HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-27, Page 8ZU*1CIk It EWALD HE STORE WITH THE STOCK ALS sh!pment of fancy dresser sear& and vanity setts, made of th..) celebrated Windy Cloth, wash- ab e, absolutely fast colors..See them A r..7m ASSORTMENT OF ,GOLLAR AND CUFF SETTS FOR DRI72SES. ALSO NEW DRESS BUCKLES, ORNAMENTS, FAN7CY PINS, VERY MUCH IN DEMAND FOR SUMMER WEAR. FULS. FASHIONED HOSE IN NEWEST SUN SHADES Pr. .. $1.50 Yen n,.: pure silk, Reg. $1.50, for pair Ladicii" Housedresses, new Special, each New ,-..i.mona Voiles, Dress Ends, at yd. .A. fel.. Dress Lengths. only, Chiffon Voiles, yard Scarce Goods, We cannot procure any more this season Small boys' Overalls, Sizes 4 to 8 75c Boys' Knickers, all sizes, at 98c Boys' 'ichaki Pants, at .. $1.45 1,•_._,.. Boys' ?Maki Shirts to match at 95c .„, , .5Men% Broadcloth Shirts, plain white, tan or blue $1.50 r.. Men's Balbriggan shirts and drawers, each 50c • 1 on4' 97 piece Dinner Sett, Reg. $32.00 now $23.50 1 .only 95 piece Dinner sett, new Special at $16.50 1 97 piece Dinner Sett, Reg. $18.50 for .. ' $12.50 Glasr. Tumblers. at each 5e $1.18 $1.98 75c $1.50 . Pro:1 iLt SCI -10 & SONS Wanted Phone 59 1111111111D,..s....es • The Huron and Erie ortg4ge Corporation le Canada Trust Company NOW PAY 5% PER ..f'JINUIVI, PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR, ON ANY AMOUNT OVER $100.00, FOR ONE TO FIVE YEARS. - CONVENIENT - DEPENDABLE APPLIC.A.TIONS FOR,HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY 3efore you Invest --INVESTIGATE! A ldrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ...ParouseonerA '.........11=1INIMINUMICKICAOMMeft1111211=1Y, .**1111111011M.0121..1..frXIMAnwm..11•06.111maltiewmgmmo %ossrmloommarmwssroso 11 isw,a2,z•,.704,,,:,4080.060.40,0O00049001006024411410004114114110111**1110,111111141111***1: 0 11. NOW Ft The Best Time A FEW Red Hot Specials' FOR THE HOT. ..WEATHER MEN'S AND BOYSSTRAW HATS, at.. • ., . 10, 15,25c MEN'S NOT A BUTTON COMBINATIONS at 79c Boys' Cotton Jerseys, all sizes, several colors, Reg.50c, at, 89c BOYS' HEAVY RIB STOCKINGS, Reg. 50e, at . ... 39e GIRLS' WHITE AND BLUSII COLOR HOSE, Reg. 50c,at 39c LADIES SILK AND COTTON HOSE AT REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' PEACHY' SILK, STRIPE BLOOMERS, Reg. 50c, at..35c SLIPS, Reg. $1:00, and $1.25, at NIGHT GOWNS, Reg. $1.00 and $1.25, at HOUSE DRESSES, Reg. $1.00, at LW. 13 414,k'j' 0'01 79c '19c 79c NER YKLLOW FRONT STORE PHONE. NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Ed. Bedard of Detroit, was a week -end visitor with his parents here. Mrs. W. H. Frank, of Waterloo, who was visiting in Detroit, and on her way home visited with her father Mr. C. Eilber, a fei,v* days last week. Prizes for Entrance Candidates For the encouragement of pupils of the rural schools, Mr. 3. E. Tom, for- mer school inspector for West Huron, is offering two prizes open to cand- idates at the high school entrance ex- aminations from rural school public or separate schools having only one teacher. One prize will be for the candidate ,whose .papers are examined by the Goderich board of examiners; the other for those whose papers are examined by the Exeter board. In each case the prize will be awarded to the pupil taking the highest total marks. At the last meeting of the West Huron Teacher's Association Mr. Tom announced his intention of giving these prizes, and it is pleasing to see that although retired from offic- ial connection with the schools, he re- tains his interest in the boys and girls of the inspectorate over which for so many years he held a guiding hand. TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS : : AND IMPROVEMENTS : LT ti: SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE F12..LD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE I3EST MONEY CAN BUY. 2 YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING ..IIT`.1 "1":.]AR, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US AND, I '..ET CT:l, ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. Zurich Soft Ball League To the lovers of outdoor ball, we have good news, as a soft ballLeague has recently been organized in the village, consisting of four teams as follows: Merchants, with T. L. Wurm as captain; Clerks, with Ed. Gascho as pilot; Silverwoods, with Lee 0'- Brein as captain, and Gent's Furnish- ings, with Lee Hoffman as the man- ager. A schedule of games has been drawn up, and will be played off, and the two highest teams will at the end of the season play off for champion- ship, and a silver cup will be purch- ased. A small membership is being charged to defray expenses as to bail and clubs, but the admission to see the games will be free, only bring lots of enthusiasm along. Following is the Schedule: June 20 Gents Furn.