Zurich Herald, 1929-10-10, Page 7? bad ZOO Celle,. RS. FRED. PENNY, Iva R.R. No. 4, Nor- wich, Ont., suffered from anaemia for over three years. Though taking medicine all that time, nothing helped her till she began Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "I had no appetite", she writes. "I could not sleep. My blood :almost turned to water. I was weak and my heart would palpitate violent- ly. I am thankful to say. that In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I found the relief I sought. My color returned, my appetite improved, toy' weight in- creased fifteen pounds, and it was not long till I could perform my work with ease." If you are weak and easily tired, subject to headaches, are pale, without appetite, and your work seems a bur- den, do not delay. Start treat- ment at once by buying a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your medicine dealer's or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 5- x 7 PINK PIUS •'A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES •' Owl Laff s Igual'anee of the law against child - . ern .driving atitamobtles .excuses no one. Sweet Young "1'hlug--"lE you luon1 Would fust quit looking at us gills in shai't skirts, we would quit wearing them." ''Yes, 1 suppose. you would bavo to 1 do something t1restle,' Definition of Co operation: "A Methodist nii.nistet' i,ii Stanley after - noun umpiring; a beeeball galtie be- tween the Ku talus Kato and the knights of Colunilrus for the beueft of a Jewish orpsan asylum." If a bargtliu une n't look the Part It will he sure to act the .part when yoti go to use it. The filthiest lucre i.; •.a dollar hill that's been in circulation about two years, Customer—"How much do you earn, a week, my boy?" ,Soy—`,'Bout $2511 for the firm; but 1 only gel $i4 of it." Realer—"Can l interest you in these new bridge lamps we have just. received?" Mrs. Dumb ---"No, thanks. I dou't play bridge" Nothing is so good as it seems be- forehand. d Found Don't you believe itl '1.'his rumor that girls are Worried about holding• their shape is the flunk, Yes, sit. They're leaving it up to some man. People who are opposed to dancing may be afraid they'll be Lost iu the< Edison's Pupil: Visits Canada. The finest tea you can buy -Red Rose Orange Nkomo Made from juicy, flavor fired leaves.—three days ims. bud. Every package guaranteed. e3� Walter Huston, Seattle boy who won the special prize donated by Itober toot that so many matrimonial harks Edison for research and inventive Potentialities, was a visitor to Canada 1 go on the rocks, but that so many recently when he took Canadian Pacific coast steamship Princess Marguerite rcome safely to port," who is in a round trip from his home city to RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good long as that percentage of possibility remains in any age, how ran one be sure? Why may matrimony not strike in one place Just as much as in another?" .Before the age of twentyfive, the survey shows the average young man Is hardly marriageable, because he is not yet earning a living for two, plus the anticipated additions. Many, in fact, have clot yet decided upon their line of work at that age, and, as the Louisville Times points put, most of tem are d11 immature in judgment. "Yet" remarks that paper, "it is'be- tween seventeen and twenty -live, as a rule, that girls make the great de- cision of Their lives, as often opposed as aided by their parents. It is 'an axi.otil of married life that every one marries a stranger, The wonder—as t Robert Lcuis Stevenson asserted—is Victoria and \'ancotivet, Huston e • e his life to scientific research, 1 he says,- following the example of his famous friend and mentor. likely to become a sec( ud Edison will d shufiie. lays, and I let him take it out in! trade." One of the heav lest loads to carry; • When to Marry is a bundle of bad habits. A "rounder" always has a hard' You Should Know the Right time to sett A Strong Recommendation After using Twenty bottles of your famous remedy t have recovered my TI -IE R strength sufficiently to beat you up for ever selling me such a fake medi- cine tare hiniseU!. Tirne and When Your ESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY MOTHER "Average is Best A girl's chances of marriage fall off sharply after she reaches the age of twenty-five, wbile the young man's chances increase for a time after that