HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-10, Page 4*Ado • itmosommotossim••••0•••••••40.,.77.i..* '0"*""......9.° 2 • fa As we sell more 4,0 • 1 • • .4 • • New Fords we get • • • • • • • • • more used cars LOOK THESE OVER a 1928 Ford Coach $550.00 1 1927 Ford Coach $275.00 1925 Ford Coach $150.00 I 1921 Ford Coach $40.00 - 1926 Ford Coupe $225.00 IFORD TRUCK, 1923 AT at 1 1928 Pontiac coach like new $675.00 1926 Overland Coupe $390.00 1926 Chevrolet touring $200.00 1924 Studebaker touring $150.00 1927 Ford Truck $275.00 $125.00 SANDY ELLIOT WE SELL AND WE SERVE FORD CARS ZURICH ;e941 EXETER • • • 0000500.0'iSfetne08100000414000411000441100440VO 110111 1111E1111 l0I11111111110 1 11111111111110111 111111111 111111111 aela THE NEW WESTINGHOUSE Radios Pleasure Craft By the World's Pioneer Radio Engineers, introducing the New Super Sensitine Toned Radio fre- quency and Super -Heterodyne r91 Circuits surpassing by ten times , the Selectivity and Sensitivity of I any previous circuits, placing the IWestinghouse far in advance .of i !any receiving set on the market. ilTONE-Close your, eyes and you limn instinctively feel yourself in 'the presence of the living Artists who are entertaining you. POWERFUL -Responds to your control like a. giant racing motor. This h the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most'critical radio enthusiast, Nothing less than the realism. of .the.entertainers can compare itself to this marvel of the radio age, the realization of the Westinghouse Radio engineering aims TO SEE IT IS TO ADMIRE IT! TO HEAR IT IS TO DESIRE IT! BY ALL MEANS HEAR IT! HESS RADIO ELECTRIC SALES WITH SERVICE. aseseel t Haag 1111;i1sPIIWILIIMInillinIIIIRleIiiell.1 tilllaill111111111.Miniffilialhae esee.044+4-144.444s+++++++++4.4.4.-reasea+4444+4-e-a-e+e-e-a4,4-4-1-1-e-a+44+ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .4. e 41- ..dra Pee eta are •41- 44 ne Fresh Soda Biscuits lb. 15c _Zink Jar Rings dozen 18c. esa 1, Fruit dishes dozen 50c. - Plates, dozen 75c., $1., 1.25, 1.50 4' -White 'Wine Vinegar, Best Quality per Gallon ... 40c Corn Flakes, 2 for 19e, Jars, Pints, dozen $1.00 Jars, Quarts, .dozen $1.25 % gallon Jars, doz. $1.65 Lantern Glasses each 10c. Large pitchers, each 20c Flower Pots, 5, 10, 15c. each Dinner Sets reg 28.50 for $21.00 P & G. soap, 11 bars for 50c 1 gal. crocks, each 20c 4 4 Cups and Saucers, dozen $1.20 6 mixing bowls, Water Jugs, 20c, 25c, and 35c Each set 69c 4. Linoleum, 4 yards wide, at per Yard $3.00 + La Belle, Crepe 38 -in. wide SALE PRICE, yard $1.00 4 4. Rainbow Crepe, yard $1.25 Black Duchesse Satin, yd. $1.19 -4F Cingliame and Prints yard 19c Ladies Vests, each 15c. lien's Dress Shirts each $1.00 4 Children's Hose, all colors, pr. 19c Men's Overalls and Sinocks,at each Straw Hats, each 1.0c A*. T. L. WU Turkish towels 25c and 39c Emb. Floss, 2 skeins for 5c Boys' Play suits, 75e and $1. Men's Socks pair 15c ....... - ....... $2.15 Bathing Suits, 75c and up Phone 140 4V44440+++4414+++,144.+4+++14+41+++++++++++++++++++++++++,1 SellOOL REPORT l'ie following is the school report '.4rer 41. S. S. No. 1, gay and Stanley aor Septeraber. Sreenan, Marie Laporte, ItWorOnn DenOmme,‘Loallard Denorne. IV-Lonise Sreenan, Florence ni.r.reoffrey. ID:a...Geraldine Laporte, jr. Corrivetiu, Law. 411rezeee -layette, Harry Denomme, Rich ard Ayotte. Sr. II -Emma Denornme,Rbselk Corriveau, Louis Denomme, Gerald ine Geoffrey, Tommy Denornm.e, Un'. jean Aubin. Jr. II -Verna Sreenan, Alfrce Denomme, •Alexine Ayotte, Reg:, Aubin, Clarence Ge6ffrey, Mae( Farrel. Sr. Pre-Arnelida Anbin, Len, l?enomm, Arnold Deeornme, ij,Jar.--er/Oris Ayotto, Jeroin 91,4 s..ZURIVH, RERALD Thermilerare fOeiaiber 10th, 1929 Denommee 'Teddy Geoffrey, Patrick ,kabin, Andrew Denornmne Charles Sreenan, Irving Snyder, time Say - der, 3tdin Denorill L.ue, macha. STANLEY TOWNSHIP W, J. Dowson aleeeived word last week of the death of his bro- ther Joseph Dowson, which took place at his home at Whitmore, .Sask., on Sunday, September 29th. He was the oldest sou 'of the late Henry Dowson and was born "re years ago on the farm in Stanley Where his bro ther now resides. After maeriage to Miss Grace Palmer he settled on. a farm in Hay Township 'where he con tinued to reside till about 18 years ago, when he moved With his family to Saskatchewan. Besides his wife he leaves te 'mourn his loss a family of- two sons and three daughters, also