Zurich Herald, 1929-10-17, Page 71 s YOUR
PERHAPS by dieting or
i other means, you have
been treating the symptoms,
rather than the cause. Loss
of appetite, heartburn, sour
stomach, are symptoms that
the blood is impure. This
explains the successful use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in
all such cases. Here is s
typical example:- --
"I began to feel easily
tired," writes Miss Margaret
White, of Parry Sound, "azul
where Y sat down to a meal I
felt i did -not want to eat. A
doctor told me I was anaemic
but I made little progress
with his medicine. When I
started taking Dr..Williams'
Pink Pills I soon noticed that
my appetite was improving,
that the headaches came less
frequently end that I was not
so easily tired. Now my
weight ` has increased, my
cheeks are rosy and every
ache and pain has van-
Start today to improve
your appetite. Buy Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills from your
druggist's or by trail, post-
paid, at 50 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ontario.
Send for free book—"What
to Eat and How to Eat".
Owl Laffs GOOD IN EVERY WAY Infantile Para ys s
Politielans console themselves ,with
the belief that they are stFttesmen not Baby's Own Tablets rBan4sh
yet .arrived, Babyhood and Childhood
The control and prevention of au-
thorities. The policy of the Depart-
ment of Health of Ontario has been
Ailments. for some years now to offer a variety
33illy's �tl�iddy took lain log the rail of services to assist local health all
road to see the circus unload, After ( A medicine that all mothers praise lbori ties in their fli;lit against conn-
seeing the elephants, camels. and other., —alne good in every way—ane that =nimble diseases in their respee,.
animals unloaded from Abe tares, his will ri'icdc1y banish the minor ills of live communities, and the public are
daddy said; "Well, Billy, 1 guess we lbaby'lioad Gild chilclhaecl is the meth -1 Well informed in regard to the prod_
have''seen it all, ow shall we go aide to keep in the medicine chest; to ucts whiell the Department tlistri-
Itome? To which. Billy replied: "No, 'always have on hand in case of ewer -i butes free of charge for the preven-
Such a • medicine is 'Baby's . tion of certain communicable diseases.
daddy, let's stay ti tvlule longer and gency•
see !lash! unload the clowns."1-Own Tablets --they arehelpful at all The people of Ontario are also very
tdmos ' I are a iniad but thorough appreciative of the fact that the De -
Every dollar you save til9re are ten ,laxative fibreh by regulating the pertinent extends this humanitarian
' h colds and service to iitclucle treatments for
Red Rose Grange Pekoe Tea is truly economical. A
half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pours
of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c. 84
h 1 lying in wait to beat yeti out 1 1 1� N isextra good
simple levels, coit•ec;t constipation' sons suffering iron! specific diseases R�� ����' ��A�� PEKOE ..�.
of i`t:.
Sharks g)o eels and stomach banes
and indigos"ion relieve colic and —insulin for diabetes, serum for in
Nothing 1vorlt•; out perfectly. Twin diarrhoea and make the cutting of fantile paralysis, antitoxin for scarlet
lover and diphtheria, etc.
beds became fashionable after twins !teeth easy. The moxa striking item, however, s
!vent out. Thousands of mothers use no other
__ {medicine for their little ones, Among the provision, without cost, of con-
them is ..Ml's. 3. Il. Bromley, West- valeseent serum for the treatment of
There is nothing that a broadens one tit, who wt`Itos:--"l have infantile paralysis, which l8 the most and (when net otherwise engaged ing barber trade Under ramous A4olei
like ti's Pel, els. it is too many hot Ont., recent addition to the list If free street cleaning department, was at a :ititer1oan plan, worlds most reliable
four children and whenever any of I laarber school system Write or tali
fudge sundaes. 'll I. always fisc Baby's Own products distributed by the Depart -los to lrnow what to do . immediately lot glee tatalnit Molel
._ I men • ,alis was un er etch urin � Queen tVost Toronto
w� tt r PER OCX
"p 1#ousr,HoLD NAME
A municipal plant in a small Col- Classifie=d Advertisements
orado town broke down. The man in si'rvcTiorrs vnealux
charge, who was also own constable
superintendent of the water works j c pay, easy wo a .,i 1 rn l lTev'teMUri-
them are t 1' d t 1 d g'
The demand of the.people who can Tablets and have fotaid them good in the preseilt year when an invasion
do things the way they should be done every way. 1 would not be without •
of infantile paralysis within the bsio
t — would also. like Your is still as great as ever.
llerber College, 121 ue' •
IIthe Tablets `_` - daries of Ontario seemed at least a
little booklet 'Care of the Baby in ,
II 1 possibility little
l p y if not a probability.
