HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-10-10, Page 1• Vol. XXX No.,141 HE ZURICH. THURSDAY 1VMORNUXd-OCTOBER 110 1929. Chester L Smit t,, PoXel> $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 int A 'yme ?IA INAnRJARS,*z Wilt 141(taseamere ake your Fall purchases from your home Merchants HAY > I ' The regular month% meeting of f 'the Council of the; Te,u shilpn mf •Hay' was held in the Totiuru ]hall, Z isle, 1 on Monday, October. rith:,. Ail the Members were present. The axv nutea of the previous meeting; were adop- ted ted as read. After dealing' with voricus• connn- *anications the following aea hitilms were passed:irr� That by-law No:, i 8:-1:, 19, g jhe rates to be lev ed1and laved •on the ratable property ef the ship for 1929 be read "three time and finally passe& That a grant of $15.8.0 be made t the South Huron Plowmen's Assoeiat ton. That the petition a£ Amos, Wild Fong and others asking for the provement of the McDonald Dram; between the Black Creek and the railway crossing be resealved and that' J. Rogers, O.L..S., be appionted as engineer under the Municipal Drain-< age Act ,and that be be authorized to make a survey and report of the; area affected. That three '1 -foot corrugated cul- verts, 10 guage, one 28 feet, one 22 feet and one 20 feet be purchased for use on the East Branch Drain from the Corrugated Pipe Company, �m��e04o�R 4044 •-1,444 4004 oc•# teree oreereae 4 4 4, 4 a se; • sch Uprights Pana, 44 • 4 4 4 6r •4 4 4 4 O A 4 4 good as price tar quick sale. A real buy FRED THFEL g Z JR1CH aN .1 fir., Will sell at right 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 •4 ; 00444440.4 r�$44444)0440 44A+... .4461®00.4 040•04441) -fp -#1,0,4(: AO Seasonable Footwear • A At Reasonable Prices FINEST OF PATENT, NEWEST It WOMEN OF PATTERNS. ALSO TN THE SMARTEST OF COLORS. IN ,'IGH AND MEDIUM WALKING HEELS CHLL.DREN'S MANISH ,OXFOR- DS AND DAINTY STRAPS. kz �� MEN SQUARE TOE, LINDY Ods-- -"""'isea,eie FORDS. HERE ARE ALL THE LAETHERS. 194E11 ARE WEARING PATENTS,. BI O'WN AND BLACK IN QU AL1TFES THAT MAKE THE PRICES MOST UN- USUAL. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RUNNING ,SHOES FOR EVERY 0 N7 WOS. BATHING SHOES, ETC_ REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Browa's opt 4 4 O 4 4 O m 4 eto 4 Sv" s OUR hop WINDOW DISPLAY • 'M , GO0a 0t'J' X 40.0* ,3 0s50sRe0o0400***• s !What 1 A (io Th, . a► sI A cifi NL'EIE, OF WOREMANSHIP. 0 4e 2 EACIZ SLUT 1:7F. 'VDUAtLV Cij ,.A:L 'TAILORED EXPERTS • 3, CORRECT STYLE AND + ... SMART NESS OF ,VI GN S BEAuvir Or FABRICS. COMBINE ' !'Il F. mir "Enz gait sakuPERS :TO C1 O0 SE IFI 1' j E0F,1MlftN!ti,'.ii 0 WHEN WE SAY uit d ` u •. flothes � at tgati • 9t b, •1 i 4.4 Tbat accounts covering payments for Township Roads, Telephone and General Accounts be passed. S. Martin, pay list, $14.25; E. Hen drick, ditto 57.00; P. Schade 126.60; R. Geiger 20.00; Wm. Fisher 222.55; 8, J-Ioffman 18.43; W. Dearing 61.90; L. Kalbleisch 7.56; A. Mousseau, 109.65; J. Campbell 67.95; F. Hab erer 96.45; J. M. Richardson 10.50; C. Alclsworth 77.95; L. Schilbe, acct. 12.00, . Corbett, pay list 78.90; M. M. Russell ditto, 43.50; Telephone ccounts-C. N. R., freight On dir- etories 5.90; Bell Tel. Co., tolls Jly 1 to Aug. 20 300.93; Northern Elec ric Co. Material 100.35; M. G. Deitz, alary and use of car .90.00; Zurich ,entral switching 5 weeks 80.00; E. uenther, cartage 4.25; Can. Tele - hone & Supplies, material 3.50; Bell elephone Co., tolls Aug. 21 to Sep. 0 211.84; Waterioa Mutual Fire In- surance Co, insurance premium 20.00 P. McIsaac, salary, etc., less tolls 560.65. General Accounts -J. Reid payment Black Greek scheme 1500.00 Exeter Agric. Society grant 15.00;; Zurich Agric. Society, grant 25.00; Zurich School Fair, grant. 