HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-10, Page 6Sunday School Lesson October 1 3. Lesson II -•Keeping Fit For the Sake of Others (Temper- ance Lesson)—Daniel 1; 8-20. Gol- den Text—Know ye net that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body. -1 Corinthians 6: 19, 20. ), ABSTINENCE ON PRINCIPLE, Dan. 1: 'S -2d. 11, THE HIGHER MOTIVE, 1 Cor. 9 ;19-27. 111. T.EE DEMANDS OF IRS Tina ANI) HONOR, 1 .Tin. 4:742; 1-5. INTRODUCTION—The Golden Text of ;this lesson provides a good beginning. Paul is ur•;ing the Corinthian Chris - 'Pans, most of them his own children in the faith, to avoid evil -doing of every kind. He warns e ,ecially a''ainst sins of :mp •ity, such sins as affect both mind and body. He takes high ground. "Know ye not," he says, "that your bodies are the members of • ;hrist," 1 Cor. 6: 15. And in our Golden" Text, "know ye not that sotic then Pa body is the temple of the only Ghost gaol cc.011.0 g ' to here wlueh is in you, whieh we have of) advisin : Timothy 'regarding his own God, and ye are not your own." When behavior Certain false teaching has ensu believes that with all his healf entered the church. `'Shut your mind he will endeavor to keel himself profane drivelling against these p ' Iihvsieally* and keep himself cle;l He will myths; train for the religious life," endeavor to keep himself fit for the a Moffatt, v. 7. The discipline of the uses of the Plaster, gnfitthes ndwell � b0dm' has some value, but tel' ion powers whieh he ungaestion:n€;1y has, not use for his wont's ut sakhe e,lestlbysso loins.- he should "hinder the :gospel of Christ," vs. 12, 15. There is, he declares, a higher motive by which the Chl •stieam lean is ease is T"preach p each�theegespel;" to gain in his Ease, is to p; <,' men :for Christ: Free ••s i e is, as a Christian, to choose r'is way of life,, he makes hlniseli servant unto all, that Le may win th more. No man is Without law to God, and it is in the lad reco. coition of that higher law, writtfndsen in frc dom statute s ca that he 'Paul draws im illus tration from the etstom of the races. 'In the races all the anapetitors ru.n, but only one wins the prize. Let them run so as to win, exercising, like the athletes, self-cor tro` at evere point' and for no corrupt`:ule crown like theirs," P, ke. III. BONon, DEMANDS i1712ea IRTUE 2 Tina 2: 1-5. Paul is v,-riting words of friendship and wise counsel to his younger friend and fellow-wo,ker, Timothy. Con- verted to faith in Christ ttv Paul's preaching he 'hod been the apostle's companion for some time on his sec- ut.d and third nissiknary journeys. At the time of the writing of this, and probabl,, also of the second, letter he was at Ephesus hi Asia Minor, meet- ing serious difficulties, and in need of such ,..ounsel and encouragement 's for service, a temple in of his Holy Spirit. The figure is slightly changed in 1 Cor. 3: 16, 17, and Rom. 12: 4, 5.,Here the Christian community is thought of as the body of Christ, or as the temple of God in which his spirit dwells. The apostle exhorts, therefore, to keep this temple, the common life of Christ's followers, free from defilement, from "envying, and strife, and i.ivisions" • s f Christ's .hl is bens a _ C members • nd as G be 3), body to exercise our variott:; gifts in harmonious co-operation, each desir- ing to serve the other as all serve profitable in all things—having in it promise of the best in this life, and in the life to come. The faithful sayin(r, or "sure word." v. 9, is rendered by Moffatt, N. 10, "We toil and strive because our hope t Saviour: fixed upon the living God. the .