HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-17, Page 1• ZLIR HERA Vol, XXX No 1i ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 171929, Chester L, Smith, Patiliflhea/e $L25 a year, U.S. ;1.50 in AdVATONIF $1.50 IN AR3BAlta, $2 1.1.A.'ir BB CEEARGS12. Make your Fall purchases from your home Merchants • Water Levet Stilt Higher The water level of Lake Huron, as -.recorded on the automatic gauge at he Goderich harbor!, continues to in - 'crease in height_ At present the water is very high. The records for ••the month of June give the following 'data: The water is .21 foot higher than in May, 1929; 2.13. higher than in June 1928; 1.46 feet lower than •at the high stage of June, 1886; 0.80 feet higher than at the tow stage of June 1926; 2.34 feet higher than the average stage of Jame for the last ten years; .86' foot, higher than the average stage of Ione for the last 69 years. During floa last ten years the June level has averaged .16 foot higher than the May le.vel, .and .10 foot lower than the July level. During the last 69 years the .,Jorie level. has averaged .25 foot higher; than the May level and _12 foot low -1 et than the July level-. were given an opportunity to with- draw their names from the petition, if they so desired, and there being no withdrawals, the reports were accep- ted and on motion of Mr. T. Tetraen, and Mr. Gill, By -lay No. 421 and 422 were provisionally adopted and , it was ordered that the By-laws be STEPHEN COUNCIL.printed in pamphlet form and served . by the Clerk on all the assessed per - The Counell of the Township of; sons as provided by the Municipal - Drainage Act: and that a Court of 'convened in the Town Bali, treth on, on Monday, October 7th, at 1 p.m. AR -members were -present. 'The' minutes of the previous meeting we- re read and adopted. The reports of Geo. A. McCubbine Q.L.S., on the "Smith and Gaiser Dr- ains" were read pursuant to notices mailed to all the assessed parties who Revision be held at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, November 4th, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of hearing and trying com- plaints and appeals against the asses- sments, etc. - .44 • 0•114041140.004140-041.04444$4,00 444,..***$00.004$49* • fik 4$ 411, Mason ez, Riseh Upright Piano, • • I price for ciaiek sale. A real buy PIAN good as new. Will sell at right • • z FRED THIEL - ZURICH • • • • • 0444141.44,004100144;4$444114140$0.404t..$440.004.000$00t:' $0 4 • e 4 4 49 9 4 4 • * ••0•0•0•00•111•0000•600•0110•••••••••••0060•6000•••••• Seasonable Footwear Reasonable Prices FINEST OF PATENT, NEWEST WOMEN OF PATTERNS. ALSO EN THE SMARTEST OF COLORS. IN HIGH AND MEDIUM WALKING HEELS CILILDREN'S MANISH OXFOR- DS AND DAINTY STRAPS. BIEN SQUARE TOE, LINDY 0X - FORDS. HERE ARE ALL T'F.TE LAETHERS. MEN ARE WEARING PATENTS, BROWN AND BLACK IN QuArarriEs THAT MAKE THE PRICES MOST UN-; 'USUAL. A LARGE ASSORTMENT 'OF 'RUNNING :SFKIES FOR EVER:I' NE, WO& BATHING SHOES, ETC. REPAIRING 'NEATLY DONE At SEE OUR DISPLAY Brown's Boot Shop WiND0„, • 9 s • 9 9 9 9 0 0 3 0 • 0 • • • • • • 1 • ••••••••••••0000••••••••••••••••••••••••41••••••••••• 4.$440$41414/41.040140.04.1.0410 4/...400410•04114$004*,$4,0***0 4.••• What A We Mean WIIENNWE SAT Good Suit Clothes of 1 A GilitRAMEE OF sWORKMANSHIP. 2 EACH: SUIT INDINIDUALLY CI .A.N0 TiAl2.010113) Timaimirrs • CORRECT STVLE .ANIM • SMARTNESS i'OF :DESIGN 5 BEAUTY OF .FABRICS VOSIBINEDWITH IfILDWITP OVER WS SAMFTMSIPDIXZITOOSE ER= W. . • nornalors19 oolota Ao :094.440,040-**Nooveomowov4";049;meiks0000lotoo.egooh000la o‘hoosoAlvix-0. That the Clerk advertise for ten- ders for the Gaiser and Smith Drains to be received up to Monday, the 4th day of November,A.D. 1929, at 2 p. The Clerread the final in- spection report of the Township En- gineer stating that he had made an examination of the Sitter and Turn- er Drains and has found them com- pleted in accordance with the plan, profile and spedifications. It was or- dered that the Treasurer pay the bal- ance of the contract, viz: $875.00. The following pay sheets were ord- ered to be paid,: Lewis Davey, Road No. 3, $102.00; Hy. Schenk 6, 19.50; R. Gower 7, 7.00; J. Finkbeiner 8, 82.50; 0. Willert 12, 107.75; A. Lat- ta 18, 7.50; R. Hodgins 22, 103.25; N. Baker 23, 15.00; F. Triebner 27, 38.75; A. Webb 20, 17,00; H, Sche- nk 6, 64.00; G. Eilber salary 09,20; J. Rollins gravel 165.00; W. Robin- son gravel 48.10; T. Collins gravel 18.50; J. Richards gravel 10.00; Wm White gravel 11.25; W. Isaac 19, 4.90; W. Isaac 17-, 48.90; G. Hirtz- el 4, i5:00; J.