20.00; Dashwood School Fair, grant 10.00; Grant Bend School Fair, grant 5.00; H. Restemeyer, sheep killed by dogs 25.00; F. Reding, sheep valuator $2; J. Gellman, repairs to . Schwalm Dr- ain 4.50, Ontario Hospital re C Rupp 3 months 39.00; Municipal World, supplies 5.69; Tuckersmith Teleph- one System, balance 1928 rates 27.24 .Amusement Tax Branch, tak tickets 4.80; S. Hoffman, pay list, Masse Drain 236.50; T. Kyle, pay Iist, Step- han Drain 54.50; S Huron Plowman's Association, grant 15.00. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, November 4th„ at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. A. F. Hess, Clerk. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute held their monthly me- eting on Monday eve., Oct. 7th, with 25 ladies present, The meeting -was opened by Mrs. D. Ducharme in the chair, after singing the opening ode the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer then spoke on the care of feet. Foot tro- uble is often due to improper shoes for the foot. The Doctor's talk with the illustrations was much enjoyed by all present, The ladies expressed a hearty vote of thanks and appreciat- ion for his time and good will de -voted to this address. A reading was giv- en by Miss Pear] Wurtz, and a vocal duet by Mrs. O'Dwyer and Miss P. Pfile, a paper by Mrs. E. Weide on Self Conquest. This pap.'r was well given and well received. The Presi- dent, Mrs. Kropp then took. the chair and led the business part. A num- ber of items were brought up and discussed. Mrs. Win. Hey was ap- pointed delegate to the Convention at London, the beginning of Novem- ber. The meeting was then closest by singing the National Anthem: A social half hour was then spent and the committe in charge of the meet- ing served a very dainty lunch. Com- bination salads were discussed during lunch, and real good salad receipts were given, the ladies then adjourn- ed. is 41 4! 4. a ore than Ever ...J"i Fine Set With its exclusive feature .....Selector Tuner; Dynamic Speaker,; and other superiori- ties the New Kolster Radio is ^the set you will want to own. A demonstration will win you. Come in any time. 'ELMER OESCH r' • DON'T FORGET 14Ir. Philip• Beaver was a visitor to Exeteron Monday. Mr. Simon Smith, of Detroit, was a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Smith, the past week. Mr. end Mrs. E. E. Weido, Mr. Jacob and Percy Weido were Sun- day visitors at Lamb, Mich. Mr: and Mrs. Jos. Geiger and fam- ily were recent visitors with Rev. and and Mrs. Roy M. Geiger at Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and two sins of Forest, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Alr. Wm. Lamont Merrsr. E. Desch and Ward Fritz were at London on business on Mon- day, Mr. Arthur and Mite Alice White sides of Toronto, visited at the Will- iams home the past week. Mrs, C. Fritz, and daughters, Miss Pearl- Wurtz and Mrs. H. H. Cowen visited with relatives the past week at Gaelph and Fergus. Mr. Daniel Gascho of New Ham- burg and son Alvin of Kitchener, visited at their home here over Sun - Mr. 3. 111: Govnlock, the Liberal candidate for the Provincial Election of Seaford), called on friends in the village on Friday. Our mechanics, ourselves, our home of%ct:, are interested in your Ford, try our Ford service -Sandy Elliot. We ,tock genuine Fard parts all models 1912 to 1929. Mil G. Koehler., has made the fol - le:( auto sales recently: Mr. H.' Reynolds; of Dashwood, a new Bunck sedan, and to Ivan Steckle of Stti nley •a Pontiac Coupe. Mr. John Deichert is having his building, occupied by H. Yungbiut & Son, nicely painted on the outside, and also some improvements made on the inside, and makes a vast impro- vement. On Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving services were held in St. Peter's Luth eran church, when the pastor, Rev. E. Tuerkheim delivered suitable mes- sages. Special music was also given by the choir. Miss Welsh of Toronto, and form- erly of Hensel], is a visitor with her friend, Miss Annie Consitt of Stan- ley, who is staying at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. J. Dowson. Sorry to report that while crank- ing a car •an Sunday, Mr. Allan Schrag, known as Zurich's milk man, had the misfortune to break his arm, near the place where it was bro- ken about a year ago. A few radios around town are be- ing patronized these afternoon listen- ing in on the World's Series Baseball games played between the Philadel- phia team of the American League, and the Chicago team of the National League. It is estimated that the event will again be a million dollar gate receipts. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Decker most royally entertained the members of the Agricultural Society to a sum- ptuous fowl supper on Tuesday 'ev- ening, and all those present report that Mr. aid Mrs. Decker certainly know how to handle an occasion of this kind. The balance of the even- ing was spent in progressive euchre, and other amusements.,. Laporte-Ducharme A happy matrimonial event was cel ebrated on October 7th, at St. Pet- er's Church, Drysdale, when Rev. Fr. L. Marchand' united in Holy Wed- lock, Miss Annie Rena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wm.. Ducharme to M. Noel Laporte, son of Mr. an.1 Mrs. Charles Laporte, both parties of the parish. The bride was charmingly gowned in white satin, carrying white Asters; the 'bridesmaid, Miss Juliette Denomy was dressed in pink satir and carried pink Asters: Mr. Wan. Ducharme Jr., acted as groom's -ma: The wedding patty which consisted of aroung 100 repaired to the hoinr of the bride where the usual day': enjoyable entertaining took place The happy bridal couple have the hest wishes of a large circle of fri- ends, and will reside on the groom', fine farm on the Blue Watch High- way, Stanley. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS WATERMAN PENS. ALL SIZES AND COLORS $L50 tQ $6.50 ass; The Jeweller COAL 192� [IMPORTANT FUEL, Announcement Effective at Once. We beg to announce a rechsethwa eeti 50c. per ton from the winter S i„ on all Grades of Anthracite 024a. In addition, we will al/ow a dilea:sr of 50c per ton for CASH PA.'f�'.f!I+ ONLY, on Anthracite as d An lerzAtirst of Fuel. Pricer an Anthracite will astvaaca , June 15th. Take advantage of these Reck BertZeosa Prices, and lay in your supplor raw of The Original anal Only D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL Or The Famous D. & H. LACKAWANNA. COQ Noted for its great heat. H 1N SALL ONT.; Office Phone lOw House Phone 1.q.r 3 •• -�43 +444444+444444444, 444. 44+444444+++++1 0i*,1 �4 i 4. E HIGH CLASS USED CARS BEFORE BUYING A NEW OR USED CAR OF ANY MAKE I3E SURE AND SEE US. LONG EASY TERMS 1927 FORD COACH In perfect Condition, a won- derful buy. Bumpers, and Speedometer 1926 FORD COACH Mechanically A. 1., a Bargain $285.00 real 1927 FORD COUPE Loaded with extras.. This. car is a lot better than the average used car. A REAL SNAP' 1 NEW PIANO' Taken in on a Chevrolet Six Terins SPECIAL PR.ICE,S ON THESE. CARS 1-1929 Essex 4 -door sedan-_ 1-1928 Essex 4 -door sedan_ 1 -Overland Touring,, 1923 Model. 1 --Baby Grand Touring 1 Ford Touring very cheap.. 1 GENT'S BICYCLE 1 TOP BUGGY 1 6 -YR. OLD HORSE., 1 0 F RITZ & SON USED CAR BROKERS CHEVROLET AND UNITED TRACTOR. AGENCIES- +44+444dr44+44+4++++.E+444+44.44-44oL•s + aS44++4sr44 fi•4 0+ • } Seasona.ie We have a large stock of .Fall am Winter Goods ON HAND. NEW FLANNELETTES, MILITARY ELA1tN s MACKINAW FLANNELS AND TWEEDS, WOOL AND, Flui. NELETTE BLANKETS, MEN'S AND BOYS* SWEATER COAT S„ WIND BREAKERS, HEAVY SOCKS AND STOCKINGS, Inib i;Y• WEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ../.111.30 Dorm. GLOVES AND 'GAPS„ ALL PRINTS, GINGHAM, BROADCLOTHS ;EtTHS AND SI.131307 a GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES WE KEEP SUPPLIES FOR .A.LAAIN LAMPS. WE WILL. BE PLEASED TO HAVE "YOU GALL AT OURSIO.rlr. R. N.tiOUGLAS GENEWAL. ettERCHANT PHONE 11 97 ill L..44 ICE • ..''. ......-._. - .w.....0016_ 4 A