HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-27, Page 7Ar.rr,rer•rer...,errer.Tre Eighteen "Count 'an", in One Family , WHAT floes "after ry forty" mean to you? Arc you leas capable than you aced to be? Nervous? Easily tired? Run down? Try the effect of two or three boxes of Dr. *a- liases' Pink Pigs, the tonic that hie made huntliede of mideree- aged women feel ten years yeetnalerl It will notasitivesia isr orate the' bd,In. alien thinned mid raseeheirsied by advenci4 years, tee It up to better Swerviiire make you feel strong again, eager for life Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills new at your deaug- gist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. 548 rd• NNE MILS °A HOUSEHOLD NAME, IN 54 COUNTRIES" Prosperous Newfoundland Sir P. T. McGrath in the Queen's Quarterly: At the present time our country is too prosperous, our people are too contented, the outlook is too promising for us to consider any pro- posal for union on the part of the Dominion, even if the Dominion were disposed to make one. • Look at California Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Brazil grape growers report that their crops are rotting on the vines for lack of a market. What that country needs is prohibition. Iiiih7heliin ThelioneyflyCatt 7er ...,,, . .„. You Must Do Your Bit in the war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. y ......aseeeeeee. • ea,,a,,..„. , ft h proven that AEROXON is one of the most convenient and mat, !efficient moans of combating this ' fly evilh is convenient, because ' I of the push -pin. It 4 hygienic,: \flies never gat away when once caught. Each spiral gives three weeks' perfect service. ' 1.... i BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ]co?d at drug, grocery and hardware stores.., ‘.1.a Cie C. 0. Genest & Fils, Limitee ear.nneonas. SOU .COM, DiAtilmtot or Ontario NEWTON A. HILL SS Pewit St. Toronto The Nowee tha6 6warw fee Theantaterielsfromwhich 3rainOVIeiverstiremade liewaytheyaremade guarantee dumble and saothetew seri*. The koMmat miter your Menteiresubay. Ashler grict:M Mover 4 etA,NIKSNIART PLANT. .BROBNU4I ,ro 4/141 goettirriferstx VriN • ver*,, The Clan MacLeod arrived In Canada recently by the Canadian Pacific liner"Metagama"—at least if It wasn't the whole clan, it seemed like a large proportion, Donald, his brother Kenneth and his son Allanwere leaders of the family groups under Donald's command. Including grandchildren the party, which is bound en bloc for Centreville, Ont., numbered twenty-four ranging in. age from forty-five years to six months. They had twenty-one pieces of baggage•weighing 3,000 pounds. Owl Laffs I Have No Time for Such Hardware Dealer (to applicant): I'l am inclined to give you the position if -you understand double -entry keep- ing." Applicant: "I do, indeed! At my last place I had to do a triple-double- entry—a set for the active partner, showing the real profits, a set for the sleeping partner, showing small profits and a set for the Income Tax officials, showing no profits." In the memory cdntest at Apple Grove School yesterday, it was almost dark before little Lizzie Lark, who won the prize, got through amain' den- tal creams.—Abe Martin. Possibly one reason why the girls smoke eigarettes is so that the boy who reaches fora cigarette can get -a • sweet along with It. SIX VS. HALF DOZEN There was once a woman named Bunny Who never would play bridge for money; But to pay for a prize' she would always chip in, And also the prize she would frequ- ently win. Now tell me the difference, (I'm not very wise) Between taking money and what -.money buys. With a woman the difference be- tween -plumpness and fatness is mar- riage and about ten years. Sweet Young Thing—"Have a cigarette?" Elderly Lady—"What! Smoke a, cigarette? Why I'd rather kiss the first man that came along!" Sweet Young Thing—"So would I. But have a cigarette while you're waiting." HEALTH ITEMS Getting hot under the collar may over -heat and bake your Adam's a13 - pie. You don't have to make a better mouse -trap now. Just neglect to pay your installments on time and see that path get worn to your door. If you want something done call on a man who Is "just too busy" and do it. "That young fellow upstairs must be tremendously popular, plbtinan, you always have mail for him." "Yes, I had an argument with him once, and ever since he sends himself a post -card every day, so I have to climb four flights of stairs to deliver Of course the woman pays. If she didn't the installment man would pull the stuff. A.nantique is something that rich people buy and poor people throw away. •.INTERCEPTED She tripped along with fairy fek, A. vision that my heart beguiled. Bewitching, fragile, ,rougish, sweet, And as she came she smiled. We met Alas, the usual fall O'ertook my pride, the dull and Her smile was not for me at all, But some one else behind: - "Failure is always preceded by Con- fusion. Success is always marked by Orderliness. Uncertainty is the most expensive and most unnecessary thing in business,' Chicago claims she will have 5,- 000,000 people by 1985 if she can keep them alive. • I , "Gosh, but that man over there Is fat. Ile must drink patriotic beer." "What kind is that?" "The kind that goes to the front," - Maybe 'prayers tor rain fail 'because somebody else With a car newly wash- ed is praying for a dry' spell. , WILLA HOEY I had a friend, a spirit blythe and gay. I thought I knew her, but lust yester- day We met a dog. 1 stroked his friendly head, ' And she went on, then turned and said, "You love those horrid creatures far too much, I have no time for