Talking pictures may have to ;be I
'' Tablets are sold by •
Health and Sickness'."
- I tis scientific knowledge that the
the patrons insist Baby s Own blood serum of a recovered ease of
medicine a infantile Paralysis has a curative of-
' cents a box from toWilliams'
abandoned because to dealers of 'by mail at 25
on doing all the talking. I r l
. t T] A ti
Medicine Co Brockville, Ont.
"Henry, it says here that Mr. Jack-
son pelted the pill for three sacks.
What does that mean?"
"Good heavens, Mary, can't you un-
derstand plain English? It means
that he slugged the sphere safe and
landed on the third pillow."
Right again i A .thing
keeps you broke forever.
If she calls he sweetie
only kind she can hook
enough to be her papa.
Don't question your wife's judgment
—look who she married.
of beauty
"papa" the'
is one old
Even a smaII town has its exclusive
social leader who borrows sugar from
a neightor she wouldn't invite to a
"Baby's getting on wonderfully —
I'ln stu'e she'll be able to walk soon."
"Do you think it's worth the trou-
ble teaching her—hardly anybody
walks much nowadays."
feet if injected into an acute ease in
the early stage, Fully 200 cases
Not only is the Royal Winter Fair r
a show for horses, cattle, sheep, swiuo,
dogs, silver and other foxes, poultry,
rairying, fruit and flower growing,
see, grains, and pet stock, but is Is
somewhat of a specialized show for
cases have been treated with blood Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment.
i serum obtained and prepared by this
Department during the current year.
Without this treatment either paralyz tic n of the vaccination mark.—Brook-
ed or would have suffered death. The 1yn Times.
complete cures in the treated cases
this year show a successful result of The ,Royal `Venter Fair, held in Ta
over ninety-five per cent., which meaas
that nearly 200 citizens rf this Pro- ronto in November, is a robust pro-
vince will be alive and well instead of moter of national unity in Canadian
being either dead or paralyzed, and agriculture.
the cost in connection with this work
has been in the neighborhood of fifteen
hundred dollars.
Future archeologists can trace our
development of styles by the migra-
The surgical operation used to be •'I thine. Canada'sr
employee! only as a last resort; now earned a Oldest Spell Sdry-
it's employed as the first, last and all dock" says Boatswain H. McEwen,
in between. ' aged 73, who sailed from Vancouver
Employee—"I won't work for the for the Orient on his last voyage be-
salary yon pay me." 1 fore retirement, on hoard the Empress
Employer—"You don't now." [ of Russia, recently. He has been at
__ sea 02 years and is the oldest sailor
She ---"191 be a sister to you." an the employ of Canadian Pacific
He "All right, sis, lend me a quar Steamships Ltd. As a lad of it he
ter." I snipped out of London in a sailing
i vessel, served in the United States
It is much easier to love a poor girl, Navy and entered the service oil the
• than a rich one. There is not nearly ? Canadian Pacific in 1893 where he re;
SUNSPOTS VARY IN NUMBER I ' mainetl until his retirement. ''I don't
so much competition. I regret my days at sea", he said,- "It.
Sunspots vary in numbers in a;
I was a hard. business to learn in the
period of average length a eleven! Johnny was proudly displaying his old days but mess Ito to -day err•,
And a half years. The weather is lacy puppy. "What kind of a clog is 1
changes in the sun, In some localitiesas good as most uncles ashore:'
found to vary along with these it?" querried his uncle,
quite definitely. As a result living Johnny paused for a moment and Mr. Hoover‘and
conditions vary with consequent ef-
fects on birds ,animals, trees, grain Andale but his mother was af • t l e n- -.e , 1
so I don't know just what he is."
1 then said, "Well, his father was an
growth, and economic conditions.
