HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-08, Page 1v * 1 XXX Noce et Chester L. Smith, Publi;hera ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUOUST 8 (929. !$1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advaneett know of your Sum.mer-vidta.'..or visitors. Phone or THE TOWN` BEAUTIFUL. Everybody loves and°Meares be- auty.• Beauty is one of the diviriest' forces that life holds'. It is fundamentally on. orders symetry arid harmony. The centaur of a beautiful face; the Wend or enters in masterly picture; the ellasen os a beautiful womaxe--alt these haw their appeal. The cit ,y or town. in which our home is should. be no less beautiful in our eyes than the co- untryside we repair to in. summer- time, the resorts or • seashore. Oar quest of beauty should begin where all good things begin, at home. The community reflects the spirit of those who compose t I wd have beautiful thoughts, and the inherent love of beauty which is our portion in the land of the EvEngl we shall 1.14 be content with a. city ,or vWage- wbich does not mirror the beauty that possesses us.We shall want our horde town (that blessed word!) to be beautiful, wholesome, orderly healthy and a place of which to be proud. "Clean up Week" comes as a boon and a. blesekeig to many an un-bcautiful community. It holies up an ideal. It says, "Make the Town Beautiful". It Imposes a duty. It offers, in the scriptural phrase, "Beauty for ashes'. Such a week reminds- ue of the saying that if the streets of the new Jerusalem are to be kept clear) it will only be by everybody sweeping before their own (1°o -retell Stsiiste it will be an incentive to work hued and enthus- iastically for the place we love. 4 • 042, 000. 04V 4,0 9 .4,*011.01 4110 41, 4' BARGAINS ARG ENS Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which 1 ana retailiag. far be- low Catalogue prices get your's at, Special Price 12.50 large size • • FRED THIEL - ZURICH .1 • ,:ist********setesieee.*-stessessieteeeates* *******ne*epo-4.44,****.co***-011: IllteMVPIOmeeetralaree•••••••••feeseeeee••••••••••••1 Seasonable Footwear • At. Reasonable Prices • • • FINEST OF PATENT, NEWEST S • • • • WOMEN OF PATTERNS. ALSO IN THE SMARTEST OF COLORS. IN HIGH AND MEDIUM WALKING HEELS CHILDREN'S M.ANLSH OXFOR- DS AND DAINTY STRAPS. ' MEN SQUARE TOE, LINDY OX- FORDS. HERE ARE ALL THE • LAETHERS. MEN ARE NEARING PATENTS, BROWN AND BLACK IN QUALITIES THAT IVIAICE THE PRICES atilOST UN- USUAL. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RUNNING SHOES FOR EVERY o ava. WO& BATHING SHOES, ETC. • • 1 0 • 4ft RIEVAIR/NG NEATLY bONE 1111************04/606400011***.; •••••••••soweeevefeeee so, • Brown's Boot Shop WINDOW DISPLAY • • TO u-arters •ALL AT • Huron Old Age Pension Board Organized. At the organization meeting of the Huron Old Age Pension Board, it was decided to divide the County in- to five districts, each member of the Hoard being responsible, in a meas- ure, for information regarding each applicant from the district. The districts were 'arranged as fol- lows Mi'. Higgime‘-4.7shorne, Exeter, Stephen, Hensall, Hay, ad Stanley. Mr. Kennedy McKiI lop, Hullett and Seaforth, Mr. Craigie-CIinton, Goderieh Tp Gederich Town, Colborne, and Ah - fl . °At. 11enderson---Eat Wawanosh, West Wawanosh, Morris, Blyth and Winghain, Mr. Hubbard -Grey, Howick, Turn berry and Brussels. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Brunner and family returned to their home in Kansas City Mrs. G. Oestreicher accompanied them as far as Chicago where she will visit her son Milton. - Misses Lucile and Alice Willert of Detroit, are- spending their vacation with their parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Twitchel of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Birk . 