age, according to some.provocative henry—"I've just seen the world's I The child in the. home is a never- statistics gathered by the Aietropoli- greatest optimist." failing source of joy, but, at the sametan Life Insurance Company on the George—"Who is he?" time a newer -failing respousibility to tan Life of marriage at various Henry—"A fellow out room -hunting the fond mother. It not infrequently proages, from fifteen up. As the Minne- apolis asaxophone Ander his arm." (happens that minor aliments of the Star puts it, "the sides a young Queensland , �`� jl1J child distress and puzzle her. She does man gets, the more likely he is to i1�er�11s I Rich in "1 doubt if family financial prob• i not know just what to do, yet leets TVI. leets ever will be satisfacthrily solved Brisbane, Qu eustaud.—Dr. Fl. Jen- sen, who was once the government geulogis. for Queensland, has great faith in the possibilities of the min - 1 alth of the state and urges I them not serious enough to warrant marry, whereas the older a young wo- man gets, the less chance site has of until Either does the Purchasing and calling in the doctor. At just such avoiding spinsterhood:' Trois paper son and daughter pay the bills," I times as these it is found that Baby's proceeds: Own Tablets are the mother's great- "The twenty -Year-old girl has abet- Ethel—"And do you think he will lest help and friend. ter chance of marrying within ten love me eveu more when we are mar -I Most childhood ailments arise in years titan the young man of the same Tied?"' l the digestive tract—the bowels be -By the time Gael) reahes the age Mabel—"0 h, sure! Why, be is just 1 conte clogged and the stomach sour. age of twentyfive, however, the tables are Chance to Buy Scottish Island sra we .. necessity for -legislation to help Lae', -crazy about married women, my Baby's Own Tablets arew-a- sever•fan- tui They are turned for the young woman .has less mining industry, which, he says, has dear." nn„ relief for this condition,chance as years go by and the young i a mild but thorough laxative and 'chance more chance to take the marital been hampered. 'the ronciuston a Alan cunei to a:f t through their action on the stomach l !h. Jensen is of the opinion that vows. ter being married awhile, is that he }luul bowels they banish constipation _ „We don't quite know tvllat the nese payable gold reefs would be could have clone much better—but `anti indigestion; break up colds mid moral of this should be other than the knows his vette couldn't have. ;simple fever; allay the pain accom obvious advice Eor girls to marry rich out in geologically selected ponying the cutting of teeth and pro- when they get a chance, and young found at Gymple, if (trilling were carIt is said that the state of Utah has :mote health -giving sleep. Concerning ;enough coal to supply the United , lin_en to take their time a.nd be cauti- them Mrs.' W. Jenning, Mackay, Ont., ;States tor the next 250 years. By that : writes: —"I have used Baby's Own I --" ,Tablets and think so highly of them Taltiffg it for grauted that these 'worry about coal supply. i hem , statistics will be studied feverishly, itime most of us will aave ceased to Ithat I would not be without — 'Please send me your little booklet on I either with hope or with fear, by :the tare of children." reader who falls within the If the old fellow who dealared that I ' arY ;company's classificatione, the Roches - are 'sold by - "•tSealRy unadorned adorned Baby's _..--_._--.. Lia- Democrat Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS 'V'ACANT ;7i1 ORE MEN WANTED QUleli, L:1Gr 1b1, pay, easy work, Earn while Learn- ing barber trade under famous Mier Lnlerlcan plan, world';; most reliable barber school system Write or call immediately for free catalogue. Molex Barber College, 121 Queen West, Toronto, • Lonely Hebridean Isle, Land- ing Place of Bonnie Prince Charlie, in Market London—The desire to be the sole owner t•f an island is a common one, but there are scarcely enough islands to go aroand. The opportunity to secure one is now available, and if its location is somewhat difficult, that drawback is largely compensated by Its natural beauty and the unusual 1 1 history that g, es with it, areas, iteferring to the closing of the Chil- lagoe copper mines, he said that, if alt ad litional £ 200,000 had been spent on the place, the smelters would have been a paying proposition; but, by closing them, the state had lost heave fly, 1)r . Jensen also mentioned the ar- senic ,deposits in Queensland, notably those at Cinnabar, which were prob- ably the best in Australia, and also the wealth of the state in wolfram and motybdenite. FOR THE HAIR ASIC Your Barber—tie Knows . want! , ' .�:tN.:':. .W:.?•tk^9F:1';'K,"+4":,,,"m •d ..• .r `-.?: +. , ,4 . 1,0fm•s: AGENTS WANTED $50 00 WEIKLY.' IIAVE YOIT dress designing ability? Sell Exclusive made -to -measure knit "'resses- Samples free Send particulars. British Knitwear, Limited, Simco.:, Ontario. TE a.: T List of "Wanted inventions"' and Full Information Sent Free on -Request. WEB .tZATASA.Y :CO., Dept. W. 273 Dank St;� Ottawa. Ont. I pare MIS tows HEAD NOISES our., RUB IN BACK OF EARS -I NS ERT IN NOSTRI.I4 Descriptive folder on request. A. O. LEONARD, Inc. '70 EMU Ave., New York City Rheumatism Massage the aching parts with 'Minard's. Soothing relief assured. in the Outer Hebrides, where soli- I tude may be had to wholesale quanti- ties, lies the tiny island of Eriskay, three miles long and two miles about wide, It was in July, 1745, that' , s Charles Stuart landed on this rocky spot and feeling the ground of his family's ancient kingdom under his feet for the first time, exclaimed: "I am come hem." He brought with him from France some seeds of the pink convolvulus and sowed them in commemoration of his landing and of the sanctuary he had received in France, This plant still grows on Eriskay and it is believed not to exist anywhere else in the British isles. The people of the Hebrides ascribe (IW LOST thS5 In a Safe, Easy Way Read (tow one -win -Tan' lost 28 lbs. of fat, without diet, 'without dangerous drugs or exercises. " I take a daily dose of Iarusehen, and I have lost two inches round the waist and hips and 28 lbs. since Last summer. I feel very Well on it and people tell me I look very fit. I am 3 ft. •l in. in i height, 40 years old, and come of a stout family:' Miss E. L. Don't go lumbering about with a . a more modern claim to fame to 'burden of unhealthy, excess. fat—you Eriskay aucl one that will appeal to can get rid of it easily if you get the; vastly greater numbers than its Stu-Iirnscllcn habit. art tradition. They believe that when i I%ruachen Salts provides the eas�iest,r f t and Surest «z� to lose fat that you can Possibly desire. By purifying saes1 Barri- sought a fitting place in which to locate his play, "Mary Rose, he chose Eriskay, Certainly the island is lonely enough to justify the set- --. ---- ting. most" was stilt living~ he Could sure ; illeclicine dealers or by mail att i 5 1 cloopar into the subject, trying not .o (,get an eye Lull of adornment these' cents a box from the Dr. iS illia 1 s appe tt too serious—thus: Minard's Liniment for Warts. ldays. ;1lediciue Co., Brockville, Ont. "One learns that at the age of twen- Dr, Eckener is—it—man who put the i man has a 41 per cent. —Virginian a man to hear; CANADA HAS +A DIG FUTURE ty a youngzip in the 7.ep. If soot don't wantChance of being alive and married s 1 C Statistics, the national r ,0 er this is to be taken as an eucourage- Cauada in 1927 was �37,GS7,000,000, M the company does this !' be careful to According ,_ the Dominion Bureau tenrs but rvileth the next yea { �� � Isay something good." what you say about him, wealth ith cf within. i at rate 'oC Alen I g hasI . a rati Wollt not play." Yes,specials foot -l. , $900,000,000 t year, 1f these figures somewhat higher percentage of Uiaui j wealth Ibal :Athletics aret of a warning, A college coach says, and was increasing the not state. The girl of twenty - ea � are accurate, the per capita wed n menial risk than the boy, but alter of Canada two years ago was 2,909. that age her stock begins to go down, "What's the natter? You look all! 1n 1922 the wealth of the United while for the young man it rises, and I "A chiropractor °Wed me !broken tip:' fifty i States was estimated at $,20,000,000. 