HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-07-18, Page 3S YOUR
ERHAPS by dititing or
Jr other maps, you havo
been treating the symptoms,
rather then the cause. Loss
of appetite heartburn, tour
stomach, ere symptoms that
the blood is impure- This
explains the successful use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in
all. such cases. Hera is a
typical example:—
"X began to feel easily
fired," writes .Miss Margaret
White, of Parry Sound, "and
when 1 sat down to a meal I
felt I, did not want to oat. 'A
doctor told me I was anaemic
but 1 evade Tittle progress
with his medicine. When I
started taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills I soon noticed that
my, appetite was improving,
that the headaches came less
frequently and that I was not
so easily tired. Now my
weight has increased,my
cheeks are rosy and every
oche and pain has van-
Start today to improve
your appetite. Buy Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills from your
druggist's or by mail, poet.
paid, at 30 cents a box from
Tho Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ontario.
Send for free book—"What
to Bat and How to Bat".
It 'was,
as'a perfectly deny clay, the
sem shining brightly In the sky, and
naught bounded ,our view saVe the
natural limitations of vision. Imme-
diately before us,, in the direction in
Which ' we had climbed, lay__ nothing;
a vold, .a tsheer gulf many thousands
of feet deep, and one shrank badof in
stinctively from the little parapet
the snow basin when one had
glanced at the awful profenditY•
Across rhe'gulf, about three thousand
feet beneath ue, and fifteen or twenty
Miles away, sprang most splendidly
into view the great mass of Denali's,
Wife, or Mount Foraker, as some.
white hien misname her, Tilling mnjes-
deafly all the middle distance. It was
our first glimpse of her during the
whole ascent. Denali's Wife does not
appear at all save from the actual
summit of Denali, for she is completely
hidden by his South Peak until the
moment when his South Peak is sur-
It was, however, tto the south and
the east that the most marvellous
prospect opened before us. What tan-
gle of . mountain ranges filled the
whole scene, until gray sky, gray
mountain and gray sea merged in the
ultimate distance! Thenear-by peaks
and ridges stood out with dazzling dis-
tinction, the glaciation, the drainage,
the relation of each part to the others,
all revealed. The snow-covered tops
of the remoter peaks, dwindling' and
fading, rose to our, view as though
floating in thin air when their bases
were hidden by the haze, and the beau-
tiful crescent curve of the whole
Alaskan range exhibited itself from
Denali to the sea. To the right hand
the glittering, tiny threads of streams
draining the mountain range into the
Chulitna and Sushitna Rivers, and so
to Cook's Inlet and the Pacific Ocean,
spread themselves out; to the left the
affluents of the Kantishna and the
Nenana drained the range into the
Yukon and Bering Sea... • •
Above us the sky took a blue so deep
that none of es had ever gazed upon a
midday sky like it before. It was a
deep, rich lustrous, transparent blue,
as darts as a Prussian blue, but in-
tensely blue; a hue so strange, so in-
creasingly impressive, that to one at
least it "seemed like special news of
God," as a new poet sings. We first
noticed the darkening tint of the upper
sky in the Grand Basin, and it deepen-
ed as we rose. Tyndall observed and
discussed this phenomenon in the Alps,
but it seems scarcely to have- been
mentioned since.
It is difficult to describe at all the
scene which the top of the mountain
presentef, and impossible to describe
it adequately. One was not occupied
with the thought of description, but
wholly possessed with the breadth and
glory of it, with its sheer, amazing
immensity and scope., Only once, per-
haps, in any lifetime is such vision
granted, certainly never before had
been vouchsafed to any of ns. Fenn
"The Ascent of Denali" (Mount Mc-
Kinley), by Hudson Stuck, D.D.
