HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-24, Page 1Vol. XXX NG, 19 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24 (929. Chester L. Smith, Poblishems $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in. Advennceit gam N ARRBARS:4$2 BUY BE COS-41/6eit• Make your Fall purchases from your home Merchants Rev, Father Power reamed to goodly number of years, moved with • Chatham during the past week_ Mr. and Mrs.' Lenid.ss Collies of Kitchener were week -e initors pith their parents bee Dr. and Mrs. IL IL Cowen and lit- ' tie Meriam were Sunday visitors with the Doctor's parents at Fergus. Rev. and Mrs, S., R.Krechtel of St Jacobs, visited at the home a laws. Rennie, a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lament„ and Raughter Margaret, of Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, and .Miss Wane Lamont of town spent the week- end with friends at Carlo, Melee and ;other points in that seetiom. their effects to Kitchener on Thurs- day of last week. Mr.,'Kropf for .many years was one of the popular threshers of this elistrict, and this fall disposed of his ,outfit to a man in the Ottawa Valley District, and hence Mr. Kropf is now free to go to the city. During the time of year that Kopf was not engaged In thresh- ing, he was usually engaged in gar - ,age work, inf *bide he had a wide experienced. Their many Zurich fri- ends will indeed miss, them very much and extend best wishes in the busy city of Kitchener. Mr Sohn Foster of the Babylon an utstanding Mr. and Mrs., Peter Kropf„ Nebo Bile recently drilled o llasve been residents! of &them for a flowing well ore the farm of Mr. ,C7ar. 141P4,040•44.444.44).0044.04.4. 04,494.4.4400.4)44.04.40444>4)40 : . • 4 • I • 4 4*, . TO .. PIANO i. o -* • * • 4 • Aso 4* ie re • le • • • Mason 8.T-1, Risch Upright Piano, good as new.. Win sell at right price for gal sale. A. real buy • 4, • FRED TiliE:L • . ZURICN : 44.4)444.4.4444444)404000 44)414.44,044./4,04)4.4>44.40C, 040 Erb, of the Bronson Line. The wat-. er comes up with such force that its own pressure carries it up in the sec- ond story Of the house. What makes the thansaction' rather unusual' is ow- ing to the fact that Mr. Foster is nearly 80 years of age, and is ind- eed a very active man for his age. HILLSGREEN. Fowl Suppers are • now tne o▪ rder of the day. ' Mr. Clarence Reichert of London, spent the week -end under the parent alroof. 1VIrs. L. Troyer spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer of near Hensall. Miss Muriel Carlile returned to her home after spending several months in Clinton. Mrs. B. McAllister and sons Robt. and Jas. attended the funeral of the former's brother, the late Mr. Alex. McAllister of Marlette, Mich. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys and fam ily left . the beginning of the week for their new home near Exeter. We are sorry to loose good 'citizens from our neighborhood. The best wishes of their many friends and neighbors go with them to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey Jr., and family are getting nicely settled in their new home recently purchased from Mr.. A. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido and dau- ghter Dorothy of Zurich, called on friends in. the village on Sunday. Quite a number from this vicinity attended anniversary services in Var- na last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston„ ac- companied by Mrs. Edighoffer, spent a few days with friends in Fullerton and Mitchell. Mr. Thos. Meyees and family of tatiovsooaoterotosetsco,""ecoote Zurich, spent Sunday with friends re *********1k**Cinearent=441e0 • • the village • , Mr. Ttiff. Denetny 'and Mr. Rich - Footwear 1 Seasonable eximr, At Reasonable Prices FINEST OF PATENT, NEWEST WOMEN OF PATTERNS, ALSO IN THE SMARTEST OF COLORS. IN HIGH AND MEDIUM 'WALKING HEFS.S CHILDREN'S MANISH OXFOR- DS AND DAINTY STRAPS. MEN SQUARE TOE LINDY OX- FORDS. HERE ARE ALL . nen. MITE LAETHERS.. MEN ARE WEARING PATENTS, BROWN AND BLACK IN QUALITIES THAT MAICE UPI PRICES MOST UN- USUAL. A LARGE ASSORTMENT or RUNNING .SHOES FOR EVERY 0 NE_ WOS.. BATHING SHOES, ETc. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE lare ythand w esister d nnuan under Deparental.parental, roof. DRYSDALE • Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denomme and g Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laporte,. were week -end visitors in Detroit, return- ing home on Ti esday last. S. The Ladies of the Altar Society of St. Peter's Catholique church held ta meeting last Sunday to elect a pres- • ident when Min. George Denoimne g was. elected to eueceed the late Mrs. 4§ J. B. Laporte. • Mr. Louis Mousseau and Mr. Seg - • ester of St. Joachim were week -end • • visitors at the home of Mr. Edward Moueseau. Mr. Reinie Denomme has rented Mr. Fred Papineau's farm for the next two years. The local painter, Mr. Uttley, has • • put a fresh coat of paint on Mr. Ed. ts Bedard's house, which makes the • place look spic and span. Highest prices paid for fowl by WINDOW DISPLAY Miss B. Mousseau and Mr. Ed. 11111012.064111541415‘0640641413444.7$0406**-4Militit2C44:1g9COVOCKE0:: J. Gelines' store. Your patronage SEE OUR es Boot Shop will be appreciated. • Mousseau were Sunday visitors with relatives in Port Franks. *444,1,41.4,4re,.c44.,44.,iiks,•441-4.01-041-4k 441.44,44.•41.4.4s,o4,,4t 4.4 n 1What -No 2 4 • • 41. • I1 A GUARANTEE OF "WORKMANSHIP_ 2 EACH. saak-r IINDIVIDUALLY cur .111ND 'TAILORED BY EXPERTS • • 3. v. CORRECT sryiz.AND Err. • • • 4., SMARTNESS OF IniESIGN WHEN WE SAY Good Suit Clothes ...BEAtrry.. rABE.1, cs Covinnizovnit,. yr: • • OVER MD SAMPLES 70 MOOSE *ROM • • • IIHOFFMANtS =ACK , • More thin Ever. A Fine Set .. II e, 0 ' With its exclusive feature o . .......Selector Tuner; Dynamic 41' 1 • ' Spealcerland other superiori- , , Iles the New Kolster Radio 4 . • , is the set you will want to * • ,own. A demonstration will o ; , 'win you. Come in any time. 4 • esenv,se/2_,..-neenn e e - ennses• 4.1.1•14.11.01,, , Rev. and Mrs. E. Tuerkheim were visitors to Kitchener the past week. Mr. and .Mrs. E. Oesch were to London on business on Tuesday. • Mr. C. Fritz made a business trip to Kitchener oh Tuesday: Mr. Wm. Decker, Mrs. T. Decker, and Mr. J. Hey, r., made a business trip to London on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut this week. Mr, Weber of Elmira, was a Sun - den visitor with his brother, Mr, A. A. Weber, of the Bronson Line. Mr. Sol. Bettchen of London, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Martin, Babylon Line. l‘ir. and Mrs. J. E. Gascho and family motored to Pigeon, Mich., ov- er, the week -end where they visited at the home of Mrs. Gascho's father, Mr, John Geiger, and other relatives, Mr. Ward Fritz is away to Wind- sor where he is looking over the list of used cars, and will probably soon fill up their new storage garage with a fine array of high class used cars. Mr. and Mrs. D. Oswald, of the BrOnson Line, and Mrs. M. ,Wurin, and 3,11:l V. V. Siebert, motored to Windsor over the week -end, where tb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl *MCClinchey. ,Three thousand dollars in Ford Plate, plus trained Ford mechanics tenures you of genuine Ford service at the Ford Garage—Sandy Elliott, We stock genuine Ford Parts, - all models 1912 to 1929. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frank of Wat- erloo, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Preeter and family of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. W. Finkbeiner, and daughter Miss Hazel of Stratford, we noticed among those from a distance who attended the fowl supper hi town last Thursday evening. Mr, George Volland, Less and Chasten' Benedict, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland and Mrs. Wm. Pfaff and daughter Ruby, of Tuckersinith, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Vollaml, Bronson Line. A goodly number from the village attended the Nomination at Hensall on Saturday afternoon, when Mr. W. G. Medd, of Exeter, M. P.P., took the nomination to run for Progress- ive Candidate, and Mr. G. Elliott, of Clinton accepted the nomination to run as a Conservative Candidate, in the coming election, which takes place on Wednesday, October 80th, Our local sportsmen are spending some early mornings down along the lake with thte expectancy of getting in touch with some wild geese, but so far very few have been seen and consequently less captured. The ideal fine weather has kept these famour sporting fowl at other parts so far this season. A few good blows, or a snow storm or two would bring them along, and make the local boys busy. A goodly number of the villagers enjoyed the fine scenery motoring through the Pinery on Sunday after- noon. Especially at this time of the season is the scenery beautiful, as the foilage on the trees represents almost ?Nay color imaginable, and while the road lied is very rough and choppy, yet the scenery compensates one well for this uncomfort. The Yowl Supper at the Evangel- ical .church, Zurich last Thursday ev- ening was a decided success in every detail. The crowd was immense. The eats were tasty and plenteous. The management, service and system were perfect. The order was 100% good. The entertainers greatly deli- ehted the audience with every one of the numbers rendered. The entire etaff of workers served most efficient - y. -The Bazaar Booth of fame; sew, - Ing, orange tree and sweets brought nearly $100.00 into the Ladies Treas. ery, The total proceeds of the sup- per were in round numbers $1050.00. The following Clergymen graced the occaeion with their preSence; RevSis. Tnerkhoini, Peteose, Sauer, 1KneChtel. Leibold, Pike, Roy Geiger, Litt, Father Marchatd. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS WATERMAN PENS. ALL SIZES AND COLORS $1.50 to $6.50 WA. • .;) ! COLD DAYS 9 YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE, HEIM AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED.% WE ARE Prepared with a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite-,, Se. ''ay Coke, Miller's Creek Sof-th,. Pocahontas, Connell, Galt Alherta„ and Small Pea Coal for Baulking DISCOUNT of 50c per ton alloweet? for CASH PAYMENT ONL Cate. Hess, The Jeweller HENSALL Office Phone lOw House Pb.onealF, 4- 4. 4. 4: CHEVROLET AND UNITED TRACTO.R. AGENCIES. 4. HIGH CL ASS USED CARS: .4"- e? - OF ANY MAKE RS1 •te ets BEFORE BUYING A NEW OR USED CAR. SURE AND SEE US. LONG EASY TERMS 1927 FORD COACH In perfect Condition, a won- derful buy. Bumpers, and Speedometer 1926 FORD COACH Mechanically A. 1., a real Bar&vain $285.40 1•141aMilt. 16..1161-10. 1927 FORD COUPE Loaded with extras.. This car is a lot better than the average used car. A REAL SNAP 1 NEW PIANO Taken ii cn a Chevrolet Sa Terms SPECIAL PRICES ON THESE CARS 1-1929 Essex 4-cloor sedan.. 1-1926 Essex 4 -door sedan.: 1—Ovez4and Touting, 15'2J Model. 1—Baby Grand Touring 1 Ford Touring very cheap. 1 GENT'S BICYCLE 1 TOP BUGGY I ,6•YR. ow HORSE. smearmunnonumumearmana, morim eccsax,unvvremmtiotinraer. . FRIITZ et SON USED CA/Z. BROKERS Seas ble '!••• ,- "cg ,r)C14'170 .iNaq We have a large &Web. of Fall and Winter Goods ON HAND. NEW FLANNELETTES, MILITARY FLANCeanne MACKINAW FLANNELS AND' TWEEDS, WOOL AND FLAN- NELETTE BLANKETS,, MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERCWT. WIND BREAKERS,. HEAVY SOCKS AND STOCKINGS, /..INDM- WEAR. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ALSO MITTS.„ GLOVES AND CAPS.. ALL PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, BROADCLOTHS AND SISSITiMiii, GOODS AT REDUCES) PRICES WE KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALADIN LAMPS. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE SOU :CALL AT ova frpartar., R /V. L LJUG- AtI Gesse,NERA4 ilkIATROH,ANT PHONE ti .* • • • • • "•-ra *.p.o..*.rootwoow1I:" .1',":4;4=0 5. , 41,