Zurich Herald, 1929-09-12, Page 7Produces Clear Sparkling % Negatives Any Hour Any Day Any Season Still or swift -moving objects. Insist on Gevaert-the faster, better film. You'll have fewer failures and enjoy the thrill of better snaps. Ask your Dealer — The — GEVAERT COMPANY 05 AMERICA Toronto _2W A Gareien 1 It lies beside the busy road -a haven of rest and of beauty. So few of the pedesti'ains and motol:ists guess, when racing past on the Scottish highway, of the glories which lie just on the other side of ;he hedge. En passant, one would say, "It is u garden"; but once inside' ethe gate and wandering. through the riot of color, one exclaims "This is a paradise—a paradise made by aolneone who loves and under- stands flowers." In confusion and profusion they grow, these tended and beloved blooms. There is no limit or dividing line, for a • weed, picked up for its beauty, is planted and thrives, and, by some miraculous means, be- comes an intlependent citizens, shar- ing equal rights with the more stately, garden -reared flowers. From among the tall grasess peeps out a clump of deep -toned purple pansies. They come upon one with such a shock of surprise, as though they realized that growing among tall grasses was not quite usual, but be- ing there, bless you! they would re- main, to gladden the eyes of those who found them, with their velvety richness. Round the irises, tall and stiff, cud- dles a patch of Virginia stock. Lilies, statuesquely beautiful, rise from among the pure foam of Snow -in - Summer, like beauti ail maidens ris- ing from a frothy sea. Campanula bells, their blueness matchir_I: the sky, swing their heads in the breeze and whisper words , of wisdom to adoring sea pinks; and an orange lily tops a bed of lavender. Pansies, some rainbow colored some blue, some yellow,, meet the gaze wherever it dests. In beds of catmint nestle scar- let musk, like rubies on a lavender gown; while close to this crimson and lavender ;,rows a lovely scarlet rose. One might call it a demoscratic gar- den, for in it all things grow with equal fervor, from the green grass, interspersed with the reddest of clover, to the most fashionable and aristocratic of blooms. And all this wonder glows and perfumes the air on a square piece of land tinder the shadow of the hills, and is lulledto sleep at night by the sound of a cascading burn which flows beneath the road, and so past the garden. Courtesy Not a Lost Art A man who has traveled far and wide across the country rises to re- mark that he has not found that cour- tesy has become a fa.'.ing memory, an old-time gesture of hospitality and gentle breeding no longer p"acticed In thew hurrying days On the contrary, he says courtesy has been shown him everywhere, part - 'milady in New England, where form- ality and reserve have sometimes been.. advertised as among the typical pro- ' ducts. The experience of many an- other wayfarer will doubtless prove the soundness of the conclusion that curtesy has not disarpeared, but con- tinues to thrive in most unexpected places. One has only to drive up to a garage for information about hotels,. roads, scenery or the state of the universe—quite apart from any sale ofgasoline or of I—tof' d instant, t, un- SAVE THE CHILDREN In Summer When Childhood Ail- ments Are Most Dangerous. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, cholera in- fantum and diarrhoea carry off thous- ands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to 'give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troublesor if givenen oc- After m ► -4, LO gain thirty pounds in three months, and win back health and strength was the happy experience of Mrs. Mar- garet Brethour of Corn- wall, .Ont., who givesall' the credit for it to Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. "After the birth of my baby, .I was in the hospital four months," she wrote, "and came home weighing only sixty-five pounds. I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and it wasn't long until I weighed ninety-five pounds and my general. health was of the best. Every Spring since then I take the pills as a tonic, and wouldn't be without them, no matter what they cost; 7 strongly recommend them to all mothers." Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your druggist's or any dealer in medicine or by mail, 50 cents, Postpaid, front The Dr: Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. How ,lees Done At Scotland Yard "The life of a Scotland Yard de- tective, if one can judge by the re- marks by XYlajor T, 1i, Vitty, at the Conference of the Chief Constables'. Association at Brighton, seems to be becoming quite excitin. • "This is entirely contrary to 'ac- cepted views, for we were always taught to smile tolerantly at the glam- our of romance woven round the de- tective profession by whiters of fiat ion and to believe that in actual prac- tice ietective is a pretty dull busi- nss."