HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-07-18, Page 8T '' STORE WITH l:' TTi T()(`J•±.. Atlx tan% la A new :••IUUj).liCflt of f nor dresser + �3 9 S( [' ; ii f+i .vanity inikde of th 3 1 J i a t V d W4 7 1.1y Y i x ..Y iI i wash- able, ;th l CC+_.Sh- able,;ih :i l tl I"t ,dors. See them. A. IT, V,r ..A.2S':.+::I"MT NT AND CUFF SETTS FOR DR '.SS J. ALSO N:.:.w D'.:E,S5 BUCKLES, ORNAMENTS, FANCY FINS, VERY MUCH IN DEMAND FOR SUMMER WEAR. FULL FASHIONED HOSE IN NEWEST SUN SHADES Pr. .. $1.50 :Venus pare silk, Reg. $1.1ill, Ica pair Ladies' Housedresses, nc:l' l'• l:':I, cach $1.18 $1.98 New,. Ramona Yolks, '1,. • 4" yd. 75c A few Press Lengths only, C' ;',ten Voiles, yard • Scarce Gods, We•c•z no procax-c any more this Small boys' Overalls, Sizes 4 tw Boys' Knickers, all sizes, at Boys' 'Khaki Pants, at Boys' Khaki Shirts to match at 5Men's Broadcloth Shirts, plain white, tan or blue ........... $1.50 $1.50 season 75c 98c $1.45 950 Men's Balbriggan shirts and drawers, c• -"!h. 1 only 97 piece Dinner Sett, Reg. $32.00 now .1 only 95 piece Dinner sett, new Special at 1 97 piece Dinner Set, I c l,.75O for Glass Tumblers. at each J. Pro “,r Wanted 50c $23.54 $16.50 $12.50 50 SON N ' ..S Phone 59 1 e Huron and Erie Mo:tgage Oorporation 'a O-a,u.L a Trust CJ npi,ay NuW PAY 5% PER PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR, ON ANY AMOUNT OVER $100.00, FOR ONE TO FIVE YEARS. SAFE — CONVENIENT — DEPENDABLE APPLICATIONS FOR HURON d; ERIE DEBENTURES TAR:EN - AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE! A irew . a ,els, '• Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? AuStIC$ {BIItALD A d Hot Specials FOR THE HOT WEATHER FEW MEN'S AND BOYS' STRAW HATS, at MEN'S NOT A BUTTON COMBIN:c}.TIONS at.......... . .79e oys' Cotton Jerseys„ all sizes; several colors, Reg.50c, at, 1aY��'S' HEAVY RIB STOCKINGS, Reg. 50c, at 39e GIRLS' WHITE AND BLUSH COLOR HOSE, Reg. 50c,at ..39c LADIES SILK AND COTTONCOTTON HOSE AT REDUCED PRICES. L.IDIES' PEACHY SILK BLOOMERS,STRIPE 10, 15,25e 39c Reg. 50c, at..35c tIPS, Reg. $1.00, and $1.25„ at N:GHT GOWNS, Reg. $1.00 and $1.25, at 790 HOUSE DRESSES, Reg. $5..00, at ....79c. 79'e J. re ME NEE? YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITENb IF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. E. E. Weido and Mrs. J Hey, Jr„ aro camping at the .Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Southcott and family of California, are spending a few weeks camping at Grand Bend. O'Brein is spending a few weel. a holidays with friends at t ro=t. Rev. Mrs. S. R. Knechtel, of St. Jaco —. visited at the home of Mrs. S. _'- -..nie the past week. I+ir. and Trs. Woodcock and family of Win;..• are spending the summer at St. Te.c ;;h with relatives. B'fr. and. 7';°s. C. L. Smith and dau- ghter Iv_., . are on a business trip to London o.• •,•'ednesday. M':, and : T. Trevethick of Brin- sley wore _ -day visitors •at the home of hr Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hess. Mr. Taco:: Weido and son Percy, Mrs. Ly dla F. -le and daughter Pearl, .,::'. visitors with friends at Myth.. I, a=ir . and Mrs. J. Guen- thor. ,,'; a few weeks at , the ho.:1.: '',1-,-. and Mrs. S. R. • WE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co 'O'F WOODSTOCK The Largest. Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in. Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on•Dec. 31st, 1925, $22,2106,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $'160,378.74 Rates—$4.50 per 81,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer hi Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance or Saturday Only 1 1 Q'F dM ..i4.5.,. :9 0 Knechtel, �e:cvas. ARE OFFERING ALL OT.;It Mr. Charles Nei'alo, Mr and Mrs. HATS AT FROM $1.25, AND LESS, Oscar Nabie, and family, of New Hamburg, awl Mr. Victor Knott, of TO CLEAR OUT. BE SURE AND Stratford, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith GET YOURS, AT THESE LOW musical recital held by the pupils of Mis.; l'. Rennie, in the Ev- angelical cl orclb, last Thursday even- ing, was in ever• way a decided, and the attendance was good, and a most vas rendered, which is a credit to both teacher and pupils. y ! a.4' 3%C�..'