such." Since then my heart grows cooler toward that friend, In fact I think our friendship had an end The day she scorned his fond caress, I feel quite sorry, but I naust, confess, We seemed td lose our kindred touch —"I have no time for such." BY 1VIJS Z. 1. DAVIS No machine can take the plane of the horse, always, even in these days. Almost the whole .city has been stirred over the splendid faithfulness and strength of draft horses, now being used to open up a street adjoining one of. the main thoroughfares of Grand Rapids, Mich. So impressive is the horse sense, sagacity, obedience, cau- tiousness, adaptability and good na- ture of these great beaststhat they were given honorable mention in the daily papers. The special work of these animals in this particular' case is to pull a •great wagon skeleton across the axles of which. is a...steel girder weighing tons. Slowly the trusty creatures roll their burden up the slippery hill. Folks pause to thrill at the strength shown. put the driver gives all his attention to the task in hand. He feels that on him depends the safety of the load. His team knows his signals on the reins, and his vole quietly encourag- ing. They dig in their spiked shoes and pull. Vapor streams from their nostrils. With ears cheerfully for- ward, they toss their magnificent heads up and down, as if saying "yes" to their kind owner and driver. The wheels creak on the ice but never stop their rolling. The horses never falter. The driver knows they must not or the task is a task failed. Not tightly but firmly the driver holds the reins. Hd talks to the team low - spoken words, hardly heard by those upon the sidewalk who watch the struggle. Some say it can't be done. Others say it can and cheer antren- courage both the driver and the horses. Great muscles flex and relax, hoofs chip iron spikes into the ice, inch by inch the team gains victory. The beamweighs more than seven tons. The driver couldn't move it alone. One horse would try in vain. But the team and driver have the strength to do the task and do it— to them it is just "day labor."—Au- Mane Pleader. Death is one blessing that none will be denied. Minard's Liniment for pick animalt. "Do you think that singer is go- ing to be a,great diva?" • "I didn't know she could even swim." . Expedition to Brazil Collects Rare nal1111D Belem, trazil.---The natural science expedition of the American Mese= of Natural Instory,, Now York, has . just returned from explorations ta.eough the valleys of the :Nolen, CaneiquiarJ and Orinoco Itivers. Sb thousand birds and 1,000 specinaens of other fauna and flora were col- lected. 1 4 I*Li* 0...-............,..* Competent woman want e man of family washings to take home.—Harie ford Times, We suggest the family, washing, It can be handled without , any back talk, • ,American Debutantes London Still day Expresr, 'WAY Americans come to our eourts,' and it is •a good thing not only for 1 them but for us. W benefit fame-, daily, end they in turn like the page -1 entry and alSo th certain stamp which a presentatioa at Court invol Yes, That is only human nature. There is nothing new in Nile. Ever since the days vihen Atlantic trene- Port became at all poisible Amerieans have always liked Courts. In the time of Louis Napoleon they flocked te the Tuileries; now they have to be content with restaurants, which axe a comParatively poor setting for fine feathers. Every American girl who Is presented at•Buckingnam Palace is a valuable asset, for she invariably ba - comes an English propagandist. eye__ WHEN BABY IS WELL MOTHER 15 HAPPY The happy mother is the one whose baby is well—it is the laughing, gurgling baby who alwaxs brings joy to the home. When baby is ill every- one in the home suffers—not only through worry over the little one but through loss of sleep—nO one can find rest with a sick baby in the home. Thousands of mothers are happy; mothers becaase they have found the way to keep their little ones well— or if sickness does come �n .suddenly,. as it usually does with little ones,1 they have found the way to speedily] bring the baby back to health again. Mrs. George Keel', Lindberg, Alta., is one of these mothers and she writes as follows;—"I am the happy mother 1 of a seventeen -month-old baby girl. Baby is healthy and strong and sleeps well at night. I give her no other medicine but Baby's Own Tablets and she just loves them. I am never without the Tablets in the house." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels; sweeten' the stomach and thus drive out.. constipation and indigestion and make the cutting of teeth easy.I They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William's Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The "'Talkie" Revolution London Daily News and Westmin- ster: The triumph of an English Elm actor, Mr. Ronald Colman, seems to be the first result of the success of the "talkies," and others will clearly follow. If the "talkies" eventually displace their silent rivals in the popular favor—and it would seem al- most certain that they must --the Eng- lish-speaking (as. distinct from the American -speaking) performer will come into his own in this country with a vengeance,- further, it would seem that in each country the change must operate as a powerful measure of "protection" for the native industry. The sort of audience which flocks to the average English cinema is not go- ing to "listen" to French and Ger- man and Swedish Elms, unless the ac- tors talk "plain English," and French. and German and Spanish audiences will presumably also insist on under- standing what the "talkies" are say- ing. The Looting of England London Evening News (Ind. Cons.): (A recent rumor declares that the vil- lage of Bilbury, in the Cotswold Hills, has been bouglat by an American and will be transported in its entirely to the United States.) Such things may yet happen. 