HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-10, Page 5"T' rsthy; October 10th,;. /020 M,'ZURICH..,HERALD *1.151N " CARU iWants,nnit "'ea For '$ales i., DUDLEY Founds Notice, Ete* Aostds . '�i. o ld„1;,., STans vomits ,g&1 R1sTRR, soLIC1TOR, NOT IA.RX PUBLIC, ETC. NOME' ,ozor, in --Hamilton .,Street, Jtaat ort . Havingdisposed of my property 'Sgwr , OODIC�RICI3, th to io. in Zuxirh T "Sp ectal nttention to Catareael >sd '� • � have decided to sell all Court Works Mmes; of Groceries, Etc., in stock, at Vie- Roamed may be eomatbEte(l at cost prices, for quick sale. Peter Ravelle Zurich. a0a�derict► by Phone, am,d iE'hov� cheasee reversed. Dr. 11. 11. C WEN L.D.B. DENTAL SURGEON At. PEITZ BLOCK—ZURICHaY Ryan Thursday, Friday, 'At RARTLEI.B'S BILGE, DASB W OOD Every* 1ViondekY, Tuesday 'Wednesday ana OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones, Na p Vial School of Alletimreereia Stock, lne for Registered keeping :; 11 Breeds), Terror i7° Choice prevailing p anything rentp , Walla ,seas nn �'�'a tear sale, Anywhere, • Itho`ne 18-93 or Waite, Zurich. LiceenSe'I Mictioaeer 3tOR HURON & MIDDLESEX Aad IN A. POSITION TO CON - duet any auction . Sale, regard!.e se to alma or article -0 agile 1 wlicit your business, and if not will make no charelea for satisfied s ervices. Dashwood, Arthur Weber -- phce 13--6- Overstock 29x4.44 Tubes?_: Low Prices DAS WOOD 008000000016*00000000000 popular ABKET urichs' MEAT ANNOUNCING "f1 AT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF 'NGBLUT ,3c DEICI1ERT, THIS WELL ESTAB ;1•ISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE . Yungblut & Sou • 00000@0000000000000.A 00• COAL, 1929 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal ,,.A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. :learner Early as prices yell advance on June 15th. Lase & Son :Tone 35 HENSALL LI VE POU LT R Y WANTED *Mak m evert day till 3 o'eloek Pata. alliRt sot feed i>N't+w1 same morning Whom brO ght ie. Highest Cash. Prices kh *.CA 11 FOR .ream and Eggs We O'Brien ea fkotrigh i LOOK A. Fordson Tractor and a Two- Fallow wo- Fuii w PIow in good shape, that has been taken in on a new Case Tractor, for sale - J. Hey, Jr., Zurich. 10-t NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to :The Ontario, Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Tower Haar, Zurich, on Friday, 18th day of October, 1929, at 3 p. m., o'clock, afternoon, to hear and -deter- mine complaints of errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Hay for 1929 for Municipal Purposes. Dated the 9th day of October, 1929. A. F. HESS, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Hay LOST A mohair buggy oilcloth, south of Zurich. Finder kindly return to Mr. David Gingerich, Zurich. AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENTS AND REAL ESTATE On Lot 16, C'on. 10, Ilay Tp., One mile south of Zurich on TUESDAY OCTOBER 15th, 1929 Consisting of 50 acres of Land, be- ing South Half Lot 19, Concession 11 Township of Hay- There is on the premises a bank barn 54x36 feet, hen house, a neverfailing overflowing well. Also one Massey -Harris binder Massey Harris bean cultivator with puller; Massey Harris bean cultivator two row finisher. Terms made known on day of sale Mrs. John Decker, Jr., Proprietoress Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Household Effects, Etc., At BLAKE on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1929 Commencing at 1.00 o'clock IIORSES—Driving Mare 12 years old drives singe or double; Percher - on colt 4 months old; "Ida J.” Stan - rd bred registered yearling; Suck- ing colt eligible for registration. OTHER ARTICLES—Robe, horse blanket, iron kettle, coal or wood he- ater, stove pipes, cream separator, counter scales, onion rack, onion sieve, 3 -burner coal oil stove, x -cut save, 3 hoes,. shovels, forks, 50-1b. sledge, fattening crate, root pulper, feed box, barrel, sling ropes, tie ropes, cutting box, meat barrel, 2 set single harness, bread pans, 9 dinner, plates, 6 pie plates, meat platter, 6 tumblers, butter dish, wood box, swill pails, strainer pail, tin pails, roast pan, bake board, crocks, 6 kni- ves, 5 -gal. crock, boiler, 2 doz. quart sealers, vinegar barrel, cider barrel. 