HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-17, Page 5urs c is debar :I'Tthy 192... NU5IN$3 CARE* DUDLEY E M fomgs 1Wants, PUT VOUS For Salle, Lost, S*RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT L!`RY PUBLIC, BTC, +IR 'FILE—Hamilton Street, Jiewat oft the Square, GODSRICB, Outwit). Hpedtd attention to Counsel and. Court World. "Ir. Holmes may be eonsvhted at l[ eadeeiich by Phone, and Phone - charges reversed. Dr. IL II. C0WEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At PEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH .Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At B.ARTh1+,IB'S BLOCK, DASRWOOD -Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A-U-C-T-I-a-N-E-E•R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Ma tiSchool of Auctioneeriag. Try ase for Registered Live Stock, fAll Breeds). Terms in keeping vtth prevailing prices, Choice Farms for sale, Will well anything Anywhere. - Phone 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless in to piss or article to well. I solicit your lmaineae, and it not .fabied will make no charges for .Arthur Weber — Dashwood. hose 13--67 Overstock 29x4.40 30x31 Fires, Tubes, Low Prices N ®W I S. Wein' DASHWOOD :e••r••••••a•••••••sN 11011 . urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING 'THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED ;FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT IL DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB iLSHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & Sou 4101111+1110111184111110.000080011111664 Announcement WRING. PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Goal Coke Alberta Coal. and Soft Coal ► SPTCLAI, DISCOUNT OF 50 Cas. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Vas* rdsr Early as prices will advance en June 15th.. Case & Son ;bane 35 N NSALL L t VI' POU LT R WANTED Mama every day tin "J teek,P.m. Mkt mot tem Fowl acme morning when brota ht Highest •Cash Prices -RYA P 3 a -^ Cream and Eggs W. CeStien ,010•044. ..wog NAt1Q$.,1IERAL.P 'Founds Notice, Etc. Ads IN MS t OLD1t1/ LOST Sanas time ago a Ladies" paarat ol, blue, with amber handle, and the cord being attached -from the end of handle. Finder kindly return to Miss V. Siebert, It- RADIO—Come in and hear the A New Victor Micro Synchronoic Ten !Tube Radio at W. C. Wagners, Zur- iclL NOTICE We are operating our cider mill, on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, and would advise the public who repuire cider made or applebut- ter cooked, to make arrangements by telephone. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. STRAYED ____�._____ From Lot 25, con. 14, Hay. Two 1 -year-old cattle. One white, one red and white. Finder kindly notify Nelson Masse, R.R.2, Zurich, Phone 12-93, NOTICE Having disposed of =my property in Zurich, I have decided to sell all lines of Groceries, Etc.,in stock, at cost prices, for shtick sate_ Peter Ravelle, — Zurich. LOOK A. Fordson Tractor and a Two - Furrow Plow in good shape, that has been taken in on a new Case Tractor, for sale . J. Hey, Jr., Zurich. 10-t NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday, 18th day of October, 1929, at 3 p. m., o'clock, afternoon, to hear and deter- mine complaints of errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Hay for 1929 for Municipal Purposes. Dated the 9th day of October, 1929. A. F. HESS, CIerk of the Municipality . of the Township of Hay The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada EtEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 ..l grantee and Accident Insurance. )ldest and Strongest Co. in Caneda, The farmers, of this section are now busily engaged with their bean crop threshing which runs only an average light crop, as most fields t yield about 15 bushels to the acre, c 'while there are some exceptions that t go twenty and over. But the high p prices which are being offered will easily make up for the lighter crop. it LOCAL NEWS MTS. H. H. Cowen and Mrs. E. Oesch were Friday visitors to Loudon Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Gascho and fam ily motored to London one day last week. Mrs, C. L. Smith and daughter Mae were Friday visitors with friends inB HensaiI.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'rein, Mis Mrs, Leero Olive O'Brein, Mr. and O'Brein, were Sunday visitors wit friends at Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brennerman; of Milverton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs: P,. Brennerman, Blake over the week -end. Mrs. C, IL Joy is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs, Helen CamribeIl is visiting a few days in Kitchener. Mr, Harold Walker spent the we- ek-end e- ek end at his home in Walkerton, al- so Mr. Cecil Kissick at his home at Clifford. Both. being of the staff of the Zurich Bank of Montreal. There were twenty-one lives lost over the week -end. No deaths were reported amongst those who were at - tending church.