HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-29, Page 6.' 7.7 frAV.rirrIrr7701,777.1177,777,-
um/,7m.m. •••••i,•••••
At Canadian ...National Exhibition
see essSeiSehis
Million Dollar
Motor Salon
What unquestionably will be the
finest building in • America devoted
exclusively to the purposes of auto.'
motive display will be opened in the
beautiful park of the Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition at Toronto this
summer. The palatial new structure
will occupy a prominent place over-
looking. isake Ontario, immediately
across the boulevard from the new
Engineering and Electrical Building
The latter was opened last year at a
cost of $650;000. The great automo-
tive salon will cost $1,000,229, that
being the figure embodied in the ac-
cepted tenders.
The two-storey structure will be
preseuting thelr animals to advent. N.411,2,114 a
f V riaus
will be afforded an opporsimity of
classes will, as usual, me I.Ap the Sport Events
age, Saddle, harness and hunter
Horse Show. There has ,been con-
siderable revision of the Massillon.- at the C.N.E.
thine in this department and the prize
money for the respective placings is Sport is so popular and necessary
now .on a more genereus scale, The a phase of the national' life Of tire
1929 HorseShow obviously will be people of Canada as of other countries
more outstanding than even that of that the Canadian National Exhibition
1928 when a record•entry was secur- has give it a prominent place on its
ecl. Well filled classes of first quality
and keenly contested events always
characterize the splendid show in the
Arena and furnish much pleasure and
many Orilla each afternoon and attractions for people of all ages and
evening to the :vast crowds in attelk both sexes, the world's greatest an.
nual exposition has again arranged a
list ot eports evets, afloat and ashore,
calculated to provide enough thrills
0170gram of activities. Ever on the
alert to the demands of its two million
visitors each year and as a contribu-
tion to the diversity of the card of
Poultry Classes to Encourage
Juveniles and Egg Exhibits
The Poultry, Pigeou and Pet. Stock to reverybody.
Show will be held an the uper floor For the third year in 'succession the
Canadian National Exhibition, in con-
junction with the Wrigley interests,
wit hold the Lamous $50,000 world
championship Wrigley swim mara-
thon. The course will agai nbe im-
mediately in front of Exhibition
Park, the women's event of ten miles
on Friday, August 23rd, opening day,
and the men's swim on Wednesday,
August .28th, at a distance of fifteen
of the eastern annex and tha most
modern cooping equioment Is being
provided to accommodate an entry of
at least 6.000 exhibits. A special fea-
ture that Makes this show attractive
to breeders is the guarantee of 'single
cooping of all birds entered at a
nominal fee of only 15e per indivi-
dual exhibit, This is of great benefit
to• breeders of gihh quality stock, ',or
together in miles. It has been stipulated that
446 feet' in length and 294 feet in! when birds are cooped to
the roof at the. mos- le cooping system—seelous injury
depth. It will be constructed oti
stone, steel and brick with concrete
flooring on the main and mezzanine'
doors. The ground will have 95,0001
feet of display space with the re-
maining 25,000 feet on the mezzanine.
Pessemeer models and busses will oc-
cupy 60,000 feet, trucks will be al-
lotted 35,000 feet and 25,000 feet will
be available for accessories and
parts. Stairs leading to the mezzan-
ine will be at each of the four en-
trances and the wide stairways will
be flanked with ornamental wrought
iron balustrades. The pillars and
facings of the building at the main
entrances will be Of cut and cast
stone with artificial stone and wrought
iron decorations.
Stone -colored crystalline stucco
plaster with joints sawn will form the
inside walls. Masjestic stone pillarwill extend to, ne cage—as they are under the dou- the water shall be at a tempei
of 53 degrees or warmer at the hour
to a valuable specimen often results. set for the start. 1 nthe event of this
zanine floor and artistic lighting ar-
rangements have been made to blend
harmoniously with the color effects
of the automobile models. Indirect, scale, twelve sections being provid
ly finished cars. f
lighting will prevent glare n the high-
ed or juvenile competitors. By way
of encouragement the Hon. John S.
