HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-15, Page 1Vol XXX Nog 0. Let us kno itessimisameliesesevi • 3 0 3 3 3 ''Your' Demonstration? 1. RW :, Demonstration? O ,•- a rt richin this Car to ap- e -. pireeiate ail the Big Car Features. 0 1-1O1DAILLESHOC'.fl ABSORBERS, SHATTER PROOF. GLASS, T1MPKEN BEARINGS, SIX (BRAKE SYSTEM, ALL INTERNAL I ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15 1929. of your Summer visits or visitors. *.•110.001...'t.***1* EXPANDING, YET AT LOW COST, LOW MAINTAINA.I`3CE,,ANIs GREATEST TRADE - VALUE OF ANY CAR MADE, (MOST USED CAR BROKERS DEAL EXCLUSIVELY IN FORDS) 0 WE HAVE TRADED THE FOLLOWING USED CARS IN ON NEW A3 tt FORDS:. WE BELIEVE 'THESE ARE A GOOD BUY. Ford Coach 19.25 Chandler Sedan 1927 a' Ford Coach 19.261 Chevrolet Six, New, only $675.00 Chevrolet Sedum 19216 Chevrolet Coupe 3.925 Chrysler 52 Coach $450.00 Ford Truck 1923 3 2 • 3 Ford Coach 1.925i Ford Coupe I922Si Ford Coupe 192+0": Ford Coupe. 1926 ;•ONG, 'EASY TERMS Sandy Elliot, Ford Dealer, Zurieh E. E. ORT , Salesman. Phone 149 • • • • • • • • A 0 • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • z i 0 e 0 A S n 000000***411teeeeeeeedgebe*Seeeeeee*eitee#40641410000000 11) 41/0 • Seaaonable Foatwear 1 At Reasonable Prices • FINEST OF PATENT, NEWEST d WOM EN •• OF PATTERNS. -ALSO IN 'TIE SMARTEST' OF COLORS.. 71.1i '.HIGH AND MEDIUM WALKING HEELS • CHILDREN'S MANISH OXFOB- 1 DS AND DAINTY STRAPS. MEN • SQUARE TOE, LINDY ' OX- FORDS. OXFORDS. HERE ARE ALL THE LAETHERS- TEM ' ARE WEARING 'PATENTS, :G:@ OWN. AND S BLACK. IN QUALITIES THAT 1VFfr:KE THE PRICES MOST UN- USUAL. A LARGE ASS.0BTM1P OF RUNNING SHOES FOR EVERY 0 NE- SOS_ BATHING SHOES,. ETC. REPAIRING' NEATLY DONE Sall OUR WINFJODISPLAY BroweNoot Shop RO**!'fir*h*SNF*/t+Qk***9**414.6.4.4i4'04)4r44-041,90,•+ a Liz A te ia toe .ROFTl' Atiw" 1 • lh *#k*s' *Rrka .44, rxt i. YS 'x'{�SNix h 4 STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Newell Geiger of Zurich, will occupythe pulpit at Goshen, Blake, and Varna next Sunday in the absen- ce of the pastorRev. J. Penrose, who is away on his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lowden of Hamilton, visited last. week at the home of the latter's mother, Mra. Robinson Sr. Mrs. Anderson Sr., passed away on Friday, August 9th at the home of her son David of Pass Line. She was in her 90th year, and was a lifelong and highly respected resident of this community. Rev. Will Robinson. of Antler, Sask is spending his holidays at his Borne on the Goshen Line. Mr. Robert Turner and 'son Bert and other friends of Yale, Mich., vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert McClinchey on Sunday; Presentation On 'Thursday evening of last week the members of Goshen United ch- urch met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erratt and presented their daughter (Ruby), Mrs. George And- erson with a purse of money and an address of appreciation in recognit ion of her services as organist in Goshen church. Ruby replied thank- ing them for their kindness and in- viting them all to visit her in her new home. A very pleasant evening was spent hi music and social intercour- ossammanaanwpcour n Chester L, Smith Publisruml $1.25 .a year, U,S, $1,50 is Advance $1,56 7N ARRF,.&.RS, $2 MAY $ESaiN •1K 1Cc Phone or send it in 11.Ir. and Mrs. Sol Jacobe, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe were Sunday visitors with friends at Seaforth. •Mr. and Mrs. Thos: Meyers and family were .recent visitors with fri- ends at Kippen. Miss Witmer L ila of Kitchener, , was a week -end visitor at her home on the Babylen Line. Mr, and Mrs. Fraser of London., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. C. J. Salmon. Mrs. Wilkinson from the West, visited with her sister, Mrs. C. J. Salmon, the past week. Mr, and Mrs. F. Shaw and babe of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mousseau, and family near Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pletch and tide daughters, and Mrs. A. Y. Hoist, of Kitchener, called on Zurich friends ors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seldy and two daughters of Windsor, also Mrs. :$nuth from Windsor, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. E. ses after which lunch was served. Weido the past weew. I Merrsr H. G. Hess of town and 1 Mr. Thos, Hall, of Mt. cannel have DRYSDALE. Sorry to report•that Mr. 3. S. Bed- ard has been laid up for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Masse of De- troit, spent the week -end with ends and- relatives here.' Mr. and Mrs. Omer Denommne; of Detroit, have returned home after sp- ending a week with the former's par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Denomnie. Mrs. Adolph Bedard returned to her home, after spending a week in Detroit. The Congregation of the Catholic Church are holding an old Boy's re- union, on September, 2nd, Labor Day. Do not fail to forget the grand chicken dinner served in the church grounds on that day. Miss Nora Rau has returned to Detroit after spending a couple of Months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rau. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Harvey and family of Detroit, were weak -end vis- itors with Mrs Harvey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Denomme. Harvesting is in full swing craw, most of the fall *heat has been thra- shed and has turned out from thirty- three to thirty-seven bushels to the acre. The cold wind of the last Sat- urday and Sunday of July, as well as the cool nights has damaged the bean crop.consideably, which will mean a big loss to the farmers. CARD OF THANKS The: bereft family of the late Christian Stade, Dashwood, wish to greatly thank the neighbors and fri- ends for the assistance and sympathy rendered, for the floral tributes, and loan' of autos, during the illness and departure of cIceascd. Kelvir!ator FIRST in the Field FOREMOST To day NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR; KELVINATOR. DON'T WAIT TILL THE WARM WEATHER IS OVER, TO REAP THE BEST RESULTS. 10ELVINATOR IS NOT ONLY AN ASSET IN SUMMER, BUT ALL THE YEAR ROUNI1 ANY ONE WISHING TO GET PRICES ON DOMESTIC OR COMMERCIAL. JOBS, COME AND szn ME The o dy :Refrigerator that gives a Course on Service in Cah da, and ever}: i:'Agent is :X service rn:in. earth treated themselves to' new Essex cars, from Mr. J. Laporte, the local salesman. Mr. Gordon Benedict, and Miss 114tiriel, Alineda, of Kitchener, and 1'hPS.Alma Benedict of Detroit, were 'isJcriay Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland. Mr. Ernie Meyers, who has been at London taking treatments for some time, has returned to the vicin- ity of Zurch, where he will remain for a time at least. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Finkbeiner and daughter Miss Hazel of Strat- ford were Monday visitors in town. Miss Lydia E. Faust, who spent the past week at Stratford, returning with them. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner of Toronto, spent the past week holi- daying with the fornrer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Truemner. Sorry to report. that Mr, Henry Truemner is not progressing in health as his many friends would like to see. Mr. Albert Schwalm and two tions, who have been visiting with the form- er's mother, and other relatives for a few weeks, left the latter part of last week, for their home in Hum - bolt, Sask. They made the trip east by motor car, taking about six days, I and will stop oli' at several places on I their way home. 