—Ex. Mr. A. F. Hess, the Treasurer of the Zurich Fall Fair, wishes to ad- vise the exhibitors that he is now in a position to pay out the prize money Mr. and Mrs. " W. J. Merner and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Merner, at Dash- wood, A goodly number of the village at- tended the large fowl supper at Cred- iton on Thursday evening last, held by the Evangelical church of that place. One Cent Sale at Hensall, Ont. Rexall One Cent Sale at Hemphill's Drug Store, Hensall — This week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 17-18-19 Mr. Robert McClinchey of Stanley Township has purchased a very valu- able pacing mare from Mr. David Schwartzentruber of the Bronson Line, Hay Township. The auction sale of Standard bred horses held by Mrs. J. Decker, Jr., on Tuesday afternoon, was in every way a decided success. The weather be- ing ideal for the occasion, consequen- tly a large crowd gathered, and the prices paid for this stable of high class stock, was very attractive. The proceeds of the sale amounting to considerable over $1900.00, The World's Series baseball games came to a very dramatic ,close on Monday afternoon, when the Phila- delphia team in the last half of the ninth inning came up from behind, and what looked like a complete shut out, and with the necessary punch put across three runs, the amount re- quired to win the game, and the ser- ies as well, as this team had already won three gams to Chicago's one. And this made a new record for the 67 year old manager of the winners of having in his career won three wortu s series, each player for his share will alas receive nearly $7000. Fowl suppers certainly are the or- der of the day. Last Thursday even- ing a large number from this district attended the monster supper at Cred- iton where approximately over 1500 people enjoyed the big feed.Then on Thursday evening of this week is the big event of the Zurich Evangel- ical church when people will gath::x from far and near to celebrate thi; event, then on Wednesday e: -ening of next week the Evangelical church of Dashwood are holding their annual event, and on the following evening, last but not least, the big event of St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich, will be held. The public is cordially invited (all denominations) to attend hese big annual events. The various ongregations have amply prepared o feed large multitudes of hungry eople with the very best of eatables and we trust the public will not dis- pointsathem by not attending. DOMINION Endurance The Tire Sensation -•-ars fav:...., of 1929 Frankly, we can't quite see how so much tire quality can be made to sell at the price asked for the new Endurance: It is a wonderful tire made of the right stuff —and plenty of it—and backed by Dominion Rubber Company. - A keen buyer will get his money's worth in_` En- durance." Coate in and find out all about it h' Ti;. E DEPOT ZURICH— ... 11.11. >:,111.. kh Mousseau An international highway all the Way from Orillia and Midland at the extreme northern end of the Blue Water Highway, to Miami, Florida, which has beed mooted for several years past by Mr. NV. G. Coutts, of Big Stone Gap, Va., is now not only a possibility, bait a probability. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and son Harry and their daughter, Mrs. McDonald, of Pine River, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fin- lay, Town Line, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brennerman, bridal couple, of Buffalo, N. Y. visit- ed at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brenner- man at Blake, and Mrs. D. Gascho of the village, over the week -end. Holders of Huron & Erie debent- ures and Canada Trust Mortgage cer- tificates which mature on November lst, can renew them now or at any time before Nov. 1st, by bringing them to A. F. Hess, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bloch, of Zur- ich, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deichert Sr., and sons Ted. and Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deichert, JJr., and family of the Blind Line, Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller and family of the 16th con., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller of the Town Line, were all visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keller of Dashwood and report as having had a fine time. The committee in charge of the baseball fans' fund, of Galt, for a wedding gift to Clare Hoffman to mark his recent jump to the ranks of the benedicts has made the pres- entation of a complete kitchen out- fit including a gas range stove, to the popular athlete, and Clare was sure pleased with this expression. The outfit includes everything the Mrs. needs from dust' pan to a well equip- ped kitchen cabinet. With the gifts, go the best wishes of local fandorn for a long and happy wedded life for Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. FOR SALE A limited quantity of choice potat- oes. for quick sale. Apply to Wm. Koeehler. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.;.5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. `riday 7.30 p.m.—Senior League :'ridgy 8.30 p.m.—Choir Practice Living Well, or Living High? People who suddenly find themseI- ves old exclaim in startled wonder; Where has my life gone to? Young people however are generally hope- ful and eager for the future as was the youngster when asked. Have you lived here all your life? He promp- tly replied: Not yet! It is big bus- iness to live aright, to live grandly, magnificently. The great soul truly Lives because he is an unselfish aspir- ing spirit, who lives above the plane of animalism and whose life is per- vaded by God. The ignoble soul ex- ists to gratify the lower, cheaper, viler desires. It is true wisdom to build life so virtuous and true that it will .stand the test of two worlds and the inspection of God's penetrat- ing eye. God gave us life's beginn- ing and 'it is up to us to finish it. What will your life be when finished if you continue to the end at the present rate? Using Christ as our blueprint specification,' as a model, life's monument will stand to our credit when the moon has grown pale and the sun has dimmed. Et- ernal life is not a dissolving bubble, or a melting snowflake. It is living in the will and love ofGodandbuild- ing the Image of God into it that makes it a beautiful and wonderful creation, SUUNlb4W SERVICES PAlarlI VIVID r• Farrn • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND e WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST , AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. • o CARRY A FULL.. LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING' • • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. • LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL * We have the Agency for this District. . s o • G-ARAGE SUPPLIES • 3 • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND dCAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO 9 PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME i s DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. A a BUILDING BATTERIES « 4 c YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • * Tires, Tubes, Cas, Oils and Greases' s r4 . L. A. Frang - Zurich a e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• 94.1 t o*++++++++++++++++++++++44.+M.i.++++.4...+++.444-+++.41 4. 1 The Winter Season j Y f IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS 4.* + OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR + : FRENCH DOORS + LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND : KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 1!. C. XALBFLEISQB PHONE ® 69 - ' - ZURICH t- + {4.. 4. 41,++++++++ 41.++.e*dr9r+++++++++4.• 1. e!•a•••••••a!•••••f,•!•••418 ••&•es4••g®•i•••A••••••®•111 SEED EJLEANER 1 1 • s••••M•M•0•o•Ae0e•*•s••1bw•411at6l411wsa*ws•s,oMr•41Nr WE HAVE A MOST UP-TO-DATE SEED CLEANER FOR CUS- TOM USE AND ASK YOU TO BRING YOUR SEED TO US FOR CLEANING. ALL THE BEST AND LATEST SCREENS AND EQUIF MENT USED. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son r1WWWihiliilakaAlhliMiAMWWWWAVAAMMON � Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1 We have a full Line of all the requirements for School Opening •••••i••••••••••••••••••••• All authorized Text Books kept in Stock •N••*••••••••••••NNA••• We keep a good supply of Scribblers Note Books, Pencils, Pens, and Ink, Good choice of Fountain Pens 1111001,01000110000111101841100114000 WE HAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS RSQtJIRED Worship 10 A. M. IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL,; er Subject --Beliefs that matter, part err II. sir m'. dm 11 a.m.-Bible School, ate. J. E. Gaucho, Superintendent. Dr. Al J.: . ac nron, nrioh i. Worship: 7.30 P. M. M(: Subjec—Belieft. that, matter, part III 1i '1', W 'IL. DreiM% Poo*t KODAKS AND FILMS NOMMAf 1 imitmettA.