4r • 1 -saes, Miss Stella Callfas with her parent; here, Mr. Clarence Hoffman of Galt vis- ited' over Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevethick and family are spendinga wek fishing at Port Franks Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang and son Lieanard, motored to London on Wed- nesday • -Mr, and Ms, Ed. Siebert and fam- • ily of Detroit were holiday visitors in Mrs. Wm. Callfas and daughter Elda are visiting relatives in Kitch- ener. rs. 13. Roth and son Stanley of of Tavistock spent Sunday with rel- ate ilx the vieinity. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Routledge and family of Dutton, were holiday vis- iScrs at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Routledge. was a visitor Vie Chas. Fritz, accompanied by ,hifi brother John Fritz of Guelph, spent a few days with relatives in Mr. Chamberlain and daughter '.110c1c4 Ohio. Margaret of Port Huron visited at the Mrs. P. Steinman and home of Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Reid, on daiighters of Tavistock spent Sunday wish the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs Friday. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and, Mrs. 4, IGasche. Merner of Hayfield spent Sunday kr. and Mrs. J. Oesch and daugh- with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. tee, Shirley of Pigeon, Mr. and Mrs. May of Kitchenee Mich., who spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. $,:ponti the past two weeks with t14 former's parents, have returned S. Oestreicher. Miss Alice Hoffman isvisiting in to/their home. , Kitchener this weelt. , Jettg Bechler Passes i1Axt. L. Birkwile has been attend- There' passed away at his home at ing 0. A. C. at Guelph, is spending Blake, on Friday, August 2nd, join), his holidays with his parents. Beehlee, a highly respected citizen of Mr, disci Mrs. A. Musser of London, the community, and also a lifelong re - Mr. and Mrs. _S. Zimmerman and Mr, sident, having been born in Hay and Mrs. 3. K. Ehlers of Zurich, Township, being a son of the Tate me were Sunday visitors with Mr. , and Mrs A. Haugh, Mrs. John Petrol of Green COW, Springs, Florida, is visiting her sister Mrs. Earl Guenther, Miss Mildred McDonald of Hensall, is the guest of Miss Anna Tienian. Mr. Christian Stade passeeaway very peacefully after a lingering ill- ness on Monday evening. The fun- eral will be held on Thursday after- noon. Rev. H. J. Storm or Mitchell will conduct the services, IN MEMORIAM .Reichert ---In fondest memory of Emanuel G. Reichert, who passed a- way in St. Joseph's Hospital, London on August 9th, 1928. Quick and sudden came the call His sudden death surprised us all Dearer to memory than words can tell The loss of a father we loved so well Rest on in peace our loving father. Upon that wonderous shore Where partings are forgotten And sorrow is no more. Those willing hands, that tenuer heart At rest from. toll and pain Sleep on dear father in heavenly sleep Until we meet again. Sadly missed by wife and children eivinator FIRST in the Field FOE OST Today NOW IS THE TIME 'FO BUY YOUR KELVINATOR. DON'T WAIT TILL THE WARM WEATHER TS OVER; , TO REAP THE twin RESULTS. KELVINATOR IS NOT ONLY AN ASSET IN SUMMER, BUT ALL THE l'EAI : ROUIstr), SO ANY ONE WISHING TO GE'r PRIC1JS . ''' ON DOME"TIC OE COMMERCIAL •''' 3013S, COME A"..:11 SEE ME. IT' ! i Course on Service in Canada, and g / Tbe Only. RotrigeraLor that gives a 4 : every Agent it a seriice inan. 4 :ROPIIIMS: Iltt0.1K , RAO= Z86 ' IP 4s - • - • Agent For The Girl or AT GRADUATJON NO GIFT IS MORE APPROPRIATE THAN A FINE LADIES' FANCY STRAP WAT- CHES FROM $2.00 To $35.00 GENTS' FANCY STRAP WATCHES FROM $5.00 To $25.00 See them in Our Window lass, T Jeweller CSA IMPORTANT FUEL Announcement Effective at Oncei We beg to announce a reduction of, 50c. per ton from the winter pzikeisq„ on all Grades of Anthracite CoaL In ealdition, we will allow a discoft:t. of 50c pt -.;.r ton for CASK PAYMENT. ONLY, on Anthracite and Alt gitade ofFuel.s 'Pricer on Anthracite will advance etc June 15th, Take