—Yorkshire Poht. "A good deal has been heard in the Press about the failure of the Flying Squad hitherto to cope with what are. known as 'smash and grab' raids,' said Major T. 11. Vitty, Engineer to the Metroolitan Police, in a speech at the Conference of Chief Constables at Brighton, reports the Sussex .Daily News. "But it Will be realised that in an area the size of the Metropolitan Police District (700 square miles) and the small number of cars available, the chances .are enormously against a policecar being in the immediate neighbourhood when a 'smash and grab' raid occurs, but in several cases the perpetrators have been pursued and caught as a result of the inform- ation of a 'smash and grab' raid being immediatly sent out by wireless. "Wh_n a police message is sent from Scotland Yard to all stations it is also sent out by wireless to be picked up by any patrolling van or car. There is also an arrangement under which any policeman in any part of London who receives inform- s -3e tion or sees anything which leads him to believe that persons with a motor car or other vehicle have committed, or are committing a crime and have decamped in the car can at once com- municate by telephone with the wire- less station at headquarters so that the patrolling cars may be immed- iately warned by wireless. As a re- sult, the Flying Squad are thieves and thieves in motor -cars. "Az an example of the speed with which a capture can be effected I inay mention a case which occurred a few weeks ago, when a message was re- ceived at Scotland Yard at 1.5 a.m. that a car had been lost or stolen. This was immediately broadcast by wireless, was picked up by one of the cars which happened to be patrolling in the neighbourhood, and the stolen car was found and captured with the thieves in it at 1.15 t.m. "Another interesting case was one Bombay.—From the frozen arctic to in which information was telephoned I up to Scotland. Yazi to the effect the sweltering heat oE.the tropics, is i that a number of wellknown women the experience of Mrs. Olivia Cressy shoplifters were drinking together in Marcks, English explorer, who has in a public -house. visited every country except Australia. 1 «This information was sent out by Last year, in November, Mrs. wireless and the nearest patrolling Cressy-Mareks set out on• a journey car which picked it up proceeded to which she hoped would 1611"11er the public -house, waited outside till 50 PER Box Ilr�llic�' PINK PILLS •'A IIOUSCHOLP NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES" Woman Explorer Travels Miles Over Icy Wastes across the frozen wastes of Lapland. From Denmark to the arctic circle was, comparatively speaking, easy travel. There procuring i•i:indeer and grudging response to all queries. casionally to the well child they will guides she set out Ina "pulk," the na- One has not to ask passers-by for prevent their coming on. The Tab- a the storyof .oma local institution, tive sledge, on her journey of more lets are guaranteed to be absolutely than 1000 miles, crossing the norther - perhaps the way to a certain shop, harmless even to the new-born babe. most parts of Norway, Sweden, Fin - They to bring courteous response, often They are especially good in summer land and across Lapland into Russia. times in great and elaborate detail because they regulate the bowels and Leaving Moscow and skirting the and warmly solicitous, keep the stomach sweet and pure. Crimea, she rossed the Caucasus into A young woman in a polltene contest spo isored by a metropolitan newspaper visited offices and shops in search of likely candidates for the a- warding of a $25 prize for courtesy She had some difficulty in deciding upon the winners. Practically all of her studied and oftentimes involved, luestions met with good-na`.m'ed off - instances did she encounter a disinter- ested attitude, is none absolute dis- courtesy, The weaving together of peoples of many nationalities and interests, the mingling g of trades professions, lisrn and of rev inch out ro in P the dropping P P suspicion P 1ion hav ebrought t ado ut renewal i and growthwth of courtesy esY throughout n0u t th e land. To this happy P Y result probab- ly obab- ly the automobile has contributed more than any other one factor, un- less it be the common desire to lend a hand. Christain Science Monitor. "1 wish 1 knew line to shake Tom." - "If he's as handsome as his photo, 'I can take all that worry off your shoulders." A landlady wrote to her tenant: 'Dear sir: I regret to inform you 'that my rent is much overdue. Will you please forward me a check?" who 4STOR FOR, QUICK. COMFORT )�,�11)kl�iSS Childfo�It They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Lightning- i.:ds the gang emerged, and then followed them, with the result that the whole lot. were caught redhanded shoplifting in a large store. Tho number of mes- sages sent out from Scotland Yard my wireless to the Flying Squad vans is steadily increasing, and the equip- ment is constantly being improved." How To Be Happy Persia. There