive section filled with timely artic- les regarding the industry. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Tay- lor, ay-lor, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont. 2 • • • •• SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FROST WIRE FENCING, GOLD MEDAL TWINE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOOD- • YEAR TIRES AND TUBES, HECLA FURNACE% QUEBEC STOVES AND HEATERS, HEATING, PLUMBING AND TINS •• MITHING, A SPECIALTY Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The .Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount of .Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31st, 1928, $22,206,276. Total Cash int Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Ratee—$4.80 per $1,000 for 3 years. Henry Horton, who has been for some time .in Alberta and the coast, has returned to Hensall and intends spending the winter months with heis parents here. Wm. Fee and sisters Sara and Mary visited friends at Dorchester recently. Florence Welsh of London, spent• the week -end at her home here: Mr. and Mrs Eearl Palmer of Win- dsor, were here recently visiting his parents. The many friends of P. W. Foss, are pleased to her that he is improv- ing from a severe attack of erysip- elus. Amy Laramie of Toronto, is visit- ing at her home here. Anthony Haggitt, of Detroit, vis- ited with his daughater, Mrs. C. Wolf Mrs. A. Moir, owing to ill health, was taken to London Hospital, wh- ere she is taking treatments. Mrs. D. Grassic has sold her dwel- ling on Richmond St., to H. Harmon, and Mr. A. Bolton on the same strA; • et has sold his dwelling to J. B. Simpson. At the meeting of the Teacher's Convention of West Huron held • at Exeter, Miss Annie Consitt, of Hen - FIIRNITURE DINING AND BED ROOM SUITS, CHESTERFIELD SUITS, SPRINGS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, ETC. BEEDS BUYERS. AND RETAILERS OF ALL KINDS OF CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. SEE UR FOR PRICES AND QUALITY If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it►. ST DE & WEIDOI Z U R rC ■ O N •. ottoototottsiosettoottreeetwotiosossoireeieraseeessiorsoi 410 E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lidhfniod Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance 3.7 FINE DISPLAY. OF FALL HATS JUST ARRIVED AND . WE ASK ALL LADIES TO GET YOUR'S WHILE THE SUPPLY AND CHOICE IS GOOD. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT, WE CAN ASSURE- . YOU,. AND THE f, UALITY IS GOOD COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE AT THE HAT SELOPPE ONE DOOR WEST OF MERNER'S BLOCK, Vera V. Siebert salt, was elected president. Mrs. L. Wiens of Detroit, spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson: Mr. and -Mrs. Wilfred. Troyer, of Magnetewan, visited with . Mrs. Jos. Hudson. • ' An oyster supper and concert was put on under the auspices of the members of the Canner Presbyterian church on Monday evening last in the church, after the supper a very fine program was run off. Thursday, QctA15or 2404 I629. * *+ +++#+++ ++ $++l p + ' +4.4+++ f .fi Seasonable Goods .I. ' Now is the time. of year to At oat your home with new Furniture Also Sim n.ons Guaranteed Springs and Mattresses isMoMmoseeestmariseeoesmosoossoseoeeoessimessvissisi Scarfe'sCelebratecl Paints and Varnishes FLOOR. FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL CHI-NAMEL VARN SHES 00000• oG 400021 40004000O•'•0!,404600400tM•!••B•!F All Lines of Hardware and Tinware GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE f MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING, ETC., ATrEND- ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTLxCE. CALL AND SEE -US Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 WIIIHGIINNU11111IlAh!kkEiMlfII1L1111111iU1ig1;V4,'•i11I11111111111111!011100iidllllllllllilk1I111E11111118111JIIIIINIIItlllRIIIIPIIiiIDIIMIIIEIPiiGl. iltliillllllllll iW TICS! Auto Tops Buggy Tops r:s. agiu Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies ESS - ( RICA tlllllmlll�ll191111i�1li•IiGIt,`iiliJbP>y?JI� tilllDf fllllil:,`�:3IlIIlNlllliiillltl8.�'�T,"��11�i��Illkill; k�E�:111@�ILIL�m(IfIfIIIIIIIIIU't"IIIniRtllklllJl�'itl�al'JIIu .+++++' .g..,I..I°'v..H• +++*s+✓.•4.++++fit=+".1++ +++F++ -++++++++++*4++ a: NOU'° CES" We have been :..ppointed Agents direct for E ZURICH AND 'V'ICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF t TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OP , WILLY3 OVERLAND LTD. CED tmRISTOCRATFIELD. SWEETER. OEHR L' OW PEI - WHIPPET FOUR ;i IT; DRIV'I IT; I, COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED t AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY ,gyp THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON E. WHIPPET 5 1 X THE MARKET. A CAR w1Tr A. E. BOUND REPUTATION 4. p ilys Kn ght TWO MODELS, THE FAMOUR PROVIDED SLEEVE VALVE A E • MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEE'ORE BUYING ELSBWHERB. A. SATISFACTORY DEAL t ASSURED, BESIDES: 4. "WE .. GIVE ]YOU SERVICE" 1 .. ,. :Els fosse. Zurich f 6++4 F'+^e +4444• •i~Sri'+++++ r++.14 44.14441.4,444.44++++++++++44. --fir— — --+— --—+--l-°—#—ea—•'�— -o, SUITS SIJLT$ To the man.who regards a well dressed. appearance, we recommend you to come and .look over our fine range of Your Summer Home Can Look Twice as Attractive Sitnpiy , cover the Walls . and ceilings with smooth., tight -fitting sheets of Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard—then decorate. Gyproc will also make it cooler on hot days-w-warniet on cold nights fre*i of Wallboard For Sale Thr Ont. C..Kalbfieisch W - ^' Zurich, n . WD iSUARANTEE '8ATY9PACTION OR MORE' t t?tL1DL1 t ,,' , , . RRFUNREFUNDED.ED. ALL OUR SUITE ARE E MADE AND TRIMMED WITH TRi BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE ,I IIEA.D AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MAI•DR 'IrO MBAR - el URE CLOTHES--CORNELI 1W. H. HOFFMAN LOit. W. H.��b11Yk'iA �Ci111y atvmRn MItItellANT TAIL IAND IUNNRAL is R Day 014 Might PRO ti , IS