'it -would require so short and simple a law to forbid the removal from this country of these ancient and beautiful architectural landmarks that one would expect to find each of the three political parties rushing forward with the proMise that if it returns to power it will make such a law without delay. If they do not do so is because the pablio is apathetic. The remedy in this ease is in the citizens' hands. And if the sacred law of property must to some extent be curtailed the curtailment is lust as necessary in the interests of Anglo-American friendship as of the English people who must stand by and see their architectural birthright sold for a mess of dollars. Among the appropriate gifts for young men graduates are overalls. ortuorN. • PHUIPST- 014,1A(pyt4„, 14 eit For .11rot.lblea due to Acid INDIGESTION' AWL) STOMAON triMA=URSI ticAnaerrs Z-tesussa , Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared 'Tall the same care,,as u our reputation were to stand or fall upon that sin& packagg, oo RED. ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Is exfra good Query: Do Goldfish Tickle Swans' Feet? Wheaton College Refers Prob- lem to Biological Experts Norton, Mass,—The new pond opened this spring on the campus of Wheaton has brought with it zoologi- cal complications. Two groups of students interested in this new pond desire to make pres- entations to it. One group hopes to present goldfish, the other swans. So the difficult question airses: Do gold- fish and swans get on together in the same pond? The crux of the dif- ficulty lies, college authorities avow, in the question as to whether the gold- fish would tickle the swan's feet. The whole matter has been re- ferred by the biology department of the college to the Smithsonian Insti- tution, Washington, and an early solu- tion Is expected. For sunburn, apply Minard's Liniment If it were not for our -rather disap- pointing experience with the war to end war, we should come out far leg:„ islation to end legislation.--"Ohle State Journal," A happy marriage is one in which the husband makes an allowance for the wife and the wifd makes allow- ances for the husband.—"Virginian Pilot." Every Fibre Insulated with Rubber to give MOST MILES PER DOLLAR 1 FIRESTONE Tires are the outstanding choice of those who demand the greatest safety for high, speeds, rugged enektr- ance and utmost coon - only. Gum-Di6ing, the . „ extra Firestone prOcoss, combined with the FisTe- stone Safety Thread, makes these tires the toughest, longest -wear- ing tires on earth. Made in Hamilton, Canada, by Firestone Tire & itdaber Co. of Cantivart, Limated Classificl Advertisements BABY JICS L3A EY CHLOE S. WE El ATM L. four varieties. price 90 up. Wr te for free catalogue. A. B. Switzer, Granton, Ontario. Write For Our Latest Catalogue On Sporting Goode, pinning- Tackle, Carlin Supplies. The Bige'est asti Tineet Byer dewed fn Canada. • TORONTO RADIO CO. 241 ...:ozon sTREEw 'Nature Notes Bovine: "That new farm hand is ter- rible dumb." Equine: "How's that?" Bovine: "He found a lot of condens- ed milk cans in the grass and insisted he had found a cow's nest."—Scream. LAXATIVE FOR BABY THAT "STAYS DOWN" Baby's tiny system rebels against eastor oil and strong purgatives; but here's a medicine that just suits him. And it does the work quickly and so gently that Baby doesn't feel it. Fletcher's Castorie is soothing cross, fretful babies and children to sleep and making the feverish, constipated, upset ones well and happy, in millions of homes to:day. Castoria is purely. vegetable, harmless and endorsed by the medical profession. Avoid Ltd tations. The Chas. II. Pletchet signature marks genuhae Castoria. BMW F r Sde Newspaper Folder A Real Bargain. Terms to Suit Purchaser Wilson Publishing Co. Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto diaciffikag2tcogiatmon, 111 The Locker Room Minard's is the stand-by of those who take care not to suffer from stiffness and eel). - bag muscles. ^1911011110•MIN ..1:dr:rse.SerN.:r•rsd11,:rxrxdrrvxdr• ••::::::•.*•••••••••••1,r1r.:srseirirrsdr. rg.S.Z•r• What most people call indigestion 15 usually excess acid 'in the stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. But mon% use crude laelpS, Use 'what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phipps' Milk of Magnesite Per the 50 years since Its intention it has remained standard with physicians, You VIII find nothing elSo so quick in its effect, So harmless, se' Ogle -lent; One tasteless spoonful In water um- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no badafter effects. Ones you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess aeid. in the trade ways. Go I learn—now—why this method Is, suprenie. 13e sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of IVIegnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess; aeide, Bach bottle contains full direo.' -- tions—any drugstore, 1 "I think Lydia E. Pitddiam's Vegetable Compound is wonderful! I have had six children of which four are living and my youngest is a bon- nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds; 1 have taken your medicine before each of thein was born and have certainly re- eived great benefit from it. / urge I. my friends to take it .as 1 am sum 1 they will receive the same help 1 did." —Maio Milton McMullen, Vanessa, Ontario; ISSUE No. ' '1