• a of all nien." This, then, is- Pauli•• counsel that Timothy commend elan teach the kind of, exercise , t,d self- disciplil a which promotes trre piety, hiinseli setting the examine, And this and is that he may both save himself tl•ert to whom be ministers, • • 16., The admonition of 2 Tim.::: 1, all will tale to heart who minister :n the Christ. h Compare als9 1„ r. 11.11 ; 12:12-01; Eph. 1:22, -•3; , 0 church of Christ. Be strong . I 1BSTINENGE ON PRI;\CIPLE, Dan. 1: endure hardship • • observe the rules. A,.DAMSON'S ADVENTURES—BY 0. Jacobsson. Farm Notes ADVERTISING CANADIAN APPLES, I, ES, . The Empire Marketing Board are doing an excellent service for the ap- ple growers' of Canada. An advertise- ment widely distributed in British newspapers, posters, and in other cold and $$76.35 for potatoes, The study Dominion 'ILS Dot kr U. S. Hopkins, n ade P Was t by w I his Field Husbandman, and two of assistants, A. Goslin and J. M. Arm - •k • st•�tg• The rerults of their work, , i ded al covering several years, .are :eco 1cost'in a new 48 -page bulletin. numberd 115 on the Dept. of Agriculture at factors studied in- Ottawa. The elude the use of land, fertilizers, la- bor, and machinery, and :loch other 8-20. forms calls attention to the pyra ' incidentals as enter into e co The story of Daniel tells us that al Facts dor Coffee -Drinkers in the shop Zvrndows of glowing fruits the particular crops. These eesults youths of ankrwere ort of investigations ws glowing nines d b doingthe work in number of Jewish rank were Perhaps no lop to rosy reds, cyano yellows, were obtained y and ability, ana of high low' russets, Those wishing crisp the modern fashion and icing good taken by order of Nebuchadnezzar educateditlaid l0tfBost n will beiread itvtit t more f apples are recommended ded to ask for ; thed and othe work well.aiIn od therealem to trained Babylon to b- 1 gists than Golden Russets. When softer fruit I case of the doing the sthe yield was the vieand for the a ingswerelfec s aoflcoffeetupon the thurmanesys- per acre, which made a cost 261 vice, Three years of I is wanted Jonat'hans are recommended,' in - prescribed with resideace of l tQm' For the moment, researches I and for cooking it is suggested to the of bushels cents per bushel. •The h eases Fouroncerning cancer and other diseases buyer to ase: for Starks and Fella- I vestigation included a comparison a£ • t rc I.cost as between small one and two - ll.Canadian Road to Yukon Great ' Highway Projected by British Colurrtbia Gov- ernment FINANCES IN SIGHT Vancouver --With a Pacific high• way link being completed k the south which will c( nneet Vancouver by. direct route with Enseuaba, and other Mexican ports, and the prospect of • another link in the north to eguneet' with Alaska end the Yukon, British i Colulnbi' :teen' is prep u'12rg'to launch on the greatest 11 all building piogrant in the history of Western Camila. For the present year the road pro- gram has totalled $7,100 000 and for next year department,'ofileials -at 'Vic- toria estimate that doable that amount will be needed to handle the varitue pleasing demands already rands is or highways, Hlgher Tax on Gas Increase .of the gasoline tax - from three to five cents a gallon is fore- cast tentatively by the Government. If this is inaugurated, next year's road load will probably be $5,000,000. This. in additicri to the $7,000.000 which is macre possible oat of this year's tax retnrits, Will .mean at least a $12.000.000 road program. The present three cent tax will pro• duce $1,000,000 this year, it is esti, Mated.' Ia the last fiscal year it was $914,000, and it is growing at the rate of more than $100,000. a year. Alto- ' getter, out of gasoline tax and mot(•r vehicle licenses, the province expects { to have• $2,500,000 to carry its road Iloans. than' Many Millions More • K r require hundred outstanding i ., - n • o• long sea d o 1 4 011e e ]OS Rugs g alis i 1 to P � the a t �' stamped fresh eggs from any coun r • . - This, he says, is a direct out of i $1916,320 carrying charges, eo that <, ,vel u: the new "masking laws, 000 or next ;fears program aside fro enabled consumers to know what they increase. Since 1919 when tits are buying. The production of fresh present system of financing road pro come ieh hes' $63w,600 wilt be left to cover. $7,000; eggs in Englana, however, has but a grams was inaugurated the province When • , noha: these1 longeris this 11 1 n. 00. A as 020 'eel se23 43 Waited spent , 12nhas $ II meet the demand, Mr. Wilson is quite been fnanced