HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-07-04, Page 5tttrsda , HERAL ARM -DUDLEY E, Uo ,s.w. '+ s 'SI LUSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT IARY i"CJBLYt', ETC, eOPF'ICE--Hamiitan Street, Just oft the Square,, OODERICH, Ontario. sal attention to Connael end Court Wirhl Xs'. Holmes may be conenIted net illollerich by Phone, and Phope chargers reversed. Dr. 0. II. COVEN L. D. S. D. D S, • DENTAL SURGEON i. t DEIN 13LOC1--7.4 TRICIU Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB' , BLOC: , DASHW OOD • . Every Monday, Tuesday a>ad Wednesday OSCAR ICLOPP 'tStraduate Carey M. Jong Nat - Vital School of Auetioneering. Try isle for Registered Live Stock, 31 33reed&), Terms in keeping wiltle prevailing prices, Melee ,IFernIts for ants. Will 3e11 anything &wgvvhere bene 3-93 or writs, Zurich, licensed Auctioneer IVOR HiIRON & MIDDLESEX .S.M IN A POSITION 'TO CON- -Meet any auction" Sale, re,gardleaa toones Size or article to 'sell, . 1 cit your business, and if not allatied will make no ehar,ga a !or asereices. Arthur Weber — Dashwood, :41.11200,0 13-57 Goodyear Tires,Tubes New Mobiloil UISIL Batteries l S. WEIN, - Prop • l HDtrt101) 'MOTOR gRRVICiy b •e•evoseeseseesee•eeee*r ' uriChs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING TEAT . wit HAVE PURCHASED ;FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT ,a DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB a?LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND: SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yunghlut & Son ,••••e•••••e••••e••••4•••• Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR &rantofl Coal Coke Alberta Goal and. Soft Goal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50, Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. °.order Early as prices will advance on J+u 15th. Case & Son ? 'lao +o Sra I3ENSALL L VE POU ALT R Y Y♦ A•NTe %Very day till 5 o'eltrcis,p.imi, sot feed Powl sante .rao rnieg ,"wbee brouight Nithest Cask Pries i'0RR--• ream and Ig s . O'Brien igkoiliti _, , PV's YOUR wan ,U. For Sale, Lost, 'Fuuurd; Notice, Etc. Ada IN TON COIi""'CCiMi4 NOTICE We visb to advise farmers that we arae in a position to sharpen bean har- vester knives. Have this done now anti be ready when you need thein. Louis Prang. STRAYED. Unto my premises about June .st, red heifer. Owner can have same byproving property and paying fpr experisese Henry Clausius. NOTICE. We are in a position to do custom plowing. Satisfaction given. C. Schrag & SoA. STRAYED From the Parr Line, Hay 'Town- ship, a grey yearling stee marked at both ears. Finder kindly: notify. • Adolph Keller, Dashwood. • FOR SALE. 25 acres of hay, can be bought by the ore or by the ton. Aser9•ck Brisson WANTED A Woman to do kitchen work, no cooking. Apply to, Lake View. Hotel, C3ayfleld, Ont. BABY CHICKS .Hatched in the Heron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatching trays before it mixes with the eggs by patent process. Barred Rocks and White Leghorns Order early. No deposit required. Price •guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five hundred eggs. Phone 97r4, Hen- sel'. J. E. IVIc.Kialey. tf-32 The Imperial- Life, Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth-Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 "3uarantee and accident Insurance ?d st and Strongest Co. in Granada Mrs, G. Iioaliler,pont the week -end with her parents at 13ayl1eld. Mr. Ed, Jtegier .has purchased; from C.Fritz & Son, a new Chev come. Mr. and Mrs. John F.c, Gaseho and family motored t Lo;ttc7on'on t,usinesS on Wednesday. The recital on Thursday evening, July 11th;, will be ell music and sev oral reading's by 'Miss Ida Eoutledget Mr. and Mrs, Herman Sobroeder of Caseville, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ev. Hafst. Vlr, Gordon Rau of Detroit,' is •p- ending the week with Ills parent here. Mr. and'1V.Crs. Win. Leibold of the Babylon, line were Sunday visitors with relatives at Stratford. Mr. Theo. Warner and 'Miss Elslie, of Waterloo .were visitors with the .f ormer's parents, Mr. anti :Mrs.. W. C. W agner. Mr, Edward ' WV'egana t ' and ',Mist, Susan .i» clic.rt, of Stratford Yxn=c week end visitors with. .M,r, anti MYa. E. Keller at Dash:wood. N[r. and :Mrs. Elxner" ErenYxerrn.aa hV.Ir. „and Mrs. Roy Schaubea., Mr. and Mrs. W.'