1 Dumped Fruit
ACTION 'NEEDED 3axciltor1ppis
tri 'WEEDS There le no objectiox?• to Halted au c ige,fs. ,Tl3i.Y ANiD .Avows
TO FIG f fruit ana vee ourrK corning rim e A niaeisI , e, roX a ierus 1,0 aln
l anaaa before own prodll{;0 s rted , h1eis ilf.otal�xe5 5D4ld oqu2QO 0
makes its apl�ealallce Neither• do oyez; e(1-)%11:0,401:44"' t Aro rMM Hwlkae t
Tax Leved'Uy Weeds o� Agri- Cu,�ad>z,s producers object to.rely •
rte ;� =
c:otnpetition, Tint it is held to be ea zaBN' y'0111V 30.
cultilxe of Plcovince Mount- '
injustice to pexrdiC Alinsrican fruits BN ,fiNT tosars WA.TRIS
ing 'Yearly and vegetables, ]laivested by•csheap � '; 1Cio Quality larvduets !n rural see
meeker, and negro labour. In Callfor. • tions .or Ontario. World's largest" footers
FARMFRS START CAMPAIGN1 fo consumer organeze"gn .Ali year.rouncl
iia and the Southern` Skates; to be prol,vs1uon• (;lienee to build UP lastlnaf
The weea menace in °uteri° hes
Slumped lute elle Domirliop when the permamle tp brt e. t+s, credit arra a o,Q
suitable parties. 3vrito erasing apt 9i
Ii. lvaticins Company, perk 5, Hitmlltoes
first Canadian :ropy aro ready fox the Ontario.
market, The Canadian growers are -
not unreasonable in their demand that Mistress (testily)—''Dear me, 1 tolit
they be protected form this kind of you to fill that pepper -pot quite an
competition, hour ago. Haven't yon done ft yet?"/,
Maid-- "Not yet, ma'am. It is such or
Job getting it through the little doles "•'
Classified Advertiseinen
lnarkeclay increased during the past
few' years, It is not.an exaggeration
to say that in certain parts oY the pro-
vince certain week* like the Perennial
Sow ,Thistie are driving men off their
farms. The tax levied by weeds on
the agriculture of the. province has.
been mounting Yearly. One of the
shier reasons whythe weed menace
has increased with ead'ti succeeding
yemrs is the undeniable fact that in
the past vast quantities of weeds
have been allowed to ripen seeds on
roadsides ,in school -yards, on waste"
and vacant lands, along our lanes and
headlands and in our fence corners
and odd spots here and there on the
The following ars tbe number of
seeds produced be single plants of
average 'size in nee season: Canada
Thistle, 3,500; Curled or Yellow Dock,
17,000; Common Ragweed, 5,000;
Chicory, 3,000; Perennial Sow Thistle,
2,000; Wild Lettuce, 5;000; Stinkweed,
20,000. Every weed that Is allowed
to mature produces at least 1,000
seeds and most of them ripen several
thousand seeds. In the past weeds
by the millioos have been allowed to
mature in this province and. scatter
their billions of seeds far and wide.
is it any wonder that tbe weed
Charles H. Luke, of the executive
staff of the Trade and Engineering
Supplement of the London Times,. is
spending three months in Canada
studying the power sitdation and
question of undeveloped and new
areas in this country. Photograph
was taken at the Banff Springs Hotel
recently 'where Mr. Luke has been
staying prior to interviewing -'
iers of the provinces and federal tinct
provincial government officials. He
will also address Boards of Trade
in many Canadian cities.
' .An erection campaign is a combines.
tion 'of hand -Shaking and leg -pulling!
a I menace has increased in Ontario?
Are we going to tolerate this state
ther more . of affairs any longer 13 Ontario? No.