out of gasoline tax and hopeful that such Canadian eggs ase t'emand , motor licenses. Annual loans have will find a ready growth. availableconsistent gz areI shown a �n account of their known good quad- At present Vancouver Is conneetet taininent 2n r e p �• c voting leen are mentioned byname, of will seem of minor' importance. Into wham Daniel was had question affecting diet has probably Now the Jews Tinel lms•en, as many of q with so Esti'' them still are, very careful in os and - peen ositive esultso much tlar lived at, as that of Pegard121� cleanp , their laws b,. it,g t unclea.i foods. See Lev. 11: 1-4t, and coffee -drinking. Dent. 14: 1-21 for the laws, and cam- Now Sys have the conclusions drawn pare :wick, 4: 14, and Acts 10: 14. from a scientific and exhaustive study The question arose, therefore, inane - made made in the Food Research Labors mately, whether or not they torics of New York. Experiments keep strictly to the anatthe r fathers, s and laws of their homeland or eat the king's meat, and drink the wine which was set before them. Dan- iel purposed in his -ieartthat he would not defile hinmselL, and his three com- panions arced with hirn. Whatever we may think. of the necessity or value of such abstinence we cannot but thesre the steadfast adherence yomig men to a high principle of re - Reim and of clean li ring. The par- ticular rules governinghc i andenbe im- portant un- clean foods may portant (Ram. 14: 17) but the exer- cise of temperance, of discipline, of selfcontrol, at the dictation of con- science, was of the highest importance. The prince of the eunuchs thought 10) and healthsuffer -their would that he would be held responsible. But the simple vegetable diet chosen prov- ed to be more conducive to health and good locks than the king's meat a d wine. The word "pulse"probably means here all kinds of vegetables. With bodily health went also knowl- edge and skill in all learnings and asIwis- dom. On that ground, also, ' t icien 1 obedience to a • and of on the fro law. their abstinence was justified. Paul has been discussing the ques- tion of Christian liberty. The question was raised regareing the eating of meat and other• foods which li d been end then 'Weis w . offered in sacrifice to II. THE HIGHER MOTIVE, 1 COT. 9,19-27, served at banquets, 47 sold in the Must the market -Place. ch. 8: Christian refuse to eat such food, or is he not free? Paul asserts Christian freedom, and admits ' tat the food re- ferred to is its no wav Bttttf<r the salmed or e - filed. ch. a: 25.27• of others who have fence aot hat s troubled, and whose conscience lie advisees refusal. See the whole very fine argument in ,ch•'.s' discussing the Here in eh. question of freedom in its wider ap- plication. He refers to his own ex- perience, and mentions rights ar d cones. Confidence in the packing of Can-nhorse equipment and the wider and 1 adieu apples is expressed in the 1larger machinery operated by three Churches of Scotland to, and four horses and tractors of vac I Unite; Merger Favored advantage, Dr. Tolzttie points out, ti vertisement, which states that at the; h d giving Canadians direct access to the back of those jolly pyramids, in h Iukon mcithattt crossing i Mr. isy. The present time, however, d i ley all -paved highway with Los An ens, ea ens exporters • ercise their utmost care so as to en- sure that the eggs go forward only in the freshest condition possible. Wilson. regards as one when pro etc- ,:,saes, San Diego and other Southern. dealers and r'rsexs should e1 I California cities. The new road con• nection into Mexico is already being projected. Northward, Premier S. F. Tolmie has already sought Federal aid for a highway into Alaska and the Yukon It would require 460 miles of nen road in British Columbia and 125 in the Yukon..: It "would have the double The Last Steps escite ' 11 r the ap ions sizes. In discussing the avian- PIe rossind .the Alaskan • Ales are as good as at the front..l to ss of the tractor the authors ex- Edinburgh, Scotland.