HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-07-04, Page 7Now she As
ARE you worried about
your daughter ? Bs
she growing too fast for
her strength ? Is she pale,
thin, anaemic ?
You can build up her
blood supply with Dr.
Williani's' Pink Pills.
They contain the vital,
life-giving nourishment
which anaemic blood
cries out for.
"1 do not think, that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pine have en
equal for building up the
system," writes . Mrs. Albert
Powers of Pieton, Ont. "I
gave them to my eldest girl
when she was anaemic, pale
. and thin and had no appetite.
They restored her to health
and later when my youngest
daughter was run-down after
diphtheria, 1 again brought
them into use. My daughter
was thin, pale and extremely
nervous but the pills soon set
her right." • •
Start your daughter on
this proven treatment, now.
Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
at your druggist's or any
dealer in medicine or by
mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from
The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
S 46
Vbnstartt daily testing and Bien ling of t'�e world's ebaces
teas give Rea Rose Tea its inimitable flavor, and ;e'verr argng'
goodness, Zvery' package guaranteed.
Of great interest to the livestock In-
dustry and livestock shipping inter-
este throughout Canatltt is the erec-
tion at Montreal of the line stock
yard buildings now nearifg comple-
tion at Point St, Charles. The build-
ings are being erected by the Mon-
treal Stockyards,Co., operated by the
Canadian National Railways. The
buildings now completed includes a
calf and sheep abed accommodating
'7,000 head, and a cattle shed accom-
modating 1,300 bead, all of coucrete4
and brick construction, There is also
under way a hog shed of similar con-
struction. The buildings are practi-
cally fireproof throughout with mod-
ern drainage and lighting facilities,
and represent the latest type in Stock-
yards building, being among the finest
to be found anywhere on the continent.
Stock Is shipped to these yards from
as far west as Winnipeg. and Calgary.
mance: that always clings to battle. flag en inn Renews
And people are pretty generally . wise , .
to the hokum by this time anyway.
All in all, this book is a real thriller
and presents a brilliant picture of life
In Flanders for anyoneunfortunate
not to have taken part In the debacle..
Here is a bock that has failed et- A.. WARNING TO. 111OT1ERg
terlyin its objeot. It will no doubt
be ranked with the finest books about
war written in the past century and Watch the Health of Your"tittle
a half, upwards of a million and a
half copies will be sold and it will
Ones at All Times
leavedefinite and lasting impression No mother can except , that her
babyhood and childhood are subject, tended by descendants of Louis Ver
but she can do much to lessen the net, the first Argentine Governor.
severity of these troubles. The moth -1 Newspapers published documents
er should be constantly on her guard on which the Argentine claims to the
to prevent childhood ailments, or if archipelago are based, viewing the
they come on suddenly as they usual- Falklands as a natural prolongation
ly do, to have the means at hand to southward of the Republic's territory.
relieve them. Thousands of mothers1 The islands are, now part of the
have found Baby's Own Tablets the British Empire, which they serve as a
ideal remedy for little ones—thou- , naval base, but annually the Argen-
sands of mothers always keep the, tine lays its protest before the British
Tablets in the house as a safeguard Government for what it considers an
against the sudden illness of their illegal occupation.
little ones. In 1'764 `the French explores de
Baby's Own Tablets are. a mild but Bougainville took possession of the
thorough laxative. They regulate the! islands for France, but that country
100 -Year Claim to
Falkland Islands
Centenary of "Rule" in Brit-
ish Group is Celebrated
in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires -The first centenary
celebratfon of "Argentine rule" over
the Falkland Islands was recorded.
here June 11 with various patriotic
a e a
on whoever gives it an intelligent 1 child will escape all the ills to which acts, beginning with ceremonies at -
reading. Nevertheless, it has not, nor
will not, accomplish 'what the author
thought he wanted it to.