Nothing makes a moThe farmers of the province have
grateful than a_ Moths everywhere
ereup- raised their voices in protest. An
onwher child. Baby'saeverywhere Act has been passed by. the Legisla-
have children
eain enthlTablets ture to enable them to meet the situa-
for their children speak s ente, Mos.las- tion. 'United action is what is re-
tic terms of them, For instance, Mos. quired nolo.' Every municipality,'
writes in"Lavoie, Three Rivers; Que., every farmer, every land owner In
writes:—"Baby's Own Tabllets are a town or country must unite in the
wonderful r fail for regutlelate
ones. war against weeds and see that they
They never fail to els and the are cut early and often enough" to
baby's stomach and bowels and make prevent them from seeding. When
him plump and well. I always keep the weed inspectors send out notice
a box of the Tablets in the house and
would advise all mothers to do that it is time to cut weeds let no
Hire- one lag behind or neglect his duty.
wise." Most of the ordinary ailments l Promptness is necessary to prey 1
d bowels, and can be quickly i •f t atter they have
R.ivetless Steel
wilding Finished
Said to Be First Use of Gas
Welding on' Structure
of Large Size
Niagare Falls.—larection of a targe
'steel building put together without a
single rivet, has just been completed
The structure, in which gas weld-' d t is I you experts to
It May � e
01k1TMENT '
Atrial and trusty
for 50 years.
When your
Children Ciy--
Castoria is a comfort when Baby is
fretful. No sooner taken than the
little one is at ease. If restless, a
few drops soon bring contentment.
No harm done, for Castoria is a baby
of childhood arise in the stomach all weeds from seeding. Many weeds, remedy, meant for babies. Perfact-
kl banish- passed full
an o 1y safe to give the youngest infant;
ed et Baby's Own Tablets. Those bloom, will mature their seeds. In you have the doctors' word for that!
Tablets relieve constipation and in.. order, tberetore, to secure the greatest It is a vegetable product and you
digestion, break up colds and simple .But It's in an
results from the time and labor ex- could use it every day
el worms, allay teething ded everyone concerned should i emergency that Castoria means most.
WEFn DT�tsTBAY'E'liz
Weed Cop kills the roots
also. Weed . Cop r' a
which can be sprayednous ran
the weeds. Give Write
crops 'a chance.
today for full informa-
tion to: Ontario 'Distri-
butors, yimited
Pea`tilizer Fi Feeds,
2980 *pronto street
Hari i11. Grose. President
Ask for prices on fall wheat
Cuts and Burns
Minard's soothes inflammations,
• removes all poison and heals
fevers, erePe
pains and promote healthful sleep. see that weeds are cut Just as soon as I Some night when constipation must
They are guaranteedda sate
free evenfrfor1 possible after the inspector gives be relieved—or colic pains -or other
injurious drugs and axe safe _ for notice. suffering. Never be without it; some
the youngest and most delicate child. United action is required so that. .mothers keep an extra bottle, un -
Tabletsorbare sold by medicine snake sure there will al-
io weeds be left uncut on roadsides, I openod, to
dealers or,bY mail at 25c a box from vacant lands, railway tracks, school-
chool ; ways be Castoria, in the house. It is
The Dr.. William's Medicmns Co., effective for older children, too; read
\Yards or waste places. Every patch �! the book that comes with it.