-Houlahan.- :e5, 3.75; T. Yearley 9, 954.73; N. Vincent trucking iron 60.00; Geo. Either 9, 528.12; ditto 20, 387.95 That a by-law be passed appointing Free- man Morlock, collctor of taxes for the year 1929 at a salary of $125.00 In addition he is to receive the nec- essary stationery-andpostage, and furnish bonds for the dlie performan- ce of the work. Taxes to be pay- able at par at the Collector's Office. The roll to be returnable on Monday December 16th, 1929. ThTe foll- owing orders were ordered passed: C. Pfile, rent for Hall, 4.00; G. Eil- ber, assisting engineer 5.00; G. Eil- ber ditto 5.00; Winters Bros., Bal - of contract re Turner and Sitter Drains 875.00; Sundry persons assist ing surveyor re Smith Drain 17.00; ditto re Gaiser Drain 26.00; Munic- ipal World supplies 5.16; The Stew- ard of Ontario Hospital re Alma Wil- liams 19.50; Kerr, McNevin & Kerr, Solicitors fees 56.39; Crediton Pub- lic School, fair grafit 30.00; Grand Bend School Fair grant 20.00; Treas South Huron Branch of Ontario Plo- wmen's Association, grant 25.00; W: H. Lovie part payment of Lovie Con tract 50.00; Ed. Fahner, part paym- ent of 'Wein Drain Contract 150,00. The Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, November 4th, at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. Miss Marguerite Prang of Detroit, spent Sunday at her home here. Messrs. C. Fritz and Wm. Lamont motored to London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess and fam- ily were Thursday visitors to London. Mr. and Mrs. George Fee of Hen- sall were Monday visitors in the vil- lage. Mrs. Mrs. Brennerman and dau- ghter Sylvia visited Mr. and Mrs. P. Brennerman over the week -end. Mr. Daniel Smith of Aumelree, is visiting his two sons, and other fri- ends for a few weeks at present. -Mks Agnes Kaercher, of Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting her relatives and friends in these parts at present. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Hen - sail. were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder, of near Dashwood spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Ev. Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wickens of In- gersoll, were week -end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Hey, Sr. Mrs. H. Lipphardt, who spent a we- ek .or Se with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Fee, at Hensall, has returned to her home here. 4. • 4, • • ▪ ! 4. • k 4:4' 4. i 41 • • • 1 4. 4 4 I 4 • 1,, 4 ! , 4 4 ▪ ' 1 4 S 4, 4 4 I 4.3 4 4 4 MINE 66 More than Ever . A Fine Set 'With its exclusive Feature --Selector Tuner; Dynamic :$peakerpand other superiori- iies the New Kolster Radio ;is 'the set you will want to ,own. A 'demonstration will win you. COM m any time. 4ELMER DESCH 1VIr. and Mrs. M. R. Eilber and sons Charles and Douglas, of Detroit, ' • I -'4clte-eweek-end with Dr. and Mrs 4. -J4 1.2outledge. /Messrs. Milton and Austin Hay, Miss Taylor and Mrs. Ezra Heist, all of Detroit, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS WATERMAN PENS. ALL SIZES AND COLORS $1.50 to $6.50 Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1929 IMPORTANT FUEL A MI ouncement Effective at Once We beg to announce a, reduce's= at 50c. per ton from the winter. Raritacci, on all Grades of Anthracite amt.. In. addition, we will allow a eRsvnizt of 50c per ton for CASH PAYAIL' ONLY, on Anthracite and AR gmteffeJr. of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will adirantos ocs.