5 -gal- jug, 1 -gal. jug, wash tub, lord cans, clothes horse, chime bells, curry comb and brush; good top bug- in gy, cutter, carriage, grain bags, 2 to ton hay, some lumber, big boxes, 1% in bush. timothy seed, 4-h.p. Connor gas olive engine, grindstone, cow chains, saw gummer; hand made whippletrees neckyoke and numerous other artic- Ies.. TERMS --CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Edmund Oeseh and Sol. Bechler, Administrators, John Bechler Estate. LOCAL Nif4ViS Mr. Arthur Pigeon, spent the week end at his home in Stratford. Mr. Nap. Bedard spent last week in Detroit, visiting his brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman of Galt were Sunday visitors in town. Mrs. E. Axt. is spending a few weeks visiting her children in De- troit. JYIr. and Mrs. Reith and family sp- ent Sunday in Alvinstou. Mrs. Reith remaining for a week. Mrs. Robert McBride and son Edie visited with the former's son in Win- dsor over Sunday. Mr Chas. Bedard of Detroit, is spending a week's vacation at his home its Z_url Surerus of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home on the Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Lang, accompanied by their three sons of Sullivan, visit- ed the the Lutheran parsonage on Sunday. Mr, Herb. Heist of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist on Saturday. Mr. and Ms. Everett Heist and Eunice visited in Crediton on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Surerus, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho• are sp- ending a few days with friends and relatives in Kitchener and vicinity. Mr. Ervin Schilbe, who has accept- ed a position with the National Cash Register Company of Toronto, return ed to that city after spending a week vacation at his home here. Mr. -.and Mrs. Roy McBride, and Mr and ! irs..iim. McBride of Stanley, visited with relatives in Detroit, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sadler and son Wilfred, Mrs. Wm. Yorke and daughter Pauline, all of Parkhill, vis- ited at Dr. Routledge's on aunday. Mr. Fred Haberer of Hay Tp., the fortunate one to receive • th Robert Simpson Co., Special prize the Zurich Fall Fair, he having wo the largest amount of prize money a the exhibition. 'Rev. E. Turlheim and Mr. L Pran left Sunday evening for a motor tri to Reading, Penn-, where Re Tuerlheim v;ilI attend the Tenth Gel man Conference of the United Luti eran Church. Mr. Harrison Weigand has porch ased from his neighbor Mr. Sear Schade the 50 -acre farm being th norther net corner of the 14th con and the Daehwood road. Poesessio will be given on November lath Mr. Nesbit Woods of Toronto, sp- ent, the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurni; Mrs. Jos. Routledge spent last we- ek in Exeter visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Allen. Mrs. Nancy O'Neil of Parkhill,and Mrs. Jane Hobbs of Thorndale visited with their sister, Mrs, Jos, Routledge for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Orville Gascho, of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of the form er's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillman. Mrs. MsDougal and two sons, and daughter, who have lived the past two years at Blake h d to by Mr- John Neuschwanger, at the east end of the village. During the past week the home of Mrs. Allen on Gidley Street has been the scene of a most pleasant and un- usual meeting. Her sisters Mrs. R'd Hobbs, of Toronto Mrs, Henry O'Neil of Parkhill and Mrs, Dr. Routleclge of Zurich, arrived one by bne for a visit. This was their first time of meeting forreal ' 't Th h e • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY• YOU WITHJUST THE FIND op; MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL e • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, 0 • LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL e We have the Agency for this District. • • have PAGE b'IVE ..vrwvw•►wr/rv,ryvres ev e aP•it 'M. +► iY AaY♦l/*e44*Aea►4+►I+►*+►Ir41�eQ+l►r♦►�! 1.. ."FarmImplements move Zurich, occupying the house owned • GARAGE SUPPLIES •� • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND • CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH H ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO • t PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME w +... DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. a BUILDING BATTERIES i -. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 4 3 a visa . ey ad great enjoyment together and many a long trip hack the fleeting years was journeyed and jokes rehearsed. The meeting was unique, and the more so because of the advanced ag- es which together sum up to three hundred and nineteen summers. A sister, Mrs. Rich. Kerr is Hat present engaged in an extensive millinery business in Fairbury, Neb.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Birthday Party A pleasant event took place at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haberer on Thursday evening, October 3rd, when his brothers and sisters with their families gathered and gave Mr. Haberer o surprise, the occasion be- ing his fiftieth birthday. When a two story birthday cake which was beautifully decorated and was lighted is with candles, and the following od- e dress was read by his youngest bro- at ther Jacob: tDear Brother:— It is with great pleasure that we have assembled here this evening g to wish you many happy return, on P your fiftieth birthday. We sincerely v hope you may be spared to celebrate many more birthdays with us. As 1- the oldest of the family you have al- ways been kind and willing to give y e 1 i and Mrs. Edward Ducharn_e of V'a kerviile visited their ia,•ends here for a few days. Mr. Ducharme is another of the boys of this coin- munity that is doing well in that in- dustrous city. Miss Lennita Mioke and Miss Win- nie Fisher, of Cheslcy were Me gue,;- ts of the Tuerkheiin fancily over the week -end, also Mr. arca Mrs. Albert Lange and family on Sunday. 3,1,-. and Mrs, Sam_. Mcli^ide. Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, and Mrs. R. McBride, Mr. and Mrs- Harry Hay- ter of Stanley recently attended the funeral of a relative at Galt. The fine new auto show room or garage built by C. Fritz & Son, is nearing completion, as the roof is on the doors hung and the windows are practica117 all in, only a few touches and painting, and it will be ready for service. This indeed will make a very convenient place for these ex- tensive auto dealer, and will hold approximately a dozen or more cars. Mr. Peter Ravelle has sold his bus- ess and dwelling block on Main St. Mr. lain -'r Oesch, who will use it connection with his barber busin- ess and as adwelling house. Posses- sion will be given the beginning of next month. Mr. Ravelle will re- main in Zurich for this winter at lea- st as he is the courrier of R. R. N.3, Zurich. STRAYED From my premises, 2nd con., St- •nnley; 2, 2 -year-old heifers, 1 light color and 1 red. Finder please not- fy Fred Rathwell, Brucefield P.O. Phone 86-8•, Henson. 15-3 t. The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD — OF.FI E TORONTO U R E► E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 •uarartee and Accident Ineuranct., Meat end Strong .t CO. in Owed., At this time of the year we find our books carrying considerable accounts that are in most cases long overdue and should have been paid before this. We are very pressor for: money jrtstnow and are oblige(. to mail out accounts, and trust that. our customers will appreciate th irecitt, extended to them by actin i omptly, as wo are badly in need or alit, o eiey to ;)1em; otic• obligations. —The Heralda lr `ietGti]C„ Dont miss attending the big event at the Lutheran Church on Thursday evening, October 24th, when their annual fowl supper will be celebrated in the spacious shed from 5 to 9 o'- clock. A company from New Dun- dee are going to entertain the aucl ience with duetts, humorous songs, plays, recitations, readings, and mus• ical numbers and the Zurich Jubilee Band is going to., furnish an abund- ance of music. Come prepared to eat and laugh as you have never be- fore. Emanuel Evangelical Church Shed Dining Hall is the place; and Thurs- day October 17th, is the date set for the "Better Than the Best Fowl Sup- per" occasion. According to word received from friends far and near, a veritable invading army of hung- ry people from the surrounding com- munity, as well as from distant towns and cities are corning. Fowl clippers afford an excellent opportun.