Obviously, "All Quiet On the .Wes-
tern Front' is a document of propa-
ganda, written to condemn war and
organized slaughter. Ramarci'ue set
out to portray the recent hostilities in
a way that would horrify the world
and set nations aghast at the mere
mention of another conflict.
What he has really done is what
every man who knew anything about
his subject and ever wrote a really
i good book about armed conflict has
ilm-Spain i
r---1 aS
additional to
dd gh and ed
amac c
castthe stomach: has
•done. Hebowels; sweeten
Ammonia added to rinsing water re- or, a+ new aura of romance, about thus banish constipation and indiges-�years after an Englishman had taken
l tocretonnes curtains, something that everyone insists t break uP colds and situp a sv
The British NavyI Classified ,Advertisements
Chicago Tribune. The British peo-
ple, of all classes and parties,, have
been and, are stili fully aware of the i%1 CHICKS: JULY Y, p Ng erns enc,
vital importance of naval efacieney, I A,aconas ii•c, Wltltre Leghorns :Oe, as -
not merely for ;the uses of war but armed chlok; free 2e.catax ressAPaEz on 200 or,
also for those of peace. Under the Granton. Ontario. n
Cutilcura Talc nazi'
Ataaeptio.. R'rophgmafo
Fra„raut and .3iiefeeshin
value not only to their security- but , Tho Ideal Skin and Beby Powder. A delightful
to their prosperity. perfume for the skin after bathfog.
25e. everywhere—Sample Free
fax 2616, Montreal, Canada.
strong shield of the British Navy
British commerce, In all' its phases,
has spread 'over - -the world and main-
tains its freedom in war and peace,
and the British people know its
Silk stockings will last twice as
long if they are allowed to soak in
cold water a few .hours before being
worn for the first time.
stores colors , i 'sts is an ion; -. I f • possession for England on the ground
and quilts. It removes .-red ink, I extremely dirty business. er and make the cutting of teeth easy. I of prior discovery. Spain in 1771
fruit and grass stains from white I No man has ever written the whole The Tablets are obsoletely guaranteed, yielded them to England on a con -
articles, while, mixed with powdered i truth about war and it is doubtful iY gree. from injurious drugs and may be, vention.
pumice; it will remove obstinate Y=- I any man ever. will. Or else war is a. given to the youngest child with per-! In 1320 the Buenos Aires Govern -
and smoke marks from hearth -tiles. fl d glorious thing fact safety. They are sold by medi-, ment contending England bad not set -
r• ne an
What Ra,marque has done, what ev- ,,in dealers or by mail at 25c. a box e tied them and that they were a na-
The flavor of carrots and 'turtural part of the Argentine republic, ery man who has attempted truthfuly laid claim to the P
will be improved if a pinch of sugar to chronicle feats of arms has done, th
is added to. them wbile cooking. is to sublimate the emotional side of
conflict. Even emotions which are
socially regarded as base here take
on a duality of 'fineness. "All Quiet
'Western Front" is simply a
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The New Issue of,Brock's
Book on Birds going to
press shortly (14th edi-
tion), will contains a Free
Listing of names and ad-
dresses of retail Bird
• Stores; also of reliable
Breeders of Canaries and
other cage birds in Can-
All Bird Stores and any
Breeders who are interest-
ed in being listed in this
popular book, which cir-
cuiates in thousands. of
homes all over the Do-
minion, should send In
their names and addresses
immediately to the pub-
lishers below,
Olson & Brock, Ltd.
`l25 George St., Toronto 2
on the
story of high courage under trying
And tales of high courage, when
competently written, inevitably en-
gender a heroic glow in the breast of
the reader. Every man can see him-
self as a capable and competent hero
if encouraged. And few men shrink
from desperate situations until
brought face to face with them.
"The Red Badge of Courage" Lias,
heretofore been regarded as the finest
story of ;par ever written. Largely
speaking, "All Quiet on the Western
Front" is just as good. It has more
technical imperfections, of course.