11e is in increasing danger of the altar 000 and its population at 103,000,00,0. until in readies middle age. This gives a per capita wealth of about , "The ono momentous fact that we The ratio of wealth to population $3,000. I can discover from a study of the is thus very nearly the sante in both (whole situation is that there is no countries, This may surprise some Period from the age of fifteen years i people who have listened t0 American upward that one is entirely immune from the possibility of marriage. To boosters and Canadian pessimists. There is nothing the matter witb -be sure, the percentage of likelihood Canada. Indeed, in some respects declines as years advance, and it ap-. she is better off than the United;Pears that a man of fifty-five has only States Alberta for instance, claims a 10 per cent. prospect of maarrying GO A penniless old age is to be dreaded. Relatives cannot always. help. Even if they do, charity is humiliating. Avoid this m enace. Take advantage of the Canadian Governme.:t .Annuities System. At tis von wi:i ;,ossess a steady income for life -uid enjoy an old age of peace and comfort. CANADIAN N�IU�TI Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa , Hon. PETER HEENAN, Minister Annuities Branch, Dept TWL-1 ry� Department of Labour, Ottawa Please send me COMPLETE INFORMATION i aboue Canadian Government Annuities. me Iiia i PrintCleariv t Addreee .,.... ... •• Still, : out the coup OD and mail it today POSTAGE PP.EE »ACI<..E.0 13Y _... �.. THE WHOLE DOMXI\tI4 a that only one-sixth of her 60,000,000 within the next five years, u acres capable or agricultural develop- ,.. inert are being farmed; she has 00,- 000 million tons of coal which have scarcely been scratched; she has 1.2,- 000,000 acres of forest reserves, and II a large number of lakes which can ,support a thriving fishing industry. No wonder her population has in - 1 creased from 73,000 to 617,000 in a quarter century. Saskatchewan with 8.78 per cent. of Caad na 5 - hopnlation, etivus 10.83 ' per cent, of her wealth, and is still but little developed, Indeed, Canada's wealth is almost limitless, and Witl1 poit ation it, Cattacia'S tutu in to find it, Work ndMarket e is far Brighter than that of most eosin. o0�urHe ,. plllLB.1PSJ y, p* t1 cA,4,004 n For Troubles due to Auld INOIGESs ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GASES • NAUSSA' a hies on this globe. ---From Detroit. ;0az ,A, r, Free Pres FOR. ftt'U1CK 9 HARMLESS COMFORT hild: m &,fort fiC CCiafIcnTMDARRL:EA,FEVERISMESS Get Rigid of , a drarif IEy using Ciflic ira Soap Assisted sly Ci tk::icii i' , Atilt �I�ne1��>t Sold everywhere. Snap 25e. Ointment 25 & 505. t s. _Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and Inquisitiveness indigestion usually 'mean excess acid. The man who is affairs, with, Which live into the lated e (Too much rves are acil crakes the stottlii- SeDi'etS of your affcL , of hasono caution. Men ldanS be an object re desire aril Alkalilkillstacid instantly. The best of your another's aco More form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, bey <that1rttlbe Swould, to Conceal them,.. i.nnse one harmless, tasteless dI'se neU- the they would y ofhecar'S purse, E— tralizes many tinges its volume in acid. the Fielding. re only of Carrying it. - Since les invention, 50 years ago, it I+'ieltliitg. has temaiued the standard with phy- Minard's Lbdiineht for Neuritis. siciatrs everywhere, your blood of harmful acids, helping the liver, kidneys and bowels to throw' off waste material, they remove in a natural way the fatty deposits which I poisonous waste natter has produced. t Not only do you lose pounds in weigltt, but you lose years in appearance. Little by little, the ugly fat disappears— slowly,yes—but surely—and you soon feel wonderfully healthy, vital and energetic'—more ro than ever before in your life,. Take a. spoonful in water and your unhappy condi:da., will probably end in five minutes. Then you vill always know what to do. Crude an 1 harmful methods Will Lever appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake. .:t may save a great many disagreeable hours, Be sure to get the a:euuine Phillips' 14lilk of Magnesia prescribed by phy- sicians for 50 yea;s in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full directions ---airy drugstore. "I have to work in the store and do my own housework, too, and I got nervous and rundown and was in bed nearly all summer. The least noise would make me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. Piukham's Vege- table Compound and. I have taken seven bottles. It has made me strong-. er and put more color into my tare. I am looking after my store and housework and my four children and I am getting along nicely now." lvfrs. J. Malin It, l2, No. S, Barton St. East, Hamitton, Ontario, Canada. ISSUE No, 40—'29