Boy and girl poultry .breeders are be-
ing catered to on quite an extensive,
Amber glass will be used in all Ma,rtin, Ontario Minister of Agricul-
windows with Spanish iron grilling
inside and out to give a decorative
touch. The building will be used an-
nually bsth by the Canadian National
Exhibition fall motor show and the
National 'Motor Show of Canada in
the winter. The opening in August
when the world's greatest annual ex-
hibition swings open its gates on the
23rd, will provide the Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition with the greatest
motor show ever held in this country.
Edwin Frank() Goldman Band
Maintains High Standard Set in Previous Years
This internationally famous organization will be heard ' daily throughout the
this year. Other noted bands will appear as usual.
of Great Britain, France, Mexico, the
:United States and elsewhere have ap-
40c Lunch or Supper a Specialty
YONGE ST., Opposite Eaton's
Hotel Rates: $1 Per Day and Up
3fl.TR1NG EXH/E/TION. Large hair
dryers, basins, permanent waving ma-
chines, barber chairs and fixtures, sitting
chairs, hairdressing chairs, dresserettes,
mirrors, manicure tables, sterilisers
cabinets, signs, etc., must be sold regard-
less of cost. Everything will carry a
money back guarantee.
Apply at our Head Office:
ture, offers a sliver trophy for the
"Best Young Pair Shown". ,Other
new additions this year are Fanciers'
Egg Classes and Sales Display Peus.
condition not being met, the "big
splash" will be postponed to the fol-
lowing day. Natatorial stars from all
over the world have already forwarded
their •entries.
Sea Fleas Big Feature
Outboard motor. races, for which
cash prizes of $8,000 have [Teen pro-
vided, bave attracted drivers of in-
ternational fame and the spectacular
little "sea fleas" will be a daily tea-
thng4.4 ture on the water front. Lake On-
tario at this point is particularly
suited to the purpose. Nevelt yevents
The 1920 renewal of the trotting and
for these ubiquitous little flyers have
also been arranged.
The Lake Yacht Racing Association
will bring international competition
to the Canadian National Exhibition.
Speedy, graceful racing craft from
many points on Lakes Ontario and
Erie in Canada and the TJnited States
will compete.
Harness racing enthusiasts will see
their favorite sport at its best. Ha-
d 2 chided in the program are $5,000
Track athletes of both sexes who
represented their countries at the
01 i G me sin Amsterdam last
Year will be seen in the Canadian Na- Specialists in the Shur Wave Method
done! Exhibition meet which ante-
dates even the Canadian champion.-
ships. The stars of Europe and Amer -
Pacing. program annually spousore
by the Canadian National Exhibition
has announced end is being acclaimed
by horsemen as the most iinportant
race meeting of its kind in Canada
this season, Offering* an aggregate
of $8,500 in purses, its outstanding
features are the two futurity races in-
augurate dby the Canadian Standard -
bred Society and having respective
guarantee dvalues of $3,000 au $ „000
The two futurities, one for three -yr
old trotters and the other for three -
yea -old pacers, will be contested on
Wednesday, September 5th, with the
2.10 pace, tiles making a feature of-
fering that will be witnessed at no
other race meeting in Canada this
Th ebalance of the program is de- Ica have been seen in former years at ,
voted to class races of uniform value this gathering of spiked shoe expon-
of $500 ad provides for trotters and eats and the sport's luminaries will' Write for Booklet "W2" on the care
again be in competition. Bicycle reedWt Wave
ing, having emerged from its lethargy I
of the past year or two, will again be
a prominent eature.
Carnival of the Clouds s!
Aviation is being stressed for this
Empire Year Celebration and ,plans
are being laid for some racing events.
ynap c a
Exhibition Vishrs
while in Toronto are cordially Invited-
. .o avail .themselves of our boar
room, equipped with trans -lux Uglier
service, where they will find a stuff
of expert mining counsellors, capable
of rendering advice on present hold-
ings as well as future commitments
Wright, Wilson & Company
1Vrembers Standard Stock and Alining
Ground Floor 51 KING ST, W., ET1012400421-70-8-9
(One door meat of Say St.)