-Silverwoods. June 24th Merchants -Clerks June 27 Gents •Fur. -Merchants June 28 Clerks-Silverwoods July 4 Gents Fur. -Clerks July 5 Silverwoods-Merchants July 8 Silverwoods-Gents Fur. July 11 Clerks -Merchants July 15 Merchants -Gents. Furn. July 18 Silverwoods-Clerks July 22 Clerks -Gents. Furn. July 25 Merch.-Silverwoods. o ,.'.. NIC;E: PHEW PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOME WILL AL- 1 17.,\YS DE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. WE CAN CU:PLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES a ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. v. sro1.1§.0.rs. s E. .in need of new furniture, dot't 1 forget; we have it! .1 . • ' . i 4..,, ADE & WEIDO I ,.,, ZURICH - oNT. • ._ ii 00041000000000000000440000000,044011,11041400040000.1.0 . I Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK_ The Largest Business, of any Canadian Company, doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31st, 1923, $22,206,275, - Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 - Rates -$4,50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp-Zurich Ajent, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods -and all kinds of Fire Insurance VOMS•agr.csonm.r.os. Building Sold AS WE HAVE TO VACATE OUR STOREBY THE 15th OF JUNE TO MAKt. -ROOM -FOR THE NEW BAKE SHOP AND AT PRESENT THERE BEING NO OTHER VAC- ANT BUSINESS PLACE, OUR WHOLE STOCK MUST BE SLAU- GHTERED OFF. 50 Straw Hats its all the leading Shades, Reg. $3.50, $6. for $2.85 12 Hats for Girls and Young Women Reg. $6.00 for .... ...... $3.85 25 Summer Felts in an shades at $2. ORNAMENTS AND FLOWERS FOR COATS AND DRESSES AT HALF' PRICES. • 25 Children's Hats, Reg. $2. for $1. 7 Baby' Bonnets, Pink and White, Reg., $1.25 for 85c 2 Felt Tams, Reg. 75c for 45c 30 Matron's Hats in Large head Sizes in Black and Colors, Reg. ..$4.00 to $6.00, for $2.85 We.have a limited number. of Hats. ..we are offering from $1.75 down- wards. Every Hat must be cleared out so its up to you to make use of there wonderful bargains. TianMa'$e, June 2*. 40, Seasonable Goods Now is the time of year to fit . out your hone with new Furniture • Also SIMM01/8 Guaranteed Springsl and 1ViattresseR ommesa0414.‘014600*.oaresesseesompammosseaseecos Scarfe's . Celebrated Paints and Varnishes t 1 - + • ▪ - FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES essosesectoseseesees.asoces Qoosoteeoeseseceseosc ,...„ . All Lines of Hardware ▪ • and Tinware GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE ller 44, MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS + SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING, ETC.1, ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. CALL AND SEE US Johnston & LL Hardware & Furniture,. Phone 63 111111111RIMIIIMIIIIIMINNIIIIIIIIIIIIMIlillf1111111111101111,1121112111111M114111ililIMINIMMEMEMINIMEEMAITErkitiRMIR. NOTICE!. Auto Tops . Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, • Etc.- Second. Handed Buggies • HESS ZURICH' Ku+++++++4-11•+++++++++++v-toik-1-+++++++++++++++++++-14++ ANNOUNCEMENT 3We have been appointed -Agents direct for /I p ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES' OF ,t TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS O1.H 'W -f0 tr WELLYS OVERLAND LTD. WHIPPET FARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI- 14:, OUR ORD FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITII ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF (QUALIWY t• ft: WHippBT s 1 x THE LOWEST PARIcCLEDR wSIX1THONA 44,1k. i• •SOUNYCLMARPUTAKTRITON 4. O'b ht TWO MODELS, PROVIDED WITH Willys Knig 4. THE FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE t MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US ; BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. :A EATISFACTGRY 'DRAM i• ASSURED, BESIDES: 4. + 4. "WE GIVE j.„YOU SERVICE" 4. The Hat Shoppe ll NIOUSSeall ZUriCh V. V. Siebert Zurich SUPREME BUILDING `It ADVANTAGES Wjf-IEN building a new borne or mak- vv ing over an old one, use this greatest - of all wallboards. You ill get these four supreme building advantages: Full %" thickness -giving greater struc- tural strength and rigidity. Easier Application -Goes up quickly, without muss -saving time, labor and money. Fire -Prof - Non:Warping Gyproc walls are fire bartiers. Cannot crack, warp or shrink. Takes any Decoration -Including bastine,wallpapet, paint and panels. 219 Fireproof Wallb0 For Sao By Fred C. Kaiblieisch . Zurich Ont. -SUITS SUITS - t To the m an who regards a, well dressed iappeara4ce, we recommend you to 'come and look over our fine range of THE NEWEST SUITINGS 'WE GUA-RANIER SATISFACTION OR MONEY GU LC REFUNDED. ' !r ALL OUR SUITS ARE IIA.1:DE AND TRaLligeD wrrst trim T. BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED 'GRADE t HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE ve MEAS. MIR CLOTHES-CORNELL, 1We He HOFF AN MERCHANT TAILOR, W. H2OOFFMAN, igonf ILMEAIIME AND VUNERAIN DIRECIMRSA 11447 *MA VIM MA* Not ilk **-4.01*-4^44-4*-4Y,+,4