her mode of travel If a happy life youd' live, changed and from the primitive Lap- Learn the proper way to give, land "pulk" she took to the modern For the happiest person living motorcar, airplane and boat in Arabia. Is the man who joys in giving. After visiting parts of that countrY,Give your heart beside your gold, she come to Garachi (radia) by boat : Give your strength to help the old, and then went on a little trip to Bal- I Give your comfort, give your smile, uclt.istan and thence to Bombay by rail Give your 50111 to work worth while, The U.S. Bureau of Standards has across the desert. give your coat, your bed, your cup, recently published some interesting , Mrs. Cressy Marcks' journeys are Give your all—but don't give up. evidence of the value of lightning- made with the object of assisting na- Country Girl. rods, deduced from reports of fire tura' science and being a keen student marshals and insurance companies in of topography she has made many the United States and Canada, in maps and has on many occasions been ot knowledge the � g tided and un -supplement losses on rodded able to s which theI theP rodded buildings have been separated.crated. many countries and places. um in her lma in his a private muse Fitzhugh T•t n he has Charles S Sasg Y Science Service feature, Why the home in Buxton (England), and has collection of for charity her (Washington): exhibited Weather? (Was g ) "Most fire losses from lightning on- curios obtained from all over the cur in rural districts. The proportion world. Arabia interests her more of farm buildings equipped with light- than any other country. Iler hobbies nine -rods 's not definitely known, ex- are astronomy, prilosophy and rug cept in the State of Iowa, where a collecting, careful estimate indicates about 50 per cent. During the period 1919.1921 twenty-eight rodded buildings in Iowa were destroyed by lightning, with losses amounting to $87,979. In the same period 503 other buildings in the State were destroyed by lightning, and the losses were $1,060,668. Thus the value of the rodded buildings des- troyedwas only 7..7 per cent. of the total, although the number exposed to lightning hazards was about 60 per cent, Very similar conditions prob- ably prevail ove rthe greater part of the Mid -Western United States, where it is believed that about half of the farm buildings at teed. of the better class, art protected bY Ion: The Bureau, in summing up the evidence available, reaches the •conclusion' that the chance of au unrodded farm build- ing being destroyed, by lightning ap- pears to be about fifty-seven tithes as great as that of a rodded building," A Man's Hopes if, invisible ourselves, we could fol- low as single human being through a day of his life ,and know all his secret thoughts and hopes and eneieties, his resolves, , and Prayers and, tearsgood his Passionate delights and struggles against tempttion, we should have poetry enough to fill a volume. Henry Wadsworth LcngfelloW. Never talk your best in the com- pany of fools.—Logo] Chesterfield, "Why is the butcher taking it so hard because he's not selling much beef?" "FIe says his living's at steak." Purity The highest state of man consists in his purity as a moral being, and in the habitual culture: and full operation of those principles by which he looks forth to other ,scenes and other times, .--Abercrombie. Value of Time "Every moment lost;" said Napo- leon, on one occasion, "gives an op- pertunity for misfortune"; and he used to say that he beat the Alts• glans because they never knew the trians value of time; while they dawned, he overthrew them.—Smiles. Mother—"Well, Willie, what did you learn at school today?" Willie --"To say 'yes and no ma'am'." Mother -i-' "'You did?" Willie --"Yep.' Education What sculpture is to a block lc of itntra 1 m I is to be man soul. ' • a1 b1e, education The philosopher, the saint, and the great s g hero—the wise, the good, the or fed ishid and concealed f n to man—very o iu a plebian which a proper education would have disinterred and brought to light.—Addison. Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment. Blending Rid Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the fine flavor and full-bodied richness required years of experi- ence. Every, package guaranteed, at "is oodtea' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is 'extra imoc "From Now Onwards" "Imperial commerce needs from now. onwards men with character and vis- ion, who can really fill the key posit- ions in the new age of large-scale in- dustries; who can, if necessary, im- pose and enforce ordci and progress; who can hold at bay the disruptive forces that make for uncertainty and chaos. "There is not a shadow of doubt that University education will pro- duce that type of man and that the technique of commerce that i staedily being developed will offer them more and more opportuni- ties.'