When in Toronto See
Com Washors
See our Exhibit under ihe Grand-
stand at Exhibition—See the new
Connor Thermo Electric Washer,
also equipped with gasoline engine
where electricity is not available.
When on Yonge St. call at our
Connor Washer Stores, 415A Yonge
St., or 1654 St, Clair Ave. West
and see these machines demon-
Bicycles and
Mot wrcycles
36 Queen St. East
or Write for Catalogue. We prepay
delivery charges on Bicycles.
Save the Price of Your.
Fare to Toronto
Permanent Waving ler cn
By Experts 411.Y.t.AP
When you visit the Exhibition don't
fail to have one cf -our famous Per-
manent Waves at the Reduced Rate
of $5.50.
With or without appointment.
of Permanent Waving. (For ladies
who care.)
pacers whose eligibility range from
e— the 2.30 class down to the 2.10 pacers.
The entire program is being raced
under the rules of the Dominion Har-
ness Horse Association and the elig-
ibility of horses intended for racing
Canadian National
at this meeting may be obtained from
Mr. Charles Snow, 331 Brock Avenue,
•e a novelty which are expected to Toronto, The Most liberal conditions
rove a sensation at the Canadian to be found at any meeting in Can -
atonal Exhibition as they have out- oda are included in this program, in -
Famous military and concert bands as
peered in former years at the Cana -1 p
dian National Exhibition. The high, N
standard has been maintained this doors elsewhere.
year by the engagement of the great
Edwin Franko Goldman organization Exhibition Notes
of New York, sixty mu‘sicians, and re-
garded as the leading ensemble of its —
kind in. the United States. Agricultural Resume
must be ferwardecl with the entry, to -
The accompanying illustration hgetter e Canadian National Exhibition,
shows the new seating a,frangement now recognized as the greatest agri-,with. the name and description,
of the Edwin Franko Goldmvisions prevail an 'band. cultural institution in the world, has of the horse. The usual money and trotters are given
The reed reed instruments stretch across to its credit the glorious record ot
a four second allowance in all pacing
the front of the stage. At the left fifty-one consecutive years of unabated
classes, ,
of the conductor are the first clarinets effort to advance the interests of our
The immediatelyContelefollows:
September 3
and to the right areIndustry.
two Nation's basic The Pres- Tuesday,1ple
oboes, behind which are the second0111 year sees the management of this ' :
paring a more iteresting and educe- Wednesday, September 4th
2.30 Trot. Purse, $500
and third clarinets. The flutes,' great organization2.30 'Pace. Purse,
planning and pre- 500
saxophones and ba,ssoens are direct-
ly in front of the conductor. It will deal agricultural program than ever
be noticed that all the brass instill- 2.16 Trot. Purse,
eluding a three -per -cent. entrance fee
with absolutely no deductions from
money winners. Entries positively
close on August 17th when a cash
payment of $15 (the .entire entry fee)
invite you to see
and hear the new
including the famous
Reproducing Piano
at the
Canadian National
Ifor its "EMPIRE YEAR" Celebration. 500
mtheir ents have bells pointing direct- 7
J.TOM end to end of the sixteen and 2.15 Pace. Purse,
Thursday, September 5th
ly at the audience. In the centre to- one-half acres of buildings under one 2.10 Pace. Purse, $500
ward the rear; four bell front basses
continuous roof, the very finest live
will be noticed together with two The Futurity for three-year-old pac-
stock in tbe land will have the most •
string basses. Toward the left in I ers, owned, foaled and trained in Can -
modern and sanitary exhibiting facili-
the rear is the battery section show- ad: Parke, $2,000 and Silver Cup don-
ing a complete paraphernalia includ-; ties, judging arenas and show rooms. ated by the Dominion Harness Horse
It is safe to say that the spectacle
.i tray "The Agricultural Development Association.