al -
Brockville, Ont.of weeds that is lett uncut is a menace,
and rdens in the neigh mss
Startling Precedent
Brandon Sun'(Ind.) : One phase of
Hooverism that will not be copied by
Proluier Mackenzie King is a preced-
ent that would strike awe across Can-
ada—the 'United States 'President's
decision to make public the names of
those who endorse applicants for fed-
eral job,, The first trial of the new
corder came when the President gave
out the endorsements going with a
recent appointment of several federal
judges. The President generally1
oiled o press
ing entirely replaced riveting, 'VMS,COmp t present these plums
said by building fore- without personal knowledge of the She: No. To the man my rival want -
shadow the time when large cities lability or fitness _of the men he is ed. �9_,_„
will be free from the riveter's racket honouring. While the executive fin- .Confederation
and modern skyscraper construction ,fishes the job, actual responsibility for
will go on comparatively without selection often rests more neon bis eve was the motive force -love of
advisers or upon Senators and Con- the soil, _
noise. love of human
The building is said to be the first gH'essmen. Apparently Mr. Hoover. Love of the Ensign,
large structure in which gas welding would shift at least a part of the kind,
has been used entirely. It is 75 feet blame for mistakes by this process of Urged on by faith and hope, with end-
wide, 26 feet long and 42 feet, 5 proclaiming the endorsers. After all, less toil,
' inches higb and required 297 tons of the more the pubic knows about in Our fathers, yielding to an.instinct
structural steel. 'Welders • without' side politics, the better it will feel. blind
previous experience in structural It has a right to know all about these They could not.ana]yzenor could with -
were employed and qualified things, but. to the past this right has stand,
for work in accordance' with tests not been respected very often. Weak, weary, eftimes tainting, never
recommended by the American------ failed
Welding Society. °T'llel><l t® �ttari�a TIII they the spirit's Peak of Pisgah
You say ,you're
are engaged to
man you
to the farms . gardens
borhood, an eyesore and a costly
monument of neglect, signifying that 111111
some one has failed to do his duty to
bis ^municipality and to his neighbors.
Community pride end regard for
the rights of others should serve as
incentives to prompt and united ac-
tion on the part of all concerned. ® dd�1��5'9��3��y
When suck is secured the weed men -1i Slimily,'
ace will be much decreased, our farms
will be cleaner and more profitable
and our highways and byways will be-
come attractive beauty spots, inclicat-
ing individual and municipal pride
and prosperity.
We dance with proud and smiling l , i
With frank, appealing eyes, , good all night.
shy hands clinging, "About 3 months ago x0y wgave
eight •
We sing, and few will question if mewar 326 147 1polnds. unds of Ironized
good flesh. You
there slips, would think I was another woman, I
A sob into our singing. feel and look so much bettor."
Each has a certain step to learn; in Stop being "skinny" and always 1
Our prisoned feet move et Y tired. Thousands have gained 5 to,
set places, 115 pounds to 3 weeks with Ironized
And to and fro we pass, since life' is Yeast. ceful cuves. Scrawny Blotched bones b skin be -1
stern, comes clear and fresh. "Lazy" feel -I
Patiently with masked faces. ing vanishes.
joints.. Only when Yeast in Ironized is it�
Minard's Liniment for aching J I so wonderfully effective—for Iron is
May—"I so gltici you like it. Moth -;needed to bring out the weight -build -I
i fuse and strengthening Values of Yeast.
er says chicken salad and strawberry
Pleasaut tablets in a handy bottle, e
tarts are the only things I make cor-sate for Everybody. Never cause gas,
really." Dolly—"Which is this, darl . or bleating. f
ing?„ Go to any druggist io•clay and get a1
full size treatment of Ironized Yeast. {
if after this generous trial you are i
not delighted, get your mon:racer ba If
Gams 21 lbs.
and New Strength;
miss Donie 33riaon writes, "Before`
I took Ironized 'Yeest I was so `skinny'
I could not do my day's work. But
now I can work bail all day and rest
'write scaled
e University et Vancouver Sun (Lib.): Premiere And viewed exultantly their promised
Chicago haso bas diss thcovered that 1,015 mo.
A Ramsay MacDonald Moe decided to land.
tions are required to wash dishes. confer personally with President Herb-
'rhos' last fifteen motions, of course,'ert Hoover of the United States. It A million lakes they visioned as their
is reported that Premier Mackenzie 1 dower,
fuused for picking up the Pieces,— King of Canada is also to be invited. Mountains upthriusting to the heavenly
fudge. Naval disarmament is obtensibly the 1 host;
Long xampert rivers, limitless in
Forests that march abreast fram.
coast to coast,
They .saw great plains with fruits of
earth in store. ill hints of
They sensed the (li'ggy g
fabled mines,
Of wealth in fisheries and furs, the
They heard the cities' manufacturing
When goal need ant)
1 orwoodormetaltecta"SIMONDS"
—the specially tempered Steel
takes and holds a wonderful edge.