• June 15th. Take advantage of these Rock Bata= Prices, and. lay in your supply maw.: of The Original and Only D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL, Or The Famous D. & H. LACKAWANNA COAL Noted for its great hear. ari.tei:zmar, H EN SALL *NT, Office Phone lOw House Phone MX 4. • Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of the village, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gin- gerich arid family, of the Goshen line South, were Thursday visitors at Lon- don and Springbank. Owing to the increased volume of business Haist's Bakery have added for the maintenance of delivery and good service, a new Chevrolet Six truck. Haist's Bread "Nuff Sed". Judge Lewis of Goderich, was in the village on Tuesday and with the local Township officials they revised the voter's list, for the coming Prov- incial election. The local public schools in the dis- trict were closed on Thursday and Friday of last week, owing to the annual Teacher's Convention held at Exeter on those dates. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, Mr. L. W. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoff- man at Galt. Rev. E. Tuerkheim and Mr. Louis Prang returned from an extended motor trip to Reading, Penn., where they attended a church conference. They enjoyed a most beautiful drive through the Allegheny mountains, and will long remember this outing. The Zurich Grist Mill has recently installed a new and modern machine for cleaning wheat, .and farmers now can bring their wheat as it comes from the threshing machine, and in a few minutes it will be cleaned by this machine, which will indeed be a great convenience to both miller and far- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schiefle and daughter of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. Schiefle's parents, Mr. and Mrs: John Gellman. Mr. Schiefle, who is preparing him- self for the ministry in the Michigan Conference of the Evangelical Church, preashed a well recerved ser - iron in the local Evangelical church on Sunday evening. Evangelical Few' Supper On Thursday afternoon from 5 to 9 p.m., a better than the best hot fowl supper will be served in the dining hall of the enclosed sheds of Emanuel -Evangelical Church, Zurich We are happy in otir anticipation of meeting you there, and serving you to a right royal delicatessen. While we. fellowship one with another in the warmly social church cit0e. Last but not least will be the highly en- joyable concert rendered by the not- ed male Quartette and Concert Co. Of List el, Ont. "We excell" is their motto. Hear them, 411 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. SALE HIGH CLASS USED CARS', DEPORE BUYING A 14E# On unD 'OAR OF ANY MAKE BE SURE AND SEE US. ir .Fay 1927 FORD COACH In perfect Condition, a won- derful buy. Bumpers, ands Speedometer • 1926 FORD COACH Mechanically A. 1., a real Bargain $285.00 .......11•11191:01•11.11100.1•11114INIM 1927 FORD COUPE Loaded with extras.. This car is a lot better than the average used car. A REAL SNAP 1 NEW PIANO Taken in on a Chevrolet Sc Terms SPECIAL PRICES ON THESE CARS 1-1929 Essex 4 -door sedan-. 1-1928 Essex 4 -door sedan.. 1 -Overland Touring, 1923 Model. 1 -Baby Grand Touring 1 Ford Touring very cheap:. 1 GENT'S BICYCLE 1 TOP BUGGY 1 15 -YR. OLD HORSE, 4.11[1.011% 0 FRITZ & SON 4 aft aft; USED CAR. BROKERS CHEVROLET AND UNITED TRACTOR AGENCIES. 41••••••••• Seasonable Goods We have a large stocb. of Fall a& Winter Goods ON HAND. NEW FLANNELE t 1ES, MILITARY Fukturimv MACKINAW FLANNELS AND TWEEDS, WOOL AND FLAN- NELETTE BLANKETS, MEN'S AND BOYSSWEATER COWISt.„ WIND BREAKERS, HEAVY SOCKS A'ND STOCKINGS, UNDER- WEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CIIII.DREN. ALSO bum; GLOVES .A/4D CAPS. ALL PRINTS, GINGHAMS„ BROADCLOTHS AND SUNNEER GOODS AT REDUCED PII1CFS WE KEEP SUPPLIES FOR AlADIN LAMPS. WE WILL BE PLEASED '[0 SAVE 1'OI-1 CALL AT OUR MO R. N C)OLIGLAS GeiveRAL ,EROMA f 7 1+ PHONE 11 4- 97 r'• ' .1"