—To ascertain panhandle, incl' would lure tourist Readers are assured that if they were ``pressed the view that one Hundred 1 the :decision of the congrega 1' traffic to the land of tile• midnight ather the fruit for themselves ,acres of cultivated land is about the final y e Free Church of to g they could not prole and choose better smallest area that would justify the tons of the United sun, just as Scandinavia is hiring o. l This acreage, ve • h for 1 ' Scotland on the subject of the int- ' Europeans• pending norm with the Church of; 'Dominion May Help with a hundred young men were con - 1 than their Canadian cousins eau d operation of a factor. ea nee- genera . One of the While a substantial hog pen is I amain advantages found in the use of essary on ea farm where pigs are rail the tractor is that it enables the ed to any extent,, it is of groat veabledvan- farmer to keep his work up to date. tage to make use of small. moveable In general farm practice there are cabins, particularly for housing brood n r1Y jabs that can be done more sows under winter conditions or under. economically with, horses than with summer conditions when on pasture. the tractor. The place of the tractor, The small cabins are also useful as a it "is believed by the authors of tie shelter for growing pigs in summer bulletin, is to supplement the Work of when on dry lot or pasture. The Do- horses and to provide power' for belt minion Animal Husbandman, in alis where conditions warrant its n work Report for 1928, published by the De; purchase. a` ducted for months and the result arefully noted and tabulated. One general and (for most people) gratify- ing conclusion was established. It is that coffee is not the cause of any or- ganic disease. It does not harmfully affect the heart or stomach or kid- neys. True, in. the case of persons with a highly organixed nervous sys- tem, excessive coffee -drinking does lead to heightened .blood pressure and disturbance of circulation. But there is notating necessarily alarming about that. The case is different when it comes I partme:.t of Agriculture at ttaw , to tracing minor physical and mental recommends a cabin with a floor •area bin a f this • feet. A Ca fiftysquare .• �• Expert -of effects of coffee -drinking, E�pe q ments seem to show that the initial size will comfortably house five adult sense of alertness induced by coffee is brood sows when eeva •d outside a structure drank dfu • The young men whoen the run of %neural drank g and coact were slower and (revised 1 has to be inexpensive andinmany and less accurate in the test than were those who did not. Here, instances1 Which be constructed farm. are over the verge of mater a however,howe cabin popular some physiology. Incurable coffee -drinkers The A -shaped c Ex - assert that everything depends years ago has lost favor sat o tthe sox- will ier:imentai Paris as thesloping that 1 and 1 l to thogs seleted, the young teen if the right choice ha dbeen made all is apt to be c crowding broken inside. byTlle Q walla would, have come out to they praise should be perpendicular for three or and glory of coffee!! In any scent, four feet with a. ridged roof above. ' in- tl he the study made is of wide public terest. COST OF PRODUCING FARM CRAPS, PORTABLE HOG CABINS it is pointed out, is of th I 1 farm colmditrons Scotland, the Free Church congrega- tions which indicated a desire for a further expression - of opinion were authorized to take a .plebiscite,' The result announced was that of the 1,441 eongregatiens in the church 1171 11lfnister of the Interior, is declared desired a plebiscite; of these 64 were "to be willing to have the Dominion in favo: of union and 33 Against:.n I. build the Yukon part .of the road. but made no return and the' remaining (lice not make promises regarding the one had ue ly ilienco• of' B.C. section, it is understood. • Consequently the consummationTolmie declared he was hopefulunlon, o many agreed upon last year, that the project would ultimately go will proceedd, elle Dolce of York, as talc( ugh. high commissioner of. the Church of Scotland, taking a leading part in the ' . ,._- --- ceremonies next n(nth. IiterarY Garbage • The total membership o P the thirty- • three congregations' of the Free Chrch 'William Lyon helpso 1,1 Scribn iof s "voting against union was 5,441, but (New York): now are both dull only 6,566 voted -4,600 being against istic" novels just union and 1,966, in favor. The total and dirty. It ssh 'rel loisayosin whi l: membership of the Free Church is greae of the two isntelligent reader—boredom about 536,000. CANADIAN EGGS ENJOY EX- 1 CELLENT REPUTATION . Canadian eggs have earned a fine reputation in the Mother Country as a result of the care that ie taken in their production and in the grading and methods of marketing. From now on they will be required to meet 'a keener scrutinj in the British Market. In accordance with a new regulation the British ov ern- force govern- ment in by put :tient all imported eggs have to bear an identification mark placed on each individual egg. Mr. W. A. Wilson, the United States uuist arrive' at ac the Agricultural Products represents- trial parity. If drastic reduction is tive for Canada in Great Britain, has too hard a doetrinA for the British his view of Canada's pros- Government, then parity must be e regulations that 1 energetic Aniorf- ects under then w regulations have been introduced by the Merchan- dise President dise Marks Act and '.'ire Grading and Marking; Act recently put into force. These ane sures require that all im- ported n "I feel sad— I have just had my In a study of the cost of producing' handwriting read•" "What did the farm crops in Eastern Canada, it was expert say?" "That fame the way 1g discovered that hay was the cheapest which I made the 'h'at the begimunb crop to produce and potatoes the dear of the word `elegant,' he knew I had est.The production of seven crops per acre expense to have Tisco to school."shows that p Farmer—"Iley, *there! 'Ow come been' $19.95 for hay, $25 for sweet you to be up my apple tree?" Boy— "Please, mister, I just fell off an aero lane," MUT AND JEFF— By BUD FISHER R A PACKAGE Ftc'OM GUS Gcave. nA, sistt Finis: fee. 'BEEN) wAlitt$G F02 tT: SLth ME clover silage, $29.86 for oats, $38. - for oats, peas and vetch silage, $47.02 foil corn silage, $59.72 for mangels, The highway would then run from Tia Juana, Mexico, to the international boundary, thence on the existing roadway to •Hazelton, B.C, Hon: Charles 'Stewart, Dominion Naval Parity or filth, • It is astonishing that sex. which after all is a subject of general interest, can be made so dull. Many like Dr. Albert Shamv in the American Il:e- readers wander over these books, 1 view of Reviews: 'eft whatever cast. cit gs itt a vast field ,searching from smell to smell and ignoring the odor- less tracts between, GEEVEM, SENT -o-Ad So ME OP WINE Pont. DNN1BE LION Pont. t-te ulAl) Mc TD SAMPLE tT ANb -NEN ?Ionic Neat i'A\( ol'tMtoN, WELL, IlE(2C GOES: leso-tl- l NG rets 1Eb.. GRANCnI 1 brought abut by an en , areal knows very little about �Cau ,building program.catch Mont - Hoover understau 1S this situation l real Still they siory is in the quite as well as any Senator; and he glinmpses of it throughg p a will not fail to uphold what is now an traffic. - se be individually marked unalterable Amerig,tn determination. r, Mr Smith; you are not dumb, for d ggs c In the for identification with rill. If he reaches the cannon that we e.. Toth: ? S Smith; Of course not! month `f August, Mr. Wilson writes afford to modify the fifteen cruiser I arey Big iter ti � ores t I WI do you ask? --Tota: $t� sister been expecting you winter, Comment is being made that Mont - -r t• eggs which were un- Program, he will nl due home roduced gg 1 € that she l o pid ,ons sa • as andhis reasons •' i na ' Lo ndit to demotme c •. in•con stamped were particularlyhis ilc all in price range from two to ten shill- to Congress. Dandelion Beverage, Perhaps! How Does Geevern •CSG dt1C(v\;toU'l G L'/11\1' Whet) `(oo SA`/ SAT's i. DAKDCl.loiJt� Get 'That Way. 14u 9, 1 ��I�IIIiILIn_Ill�U1 � �'`'� 81116�J(Iili�it�l 1' 4.. ikt�s� } 1 ii • «*v,t,..t tr�.M rn , ..-�•