Askyour dearer or wile
our ,wear est Lraueh+
SAW co. LTD,
CT JOHN. ti:Elc
main question to be clhseussec
Canada's interest is vital in such a
conference. The Washington...nieet-
ings would probably be preliminary
to formal session to be held later, per-
haps next year. Ottawa would be the
logical place for that conference.
Canada's interests are two-sided; she
has been called the interpreter in An-
glo -United States relations. 'Even as
esture Premier King's invitation
a g ,
tendered to the chief executives of the roar.
two nations would be a valuable guide
as to the Dominion's policy. Stirred by the utter prodigality
-- i God's free gift, by its sheer love -
Politics makes s strange cell mates= Of lioness
Hay Features. Constrained to verve and worship
"How is your son this morning, Mrs.
Bland?" asked a neighbor. "Oh," Te- from druggist or
plied Mrs. Bland, "he's just abort aS inconvenient to buy from druggist,
usual; there ain't no improvement send $1.25 to Canadian Ironized Yeast
one way or the other." Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Desk 425 -BS
.»,• i loyally,
.. .-.�- -•�• ------ ----.--�--- y They brought their offering tot e
� Lord to bless.
Who nay that great echieveinc.nt truly,
e gaui;e?
i A body fitly framed, in every part, ,
. Effectually working, mind and heart.'
Writo we their naives in fire on his -1
tory's page.
FERTIL } +' I;. its
Carefully tornpoundedounded to promote propergrowth, Vail and Spring. 19very
eaand i buyer olesnoIpntto res
Wntel, Minimum ear Is tons.N,aotcomilaehigh prices if
Yeti buy front us, 'Write today.
rd(MOM lo aeao ttndtr it. WeiLoxoriD e: (an.
Otf MAO/ 4ital1ty••Se%vice .Oatlefeetiot. rit
w ti�rlutNP
iOprlAGN .S,
qt``4t�f .Yl�
to Ac d.
Just a Ytasteless dose of Phillip:
Milk of Magnesia in water. That is
an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It
]las been the standard antacid for 50
years among physicians everywhere.
'Ono spoonful will neutralize at once
many times its volume in acid. It is
h •i ht way the quit ,
{jt is pleasant and
By Mildred Low. ; efficient way to kill the excess acid,
5."b.e stomach becomes swee
Mltiard'$ Liniment. for 1"iu '.-' e:
Those Languid, Eyes
They quickly reflect your health
and physical condition—restless
eyes indicate the temperament of
the stomach. see that
Watch the eyes
the whites are dear with a healthy
bluish tinge. The minute a yel-
low tinge appears it betrays con-
stipation, sluggish liver or bil-
iousness, you need a laxative.
Bring back your
I Vigour, Vim, Vitality
with Beecham's Pills—the sure way to
constant. joyous, bounding
Try a regular daily
course for o sitars 4 1!e$efahle
period. Xoureyeswill Product
the story. f
'Needuture 13 Character
laim Ad^ from
Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co.,
Saes �S Limited Toronto bee
You are 1tarlY again to five,;
evolved in
That is
depend on` crude
Bnlploy the best way yet
all the years et searching.
Phillips' Milk. of Magnesia,
Be sure to get the geinrine Phillips'
Milk et Illagneela prescribed by Physio
cians for 50 years In correcting excess
acids. Bach bottle contains full &
tions --ally drugst0 .
"I think Lydia .E: :Inkhorn's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful!
I.have had six children of which four
are living and nay youngest is a bon.nie baby.boy now eight months old
who. weighs 23 pounds. I have taken
your medicine before each of them
was born and have certainly tee
ceived great benefit frons it. I urge
, my friends to take it as I am sure'
they will receive the same help 1 did."
—Mrs. Milton McMullen, Vanessai
eco] ISSUE No. 28—'29