HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-01, Page 8• T IEST OREt. W ET.il; + ST( S I r..µr`• er ginning Saturday August 3rd Closink Saturday Aug. 17th ro NOT MISS THIS ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARING SALE IFC ? 17' ENABLES YOU TO PROCURE SEASONABLE GOODS 'AT A GREAT SAVING IN PRICE. WE STOCK ONLY CLEAN, E...."ENDABLE GOODS. NO CHEAP TRASH BOUGHT FOR $A1...a. PURPOSES AT ANY TIME. OUR SALES ARE KNOWN 'AR AND WIDE AS REAL MONEY SAVING EVENTS. $0 Cs: ME AND SHARE_ IN TiIE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE OFFER. WE CAN LIST ONLY A ,FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE Al.s1 OFFERIN(, SPE POSTERS FOR MORE BARGAINS' BUT 3l; T TER STILL, COME TO THE SELF STORE AND SEE FOR YOUR - SPECIALS 2 only Dress Ends, .Chiffon Voiles, Reg. $1.50 yd. for .......-o °- -.� Rc 7" -one,Voiles Reg 5c yard. for .4 Fugi Silks, all shades at per yard ..-•- •-•oresae • -• ... 75c a( Flees Voileti erepes. c>tc your choice at per yard 24e Men's Work Shirts, each at .... :el ... .._ .:•-• •-•-a. 89e. Work Shirts, I(eg. $1.85 fors 98e 143��..>29c Ken's work Socks, 2 pr. for 529e ' Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, each at Bur's Knickers, Sizes 0 to 10 years at ............ ,85c 5c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR FULL PARTICULARS ...1.:11 csc Prod tv..,t Wanted Phone 59 194'51 ".08 m'M11#ulmcrtJ' i'X1�M'W. JSLtGti6dPd1."M{btl!A The Hupon and Erie Mortgage Corporation The Canada Trust Company NOW PAY 11 PER ANNUM, PAYABLE TWICE A Y tdAR, ON ANY AIVIOUNT OVER $100.00, FOR ONE TO FIVE YEARS. - SAFE - CONVENIENT - DEPENDABLE APPLICATIONS FOR HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest ----INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR Wi LL? -;ZURICH :RRRA D ods Everything in .the Drygoods line will be sold below Regular Value, to clear all lines regardless of cost. We cannot give all prices:!hese, Come and .See what we have Printed Broadcloth, Reg. 35e at 25c Prints, Regular 30c. and 25; at. ........ .19e Ladies' Silk Hose, Reg. $1.00 Pr. at.. ...... • ...... .79c Ladies' Cotton T3ose, Reg. 50c. at ... ........ < .... .35c Boys' and Girls' Cotton Hose,Reg. 50c. at., .. , - . 35e Boys' and Girls' Cotton Hose, Reg. 35c. and 25c,at 19c Balance of Stock, Ladies Vests and Bloomers, 50c and. 35c at..25c Children's Vests, at each :,.. »., ...15c Men's Negligee Shirts, with Collar, Reg. up to $2, at $1.25 Men's 50c Sox at only................................. - Men's Medium. Weight, work Socks, Pair.. - ..... »....... -....15e Men's and Boy's Straw Hats, 35c and 25; at............_..... -.15c ME YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE !:',<:O. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss Doris Meyers is spentttng a few days holidays at Toronto. Miss Marjory Gascho left for Mich.. where she will spend a few weeks. Mrs. Mary - Schluchter of Linton, New Jersey, visited at the home of. Mrs. G. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voliand: of ' Hensail spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Monday August 5th, has been pro- claimed in most towns and cities in Ontario as civic holiday, and natur- ally Zurich will fall in line, as our merchants advise us they will be= clo- sed and observe the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Church of Tor- onto and the latter's three :sisters, Mrs. Saul, Mrs. Mills, and 11'Iiss Mc- Larty, all of Strathroy, spent Mon- day with Mrs. E. - Church. Mr. and Mrs. John. Williams, of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. .Cook and daughter of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. LautenschIager and family of