'What alight have proven even a more serious accident happened last week on the Blue \tater Highway, when an american car travelling at a high speed, took the ditch and rol- led over twice before it stopped. The contents of the car consi,ting of a man, Hs' wife and two children. For- tunately no bones were fractured, and after adays rest, the party which were brought to Zurich, were able to be removed to their homes. When a motor truck fitted out as in excursion bus ran from the road about midway between flay field and Varna on Sunday, five persons were seriously injured and about twice that number suitered minor injuries. The scent, after the accident, which included breaking off a hydro pole, looked something like a battlefield fora time. The fault of the accident is a defected steering gear of the truck. All will recover, No, Herald Next Week, The holiday season will be all over main in' about two Weeks, and the Herald proprietor notiee that the annual woek of oft has not been observ- ed as yet:ihis.summcr. So to Make Mare that we will not miss it, we have decided to take nextweek as a holiday week, and consequently there will be no Herald printed on August 2,2nd. and we trust our readers and alvcr• tisers will not be looking for the Herald with its budget of tidings on that data: We ..purpose leaving on \Ted nesday afternoon of this week, and spend the night eomewh.wre ir= 'Uncle inrq's domain; ani will won- der arouMrd over there till it is about time to think of getting out the next edition which will be on Aug - Desch, Agent 29tlr. For The Girl or Boy AT GRADUATION NO GIFT IS MORE APPROPRIATE THAN A FINE WATCH LADIES' FANCY STRAP WAT- CHES FROM $3.00 To $35.00 GENTS' FANCY STRAP WATCHES FROM. $5.00 To $25.00 See them in Our Window Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1929 IMPORTANT FUEL Announcement Effective at Once. We beg to announce a redszctF:ems 50c. per ton from the winter prices* on all Grades of Anthracite Cent, In addition, we will allow a di.ceunn. of 50c per ton for CASH PAYlitIENT ONLY, on Anthracite and All g,•s u of Fuel. pricer on Anthracite will advasslre• cx. June 15th. Take advantage of these Rock Bay ,cn s Prices, and lay in your supply um of The Original and Ono D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL Or The Famous D. & H. LACKAWANNA COAL, Noted for itslgreat bee ,•ee-, c .�ts{V i t Tw iO .a0. , H E N SALE ONT., Office Phone lOw House Phone l.0 SALE ':' ssssry�4 ,.� CLASS . USED CARS • .3. .i. 4. 4. 4. 4 tranatozolaciia d 7 i; .a. - r BEFORE BUYING A NEW Olt USED CARR OB' ANY MAKE BE . SURE AND SEE US. LONG EASY TERMS 1927 FORD COUPE New Tires and Bumpers TWO 1926 and 1927 FORD COACHES Perfect Condition ONE MODEL A. 1929 FORD COACH New and Cheap 4. 4. h 4. B. 1 FORDSON TRACTOR AND FLOW s . x..1, . 4575 r'se,r; ,: ,1. . 1925 FORD TOURING New Top Cheap ONE TRAILER With RACKS EMBEZE0=11102041.MagE2S-;,'w$u2 FIVE FORD TOURINGS 1923 to /925 $35. to $90. 1925 FORD COUPE 13ALOONS 1923 FORD SEDAN Good as NEW 1928 O ' IViODEL A.. COUPE Etc. $550.00 0 FRITZ & SON 1 CHEVROLET DEALERS ,CHEVROLET DEALERS UNITED TRACTOR AGENCY �' ++++++++++++++++++++++k+ Ii^C °•r++z•+.i•'r++ •F o°+� +Ir i? i f a• % :� ' We h0ve opued up Our first shipment of Sprir w a Summer Dry Goods ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS It:E.k.'AI St WE HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDM Ai ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP .raIWPFL:IES FOR A€.,Ar .lt1 Nissl LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION COAL Ct , STOVES WE Sa:fLICI"I' YOUR PATRONAGE `aka ,21 aisy i9)E14a~,. MaR,011,4 ;l" E n :j' j> ti