"Did you notice," asked one woman
Airs. 'Awkins lad a I
of another, "that would have been turned out of the
The old fashioned woman who
black - eye?" "Did I not?" was the
answer. "And 'er 'usband not out of
prison for an other week. I don't
call it respectable." •.
Heaven knows best, but it would
be nice if some of these imported in-
sect pests liked dandelions.—San
Francisco Chronicle.
Ask Your Barber—He ttnows
church for Glancing now has a daugh-
ter who dances until midnight Satur-
day night and sings in the choir in
They were playing strip poker, and
the Good Little Girl has lost steadily;
she WAS down to her last garment.
This was terrible; she racked her
brain for a way out. Alii
"I'll have to stop," sh.e told them.
"I've no more clothes to stake."
"Your chemise," they chorused.
"But slips don't count, you know,"
she said.
Animal Pets
The Entomological Branch of the
Department of Agriculture is protec-
tive in every sense of the word, and
the Destructive Insect and Pest Act,
which the branch administers, is one
of Canada's most important legisla-
tive measures ,based as it is on the
fact that the best way to control dan-
gercus insect pests and plant diseases
is to prevent their introduction.
Herbert Hoover does not have many
•pets of his own, but he fully under
stands how much they mean to others.
While the Mississippi flood was at
its height, and his whole attention
was riveted on the task of assisting
thousands of refugees, a soldier came
into his temporary office.
"What are we gonna do with these
Ycu may have noticed that Maggie
of the funny papers hasn't a monopoly
Ion that kind of disposition.
.11 yes
are east,/ r
to use
DIAMOND DYES are. used by
practically the same method as
any other dye. They go on easier,
though—more smoothly and evenly;
without spotting or streaking. That's
because they are inade from real
anilines, without a trace of fillers to
injure fabrics or give things that.
redyed look.
Diamond Dyes 'contain The highest
quality anilines that looney can bey.
That's why they give such clear,
bright, .new -looking colors, which
keep their depth and brilliance so
remarkably through wear and
Next time you have dyeing to do,
try Diamond Dyes -at our risk, See
that they are easier to use. Then,
compare results. You will surely
San Proof
agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes.
The ztthite package of Diamond Dyes
is the highest ,quality dye, prepared
for general use. It will dye or tint
silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or
any mixture of materials. The blue
package is a special dye, for silk and
wool only. With it you can dye your
valuable articles of silk oi•'wool with
results equal to the finest professional
work. When you buy—remember this.
The blue package dyes silk or wool
only. The white package will dye
every kind of goods, including sine
and wool. ;Your dealer has both
Dyes contail,non y
highest l 1 qua y anilines anilines
Awl it i of
telattic earl. They arehe $014ra Of the it rich color for brilliance and ¢¢slum
colors, {
QiIICX. RELIEF obtained by than -
sands through use of Dr. J II. Guild's
Green \fountain Asthma Compound.
Its pleasant smoke Vapor soothes and
relieves. Originated in 1569 by Dr.
Guild. specialist in respiratory dis-
eases, Also relieves catarrh. Standard
remedy at druggists: 35 cents. G0
cents and 51.50, powder or cigarette
ornt. Send for FREE TRIAL pact: -
age of 6 cigarettes. Canadian Dis-
tributors, Lymans, Ltd,, Dept. CC1,
288 St Paul St. West, Montreal, Can.
o�tiUh,.j a ° 0REEN 1•l0Ul1TAlid
igi. ASTH?ildCQMPiUtdJ
For Troubles
due 10
for -the
L1 foxes, 5400.00 a pair delivered. 'Vi'ul.
Bates, Ridgetown, Ont.
In a certain reach of the Thames,
bathing is popular in. a quiet back-
water, and not always, it appears, art
the bathers provided with the ammo
tionai attire.
OP EARS- IFres la BAC$ ♦' '"?
IN NOSTRILS,.r'a.,,.: EAR. Olio
51.25 All Druggists Descriptive folder on request
70 Fifth Ave., New Torii city
Good for Cattle
Keep Minard's in your barn for
distemper and colic. An excellent
first aid for your stock.
the Simonds Cross
Cut eats through
thetoughest woods
pered Simonds
Steel gives extra
long service.
z9 E;
dogs, Mr. Secretary?' he asked. About two hours after eating many
"What dogs do you mean?" asked people suffer from sour stomachs.
IIoover. They call it indigestion. It means that
"Why, a lot of these refugees have the stomach nerves have been over -
brought clogs with them, and some stimulated. There is excess acid. The
have cats, too," replied the soldier•. way to correct it is with an alkali,
"We'll take care of then!, and good which neutralizes many times its vol -
care," .hoover announced. "Those ume iu acid.
people haven't saved much. If any of The right way is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia—just a tasteless dose in
water. It has
'them have pets — dogs cats or ele-
phants—let them keep them and take
care of them. Have some of the re-
fugees build corrals with runways for
the dogs."
A few of theui have canaries"—the
soldier began.
"All right," said Uncle Sam's emer-
gency man, and turning to his secre-
tary, "Order some bird seed and if it
is not on the regulation list, charge It
to me."—Norlhiield, Vt•, News.
Night Peace
Even as the lily
All night awake,
Upon the still waters
Of the dark lake,
Moves not nor stirs,
Even so she,
So white, so weary,
Sleeps—as the lily
On the dant lake.
Even as the lily
All night asleep
In the still 'waters
Looking down deep,
Moves not nor stirs
On the dark lake
Even so she
Whq lay long awake
'Who lay down to weep
Dreams -•with the lily
On the dark lake,
--P11y11Ls TIowell, in the English
Cotllltry Lite, •
.The V.S, national affection for the
hot dog has proceeded tar beyond the
pupPY-love stage. Arkansas Gazette.
Minard's Liniment for Warts.
and with physicians in the 50 years
since its invention.
It is the quick method. Results
come almost instantly. It is the ap-
• proved method. You will never use
another when you know.
(Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
clans for 50 years in correcting excess
,acids. Each bottle contains full direct
remained the • stand- tons—any drugstore.
The man who would
never walk again.
rho could imagine a more poignant story than
this? d champion athlete—bedridden. 2'ola
Mat he could never walla again ... -1 And
then los tools Tiruseken,
"My doctor told my landlaiiy that I could
never walk again. I had rheumatism set in
about Uhristmas-thee, and was confined to
bid for two mouths.
I 0m nearly sixty years otage. After taking
six bottles I ant starting to work next week,
tip till two years ago I had bens Cham-
pion Lasing Cyclist. .1 bate ,von a prize every
time I have ridden. Being an athlete, but a
poor scholar, it would tab me a week to write
the facts about hrnseben Salts." —11', IZ1. E.
Original 1.11., snub for Inspection.
iiruschen Salts is obtainable at drug and
departtnent stores In Canada nt ;Go. a bottle.
A bottle contains enough to last for or 5
months—good health for half -a -cont a day.
....-linnto" o 4079 rrattnee!argnan
IintUkSloaari' endponceof
Babies will cry, often for no
apparent reason. You may u cannot
know what's wrong, but you
always give Castoria. This soon
has your little one comforted; if
riot, you should call a doctor.
Don't experiment with medicines
intended for the stronger systems
of adults! Most of those little
upsets are soon soothed away by
a little of this pleasant -tasting,
gentle -acting children's remedy
that children like.
It may be the stomach, or may
be the little bowels. Or in the case
of older children, a sluggish, con-
stipated condition. Castoria is still
,sat ulppneppssm o ff° a
Mineral, !lune°TIo
MOO/ Stakil7V/S0
ePFeverishnessndu d
Loss or
ttsuttihtrN r°1'4
trNYAVnno„Vo nonTIO-
3au"<Al i$
the thing to give. It is almost
certain to clear up any !Minor
ailment, and could by no possi-
bility do the youngest child the
slightest harm. So it's the first
thing to think of when a child has
a coated tongue; won't play, can't
sleep, is fretful or out of sorts.
Get the genuine; it always has
Chas. 14. Fletcher'
s signature on
the package.
took Lydia E. Pinkhanfs
Vegetable Compound for mis.
erable and tired feelings and
it gave ire strength to do nay
work. My nerves ate better and
1 feel well and strong'and have
a good appetite. I sleep well
and air in pretty good spirits
and able to work every day
now. I reconunend the Vege-
table Compound and you
may usethis letter as a testi•
lnonial.s Miss Delvena Wal.
lace, Union Street, North Devon,
New Brunswick.
ISSUE No. 41—'29 a ,