HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-15, Page 5Thursday, A ns� tlik 1092 1101N CDj DUDLEY E. oL Es 4941MISTIOL, SOLICITOR, NO1' I• RY PUBLIC, ETV. : FFICE--Eamiltoo Street, 'hot off Vise }uar'rc, GODI$RICH, Ortho, Special attention to Couucel and Court Worlr]. Otr, Holmes s may be consulted at Stoderich by Phone and Phone charges reversed], Dr. 11. 11. COWEN EN L,c. D. $. ' . D S. DENTAL SURGEON At J SITZ BLOCK --ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At, HABTLEiB' S BLOCK, °DASHWOOD ,very Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP fir adulate Carey M. Jones Nat - Visual School of Au,e}ioneering. Try for Registered Live Stock, /111 Breeds). Term'san keeping 'with prevailing prices, Choiee Vis for 'sale. Will well anything Anywhere. ' • ??f tone 18-93 c)r write, Zurich Licensed Auctioneer • TOR HURON & M.I.DDLESE,K IN ,A POSITION TO CON- Snot ONSnot any auction Sale, regardiese Se :to Mine or article to eelL I zgljelt your business, and If not ailed will make no charges for Arthur Weber •-- Tush wood, 13-51 • Overstock 29x4.40 3Ox3 'Tires, Tubes. Low Prices N Ci W 11. S. Wein ASHWOOD Zurich& Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED WON! THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT .& DE1CHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LIMED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE . Yunghlut & Son COAL 1929 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR • Scranton Goal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal. A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash, Order ]Early as prices will advance on June 15t1n. Case & Son Pb ne 3� HENSALL L., I I3 P O U LT R -Y WANTED Alton every dad till 3 o'alock,p.no. teed I'OW' ins ;pry TOgla Wants, For Sale, Lest, Found§ Notice, Etc. Ade IN Tars commis PIROUI.ICE .WANTED -- Highest cash prices in%lid for cream, Eggs and Poultry. Thomas eyers* plan ` 91 etioq S ` FOR SALE A. limited number of choice young (pigs for quick sale. Apply to Elmer Willert, 14th con., Hay WANTED All kitaLo. of sewing done, women's and children's clothes. Prices quite, easonable. Ethel A. Hess, Zurich, Ont. WANTED Young lady to do housework in Seaforth for a month or more, State age and wages wanted. Box 321, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE I•IONEH — CHOICE CLOVER HONEY At 10 cents per pound. Bring your containers. Jacob Deiehert, Jr, Phone 20--94, Zurich, STRAYED, From my premises', Bronson Line, Hay Township, about July 18th, four two year old cattle; 1 heifer white, one steer grey, one heifer and one steer red. Finder kindly notify Mr. Christ. Gazelle:, R.R.2, _Zurich, Phone 9-97. NOTICE VOTERS' LIST Mutcicipality of Township of Hay, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7, of the Vot- 'ers' Lists Act and that I have po§tea < ip at my office. at Zurich on the 5th 'day of August, 1929 the list of all pet ,ons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of. Parlia- ment ane}' at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for in - 4) -0C don. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 26th day of August, 1929. • Dated at Zurich, August 5th, 1929 A. F. Hess, Clerk of the Township off Hay, Zurich., Ontario. FOR SALE About 60 choice Leghorn' hens for quick sale. Apply to Ferd Haberer. NOTICE. My Accounts are now ready, and we would ask all people owing us to kindly come and settle same at once. _.V, V. Siebert, Zur'eh,: FOR SALE IION.E.Y----Chance Clover Honey for a limited time only, at 10• cents per pound, Bring your containers. J. Baberer• & Sons, Zurich The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OF.FICE� - TORONTO E.E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone luaranteo And Accident In`auranee, )1410et and StrOnliest Co, in Canada The summer harvest is progressing along as fast as can be expected, as the eat crop is being rapidly cut. Some very good fields of oats are be- ing' harvested. The fall wheat crop this year is proving to be an outstand ing crap this year, as many farmers have theirs already thrashed and are marketing the same. The milters ACAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Earl Waldo Were Sunday visitors at Fullerton. MrEy. Haist has installed a new and modern flour sifter in his bakery, Mrs. Moore of Cleveland, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. P., Koehler. Mr, and Mrs. Huagland and dau- ghter of Detroit, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mrs. J'. Schnell, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaseho and soil Allan, and Mr. and Mrs. O. Surerul were Sunday visitors at Haxriston. Mass Grace Meyers left on MVfonday for Toronto, where she will spend a. few weeks. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wyles, Mr. and lVfrs. Morris Weber of Goclerich, spent Sunday at Mr. and lVlrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, Mfr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber were week -end visitors at Kitchener, and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ravelle and fam- ily were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, at Grand Bend. Mr. George 'V"olland of Detroit, was visiting in Zurich over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. 111orr7 ; REM, ]V(,, ' Mrs. Earl Rau and family of De- troit spent the week-eoo� ' r parents Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rau, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hubbard and children of Detroit an'd • Mr. and Mrs. J. Truemner of Detroit, visited the latter's' mother Mrs. E, Truemner, over Sunda. y Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Miss Helen Wilhelm of Milverton, Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choi; Practice. is spending a few days. with her aunt Mrs. C. L. Smith, and will accomp- any the Smith family on their tour to the U.S.A. Mr. ,and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London on Wednesday, their aunt, Mrs. J. Thiel of that city, and who has been visiting here for a few we- eks, returning with them. .CM -ARE RAI.:lrl Mr. W. L. Siebert and daughter, 1liiss Vera were business visitors in London on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs Wellington. Johnston and Mrs. A Johnston spent the we- ek -end visiting relatives in Detroit. Rev; and Mrs. C. J. Moorehouse of # WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND Exeter, visited at Dr, and Mrs. Jos, • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU I Exeter, Wednesday WITH JUST THE K1NI) bR Mrs. J, 3. Schwartz and.. daughter w MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE 1VI ,ST Eunice of Detroit, aro spending a O. , AND THAT WILI ,few weeks with the former's parents, GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuss. Pi) « #�►«#fir##*####+P##+►'I►# # r r # ••••I►!##+ir*'#9#•#►4# P••••*Mill arrii m eineri s Mr Elmer Hey of Fall City, Neb., and his sister, Mrs. Henry Eickhoffei of Shubert, Neb., are visiting• at the homes of Mr. and Mrs, J W. Horner and Mr. and Mrs, J. Hey, Sr. Miss Anna 'paters, who has been employed at the Boysenberry Hotel i CARRY A FULL; LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS* AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR, PUMPS. f LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL ..:.,,:; We have the .A enc .„•.",..... w, $ Y far this District, .,... t. GARAGE SUPPLIES i 3 • A WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, .AND Grand Bend, for five weeks, has re- * CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO turned to her home here. PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Mr. and Mrs, Chas. I4albfieisch, rt DO EXPERT BATT.ER•Y ON SAME who Mrs. R. F. Stade, left the past week for Kitchener where the visited fri- ends, before returning to their home in Marine City, Mich, have been visiting WOI�i," ON REPAIRING AND RE.b with Mr. and BUILDING BAT7EIiIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Cas, i;s and Greases" ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran4Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Miss Ellen and E'af yn Palmer of Saline, Mich.. and Mr. and Mrs. 3, Williams of Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Everette Haist one day last week. Mr. Leonard Prang and Mrs. L. Prang of town. Miss Ivra.rgneritc Prang and Miss Elizabeth 'Truemner of Detrnit. ,r-' n„ motor trip ec Montreal and Quebec. , rci -,_, s. _ ...eoson E. Smith, and family of Kippen, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyer: over Sunday. Miss June Smith O rPn'^'nig, over for ;,. weok. The two families spent part of Sunday at Grand Bend. One of the outstanding events of the summer in this locality will be the big Old Boys' Reunion held on September 1st and 2nd, (Labor Day, OA the church grounds of the French Settlement church, on the Blue Water Highway, Hay Township, known. as St. Peter's church. The Parish Priest Rev. Father h. Marchand has compil- ed a very admiral hook of the history of the parish, which dates back sev- eral hundred years, and Fr. Marchand is to be congratulated on his endeav- ours and with favourable weather, we have every assurance that this old boys' homecoming will be a big success, as there will be hundreds of former parishioners present, and the entire community, regardless of re- ligion is heartily invited to all join in hearty friendship and make this event the attraction of the season, as well as the climax day in the hist- ory of the parish. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.',.5 Sunday School. 7;30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes minion — ONT. Knocker or Booster, Which? Did you ever scandalize or knock the church or its ministry? Someone spoke a rude and glaring truth saying that when the Creator had made all the good things, there was still some dirty work to do, so he made the be- asts, reptiles and poisonous insects. And the left over scraps that were too bad to put into rattlesnakes, cro- codiles and skunks he gathered to- .t. gether and covered it with suspicion and jealousy, marked it with yellow + streaks and called it a knocker. This ,i. product however was so fearful and + odious to contemplate, so He counter- acted it by taking His brightest sun - 'warns and placing• them in the heart of a child, wrapped them around with goodness and innocence and brother - y love, made of it a true christian, i propogato-r and supporter of 'the ;Kingdom of God and called it Boos- ,er. It is now your privilege to :hose your associate'- from these two. 3oosting is blessedly constructive. €Cnocka.g is villainous. SUNDAY SERVICES L. A. Prang - Zurich *******+Y69e4164,iita3.444,.04,4+ldes.ee+4, eee40e'0.04"4eneo 1 TheWinter Season. +I+ IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS + • OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS • • LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND 'i' KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY i 4 ••• A 4' 1 +a+ �. C. Ki'LBFLEJSC I PHONE 69 ... . ++i'++A+i++++++F+i+44+++i3+++++ ++RFs++++F+t+++++++++d»7!++*+1041111 ae v.r-++i verr-r+r+rrrsr+ ++r,rr+r•a•rtt+n h'Q+i +++ + ++ ++r+l++r+ ++l++++ ++.+ .T. 4. 4. HERALDOFPJOE 4 Do You Know?,/kir +: 4. 4. so (r + Worship 10 A. M. The morning worship will be in charge of Mr. Howie, of Exeter. 11 a.m.---Bibles School, J. E. Gascho, Superintendent. There will be no evening service an Sunday, August 18th. Rev. W. Y. nrnier. P, for es() DOMLON urance Iviaxi t+ air 9;.110 1.000.1 mill advise us that tine' rust , , ..ii . - � sample ns eiccc;ptzonally good for flour, L +�, .as the cereal is very hard and the skin 1 s a la[ rice is thin. We trust that the other -CASH FOR— •kinds of grain will prove equally xs 'w* t Owing to the sudden changes Crews .c.I`i :3 G, .... ggs in temperature recently the been 0VV ' Brienfiolel5 along the lal`�e have suffer.'ee something like a b1igt t, and wilt eros' ienrtaialy ham :t big '-ffeet on. tho iftWitifili at .161.74 1t. ,Pxo.tuan+.tot* .koctCs.ing', The Tire Sensation of 1929 Frankly, we can't quite see how so much tire quality can be made to sell at the price asked for the new Endurance. It is a wonderful tire-- made • of the right stuff —and plenty of it --and backed by Dominion Rubber Company. A keen buyer will get his money's worth in ' En: tduranc n» RR *vl�3w�� .iW..SW"ltiW" OM1 M1n4 ay?.�LPi; . Come iri and find out all about it _... - I TIRE DEPOT ZURICH._ ...... „.....„, .... . ............. ....................... ...... .aT.. I. 1I fcusseau THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICD FOR THAT WE CAN SUPPLY GOOD PRI•NTINCI INVITATIONSINTED WEDDING I AND PRANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRIN2' CALLING CARDS;. STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACT FIRERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOS TEAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVHTi- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, NOTE SHIPPING RECEIPT BOOKS I AM ST- ATWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC„ ETC, THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c, LARG- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- TERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENEBA3L' PRINTING OUR SP ECIALTY �.++a•+t+�++>•Ca�kU+ rpt ���a�o-{.a++Sv�.a F++� +�+�`(*fir .F ; a a ► �t a a c .F,t .a.+ +7Z:ii iallig�'�flg[� �IlfRir#[� ii � Zurich Drug Store 1 1 Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations Fisc School - Supplies of all Diamond Dyes and Fadeless Dyes KODAKS AND FILMS kinds Putnaimi's Dr. A, II MacKirnion, Zurich a1c or or