two brother, Wm. 3. .Dowson ef St- anley, and Calvin Dowson of Sea - forth and two sisters: Mrs. 7. Coll- ins of Michigan, •and Mrs. Geo. Taney of Seat/nth Miss Margaret McKinley is spend- ing a few weeks with friends in Mc- Killopp. Mr. and Mrs.. Oscar Wright, of Kennelworth, spent the week -end at the home of the latter's mother, Mr. Geo. Doweon- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wiley of De- troit, spent a few days with friends in Stanley. BLAKE. Mr, and Mrs. Bender of Tavistock, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerman, Mr. Harold Johnston of Goderich, spent a few days at his home in the Mrs. John Gerber and family of Indiana are visiting friends in this vicinity . Mr. Dan Gascho and son Alvin of Kitchener, spent the week -end • with friends in this vicinity. Miss Mary Clarke, who was visit- ing friends in Goderich, returned to her home here on Sunday. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender and Mr. and Mrs. V. Schatz of Blyth were Sunday visitors in town. Me. and Mrs. Joe Vernon ond son Melville and wife of Detroit, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs: 0. Restemeyer and Mr. and Mrs. P. McIsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goetcke and da- ughter Mildred, Mr. and IVIrs. Noll, Mrs. Wilhelm all of Milverton; Mrs. Lavada Forebeck and daughter of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Kleinstiver. Miss B. Hartman of Detroit, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mcisaac and Mr. and Mrs. P. Mcisaac of Seethe aVn 1Iich., called on Mr. and Mrs. Isaac and 0. Restemeyer.'s. HILLSGREEN The services will be withdrawn on Sunday, Oct. 13th, owing to Kip - pen Anniversary. Sunday, Oct. 20th, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed Preparatory services will ,be conduc- ted by Rev. D. McTavish on Thurs- day evening, Oct. 17th at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lan- sing, Mich., were week -end visitors with friends here. Mr. H. Samuels of Toronto was here on business last week. Miss Agnes Lave is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtie on the 2nd con., Stanley. Mrs.,, L. Troyer is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan of near Hensel!. The Young Peoule's Rally will be held on Monday evening, Oct. 21st in the basement of the church at 8 o'clock. Everybody is cordially in.it- ed eo attend. Miss Nellie Taylor of near Ilensall spent the week -end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor. We are pleased to see Miss Flora Smith out again after her illness. Quite an enjoyable evening was spent at te home of Mr. and Mrs.' Anson Coleman on Tuesday evening when a number of young folks gath- ered at their home and held a shower in honor of them. Many useful gifts were presented. - Mr. Clarence Reichert of London, spent the week -end at his home. Mrs. Rader of near Dashwood sp- ent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wilfred weido. DRYSDALE Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wesley motor- ed from Detroit last Saturday and re- turned Sunday, taking with them Mr. Wesley's mother, Mrs. Amanda Wesley who had been visiting her 3ister and brother, Mr. and Miss liousseau. • Miss Nora Rau of Detroit, spent ast Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Masse, of De- anit, were week-01visitors with heir parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rau, also a .awyer and Mrs. Tod. Rau of De - :reit, were Sunday visitors with their parents here, • Mr, and Mrs. Chas. S. Bedard, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Etue, MrEd, Brisson Mr. J. B, Laporte and Mr. Alex. Mal letto attended Mr. George Brisson' funeral laet week at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. George Denomme pent a couple of we.eke with their thikiren. in Detroit and Courtright 'econtly. and Mrs, Louis Durand of P '..ustin, Mich., are :4peading a fel/ seeks at the 'home of the former': ister, Mre. Jos. qnlierts, Sr. eineee earreadinn tile Laporte Du. charme wedding from a; distance on Mondoy were Mr, and Mrs, Hector Laporte, Mr. and Mrs. Marcil Lap- orte, 1Vir. and Mrs. Dennis Laporte, Mr, Gerald Bedard, Athanase Deno- nrrne all from Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laporte of St, Claire, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.Louis Durand, of Port Austin,. Mien; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and son Dennis of Zurich. COUNTY NEWS W. Burling of Blyth,, had the rids fortune to trip over a pail in the dark in his garage and break his leg at the ankle, which will confine him to his home for a time. The Publis School Board of Bay- field have engaged Miss May Baigent of Ingersool to teach the lower room for the balance of the year. Miss Anna Woods, having been granted a year's leave of absence owing to ill health: The South Huron Plowing match wil be held on the farm. of' A. B. Rowcliffe, No. 4 Highway, half mile south .of Hensall on. Thursday, act. 24th HENSALL. Sam'I Steacy is visiting with fri- ends in Detroit for a few weeks. Owen Geiger and Son have secured in fine condition their large crop of flax. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron mot- ored to Waterloo to visit Mrs. Bon- thron's mother, Mrs. G. F: Yung' blut. Miss Vera Woods is here from the West, visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manns. She is holding a very good office in Sask- atoon of the Department, Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Hudson are spending holidays in Toronto with re- latives, it being his vacation as as- sistant railway agent at Hensall. Miss Alexia Murdoch left for Tor- onto, where she intends to make her home for a time. at least. Wm. and Chas Pepper of Toronto, and Geo. Pepper of London, were visitors here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pepper of the Lond- on Road. Mr. and Mrs. Drawley of Kitchen- er spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Ars. Win. Be- aver. Mr. and Mrs. Le Redden of Ham- ilton spent the week -end in town Fred and Jack Stacey and Lillian of Detroit were visitors with their mother here. A very unexpected death occured in the village on Thursday morning last, when John Bengough dropped dead in Brock's blacksmith shop. As was his usual custom he took a weIk down town and went into the 'black- smith shop and while engaged in con- versation he collapsed. The coroner was at once called but did not con- sider it necessary for an inquest, as death was due to heart failure. He was born in Stanley township 66 year ago audl gue emseptibui ot some yeamespent in the States, prac- tieally ail hislife was pent h* this vicinity, Kis wife predeceased him a few years ago. The funeral took place from, Ids late home on Satur- day afternoon to 'Grand Bend cern- aereele,, *Arm he was busied beside* ihie wires Rate Bengough of 1Vlidianplo Fred Bengt -met or Hensel', were bro. them and Aire. J. Clarke and Mrs. W1 :Anderson of TOPPen, and Miss Kati* Bengovigh were sisters of the decease • ed. , .0,1,111.11111. Does Your fi in Need a Bathroom? IFt does, or if your present bathroom needs modernizing, specify Emco Bathroom Fix- tures and Fittings. Qvality and beauty are built into them to ensure lasting ser- vice and satisfaction. Beauty ef design, gleaming white or eh.arniingly tinted, Emco Fix- tures fit into any color scheme. If you haven't running water ha your home to supply bathroom, kit- chen and latuadiy, an EMPIRE DURO WATER SUPPLY SYSTEX will solve this problem. Modela. made for deep Or shallow wells having anieir' nom capacity of 250. gallons per thour. The initial cost is surprishiglylow. Install an Empire Duro end solve the water supply problem fotovaer. For Sale Byr. STADE & WEIDO JOHNSTON & ICALEFLEISCH Water Syste, and Bathroom ri ttings •An.P$144:.4•"'ISPP'41Fitik• 7•"•••>••, -,M4...*Uf;"5.4.4-1,4W11 • '',1741.0.51'41filiAkt0561"1531'ii:4•17.1.*:IYi *?::.••:•':2`f el', '41.#110 4^ • ; p41. •11, 0.; tr! 4-.1573'Z' '•••••...r.ar, 4 • aMantfalaelnaMa.'eat The FADA Li e Is Complete lope 0,111 lirflaletV11210 IN SELECTIAL YOUR NEW RADIO OR ONE TO REPLACE AN OUT-OF-DATE MODEL YOU ARE NATURALLY INTERESTED 1N SECURING PERMANENT RADIO SATISFACTION AT A RE- ASONABLE COST- FADA HAS BEEN BUILDING RADIO RECEIV- ERS AND SPEAICERS OF KNOWN AND ACKNOWLEDGED SUPER- IOR QUALITY SINCE BROAD- CASTING BEGAN. 3FADA, HAS ALWAYS DEVOTED ITS EF - FORTS EXCLUSIVELY TO THE MANUFACTURE OF RADIO APPRATUS AND HAS NOT BEEN IDENTIFIED WITH .ANnr OTHER PRODUCT OR ,ACTIVITY. IT IS OUR PRIVILEGE TO REPRESENT SUCH RADIO SPECIALIST - THE PADA LINE INCLUDES TABLE MODEL. RECEIVERS AND C.:ONSCLE MODELS WITH SPEAKERS, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE MOST CONSERVATIVE BUYER. IF AT ALL INTEREST- ED BE SURE AND GET OUR PRICES, AND PHONE FOR. A DEMON- STRATION