+e i+lt'3.igy, ...7,,4.14 S.1-4 +0£tffiv+$* .44.4: ..r I� Is The v74, -.3r est . e The v.v. PRICES Hat Shoppe Siebert Zurich 0 4 a • 0 'TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS a a LT US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE e FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE 4 BEST MONEY CAN BUY. • IIF YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING THIS YEAR, WE INV': L YCi U TO CALL AND SEE US AND 2 GET OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. A NICE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOME WILL AL -6 WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE, WE 3 CAN SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES t. ARE VZRY ATTRACTIVE. • I in need o new f am Lure, don't i. w rA D pc ,, ,,. Loatll VAt tm 1 Li U : , :iR H -. ONS-. 1.a. + **p*N111 41i*6**u�s*AAs+�bA �a�aA��►d►*r+�sr�Ni�i�1e11►1M10I 1 ..........k..*..-:-..„........- . \\. For 19;L9 motor condition -gip DOMINION ROYAL CORD Here is the 1929 tire for the 1929 care . New in design and construction. Extra thick tread has deep -cat blocks tri give greater non-skid mileage. Rugged carcass is built with web cord. It has strength where 1929 motoring con- ditions demand it. Side-walls are strongly, - buttressed to resist rut and curb wear. For safety and Long mileage, for the job{ your 1929 car has to do, the new Royal Cord is the one tire for you. M!1IOH FIRE DEPOT .. .:,1j. 11! ousseaui TI»IniaifY, 4gp314r 1804, F . 'M.6+ +•F4. 6441.. +++.1 t ' °44++•i•' *4.444�•b +"h`.' +1""44 Seasonable Goods Novs the time of year to fit out t your b.ome with new Furniture A.Iso Sinimons Gaaran.teed. Springs and Mattresses I Scarfe's Celebrated Paints Ts+ and Varnishes +4. . FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL CHI -NAME{, VARNISHES •4e•11***'611�oeseeese ee1*81*Qe 6se®osomesal ®.� et AII Lines of Hardware 4 and Tinware GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERSTH- SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. y. PLUMBING. AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING, ETC., AtTEND- ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. CALL AND SEE US Johnston.Ka1bfiejch... t Hardware & Furniture. Phone 4. fig. +g•+g+ i++B+F^F++I++:++F+i`+I 4+a 4+Q+44-7.0 ++++k4 4*+II++II+• +¢++t+++ 4 +i++t + '+E++4++:++4+++4+4+'+> +.I t , 111I1111011IU111III(11111 IIMIIIIHG hiRBlfulililllt6lE;?,",9161NllllillETJ half(.711(IISIIIIIIIIIIIIBII(flIIIII1ERilli{:u:illtilf It; `l'.Er;111fEw[3'J "llF t k„ NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Ton Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HE SS - ZURICH m. ilTIIIIIIM1411IIll IIIIAI11W>i1W{tIlillIRSiTf8hIi IMIIMIflIIMMrill'T7" 7II llE...• tgalI1111Sf;lMEliaTZff..IMI KEM A4++t++I+•i+ +I+ j.+i4+4,.,. S+•+ + ++•R•F+ k+F3 +F+ + + ++d:: 4 I. ANNOUNCEMENT,ii F JWe have been appointed Agents direct for t I. ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF +, 1 TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OE WPE'T FOUR AIDFIRD,T sc LWRI: !V[LES OVERLAND LTD. i- • COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED . AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALI3'Y w 4. • SFT .. I THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON i THE T+IAIiEET. A CAR WITH A $f?UNr► 1 F rrtrn a +a+rrehs + i.• ap Willys Knight TWO MODELS, TH THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVE t• MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING . ELSEWBBRE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL 5 • ASSURED, BESIDES:• "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" t 11.Ilousseau Zurich C -.▪ I. +4+4•4444 ++E++>w+§•++I.4++44+' i+❖++r4 4++H+i4+k+F+i4,44++k+I+++k++i4+I t .> SUITS SUITS 4To the man. who regards a well dresses lappearance, we recommend you. to corse and look over our fine range of I. WB GUARANTEE .,SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. FUNDED. ALE OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH frC w BEST Or LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADS t HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MUAS.. URF. CLOTHES-CORNELL. - THE NEWEST SUITINGS zW. H. HOFFMAN GLATIN C 111111ROBANT TAILOR. W. R. ll1OFPMA.N A Sony + II.B l & !AND 71111418Atz DIRBOTORS. Hay 'WA Might 4*t040 NA" lit