.Oesch and sou Irvin, all of. 1Vlilverton, were holiday visiters -with relatives .here. Mr. Edward Wegenist, Miss Snsie tieicriert ex,t St.'atford uccoinnpaiiied by lVIr, and Mrs. E. Keller of Dash- wood,.motored to Godeaich'arid other points north on Sunday. Mi Harold Stade is at present sp- ending three weeks vacationSvith his uncle and aunt, Mr. 'and Mrs. Chaff; K•albfleisch, at Broad B.rid;. Beach, Marine City, Mich_ Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer, Miss tang, Misses Ida and Lean Groff ail of Kitchener, were week -end visitors. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, at, St. Joseph_ V •The new 3 hep. Motor 'Metalled, by Mr. Harry G. Hess, in the local fire hall to pump the water out off, the deep well, is giving excellent sat- isfaction, and is a great improvement to the formai' barking gas engine. Mi, 0..1 Mrs. C. L. Smith and daughter' Mae spent a pleasant four days c' mpixig outing on the fine Carrick camp grounds near Mildinay. The main speaker for this event be- ing (4ev. 0. J. Long, from Indianap- olis, Ind., and he had very powerful messages, On Friday evening at 8 o'clock, at the Evangelical Church; Zuric i, Rev. H. A. Kellerman P. E'.,, of Tavistock will conduct the ._.first preparatory service and quarterly board session in the present Conference year. 'We count on your presence and assistance. in making his visit among us a bless ing. • You Can Have Running Water --At tete Turn the Tap ; ' iYnot have it so instead of trudging — the old hand pump? An Empire Duro Water Supply System bringsthe water Wight from the well into your hone. With it you can add a bathroom but be sure it is Emco equipped. Emco '$athroom fixtures are of the best possible construction, guaranteed to give lasting satisfaction and service, Chromium plated or China fittings as desired, Empire Dura Water Supply Systems are. made An several styles—suitable for deep or shallow 'weals, * asttiern's or springs, and you will lee surprised. Stam iew rtitisul sort. For Sale By: STADE & WEIDO JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH Pressure Water Systems wild Bathroom Fittinflo Mr'>. Olexnence Thiel and Miss, Stella Callfas were week -end visitors with 1Vir, and Mrs. Wm. Callfas, Messrs Marshall Corriveau and Erwin Schilbe were business visitors to London on Saturday, Mr. Russell. Sparks and Miss Gert- rude .Weber, were Wednesday visitors With friends in London. Mr, Robert Li e nbach, Mr. Lloyd Sararns of Kitchener, spent the wi'c.+l: end with friends here. Mr, and ]Miss. 1). Herford and far.1' ily; Mrs, Guenther all of i+,ii.ton, Mich Mr, and Mrs. Chas Steekles, el' Detroit, were visitors at the house of iV1r, and Mrs. John Galtman, JULY ROD AND GUN In line with the ~canon of the year. the July r.. ue o.i Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, Canada's, national outdoor magazine, is devo'.eu largely to the fishing and camping h' terests•of outdoor life. In addition to the regular Fishing Notes department capably conducted by 0. P. Sladen a couple o:f splendid yarn:; by Mete. Browne and Rene de la I3rnerc ap 'pear in this issue. The contents in, elude many excellent; stories and feat - ares by Edward Orinerod, Bonny - castle Dale, C. S. Landis, S. W. Win - eon and W. 0. Motley, providing a wealth 'of entertainment and in.forin- ation for the' reader. Fox "ralichhig will find valuable information in the articles of the Canadian Silver Fox News section. Roel and Gun and Can adieu Silver Pox Ncwe is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Wood- stock, Ont. WANTED GIRL AT ONCE For general housework, willing to go to• London in the Fall. Apply to Mrs. C. L. Jones; London Side, Grand Bend, Ont. FOR SALE A Heintzman piano nearly new, at less than half of original price. E. Oesch, Zurich. • FOR SALE 24 'small pigs for sale. A. Weber, Dashwood, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of Standing Hay Crop. 25 acres of good mixed hay, timothy and clo-: ver; also 25 acree of timothy, on Lot 13, N.B. Stephen Tp., 3 miles east of Dashwood, on Monday, July 8th, at fi o'clock, p.m. Terms -60 days. Milton and Horace Pfaff, Executors. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. 'Ne. and Mrs. Milton Bossenberry of Sarnia were recent visitors in the v.__dgo. FOR SALE One Clarex Quebec Range, in A. 1. condition, used only since October last. lr'or particulars apply to Herald Office. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran `Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.1.5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, '8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. Everybody Welcome to all Sei vices. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZiJRICH — ONT. Human Hungers -...In this hungry world good appetites are plentyful. Food is necessary to life and to every human task. To sat- isfy hunges is a piaster motive, urg- ing us on. Men work because they and theirs must eat. There are of course higher motives, such as love of odes task, joy of achievement, but hunger makes the world go round. There are other, hungers. The hidden hunger of the soul, is most real and deserves most of all to be satisfied. Hunger, whether it be physical or spiritual is responsible for the restless nessof our day. Like starving chil- dren, many are filled and yet they are famished and perishing, "spend- ing money for that which satisCieth not Christ is the "Bread of Life" for htiiigry men. He is the greatest hun- ger fighter of history. Are you hun- gry for peace? "My peace I give un= to you." Are you hungry for truth 'or light? "I am the truth, the light" Are you hungry ,for companionship? "Ye are my friends if you do what- so ever I command you.,, Are you hungry for love? continue ye in my love." There is no hunger in the soul, that Christ cannot satisfy. SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. ,Sub jest---•i1oly Corninunion, i1 ea.Yri, .i3ibia Scbool4 a.. T R. Cteuehe, Sup4rintendent, Worship; 730 Subject. --God in history,, ilei( .W6 13 g3', , ,a,3t,Q1;' : �{ 0 • 4 a e s R 0 4 4. 4 4 0 0 a 0 4, 0 fy e5 4 ?P r .ri •*•••••• •••••••••••••••4140.00.. arm Implements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY -THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE yOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST, CARRY A FULL LINE OF ?MPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVM,. We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH , ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO w PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME • DO EXPERT I3ATTF.RY WORK ON ItEPA.IRING AND RE• • BUILDING BATTERIES •1� YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tues, Tubes, Gas, Oils andGreases. Le A. Prang ' urich ,-04441644.44464.0444444:4444 64.0444444:444'.4 .y,4 44.04, lt,444, 44444444 44. • f.f+++4+:44 +++0+++++++0:44+,01-0+0+++, .+++.++.r, *+$di'.444.ts +++.1-1 4.111 The Winter SSeason $ IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS IIOR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR + FRENCH DOORS • aLET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SiZES AND .g.. I' KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 4 • 0, KA.LBILEISCH PHONE 60 _ ZURICH IM=E263b1901.36:4,. .1111 IM ++3++++!I!++.4 6r++1 -s -a P + 4-ow+++•t4++.1+o++++++++34Widal • Annutmeement - • • • •• • We have opened up a Garage • • •• • •• • +e • a IN THE STAND FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Mr. LENNIS O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL • ao HOTEL BARNS • AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT MECNANICAL .. SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS..-. • WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE • • WHITE STAR AND STAROLINE GASOLINE Oils • Greases Tires e FAIRBAIEN & HUDSON • ZURICH • Phone 149 • • DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE e •see octireocooeasyossee•eseseeeeetaeeseaseeeeeeee rise rioWeiiiiiWWAVMMAAMMAMMAWNIMAWRiq Zurich Drug Store 1 I 4 ra ai r, Ar J. MaoKinnon, Z M�cc. txass � ;r�! * l `i c. I'" l: ,,,,, ,,,,,i.ti, r ,i „..,tAri ,tiv.`5� 1til'iy,, �aMa 1r,, ,,. -,,,w kli it. •�w'sxg,g +.'s4kr,„.at` ,0 Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations. School Supplies of all kinds �y Y tnamgsDiamond Dyes �.�--� and �'u Fadeless Dyes . o DA. K S A N D F I I,.I M S 1 oil