Kitch- ener, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft. • Plano to Buy'- ARE �l�oBest SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FROST WIRE FENCING, GOLD MEDAL TWINE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, -GOOD- YEAR TIRES AND TUBES, HECLA FURNACES, QUEBEC STOVES AND HEATERS, HEATING, PLUMBING AND TINS- MITHING, A SPECIALTY FURNITURFJ DINING AND BED ROOM SUITS, CHESTERFIELD SPRINGS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, Etc. SBEDS- BUYERS AND RETAILERS OF ALL FINDS OF CLOVE. GRASS SEEDS. SEE UR FOR PRICES AND QUALITY If in need of new furniture, forget; we have it! • STADE &WEIDO ZURICH ONT. II �M10004 MI Msloosooli 1--A IMie4 . - S SUfTS, R doll LOCAL EgARKETSe (,Corseted every Wednesday) Butter lb.......... ...., ._ .... - --. Eggs ... - . ..... »........ 20-25 Dried apples lib...... sc Chickens live ... ..,...,.a, ••=.12-25 Old Hens .. .. ,. 11-21 Oots 55 Barley a ••••. '75 Buckwheat . _ ... 85 Wheat ....... +1.30 Flour - 3.50-5.00 Shorts per ton .. ., .... 35.00 Bran per ton.. .. 34.00 Old Hens ..,.<...-...� .-14 15 _20 40 3 /17 Thursdtksfi Atigtio YOYO 01444;$914+4"144++++.44.444++++ +++4'404444 ++++***114+46+ Seasonable Goods. • Now is the time of year to fit out 4.1, ew Furniture your home with Also SialatatIS Guaranteed Springs and Mattresses Western F Wre Mutual Weather Insurance Ca OF W'(£ ODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian . Company doing Business in Ontariio- Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1923, 22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and. Bonds $1.60,378.74 - Ratea-$4.50 per $t,000 for s yearn. E. F. Kopp -Zurich Adeni, Also Dealer in. Likhiniaew Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Mr. Gilbert Jeffrey of the Blue Water Highway, Stanley, has quite a curiosity in the shape of a freak colt, having only three legs, two hind legs and one front one, The colt is doing well and is quite smart. Mr. William Henderson, of Detroit, called on old friends in town one day recently. Mr. Henderson was prin- cipal of Zurich school about 45 years ago and will be remembered by many of the older residents. Very few of the pupils he taught reside in this sec- tion now. 0 0 • 0 0 AND 0 0 0 !. The annual picnic of the Sunday School of the Evangelical church was held last Tuesdayafternoon to Grand Bend, and was well attenaed, as the weather being ideal for the occasion. The usual amount of ' sports were run off with good enthusiasm, and of course, the evening lunch was a big factor in making the event a mostl decided success, E Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magel, Mr. I WE and Mrs Harry Magel of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Magel of Seattle, Wash.; were visitors here during the past week. The latter Mr. Magel has not been in Zurich for about nineteen years, and was for many years an employee as clerk of the general store conducted by the late J. 3. 1Vlerner, and is now with a large man- ufacturing concernon the Pacific coast. A meeting of the Directors of Zur- ich Agricultural Society was held on Tuesday evening last. Judges were appointed and committees named. The special prize committee reported that many good prizes have been donated for special competitions, .A. hand- aome silver .cup will be given to the the1U person winning the largest amount w of prize money at this year's fair. Alice Dunbar and her dancers have been engaged and will entertain on the grounds in the afternoon 'on Fair Day and give the concert at night. Fred Reilof near SebringvilIe, narrowly escaped serious injury on Saturday night when the buggy he was driving in overturned in the ditch when drivenby a car struck by John Decker of Zurich.. The car turned over on its side one the highway:One of the wheels of both the car and the buggy were torn of. No one was in - lured. The accident was caused when the 'steering'• gear' 'lacked int 'Decker's ear. -Stratford 13eacern-lleraaid ,.:.