HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-08-01, Page 4iv 10 1 SALES • • • •• AND SERVICE We have taken over the Edighoffer Garage a•r and it is now • He e of the Ford 1 WE CARRY GEIQU11 E. FORD PARTS. i•il WE GIVE GENUINE FORD SERVICE o ; ,*• ON OUR NEW AND USED CARS • WE HAVE THE NEW MODELS IN STOCK. ALSO THE FOL. • * LOWING USED CARS; e 1928 Ford Coupe 19-1 Ford Touring 1 1 0 41, 1928 Ford Coach • 1925 Ford Coach • •• WE TRADE AND GIVE TERMS Saiidy Elliot, Ford Dealer, Zurich • E. E. WORTH, Salesman. Phone 149 *zasSBaG®P,S$SseesQ9eeeelorteev&3A5aPs5Iomileoseas Icoaceeeeeemeee* 4. x 5 + +v++I++'r l+3 '.4r+344.44+ i4: z.+4.:..,..;,;.z-4.++ •++++++ 3^++++.11.14 4. 4. 4, -2. 4. + + 3+ + + 4. 3 + 6 r y I+ ' ua + ,...,„.,,„F.„,,,„„, + Men's Dress Shirts each $1.00 Pure Lined Towelling, Reg. 35e. at Sale Price, yard........25c * Ginghams and Prints, yd. 19c Voiles, yard 25c Cllildrens' Fancy Sox, Reg. 50c Sale Price,pr. 50c 4- Pearl Buttons, dozen 5c. Ladies' Silk Vests, S. Price 69c + Ladies' Silk Bloomers, at Sale Price .. . .85c + A BIG REDUCTION ON ALL SUMMER DRESS GOODS ++I+ Super Silk Hose, Reg. $1.50, for pair $1.00 + . Corsets, a pair ......25c Bathing Suits, $L00 and up e. 3 only Dinner Setts, 100 pieces for only. $21.00 FANCY CHINA AT A BIG REDUCTION + 6 -Pc. Bowl Setts, Regular $1.00, for, a sett .69c + Tea Pots, .at 45c + Drinking Fountain, reg . $1.00 for 60c. Reg75c for 40c •w++Flower Pots for 5c, 8c, 10c 15e Each 2 Water Jugs at 20c, 25c 30c Each + Crocks One Gallon Size, at Each ..........................20c GROCERY SPECIALS 4 74. 1 *444444.4,4k4+4 4t*4+44444 xtr g,GaAs Straw Hats, 2 for 25e. . Big Water Pitchers, each 20e Soda Biscuits, ib. 15c. Fruit Jelly Powdes, 3 for 25c. Com, 2 Tins for 25c Tomatoes, 2 Tins for 25c. Lantern Glasses, each 10c. Fruit jars, quart, dozen $1.25 Corn Flakes, Box 10c. Corn Meal lb. 5c. I. Peas, 2 Tins for 25c Large Bottle Catsup, 25c + Fruit jars, 1W-gal.dozen $1.65 Pints dozen $1.00 T. L. ,° M Phone a. 4. 140 4. 4. It +++.14+++++++++44+++++++,41 +4-1.++++++++++++++++++.1.4-4.+4 �r GOING. OUT OF BUSINESS SALE o•a ••••••ss••e•e••••••••eoeseeeeesee•••F►•••• Salt Salt Carload of Salt just arrived which. we are selling as follows: In 500 lb. lots at 55c. per cwt. In 100 lb. lots at 50c cwt. delivered YOUR 1929 COAL 1 1 NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR a I SUPPLY -OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUrCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES AVE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L. Schilbe &Son +1 •MA• Idles•1111N11NiAi!•111+000411••• •N lw Ulimee • HILLSGREEN. '' 'o. Lorne Eller and ` daughter, iGwendolyne and Allan Cochrane we- e week -end visitors with friends in isionwel3, Mrs. R. Dick returned to her home. iau Toronto after spending a few holi- ,iis at the hone of her parents, Mr. '*alta Mrs. j. Cochrane, :.04 %co,, slohn tay LYni• son Gordon, of Varna. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Coleman of Sea - forth, called on friends recently. Mr. Peter McDonald of Stratford, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. J. Jarrott recently. Dr. and Mrs. Vergusson, of Pont lac; Mi h., Mr. and Mrs, Snell of Ex eter, e. ed on old :friends here, or Priday a,ii... ...Y,vx,A. ray tI.. ca 'alt. :••:4 11 of Zurich, 'caned 'An" Mrs. on Sunday. Miss Dolly Hagen spent London recently. .HE+ RAL"i Troyer. dad+ STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs, Robinson, Sr., and her dau- ghter Mrs,. Margaret Bnratt of Ham- ilton, came to Stanley last week and will remain for .a while at the old home. on Goshen Line. Mr. Ruskin Keys of Lt ndon, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, N. .Keys, of Babylon Line, Miss 1-1, Errata of Auburn, is vis- iting with her mete, Mrs. Robt. Me- Clinehey at present, Mr. F Agnew of. Chicago, and Mr. H. Crawford of Detroit, visited for. a day or so with friends in this inity.. Mr. Allan Fsler .and two sons, who have been 'visiting friends here for the past