The Futurity for three-year-old
ing tympani, bass drum, small drum,
to be presented will faithfully por-
tom-tom, chimes, gong, fire bell, fire
siren, etc. 1' f 1 dandtrained
of a Nations.' , trotters, ownec , oa e
This new and novel seating al-- lin Canada: Purse, $$,000 and Silver
much: Heralding the show the annual
rangement was adopted after Cup donated by the Toronto Driving
'premium list went through the mail 1 Club.
experimenting and it is Mr. Goldman's-.
some weeks ago to a host.of patrons'
contention that the *flee tonal effect 1
in all provinces throughout Canada '
obtained by his organisation is large-
and the Marty States of the union, '
ly due to the arrangement of instru-
ments. Mr. Goldman adopted a new! 'rhe list for 1929 is the most at -
seating arrangement sone years ago tractive and comprehensive over
which has since been approved by shed by theC. IsD. Aesociation. It
contains one hundred and fifty-eight:
many of the concert bands through-.
out the world. It betaine known as pages and is replete with information,
relative to agriculture embracing;
the "Goldman Seating Plan" and is
now used almost everywhere, especial- every division of live stock. Through
ly for radio brosideasting. The new the uthh5' sections listed revisioes
and inaprovements tor the general
and later arrangement shown in the
illustration is a decided 'improve- good of breed arid breeder are notice-.
meat upon Mr. Goldman's former able.
plan. , This band will appear daily nereased Entries in Horse Events.
at the, Canadian National Exhibition' In the breeding horse section,
A t 23r1 to 7th Many classes have been. added far young
�,.,-.,, ugus cSent.
other fine military and concert bands horses, and the "Junior breeders"1
will appear also and as a further. —..—
offering to music -lovers, the Cana -
1 iblti Chortle of
diet, National Exi on
two, thousand voices will appear dur-
ing the period of the fair tinder the
direction of the internationally am-'
011S Dr. A. Pricker, Conductor
the great Mendelssohn Choir Ot
tenth. As it that. were not enough,
the Exhibition management- has ar-
ranged with the Thaviu Opera Com -
of Chicago or open-air presenta-
tion of SeVeral of the standard ttneraS,
works of the faniotis masters. Vey
the .bands and Operas, an elaborate
system a ampilfleation has been ar,
ranged ,a modern system whloli does
not distort Vocal or instruniental
The Ithaviu prasantations
Eat at MUMBY',
West End of Grand Stand
Excellent Meals in lfl
Dining Room . . .
Exclusive Surroundings
Pure Food at Moderate Prices
No Waiting — Over 1,000 Seats
• 28 Years on Grounds
J. A. MUMBY — Manager
When at the Toronto Exhibition
' You are invited to call at the Heintzmao stand in the Menu-
facttirers' Building and see the wonderful display of UPRIGHT
and GRAND PIANOS, as well as the very artistic display of
If you are down towe, would be glad to have you call in, as a
duplicate display is on hand at our warerooms., 195 Yonge
Street, opposite Eaton's.
RADIOend PHONOGRAPHS, a wonderful display of the latest
models in Radios, many makes to choose feoni. Also all
designa of iOrthophoeic Victeolasf and Victor Recordt.
Terms, Pianos 10% cash, balence Spread over three years.
Radios and PhonographS, tO 1.5% eOsII balanoe
arranged over a period of 12 Months,
Scores of planes and other aircraft
Of various classes and designs will at-
tend the Canadian National Exhibi-
tion. An international carnival of the
clouds will present some startling sur-
prises for Exhibition visitors.
New Models For 1929-30
To Select From
% to $t4%
Our Spacious Showrooms While in Toronto
USED CARS Lowest Prices.
Greatest Values
When in Toronto, be sure. to see our stock ,of Selected Cars
(At Vaughan Road) • Phone Hlllcrest 1346
Aug 23—Baltimore Aug. 27„28, 29—Reading
Sept. 2—A.M. & P.M. Buffalo Aug. *24, *2446—Jersey City
Aug. 30, *31, *31—Newark. Sept. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7—Montreal
ATwo Games For One Admission
SPECIAL SEPT. 6—St. Louis American's (Dan Howley,
Mgr.). and Montreal, Both Por One Admission.
MAPLE LEAF STADIUM—Situated Close to
E0ibition Grounds