• ' `Ctin'100%, Or ,spry;,, • 4. • ammo .eek>ee4&& cosetestme(nese.. otoesvoe sieve : cat. 1 Soarfe 's Oelekrated Paints y r and. Varnishes FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR E uAM:1 tu, • 3E$sFtmesmiseeSfSA'S essoce'i'BFso:r'R3B t .moseeoreemeeeee et 4. 4- 4- •i• GET OUR PRICE„ ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS C€>-NAMEL VARNISHES 11 Lines of Hardware and Tinware 1 0 0 2 0 • WIRE I Z SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMP'S.. + • PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGI'lING, PIPING, ETC., ATTEND- ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. e' CALL AND SEE US Johnston & Ka1bfieich z. Hardware ; :° Furniture. Phone 63 ...i.6,'.++++++++++++++++++++;+++++1+++++++++++,14+++++++,' 44+,4 For Iurda- OnIy ARE OFFERING ALL O)T.;lt EATS AT FROM $1.25, AND LESS, TO CLEAR OUT. BE SURE AND GET YOURS,, AT THESE LOW PRICES I t 0 2 0 2 The Hat -hoppe Auto Tops Wagon Repairing, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH Buggy Tops Painting, llfit '_` AIIlWIN1II IIIIIISA`a4111'171,'j i'N111ni?j:efai ,.,r I ":^M(>J�.11115. illMI11111fn 1lNUfMMINLIAI:1'.:'w� M4++.F.++-i-i.+,Lti�•-b•i 1 -i -f -K,• .1.4-1 '• +.7,•• + +K + &^l•+•F•• ++ +4+•> +44.+ AN```,< OEME T t3e have been appointed Agents direct. for t .. ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR TILE FOLLOWING LINES OF . i, TRIED AND PROVER PRODUCTS GE +E. t. t 'L :LYS C}V".ERI, AND I...'aaj.. i /.A.ff` i THE@4t RE •t f. %t' -ETP• E' ij O'UR CEDRISTOCRFIELD.T OSEE IT; DRIVELOPIRTI COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE, A TRIED' -ti; AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF. QUALITY r 0t THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON' ' �f QU I 1 PET t THE MARKET. A CAR WITH. A. SOUND REPUTATION - • ., V. V. Siebert - Zurich W. and Mrs. Jacob Geiger visited with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoist on Sunday. - - Mr. Kenneth Routledge has return- ed to Detroit after` spending his vac- ation at his home here. BORN Dewey --At Hay township on July 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dewey, a sort. Bedard -At :Zurich, on July 10th, to' Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, a son, , Schwartzentruber• -At Hay To"wnshin on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs.. Jos. Schwartzentrtiber a son. Campbell. -7 --At Ilay Township, on July 1'7th, to g> Aar'icl. , 11Ira. •,Per;Giv il. t i• 4' 4' 1o++. +4.4+++++++++++++444i4+411* ++444++ ++.044-14+4 +4s.& • +fir.k. Willys -Knight TWO MODELS, THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVE. MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE D'S BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. .A SATISFACTORY DEAL, ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE j, YOU SERVICE" - IL Mousseau Zurich SUITS- - SUIT To the mtn who regards a well dressed appearance, we .recommend you to come and look over our fine rouge of I THE NEWEST SUIT1NGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY"; Yi RFFUNDED, ALE OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TiummiaD WIT frRn BEST OE':%WINGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE 1 'READ AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TOM AS URTU'CLOTHES-=CORNELLi., ' . H. HOFFMAN l EMCAN: & kin >I F1lBAYl"i i�RIEtG''H'ANT TAILOR; AV, H. SO 1AND T"1IN11UL DIOi& Day . H#O% P)ao ).(o, • ..