Zurich Herald, 1929-09-05, Page 5iur5day, *pterober 5jh 1024 AU.r 1#' CAW'3 nErindu-v E. Hou,Mos 'aimonswigit, SOLWITOR, NOT TARP PUBLIC, ETC. 011PFICW--Hantilton Street, .rust oft Oa Square, OODIUt1CU, Ontario. ltllpecdai attention to Counted and', Court Work 6r, I oIm a may be consulted at leode ich by Phone, and Phone +cb*?ges ravened, Dr. H. II. COWEN Ia. D.S. D.D a DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday i BARTLEIB'S BLOCK. DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jona Nat - lima School sof Auctioneeriag. Try lfesss for Registered Live Stock, ',SII Steeds). Terme in keeping rdtk prevailing prices, Choice' NEMO for sale. Will Stell anything Alert/here. rbote 11--14 or erxika: Zoic' K Licensed Auctioneer WOR HURON az MIDDLESEX AM INA POSITION TO CON - any auction Sale, regardtesd P s a fine 'to Mee or article to reel[. I jj lig, formerly used as a bake shop, elNicit your Wan* WA $C °t d a rtew d. able par4 e.. For fur ' eatlefied will make no charger tor'?'atzQ 1Mr�+iaMa s : • • r Arthur Weiser — Dp_sh,�wwod. jrbe ee 13--8T . , ' 1 . HOUSE FOR SALE Consisting of three Lots of good land, there is on the remise 'pre Top* Wants,, For Salem Lost, FOIIPid, Notice, Etc. Ade IN Me VOLUME HOUSE FOR SALE Consisting of three Lots - of land.. There is on the premises a good frame house, an barn suitable for garage and chicken house. Fine location in town, close to school, Will be sold reasonable. For further particulars apply to Mrs, N Saunder'eock, Hen- sen, Ont. 12-3p Or apply to A. R. Hess, Zurich. ORO NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in fut- ure I will not be responsible for , any debts made by my wife Celina Ayotte of Zurich, Ontario, Signed—Christopher Ayotte. Dated September 3rd, 1929. 12-3 LOST Auto license,between my place and Zurich. Finder kindly leave or notify, Sol. Ginger cb, Zurich. FOR SALE COCKERELS FOR SALE A few April hatched Single Comb, Tong Barron White Leghorn Cocker- els, froni.blood tested stock, noted for heavy egg production, a -d headed by the very best R.O.H. Cockerel. Price $1.67, Advancing 7c every Monday. tj Bruce Klapp, Zurich, Ont. dwelling, good stable, a brick build- . Overstock ther particulars apply eo. George K. Farwell, Zurich. z j_4p _. t FOR SALE One Good young horse weighing about 1600 lbs. for sale. Apply to Theophile Bedard, hall mile north of St. Joseph F. Papineau, owner. ,,�,,, LOST -- [�R4,t 0 A auto a and rim, either be- tween Zurich and Mr. Clifford Keys, 3�8 Stanley, or Zurich and Mr, W. IL Edighoffer, 14th con. Finder kindly Tires, Tubes. Low Prices otify, George Deichert, Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED N0 W ' Highest cash prices paid for cream, ■ Phone 41� Eggs and Poultry_ a Ss Yy WW 133. 1Th6 auras Meyers, Zurich DASUW 00D FOR SALE lewe_N4.NI.lN4N444'0a4M • A limited number of choice young 4`"— .ac pigs for quick sale. Apply. to Zurich& Popular Elmer WB.lert, 14th con., Hay MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 'FROM THE FIRM OF YI3NGBLUT # DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISRED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & Son GOAL 1929 Announeexnent ISPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal 4It, SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 60 Cts. Per Ton will: be allowed for cash. Order Early as prices -rill advance on June 15rd'a. Case & Son tane 3 HENSALL WANTED All kinds of sewing done, women's and children's clothes. Prices quite reasonable. Ethel A. Bess, Zurich, Ont. WANTED Young lady to do housework in Seaforth for a month or more. State age and wages wanted. Box 321, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE HONER — CHOICE CLOVER HONEY At 10 cents per pound. Bring your containers. Jacob Deichert, Jr., Phone 20---94, Zurich. FOR SALE About 60 choice Leghorn hens for quick sale. Apply to Perd Haberer. The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada READ OFFICE TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Plana 1141 L I VE h erantoe and Accident Ineuranes. /�ry� aided and 31tnen eosin Grenada P O L T R WANTED 1N MEMORIAM In .coving memory of Pearl E. A. Keller, who departed life 1.3 years a- go, September 2nd, 1916. When we reach the Heavenly garden ;And see her in perfect bloom, The bower we loved so dearly, And thought, that. IIe ,plucked too soon Oh, then we shalt know His reason, The, we .know- it not to -day, Why in her fragrant beauty Ile took our flower away. Sadly missed by rathot, Mother Waken every Clay till 8eeeldclK,p en as NM teed PPowl Nova ares .aing When br etch t In. ',Highest Cash Prices. --CARO VOA— . Cream, and Pegs W.O'Brien mow* sa sot* LOCAL NEWS ".Miss sited a few days with Mies ell of e,ida t oqt ledge, Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter of Kit- chener are spending a few daye with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Mr. W. L. Siebert, who spent the past week in Detroit, has returned to his home here. ' Messrs Frank and Wm. Siebert of Detroit, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr: and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr and Mrs, George Broderick, and family and Miss Kestle of Lond- on called on friends in town recently. Mr. Clarence Hoffman of Galt vis- ited at the home of his parents over Sunday Mr. John Cantin of M led on friends n town French Settlement over th and Mrs. Ed. Greb of Detroit, were holiday the home of Mr. and Mrs. nen. Miss Marjorie Brown o has returned home after vi uncle and aunt, Mr. and M Salmon, Thursday next is the d Zurich school fair, and a means much to the kiddies o al public schools. Hay Council met on T its monthly meeting. A f of the minutes will be pn next week's issue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wes daughter Harilynn Jean, of seh, Mich., are visiting with over the holiday. Some people are under the sion that the half holiday se over n Zurich with the begin September. But not so in Z the date extends on till after Fair. Mr. Lennis Califas of Ki visited relatives here over the Mrs. Capias and family, who h en visiting liege for a week returning with him. Mr. and Mrs. Werner EiIbe family of Detroit, spent the with the latter's parents, t)r. • Routledge. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingers week -end visitors at Kitchene also attended a Confer the leletnrnonite church at Kitchen Mr. Nesbitt Woods returne Toronto toresume his duties on teaching staff, after spending his ation with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. W Mr. and Mrs. J. H ,Price and ily of Waterloo, were week -end ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leib and family on the Babylon Line. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, and son Earl, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson on Sunday. A sign painter from Exeter was in town one day recently and ',eree-e ingly decorated a number of the bus- iness places in either window or grass doors in town, which greatly will help the public to readily identify just what place of business they are entering. Practically all the harvest with the exception of some buckwheat and a few late beans is now again garnered 'in and we can only look back again and say that the summer of 1929 is a thing of the past. Truely we can- not help but again say that we have. had another good harvest, with pric- es good, which will again make the community prosperous for another year. Mrs. Wm. Beaver of liensall, ac companied by her daughter, Mrs ontreal cal- and at the he holidays. and family visitors at John Bren- f London, siting her re. C. J. ate of the day that f the loc- uesday for u11 report bashed in eloh and Tecum- relatives impres- ason . is ning of urieh, as the Fall Wiener, holiday 1110,1 It AL , Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kraft o f trait, were week -end visitors at home of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Kra renewing old friends in the viii this week. Mr, and Mrs, Hy. Lautenschla and daughter and Mr. Miller of chener, were visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs, L. Kraft, Mr, G. Holtzman of Kitchener, is visiting with his Zurich frien a few days this week. Mr. said Mrs. J. Hey Jr., attended the large Heist reunion at Sebwaing, Mich,,: over Sunday. Labor Day passed off very quiet on Monday, as most people were out of town. Rev and urs, Humphrey Graliam, of Guelph, spent Wednesday with Dr. and Mrs. J. Routledge. Miss Delores Uttley spent the past two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs• 'H, Uttley and with friends at Gross Ile and Detroit, Mich., has re- turned to Seaforth. Miss Margaret Mousseau of near HensaIl, left on Monday for Toroeto, accompanied "by Mr, and Mrs. F• Shaw and babe of Toronto. IVIe. Gordon Rau of Detroit, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. De, a e****r *1100.00 ..... lance ealtite............. Nt►f 0404 the, # Kral age, Im.p1ernent ger *. * Kit- * WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IIVIPLEMENTS AND • of : , •AD TQ SUPPLY YOU WITTL JUST THE�_ M TT,T. BE IGT. KIND •4' i MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL YAI.UI~ • GIVE YOU MOST PER DOLLAR OF COSI. • • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING • AND BESIDES WE INSTALLRAND FITTINGS. • LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE AMDE LAVAL f We have the Agency- • for this Distpict, is ds Mr. and Mrs. Herman Williams of New Hamburg, spent the week -end at the home of their neice, Mrs. C.L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mittleholt of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mitt holtz. z, at le Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Smith and three daughters of Hamilton, spent the week -end at the homes of the for- mer's brothers, Mr. C. 0. of the Blue Water Highway, and C. L. of the vil- lage. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. ave be- j and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, Jr., of Blake, of so, when about six o'clock Saturday mor- ning their entire house with most of r and the contents was totally destroyed by holiday fire. When Mr. Jeffrey arose in the and Mrs morning he lighted the coal oil stove and went to the barn about his work, ch were Mrs• Jeffrey following tri a short r nd time, and when whe came to where ence of the stove was she found everything er, in a mass of flames, and giving the d to caII for help immediately, but as the the vac- urm. fanz- visit- old Brawley of Kitchener, spent a few days the past week with 1Vir. and Mrs. Jos. Gascno of town. The ladies were accompianed on Thursday by Mr. Beaver and Mr. Brawley, We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Beaver have contributed as a present to Mr. and Mrs. 13rawley a new Plymouth coupe auto, which indeed makes a very acceptabie gift. Zurich Public School re -opened on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, for the ensueing year, with the former year's staff of teachers as follows: Principal of the Continuation School, Mr. Pidgeon; Room No. 3., Miss F. Kaibiieisch, Room No. 2, Miss 0. O'Breui; Loom No. 1, Mrs. G. Koehler, The