n'inntil, 'returned this week to their home in Alberta. • HENSALL, Gerald and Alvin Warner of Pon1- tiac, Mich., spent a few days. visitin friends 'here. • Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wren .o Toronto, are visiting friends in, thi vicinity. Dr. James Bell of Harrisburg,Pe is spending a, time at his home here. Alex McMurtie and Mrs. Allan an daughter of Toronto,, are visiting the home of Mrs. Malurtie. Erma Rennie, of Detroit, is spen ing her holidays at the• home of he parents here. Mr. Fraser's new dwelling is' near ing completion, just a little west o the planing mills, . and presents .a ver Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Wilson an nice .appearance. daughter who have been spending th past week at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Win Consitt, have returned t their hone in Toronto The many friends of Mrs. R. Cud more regret to learn that she i confined to her bed with illness. He -laughter Beatrice, of Toronto, i home taking care of her. James Kilpatrick; while working e Dr. Moir's barn, had the misfortun to fall from a scaffold, breaking bone in his foot, which will lay hin up for a while. Dr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Graven hurst returned to their home afte spending a few days at the home o Mrs. P. Fisher. Helen `'Smith, R. N9 of Oniar.Mich is spending a few weeks' vacation her home here. Fred Manns has resumed his . dut ies as parber at the shop, after a few weeks' vacation. Pleased to see John McDonald able to be around again after. his long illness. Mrs. J. A. Swan and son, of Detroit are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Swan. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, accompanied by their family,, are en- joying a 'motor trip to various places ,The contractors for the paving on the London Road finished on Tuesday last, with the paving at Kippen. They will be a few weeks longer putting on the shoulders. A number of the gra- vel trucks have gone to Orillia. The Highways Department has decided to do no more paving in this district this year. Mrs. W. Hobkirk, who has been in the West for some time, has returned here, accompanied by her daughter. John O'Neil, who has spent some time here, has returned to his liomr in Dorchester. Mrs. J. P. Campbell and little renof Windsor,' and Elliott Bell, of Det- roit, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Janes A. Bell. O_ase Tuoyer of Bridgeburg, is sp- ending a time with his mother, Mrs. Charles Troyer, and his sister Mrs. Hudson, J. B. Forrest, - Ward and sister Mary of Parr Line, Hay, accompan- ied 'by Mrs. NI. A. Forrest, and Miss Jessie Forrest, of Boline, Man., mot- ored to Lion's Head on Sunday. g s n, d a rI r 1 y e d. 0 s S e a hin r 1 • a COUNTY NEWS A picnic will 'be held at Seaciife Park, Leamington, an. Aug, 3rd, for auron County people living in Wind - ler and Detroit. Acting Mayor Quinn, of Detroit, is corning to the licnic and is so enthusiastic about it that in some fitting way is inviting ;he Canadians in Detroit. The May- nrs of Border Cities and President of ;he Chamber of. Commerce are meet - ng Canadians from Western Ontario md Canadians from Detroit at the picnic. At the military camp, London, re .entry, Dr. G. S. Atkinson, Exeter, who has been takinga special riding course met with what night have be- en an unfortunate accident. The mount he was riding reared and fen. over on its back. Dr. Atkinson was pinned beneath, the saddle catching him across the hips. He was bruised and shaken up but fortunately was not seriously hurt. Dr. and Mrs. Truernner of Strath- t-oy, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Grieves 'at Grand Bend. The remains of the late Thomas, 'ookson, who died in Windsor on 'fitly 20th, were brenght to Exeter net the, funeral was held on Monday '0rInui� last, from the C.N.R. statins: ,v ti C !. ii cenio:4,17 for int=erment • 1, 1 \' j/YuK01 . 4 OFF ccs t +++,. `. Q.it �,.