advantage of these Rack Botta Prices, and lay in your supply ua' of The Original and. Cray D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL Or The Famous D. & H. LACKAWANNA COAL Noted for its great Kee* , nteics= H E N SALL QNT., Office Phone 10w House Phone lieffX 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. Christian. Bechler, of the Goshen * Line, south of Zurich. Deceased was + agen 74 years and 4 months, and a- bout four months ago was seized with a paralytic stroke from which effects he never recovered, and the end came only to relieve his sufferings. For a- bout 50 years Mr. Bechler was a re- sident of Blake and community, and leaves a• large number or warm bosom friends. Besides doing considerable farming, Mr. Bechler 'was also engag ed in pump making, at which trade he was hard to equal. He was a man of great physical strength in his prime. Besides his widow he is sur- vived by the following grown up family: Christ and Jos. Bechler of Stanley Township; Edmund Bechler, of Illionois; Mrs, Bergey of Ill; Mrs. Ben Bergey of Indiana; Mrs, John Gesell° of Emily City, Mich; one brother, Mr. Menno Bechler of Zur- ich and 19 grandchildren also survive. The remains were laid to rest in the Goshen Line cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Iter, Cressinan, of Kitch- ener, of the Mennonite church, assist- ed Rev. C. Schrag in -the services. • Late Christian Stade The reaper of death claimed an- other .01 the outstanding elderly men of the cOmmtmity when TvIr. Christian Stade of Dashwood was called to his eternal reward on Monday, August 51th, aged 74 years, 7 months and 24 da.ys. The deceased had been in ail- ing health for a number of years, bUt regardless of this was very act- ive and kept going as beet lie could, till this great life of ambition and exactness was called away. Mr. Stade was a man of true honesty, and his word was as good es gold in all his dealings and cctivities, and con- t:ecitiontiy he has a large number of warm bosom friendit who v.111 grectly miss him, he was a worthy and high- ly esteemed • Director of the Has Township Farmers' Mutual Fire In, surance :Company fox some twenty- three years, and only . for ill health would, Still be an •active member of this board. B Psi des his sorroniarr wide* he is survived byi Nxim.Stade ef Dashwood; Rudolph S3ta1e Of Zurieh; -lrs 3, Eidt of New Ham ree Mrs, I-Terman Eidt of Ingersoll, also one sitter, Mm. Peter Kraft of d Ashweo d •Deceased was b011 at PrN:ton and came to tho Dashwooi clistri;tt over 60 yan• no, nbotit ld ,•;o movir!)., Imre the farm to the village,. The funoral he held on Thursday this week to tho Dronsoin Linn lextlit....isn ei.acz.,rs HIGH CLASS USED CARS DEFORE BUYING A NEW 01 USED CAR OF ANY MAKE BF: SURE AND SEE US. LONG EASY TERMS 4..•14V144.%Pn71- , • vo',6,'''''Zi'r.,,,i2MSZ(IrM/MarIMZEta 1927 FORD COUPE New Tires and Bumpers TWO 1926 and 1927 FORD COACHES Perfect Condition ONE MODEL A. 1929 FORD COACH New and Cheap 3AWM&ViaNgEt7-5f4ir ran "/ 1925 FORD TOURING New Top Cheap FORDSON TRACTOR AND PLOW §IPS, ';Wfrairereters' ONE TRAILER With RACKS WM=C2ZEgliZERVErisKiEW' ALr. FIVE FORD TOURINGS 1923 to 1925 $35. to $90. =11222EIRMsgE"INSIZEREEMI, 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS Etc. 1923 FORD SEDAN Good as NEW 1928 MODEL A. COUPE $550.00 ereitga,MIQUESEMIMMUMMUMEN PRITZ & SON CHEVROLET DEALERS ,CHEVROLET DEALERS UNITED TRACTOR AGENCY 4. We have opened Our first shipment •of Spril g mid Summer Dry Goods WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS REPAIASS, HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDE K Ai' ROOT SEEDS,. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALA.D.W.T,.i LAIVIPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION CO.AL, sTovEs R. wa SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE GEN ER AL AfERONAiiir 4 PHONE. .97 isLAKEF 1 -,., 1 :A 4 6 61. , . •• 4 • 4