Stephen Crane was a much more
skillful writes than Ralnarque. Never-
theless, the latter has his points of
superiority. Stephen Cyane was at
the disadvantage of never having
been to war. RamarqUe spent a con-
siderable portion of his life in battle.
This book routes once and for all
the fable that German troops were a
set of slaves on one hand and mon-
sters on the other. It shows that
they were pretty much the same kind
of people as their opposition, with mo-
ments of kindness and fear, bestiality
and courage.
"All Quiet en the Western Front"
(printed by McClelland & Stewart. $2)
Lias at least stripped the final vestiges
of hokum from the last war. Blit it
has not punctured the bubble of re-
G�ttUINF ..
Dov MAt?ty4
For Troubles
due to Acrd
p,C10 S-romik 1t
BiCk stomachs, soar stomachs and i
n ga-sties
the Acid
A r1. 1. n ,
'1 cr-21....c:,
group, but on
representations of Great Britain with-
drew in. 1333.
The islands are 300 miles east of
the Straits of Magellan and have a
population of about 2000.
'Russians .are the only dancers..
who can sit down and run at the
same time."
The Pebble
There's nothing'unimportant
In this wondrous world of ours,
From its mountains and, its rivers
To its butterflies and flowers;
So you need not be downhearted,
And the gods of chance impeach,
If you're very undistinguished—
ndistinguis led
Just a, pebble on the beach.
You may long to be a mountain,
Or a. cliff or towering crag,
Or a bright and radiant jewel,
Quite the biggest in the bag;
But the least and oft the lowliest
Great lessons have to teach,
And,the stormy waves are baffled
By, the pebbles on the beach.
Perhaps Life never meant you
For a place of rank and power;
For •a mighty, moving century,
But only for an hour;
But it gave you form and beauty,
.And a place a child can reach,
When it made you just a pebble,
One bf many on the beach,
B. Cooper,•
Take a spoonful in water and year p
Flora and
Fauna C
Fruit, flowers and animals are well
represent@cl in the color chart for the
present season. The most fashionable
of the fruit colorings are banana-yel-
anana yel
low, citron, lime and lemon, with or-
ange and tangerine also classed
among the yellows. Prune and raisin
are brownish tones, but grape -blue is
a rich purplish blue with no touch of
brown. Strawberry and raspberry
come in many shades and the popular-
ity of green has introduced the goose-
Primrose -yellow, buttercup and
mimosa are the favorites in yellow
flower 'colorings, with larkspur as one
of the new blue shades and tea rose
presented as a rosy biege. Purple"as-1
ter is a• newcomer on the color chart
and differs somewhat from the usual l
shadings of lilac, violet and heliotrope.
The popularity of parrot -green is,
accounted for by its wide range of
shades and the same is true of duck -
bluer Pigeon and dove -gray introduce,
some. delightful tones as clo the colors
known as sea gull and silver wing.
Fifth Avenue merchants have fea-
tured some of these colors in unique
promotional 'window displays. The
fruit colorings were chosen for a mil-
linery showing with an artistically
arrranged fruit basket in the centre
of the background. Immense plaques,
each., representing a colorful green par-
rot on a perch, was chaser for a win-
dow tiipslay of green accessories and
carelessly tossed artificial blossoms
repeat the colorings in a window
given up to georgette in the new flow-
er shades. It is said these all proved
of excellent advertising .value.
Use Minard's for the rub down.
The short skirt is' making changes
everywhere. Out in Indiana several
churches have decided to place ,cur-
tains around the lower part of their
choir lofts in an effort to put over the
ideas that knees should be looked upon
chiefly as adjuncts to prayer.
a'This valuablebook was ca'M-
piled to advertise CARHARTT OVERALLS
—the best farmer's overalls in the world. One
farmer wrote that he would not take' tea
dollars for his book. Write for yours to -day.
Hamilton Carbaret, Mane facturer,Ltd., Toronto
Over twenty thousand Agencies
///f i \\`\i
a r
T1. The Locker Bloo .
a1 end b theundertaker
Ieusually mean excess acid., unhappy condition will proba' Y
di flue miuntea. Th You will always'
-wile stomach nerves are over -stimu-
lated. Too much acid makes the stom-
ach i
sell and intestines so •
cit] instantly.