entire school has recently been wired for electric lights which wall be used on dark or dull days, nice fixtures nave been installed and the work done in a neat and satisfactory way by Messrs Tiernan & Restemeyer, of Dashwood, who were awarded the contract wh- ich was given by tender. The Old Boys Reunion at -the St. Peter's Parish, French Settlement on Monday, .most certainly was the big attraction of the community, as hun- dreds of people gathered there to celebrate this eventful home coming. Good chicken dinners were prepared and served freely and abundantly for the inner man, and there were amusements galore for one and all, and everybody enjoyed themselves to the full. A very' appropriate program was run off in the afternoon at which some interesting addresses were given a pageant zeas rendered and some other very dramatic numbete were rendered. Father Marchand and his- paiishoriers are to be congratulated on the success achieved, and we would suggest that a homecoming of this kind about every ten years would nseist greatly in keeping the old boy- hood ties of the parish together. z1 fact we must say to everything it was Drether and ,Sister. , a huge success and welt managed, re a vouring building of andra attachmentsme, the le thereto flames soon were beyond control and 1 everything was burned to the ground. + The Zurich fire engine was called to + the scene, but when it arrived the fire had made such headways that it + was of no avail. Fortunately the + wind was in the favorable direction, or probably the barn would have al- so been put on fire, as there was a large new straw stack outside, -which t would have been hard to keep from igniting. The loss, regardless of the insurance, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey will be a heavy one, as in a home there are always so many things 4 that cannot be replaced. it i f i GARAGE SUPPLTE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND• b CAN SUPPLY YOU 'ITI-I ALMOST ANY KIND OF i PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAV AUTO i' DO EXPERT BATTERY E YOU MONEY ON SAME 11 WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and greases' • . Prang - Zurich ******e••No*••*********011ifteee•dre•asee aaiseesee+fent 1*++++++++++++++++++++++++4 -,++++++++444444++++++4 ,++++t+'b+'i" i" 1"#+44 4+ri-+q++I+ 1 The Wintep Season ..... + ▪ IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS I + OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR i FRENCH DOORS , 'I -ET US QUOTE YOU ON...���... COLONY•HOUSES ALL SIZES' AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 'i' ELIC • co PHONE 6 9 - ZURICH i. t q"p'p'ty'q ► rrT•r'tt t t'T7.9• ► ►'►rt r•rt� r�r t �s rr rr r r�.}.t.y�q. s t'i,, .p sid 44'2,'J ICE I �T7 7l ATT OFF ' r. • • ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church , A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—.Choir Practice. 10. a. nn: .German Service. 1145 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services, E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Pointed Thoughts Success is not made by lying a- wake at night but by keeping awake in the day time. Next to faith in God, the greatest faith is faith in yourself to such an extent that you are on a paying basis, The right way to begin to walk in the right way is to begin right away. Religion was intended to be an armor, not a cloak; an instrument and agency for righteousness. One may have a head full of religion and at the same time a heart full of dem- ons. Starch is good in a laundry, but warmhearted sociability serves a bet- ter purpose in church. God brother. l The chu h ielps the man s not ao pdorm- itory for sleeprs, but a labor -home for workers. It isnot a museum for dead saints, but an instrument for devel- oping true sainthood. It is not a rest House for debilitated soldiers, but a front trench in the warfare for the truth and the right. Thursday '7.30 -Prayer and Praise. SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Subject --The Pastor will be in charge. 11 agnea Bib10 School, J, E. (leech°, Superintendent. Wership; 7.30 P. M. Subject ---The Pastor will be in charge. t e We IP* Alltielifs rim 1 4 Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR � . GOD PRINTINGt THAT Wa CAN SUPPLY YOUWITH. PRINTED WEDDING INVITATi NS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 4' THAT WE PRINT CALLIN(ll�,gl{DS STATIONERS, sIIC,TT AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND s ' TEAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAeric STATEMENTS II1?rERS OF COIINTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHECK BOO,tC9 THAT WR.CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEhl- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARSON Opp TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS. RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDIN_9RY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 6e. LAR(i•- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RED170TIONa THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POE., TEASMERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SP ECIALTY ZurichDrugso[r SCHOOL SUPPLIES Wit WIC WC Wir raa IF' We have a full Line of all the requirements for School Opening All authorized Text .hooks kept in Stock .4*e*t40..04w.d4.sd.e4a400 We keep a good supply of Scribblers Note Books, Pencils, Pens, ,and Good choice of Fountain Pens 000.001/000410806000060***11141)00 WE HAVE AT..L THE HIGH SCHOOL., BOOKS RSQUIRED IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL KODAKS AND FILIMS • r, J Zurich;