—Sir Charles Walkefield at the recent King's College centenary cele- brations. Wisdom Whosoever thinks that he alon has wisdom, or a tongue, or a soul, such as no other, this man, when laid open, is seen to be empty,—Sophocles. Minard's Liniment -Used for 50 years Grip of the Hand Oh, the world is wide and the world is grand. And there's little or nothing new, But its sweetest thing is the grip of the hand Of the friend that's tried and true. —Anon. LUXO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber—He knows WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE Well equipped for publishing and printing, doing good business. Must have substantial down pay- ment. Good reason for selling. Apply Box 3, WILSON PUBLISHING CO. LTD. 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto —by qualifying as Agent � Tele aP her. Course approved by the railways. We secure positions. Write for Free Folder TODAY. Day or Mail courses. Dominion School Telegraphy Ltd. Dept. MU,. 2 Toronto AP Were Woman it "1 have great piaasatr0 in informing you that Eruschen Salts hare worded wonders for me. I great suffererliver and kidney have been a trouble, and ater of trying one bottle I ant a different woman. 1 had to give up my work, but thanks to Erusrhen Salts 7 ant back at work again, and I give nay son a little every morning, and I don't hear of the littlo complaints non which a child generally gets. Rd is happier and brighter. I have enclosed a sivaii-shot of son and self. 1 cin 43 years, boy 6 clears. I shall always highly 'recommend Eruscheia, and I !could not be without Mem myself in a harry. " —(bars.) M. P. Original letter on ale for Inapeetloa. I{raschen Salts Is obtainable at drug and menu stores in Gunadu o at 7bo, a bottle, depart mo tl s good health for half -a cent a day. 001466/v4, th For Troubles' due to Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GASES.NAUSEA Excess acid is the commoncause of din and - exile]], It les in ilia P indigestion. sourness about two hours after eating. which alkali 've is an The nick corrective T q corrective neutralizes acid. The best t is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in will, 1t is harm- less and tasteless and its action quick. You will never rely on cru methods, never continue to suffe when you learn how quickly, ho act •mea method e i leasentl this Pl P y hi Please let it show you—now. i3e sure to get the genuine Phillir Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by phy clans for 50 years in correcting ecce acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions—an;p drugstore. Classified Advertisements YARNS AND BX,ANSETS A hadCknigNTDO Af for itnus for manufacturing your own 'N'001 irtto blankets and yarn, Samples and urines t- edtoreaefriopaoned Writoil nce onffrmtin. Flesherton Woollen Mills, Flesherton, Ontario. John Nuhn, Prop. UENTs WANTED TO SELL GRUIT ill Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Hedging old complete Nv)tt 1 r esalshednfirm.ui furnished Cash commission na.sd every week Good teritory still open 'N>ite today. Maple arove Nurseries. Winona. Ontario. IIIWO STEAM -PUMPS, LN PERFECT condition, large capacity. Watkins. Room 421, 73 Adelaide St West Toronto. j4 E1N1� STEAM BOILI2R, 150 FI,P-. 1 very cheap, apply Watkins, Rooth 421, 73 Adelaide Street West Toronto. OPPORTUNITY To keep in the rear of opportunity in matters of indulgence is as valua- ble a habit as to keep abreast of op- portunity in matters of enterprise.— Thomas hardy, `. S . S3ns Saws Eos toid,ng rep idred .SIi►' 4 lI Old saws re-Easrs,tlt„g paired and ,, • sharpen ed to give good work Complete stock on hand of new circular and band saws. Write us about saws SIMONDS CANADA SAW C0.1.701 MONTREAL - TORONTO 7-29 VANCOUVER • ST. JOHN. N.B, _,o,____ Soap Delicalcif .3fnti:reptic Unexcelled the skin _--..d,.— Cailt and .91cdiealerl, .... for cleansing, and Lair. ic11fl11'a intment Sanative and Pare and Efficient purifying and protecting 50 yearn world -,vide favorites I naps cuts, Hunters Take Minard's in the burns ^•,1. along for any woods. Good for sprains, and bruises. mis- gg0 ; •l�>� ��. F;fig 5 ,t 5 g`h � . 1. aw'ti 3 THIS '`�. ° P« . e s1 k n � HEAD NOISES RUB IN BACH collar EARS -INSERT IN t sN NOSTI3 t£ u.. EAR, Ci Zo ?Descriptive folder on request. )A. 0. LEONARD, Inc. ' 70 Piftlt. Ave., New York City C moi• l M1 `M t. t e• w. M1,4 } .4 1 t :, t • �(i.';fY ria. wt: •)Z '��t.:;.. sal•, , �` r�i�^ ..tti ,.,tilt. ;•d:. ,' ?fie Is le r W. S 1 , Is' >l t£., "Alter having very miserable, very near unfit E: Pinkham's advertised and helped me weak spells tett me and ter. 1 feel safe Pinkham's me wondertuily. t3ee hteller, Ontario. d anoperation, 1 was weak, nervous and to work: I saw Lydia Vegetable Compound tried it and believe it ,t wonderfully: 1 have no ,1 any more, the pains I1ave i my nerves are much bet. in saying Lydia Ea tnedicines have helped "•--Mrsa Wins Iia 130x 141 Port Colbomc, � e ap . t,i,w ytr, G4i'C: rt +i•, i. i. 5 G ..r t• 1 a ]tri: , z s,s. d. o- t i• a li e,1,b sg Dan tld 1 inad5 • . ISSUE No. 36—