Alkali frills a
fermis i?ilfllips,' Milk of Magnesia, be-
cause dose, nen 1
cause one harmless, tasteless
tralizes many tinges its volume In acid.
Since its invention, 50 years ago, It'
Teas remained the standard with pliySl-:�
clans everywhere.
n en
itnow what' to do. Crude and harmful
methods Will never appeal to you. 10
prove this for your own sake, It may
save a great many disagreeable hours.
13e surd to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
clans for 50 Years in correcting excess
acids. iaoh bottle contains! full'
directions—any drugstore.
A man who has een
f the most famous men in Starch should be kept in a ceol
to seine o
the history of the United States, such place and well covered, or it may turn
as Tex Rickard, Woodrow Wilson, ran
Rudolph Valentino, ..cams over
Valls View
Bridge dgo
ateight o
o'clock och
morning dressed in a ten theitsand
dollar blue Rolls Royce and ch
to match. --"Niagara Falls Review."
filiilerd'4 Liniment for' ' sick animals.
rni s
troots and pas p
Carrots, 13ee ,
be preserved in dry sant or earth in
a dark cellar.
„may,.....- ... ...w -.:w
1SSI:JV. No, 26 29
Minard's is the stand-by of
those who take care not to
suffer from stiffness and ach-
ing muscles.
IhelioneyByrat er
You Must Do Your Bit
l in the war against the fly, carrier
of germs and breeder of disease.
it is proven that AEROXON is one
, of the most convenient and most
efficient means of combating this
ifly evil. It is convenient, because
of the pushpin. it is hygienic;
,foes never get away when once
caught. Each spiral gives three
Lweeks' perfect service.
Sold at drug, grocery and hardware stores.
!ba Cie C. 0. Cenest & Fiis, Limitde
Diotributor for Ontario
56 1•'rOtlt Rt. n.. - - Termite
"Skinny" yen,.
n 'W °h e i 7 m$a
pounds in few weeks. Results
Guaranteed --or pay nothing
Men and women everywhere write t
that Ironized Yeast added 5 to 15
pounds often in few short weeks.
Rounds out muscles- Gives manly
color and clear, robust skin. Builds
strength and energy. Makes real men
out of "skinny" weaklings. They
ask—how does Ironized Yeast work so
Ironized Yeast is two great tonics
in one. Weight -building YEAST
treated with two kinds of strengthen-
ing, blood-enridhing IRON used for
years by highest medical authorities.
The Yeast is also treated with Violet
Rays to increase its effectiveness.
Only when Yeast is Ironized is It
most effective. Iron is needed to
bring out the weight -building, strength•
ening values of Yeast.
Pleasant tablets. No "yeasty"
taste. No gas or bloating.
Don't be "skinny" or weak any
longer. Let Ironized Yeast give you
a real man's arms and legs, and a
clear, ruddy complexion. Ask your
druggist to -day for full size treatment.
If not delighted with quick results, get
your money back, If inconvenient to
buy from druggist, send $1.25 direct
to Canadian Ironized Yeast Co., Ltd.,
Fort Erie, Ont. Desk 425 -MS.
A. Friend to Women
F e one
Lyhundred and yin y dia E. Pinkham were alive today she would
e ears old.
Her descen-
I b
dants continue to manu-
facture her famous Vege-
table Compound and the
integrity of four genera-
tions is behind the prod-
uct. In many families
today., mothers, are teach-
ing their thirteen . year
old daughters to depend
upon the same medicine t
their gran dmothers praised w`
back in 1870.
Eat a bottle from your druggist, today
L dia
Vegetable - otnpound
LYDIA E. riNI<HAi4 itfEDICYNli CO., Lynn, MI...., U.' S. Ar
and Cobe sett, Ontario, Cstnade