- 'ty for another and most desirable, pleasurable reunion of friends before :,'inter sets in. There will again be ti bazaar booth of fancy and useful 'tome made sewing where you can buy useful and artistic Christmas pr-, rents for your friends. All we ask if you is bring a good appetite along 1,nd depend upon it we will fix it. And wleen your appetite is fixed make room for us so we can repair the, ,ext one. A better than the best >rogram also awaits you by the Har - Ionic Male Quartette and Concert "o. of Listowel. The Zurich Band ,aril al$o present, a lending and gridinl; hand in all our deeds and cares in the years gone by. As a slight token of remembrance on your birthday we w+sh you to accept this chair from your Sisters and Bro- thers; and these (lowers and ,-ase from your• Neices and Nephews. Mr. Haberer then thanked them in his usual way for their 1,indness and the gifts they presented him. The even- ing was spent in games and amuse - cents of all kinds, after which a dant,/ lunch :va, served including.'i,he two-story birthday cake. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World." Friday, 811•: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. October 13th, 20th Sunday after Trinity. There will be no services this Sunday. Everybody Welcome to all SPS vices. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — taNT- Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Friday 7.30 pen.—Senior League Friday 8.30 pan.—Chair Practice Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Worry Kills, Work Builds When you watch the bees at work you see three classes, the queen, the drone, the worker. The queen bee lays the eggs and prduces the vast army that comprises the new swarm. The worker bee gathers the honey. The drone is just a gratis boarder. In the kingdom of God there is the worker and the drone. The latter fe eds on some fellow christian's relig- ion, but he will come to grief. Work stimulates and invigorates. Honest work is a tonic and a cure for many ailments. It banishes the flues, aids digestion and builds character. Id- lers are unhappy and a nuisance. They will waste an hour in dodging five minutes of wark. Worry consumes and destroys. It is a disease and a habit that must be crushed early in life lest it grow stronger and overpower us. Worry can sour the sweetest life. It never earns . a dollar or pays a bill. It crushes you and robs you of life's fairest charm. Don't spend your time on that which vexes, worries, angers, but on the things that calm and balm that strengthen, cheer and gladden. Refuse to worry it is your undoing. That roan is blest who does his best and leaves the rest to God. SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Subject --Beliefs that matter, Pt.II 11 a,in.Bible School, J, 11, + •nschn, Superintendent. Worship; 7.30 P. M. - Subject-----13elicf's that matter. 1Et[iVr W.0 ICeereurr,+,t •k4.. - e *asaeos►e•eeeeeteeeeeeeerae •e 04400•44000e0040 0• 4i m414) 3+4,+++++++++++++++++++++4441 a s ++++++11444.14+++++411 4 Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases, , L. A. Prang - Zurich ▪ The Winter Season 4. ... IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS 4 OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS + 4. LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND. BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY a XALBF'LEISC PHONE 69 - o ZURICH I e• ,.:„.++++++4.44.4...,,,-+4-÷++++++++ f.s.F.p. s..3.++++4+';.4.l.+++$$4++5.+. I ilisuessupeeesevesseamege sePritaea eefee ilMeeleateeeffettall/e d SEED OLEANER 1 d WE HAVE A MOST UP-TO-DATE SEED CLEANER FOR CUS- TOM USE AND ASK YOU TO BRING YOUR SEED TO US FOR CLEANING. ALL THE BEST AND LATEST SCREENS AND EQUII MENT USED. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN - 1 DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! 1.4 • Schilbe essossrsOsa* 9rilel00A!►eiMl*®*4•RO es0s4sw*®,*a►amlt+e*aeA0000 AiliaiiiilliWkWaliWWWWWWEMIVWWW41/ Zurich Dru • Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have a full Line of all the requirements for School Opening 1 NM0000000l000Ili* 00000000 "' All authorized Text Books kept 4 in Stacy IWO C M** 0000000000000000 We keep a good supply of Scribblers Note Books, Pencils, Pens, and Ink, Good choice of Fountain Pens 000000010000.1000000al0000i►00 WE HAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS RSQUIRED IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL KODAKS AND FILMS AliDra MacKinnon! mitimwmplommtmmommilmmhswpm or or .r rt or