�� ^ cr , Q0, � 1 , 4I Q 0 ! ! t3V1ANJiT19t3A BRI UM ) C ;� i 0F1=,CEs <I$ I ALBEFtTAj I l 0FFicES• t 72 j 5ASKAi'-•i f D A \ OFFICaS ONTARIO. 245 OFFJCEs. %' i� M{4- , 1929 rOiri-pee also ,at ;LDNOON, SARIS, +E.W YCrifiK7cFISCAGO, 147,1,.1-4 C'31.ANCJsco grad MEXICO EXICO N IdEWW WNDLAND OF ICES i C H F_WANI • OFFI9CES H GH QUESEC 130 OFFICES ;n'n1NcE. EDWARD 7StAND 0F4ica NOVA SCOTIA 14 !I£W WP CE$ R$DI<i4SWS . r TO CANADIANS in, every walk in life there is insured by the organization of the Bank •of Montreal an adequate and dependable banking service, available through more draza: 600 Branches distributed in every province throughout the - Dominion, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the international boundary to the shores. of Hudson Bay. Each Branch, no matter where situated, has behind it the full resources of the whole organization, whiff has Capital and Reserves of over 07o,000,000, and Assets exceeding $goo,000,000. ESTABLISHED OVER 110 YEARS "ern' `.Sara Where Smelt discounts am Welcome" Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manages. The deceased was aged 57 years, 6 months and 9 days. He was born at Aylmer and was a resident in the Exeter community for about 20 years. The death occurred in Clinton of Mrs. Wiggington, who had passed by one month her 82nd year. She was before her maggiage Mary McGregor and was born in Scotland, her father being a bookbinder by trade, and was noted for the many line species of' work he done along this line. The family came Amenica when she was mere babe, settling- first at New York. She was married 58 years ago to John Wiggonton, who passed,i 25 years ago. . After her marriage they resided on a farm in the I3ay- field Road and about 20 years ago she went to Clinton. Workmen are engaged in putting in a new culvert on the Lake Road between Exeter and Dashwand Late the other evening one car crashed through the barrier, on wifch was suspended a red lantern and had it not been for a heap of gravel, en the road, it would have fallen into, the excavation. The steamer Sault Ste. Marie of the AIgoma Steamship Co. was in God erich port the other day with a cargo of 1,000 bags of sugar from Wallace- burg, for local dealers. The sugar was placed in the local town freight sheds. This steamer has been in this port a, number iof times this season. The Jackson Constroction Company s making fairly good progress on the construction jobs at the west side of he harbor The last mdoring crib was aunched on. Monday last and on the north pier work the pouring of con - rete is under way. A car driven by E. A. Youngs, of tratford, who was accompanied by ohii McCully of the same city, came o grief last Saturday night when it it the bridge about twomiles north f Bayfield, on the Blue. Water Mall- ey and went into the deep ravine at that point. Only for the trees that checked its descent there would likely ave been a fatality. As it, was the ar vas wreaked, but the occupants soaped serious injury, although re- uiring medical attention. Over 3,000 persons attended the tine's school reunion heldin school ection No. 1, "Grey township, near russels, recently. The reunion biro- ght together pupils, teachers and old rey township residents in' the big - hest event in the histary af' the, ill^- ACL 0 s • r me Need it doses;, : Jr if your present: Z`ast;tizoan needs modernizing. spedfy moo Bathroom Fix--- tura& and. Fittings. Q tra.11'ty and beauty are built into them to ensure lasting.ser . vice ani. satisfaction Beauty of design, gleaming white or - charmingly tinted, Emco tures.t Into any color scheme.: :if you haven't running Water int your home to supply bathroom, kit- chen and laundry, an EMPIRE - D'URO WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM will souse this problem. Models anade for deep or shallow weep $axing minimum capacity of 230 gallons per lour.. The Initial cost is surprisingly/ow. Install an Empire. . Duro and mice the water suppler problem fert. For Sale Bya STAID iTr. WEIDO JOHNSTON & 3ALEFLEISCI' Pressure Systems and athroom Fittings • 10