HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-15, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK MidSummer learing Sale B ginning Saturday August 3rd Closing Saturday Aug. 17th 17 :' NOT MISS THIS ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARING SALE J'O:., IT ENABLES YOU TO PROCURE SEASONABLE GOODS 'AT A GREAT SAVING IN PRICE. WE STOCK ONLY CLEAN, DEPENDABLE GOODS. NO CHEAP TRASH BOUGHT FOR SAL'. PURPOSES AT ANY TIME. OUR SALES ARE KNOWN FAR AND WIDE AS REAL MONEY SAVING EVENTS. EO COME AND SHARE IN THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE OFFER. ;WE CAN LIST ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. SEE POSTERS FOR MORE BARGAINS' BUT BETTER STILL, COME TO THE STORE AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELF SPECIALS 2 only Dress Ends, Chiffon Voiles, Reg. $1.50 yd. for Ramona Voiles, Reg. 75c. yard, for Fur Silks, all shades at per yard 10 Pieces Voiles, crepes, etc., your choice I\1e 's Work Shirts, each at I1ien's Work Shirts, Reg. $1.35 for 141en'c work Socks, 2 pr. for. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, each at Boy's Knickers, Sizes 6 to 10 years at Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 98e 49c 75c at per yard 24c Ec•� 9Se 529e 15e 85c 48c SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR FULL PARTICULARS J. GASCHO & SONS ProduLA Wanted Phone 59 The Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation The Canla,1.a Trust Company NOW PAY 5°h PER ANNUM, PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR, ON ANY AMOUNT OVER $100.00, FOR ONE TO FIVE YEARS. SAFE — CONVENIENT — DEPENDABLE APPLICATIONS FOR HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY IIIIIMMINNOMISMUMM.MPJ Have You MADE YOUR WILL? tI ..•411046.6**•4 i3 **110ii3Wli4**064***•OORi*i• f168 .• The rest Place to Bay HA ''"• DWARE a •• SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FROST WIRE FENCING, GOLD MEDAL TWINE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOOD- YEAR TIRES AND TUBES, HECLA FURNACES, QUEBEC $ STOVES AND HEATERS, HEATING, 'PLUMBING AND TINS- I •�,Z t# 1R C,l# .iti t R A t D Attgrait h^ 1112 +1,4•+++++ ++++4.14+44• +++.+,. ,+++ ' •&4+1^+ + • ••1 SPECIAL PRICES On all Summer Goods Everything in the:: Drygoods line will be sold below Regular Value,. to clear all lines regardless of cost. We cannot give all prices: 4.here, Come and see what we have Printed Broadcloth, Reg. 35e at 23e Prints, Regular 30c. and 25c, at 19e • Ladies' Silk Hose, Reg. $1.00 Pr, at 79c Ladies' Cotton Hose, Reg. 50c. at Boys' and Girls' Cotton Hose, Reg. 50c. at Boys' and Girls' Cotton Hose, Reg35c. and 25c,at 35c 35c 19c Balance of Stock, Ladies Vests and Bloomers, 50c and 35c at..2Se 15e Men's Negligee Shirts, with Collar, Reg. up to $2, at $L25 Men's 50e Sox at only Men's Medium Weight, work Socks, Pair Men's and Boy's Straw Hats, 35c and 25c, at Children's Vests, at each 35e 15c .....15c J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF . LOCAL INTEREST Rev. and Mrs. Harrison. Becker Virginia, Francis, Paul and Kenneth of Morrison, Illinyise, are spending part of their vacation with Mrs. Wzn. Klopp. Mir. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck and Mr. Lawrence Corriveau motored to Niagara Falls over the week -end. Mr. George Thiel took a auto load of German boys to Niagara Falls the past week. Mr. Mervin Stelck of the 14th con., spent the week -end at London. Mr. Lawrence Corriveau spent a pleasant week in Chicago, I:Il., and Bad Axe, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corriveau we- re visitors at the home of the form- er's parents, at Bad Axe, Mich. The Arrow Coach Lines are run- ning a daily bus from London, to Grand Bend, and then up the Blue Water Route to Owen Sound, a dis- tance of 150 miles, and the bus makes the return trip each day. Mr. and Mrs. George Bender and two daughters of Illionois; Mr. -and Mrs. Alfred Bender ,of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Edighoffer., of Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs. Fred How- ald from Windsor, were Monday ev- ening visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Denomy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Denomy Sr., and Mrs. Edwin Hartman motored to Niagara Falls Iast week and report a most 4.)1e- asant trip as the scenery, laetwee4 Hamilton and Niagara being eros. beautiful. Mr. Lambert P. Klopp of Philadel- phia, Pa., spent several days with his • mother, Mrs. Wm. Klopp, and with his brothers and sisters here in nearby towns. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and their daughter Dorothy also of Phil- adelphia, accompanied him on a mot- or trip through the States of Ncw MITHING, A SPECIALTY FURNITURE • DINING AND BED ROOM SUITS, CHESTERFIELD SUITS, SPRINGS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, ETC. SEEDS • • • BUYERS AND RETAILERS OF ALL KINDS OF CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. • SEE UR FOR PRICES AND QUALITY • If inneed of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! • • • STARE & WEIDOI Z F'iCH - ONTr LOCAL MARKETS I,Correct€ed even Wedts.eeday) Eggs ...... ........., ...,.... 20.25 Dried apples llb_............• &c Chickens live .. , ...........au...12-25 Old Hens . 11-21 Oots 55 75 Barley Buckwheat _ _._... 1.30' Wheat Flour 3.50-5.00 Shorts per ton 35.00 Bran per ton . _ .. 34.t 0 Old Hens _ ., . _... _ .. 14 18 20 Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Oash in I3ank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates -44,50 per P,A O br II year*, E. F. Klapp—Zurich Adenf, Also Dealer in LidhtuinL Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance York, New Hainshire and Maine -They also visited Quebec, Montreal, Buff: aro, Niagara Falls and many other places of interest on their return trip. The electric storm, accornlianied by the finest shower of rain we have had for some time, on Tuesday even- ing, was. indeed a welcome visitor, and was badly needed, as things we- re beginning to bnrn up pretty well, that is the grass and green crops. GYPROC Makes Old -oi es Ypytig By nailing the smooth, rigid, fireproof GyptoC sheets right over the faded walls and ceilings aa then decorating, you can make, the oldest home look new and handsome. Daae Fireproof Wallboard Ivo Sale Ey' Fred. C. Kaibfieisch ., Zurich, Out. Seasonable I Now is.the time of year to fit out••. your Iko]Yie with new Furniture Also Simmons Sim o s Oli.arauteed ,Springs .*, ` and Mattresses eeeeelleeteeefteeeeeeeeeeeeteleiteelleeeeeeeeeeeeeee Soarfe's Cerebrated Paints and Varnishes FLOOR FE1'iESf1E5, 0II..STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR --- _ __IL CHI-NAMEL 'VARNISHES asos•*s•aseemeeeeee•s*e*•es se•ssesea steeeeseese All Eines of and are GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FEtaR,x•aN.+ ..r. BARB • + and Tiliware MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS - + SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. PLUMB/NG AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPIING, ETC., ATTEND - ft + ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. CALL AND SEE US Johnston & Kaibtleisch Hardware & Furnit F,re. Phone 63 + • ��+++++44.•1++3r+++•t••t.++++dr41*+++-4+•M44 +•«•.I,+•&•F•.Trtryg.•I••+ *C•i-f Utlllllli!1l41dll'fNl�>i1���r��If, f�sh�'C!i7!!f1UimJ!Illli]!III(fl'd1it,�tY�4!!"!I!ti9ClGI!f;IIIJI"ri(!3!9,1if"t'if��.iff9;11(41;!f!h�A�`IUlH4�ilti�tlBlflBFllhi�fy '.;yh+• < 7 ni _ - .f ,E�!?;, 46i,.i1+Jtll!iPlltrit� OTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Rapairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies :CESS -Z 101 gffi CONE INNHDiMl V*Malln 1 „' fliillll3!E itis„',71Nwk>I'k;!G -iiaggT;!;' ,' !iinii;gneig_ tlagi +c 3 igHla , 4••4+-§++*+ •F+•f•.p••k. 1-4.1,+ •h+4Pr•F++ i • • •4••:. "4••1,•b"4••F.•4.•b.g .4.3•++ + •Z ANNOUNCE ENT I We have been appointed. Agents direct for 1• ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OP. 'LLLYS OVERLAND LTD.. WEEI 'PET FOU' DsT DD„ SEB IT DRIVE i1'; COMPARE IlT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE, A TRIED AND P VElal PRODUCT OP QUALITY fp WIIIPPET 5 I X THE LOWEST. PRICED SIX ON THE MARKET. A CAR WIITE A I• aGUND REPUTATION W illys Knight TAMGR SLEEVE EEEALVE E MOTOR, LF IN NEED OF A Ca.a ARRANGE" TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A. SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: c riga SERVICE" 4" 66 1'�` E GIVE A4YOU SER N ICE" • • .s Moasseau. Zurion. soils SIJITS 'To themanwho regards a, well dressed 1 iappearance, we recommend you toj come and look over our fine range of THE NEWEST 1T1NG W G'II'AR,4IICTRII EIA'I,I8F_ 4J lO±'i OR 21V0NI3i% ;i LADLY R1i it'tJX DED. ALL CUR SETS ARE MADE .&]W TRIMMED WITH I1'1 BEST OP LININGS AND 7t"tiilh l l T i C.QI.,LED GRADE .l READ AGENT FOR TFII WELT:, .1 NOWN J4IADIC TO MEAS. 1IIRE CLOT iES—C'OBNELL,` two :H HOFF$.:AN fRERCIIANIP WI a'R. w, S ^ *u I r . l Sotk, It.a IAMB it'. 1IVE AL zI•l=R OTOR O*1. cirik01 RUM BAliaxaatin $4, lit MP --aw • :: 4* to i 4u ,ay • #A: