HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-27, Page 5ThUrsc ay. "ura> 2711r, 1929, swum= cARD1 Et*.H ERALD ODD. LEY . If OLIVIVS :f3. RRISTER, SOLYO1'TrOE, NOT TART PUBLIC, FITC. ' 97FICE--7S.'amilton Streets ,oat or t2T TOUR Want , For Sale, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads ' +> COMM'S STRAYED. Unto` my premises about June 1st, ]ice Squares GODBRICH, Ota, u: a red heifer, Owner can have same Spacial attention to Couneel and Court Woal4by proving,- property and paying for R'rlmeoamabeeozaatecak'eapexses.Henry Cleusius, t',by P Ynn ale�ieb Phone, anal i h+s. mares serveaped. NOTICE. We are in a position to do custom plowing. Sat`is:l',action ,given. O. Schrag .& Son. H.14.14.114. Dr. IL _.., COWEN L. 1). u. DD. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK "ZURICH Eery Thursday, Friday, l tl,tarday_ At IIARTLEIB'S BLOCK,, DASHWOO'D • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday :Eery OSCAR KLOP? Bradaiate ,Carey M. ;ivnes Nat - ,a3 :School of Auetioneering. Try seas for Registered Live Stock, 131 'Breeds). Terme in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice 1?irMs for Gale. Will +deli anything Amywhere Zurich 'Phone 28-93 or write. Licensed Auctioneer EFOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM :IN A POSITION TO CON - Meet any endive Sale, regardless tilis to Size or article to ee11. I 'cit your businezra, anti If not satisfied will make no charged for .vis Arthur Weber — Dashwood„ Phone 13--57 Goodyear Tires, lubes New MoljiioiI U.S.L Batteries *l S. WEIN, Prop i1AiM$'wOOT MOTGIS nRI1410E 0811110906410180180•4418011•04000 Zurichs' ,Popular MEAT .LYS. ARTS •1 ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YIINGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB EIiSHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE He Yungblut & Sou •••••••••••s+11•••••1••••• OOATJ 1929 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal 1A SPECIAL. It11SCOUNT OF 50 Cts. ;ter Ton well be allowed for east. 1111 srlar Early as prices willasisaaca on - Juno Tats. Case & Son !boas 380?FIENSALL LIVE •0 i 17- • WANTE..0 Iteltest *Mosey day Glx' t 'v aestp ibi. Vales• Iv ht Mr. -lest Cavi, Prices aro.4f ' . W. ti STRAYED From the Parr Line, Hay Town ship, a grey yearling steer marked at both ears. Finder kindly notify. Adiulph Kellen -4" .Dashwood. FOR SALE 15 acres of hay, carr be bought by the a^re or by the ton. Asorick Brisson .. WANTED A Woman to do kitchen work, no cooking. Apply to, Lake View Hotel, Bayfield, Ont • - BABY CHICKS • Batched in the Huron Mammoth the cleanest and healthiest hatching mechineegoing, Cleans the air from the hatching trays' before it mixes with the eggs by patent process Barred Rocks and White Leghorns Order early. No deposit required. Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five hundred eggs. Phone 97r4, Hen - sail. J. E. McKinley. tf-32 The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada BEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZTORICH Phone • 11-81 enarantee and Accident Insurance, eldest and Strongest Co. to Canada The Middle and Upper School ex- aminations wer held last week begin- ning on Monde, and the Lo' rer Scho- ol nn Thursday, June 20th; the Mod- el Entrance on Monday,. June 24th, and the High School Entrance on Wednesday, June 26th. HENSrALL. Mrs. Jas. Sparks has returned from spending the winter months with her daughter, Miss. Belle, of Brantford, arid is getting nicely settled in her comfortable home here. Mrs. T. C. Joynt and sons Carey and Donald, returned from a very pleasant extended visit at the home of Mrs- Joynt's brother, and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bonthron, of New York. The many friends of Fred Brock are' pleased to learn that he is im- p -roving nicely after his recent oper- ation at London Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Wilson and fainly of Bay City, Mich., are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Munn. A. J. Sweitzer, accompanied by W. Simpson and 1 Carmichael, of Detr- oit, visited their relatives here. Mrs. Sweiitzer and daughter, who have been visiting here, returning with thein, Robt. Dodds is here from Manitoba on a visit, and as it is some 505 years• since he lived in this vicinity, het urallly sees •many changes and 'susses Interest along this line. the faces of those that he knew so well in bygone years. Mrs. Henry Brown of the 15th con Mr, and Mrs.. Kenneth Pope of (t advises us that on Monday morning a fine large deer crossed their farm tawa are here spending few: days' and passed -very close to the house. visiting the former's mother, while on Mr. Roy Lamont of SianIey also saw their honeymoon. - His many friends a deer on his Error a few days ago here wish him every success and hap - hi the woods. Whether this is the :pines. Mrs.Jade Guenther, Who spent a week or se at MVlitchell, has returned to her home at' Zurich. Mr. Sam Oliver of Kitchener, was a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs C. Fritz on Tuesday„ M. Oliver Johnson of Galeria, spent Sunday at the home of hist bro- ther, Mr, Thomas Johnson. LAST Between' the lake, St. Jos- oph and '..��urieh, I1 pair of spectacles. Finder kindly • return to Dr. II. H. Cowen, Zurich.' A very large number from the village attended the. big:Liberal pis,en nic. at Grand Bends. en;WeUUnesdey n afteroon last. Bev,, and Mrs. Dreier are attending the :lamp Meetings near Mildmay of the Bvangelleal church, ,a few days this week. • • The auction sale of liieuschalcl °`ell'- ects of Miss Ida' Brill on Saturday, brought out quite a large attendance of people, and everything was sold. Merrsr 'Carl and Perce Weide mot- ored to Buffalo over the week -end. Their father, Mr.. Jacob Weide, who spent the week at that city, return- ing with them, Mr. and 1V1re. Gid. Bechtel and family of Baden, and Mr. Harry Ashcroft of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors at the home of -km. Leah Rennie., The new 3-h. p. motor for the fire hall is expected one of the first days and as soon as it arrives, will be in- stalled. Already Mr. Hess, the ."el- ectrician, has .done thenecessarywir- I ing,.and we trust will soon be going. At the auction 'sale • of the estate of Lisette, Reichert, on Friday of last week, the real estate was purchased by Mr, John Neuschwanger for the sum of $500. and it indeed seems good value for the money, as there Ls seven acres of land attached with the dwellin. The County Road, or known as the Zurich Road, has received its annual treatment of dust prevention, 'and this year the calcium chloride was us- ed in place of the road oil as in for- mer years, and a great many of the : :itizene re better pleased' as it is not so full of undesirable odor as the oil, and does not adhere so easily to A very interesting matrimonial ev- ent was celebrated, in St. Peter's. R. C. Church, Drysdale, on Monday, June 24th, when Rev. Father Leo Marchand united in Holy Wedlock, Miss Albina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Papin ata, and Mr. George liarzel of Detroit. The Her- ald joins their many friends in extend ing' cohgratulatiorts. . Res On June 12th, at Mitchell, Rev. Mr. Storm united in marriage Miss Cecelia Neeb, of near Mitchell, and Mr.EImci• itestem'Mrs.eyer, son of 'Mrs. Tillie Rest mayor and the late Edward reitem- ayer, Bronson Line, Hay Township. 'rhey will reside on the farm on the Bronson Line, The Herald joins thele many friends in extending congratu- lations. With the closing of the old bake shop, the last 3-phase motor went ofi' the hydro line, and the three large transformers erected at the mill have been taken down and sold to the Ex- eter Public Utilities, where they will be used for supplying power. Mr. Hoist, as well as Mr. L. Prang, the only two customers who had recently been using this high voltage of power have both exchanged their motor.:.: and are now running off the range, circuit, ,tamely the 220 line. Mr. Jacob H. Holtzman, for years a rominent merchant tailor at Cred- iton, and for many years superint- endent of the Zion Evangelical Sun day School, passed away on Wednes- day morning of last week, aged 63 years. The funeral was held on Sat- urday, from his home, Crediton, to the Evangelical cemetery for inter- ment. He was a widely knowr na - church worker, and took a very deep The strong arm of the'law has be - ifdeer or not we know not, but if it is not the same deer, it looks as en reaching out somewhat during the if deer would be plefityful again, and past week on offenders in the way of instead of hunters going in the fall to fast driving and noisy conduct on Muskoka to hunt, we can have •it here the streets and indulging in pastimes in good old Huron County. that are forbidden by the by-laws. Clarence Shepherd, of the Bank of 'The monthly meeting of the Zur- Montreal staff, of Gore Bay, accom- icli^iBranch of the Women's Institute paned by his bride, are spending inet in the Council Chambers, on some holidays at the home of his pas- Tuesday evening, June 11th, with 20 ents, 1V Ir. and Mrs. J. Shepherd. ladies present Mrs. E. F. Klopp and W. Fee and sisters visited friends Miss Jae Lamont taking charge of at Watford, Strathroy and Dresden, the evening's 'program, Dr. P. J. While in Dresden they were the gues- O'Dwyer gave a splendid -talk and is of Rev and Mrs. Naylor. demonstration on First .Aid, and this Monday 'Morning hast one of our was indeed interesting anti Educating pioneer and suaech respected residents Mrs. Klopp in behalf of the institute passed away in the person of the late thanked Dr. O'Dwyer for his address Elizabeth Dells relict of the late Robt and good will, Miss Veola Prang. Hunt. Mrs. Bunt had reached the favored the meeting 'with a vocal fine old age of 88 years and was the solo, after which Mrs. O'Dwyer gave youngest daughter of the late 1.Bell a piano solo. Both these numbers, one of the pioneer residents of Tuck- were well given and received. Sev- eerstnith Tp., and who; in the early ye- ez'al business items were then thane- re of the settlement of Huron coon- acted and two new members received ty, carried on a milling business at The roll eon was answered by Hot IC:i pen.. After Mr. 11uiit'a death, Weather Rrirtks, which Were also Mrs. Hunt, together with her eldest very good. alitene will be ee meetings 'sister, Margaret :Bell, who still 1.or the 'months of July and August, ?h c; inoveai from. `Clippear to. Hei sill but to begin. again refreshctl in Sep- 'w,hetie they have since lived. teuhor. ore Miss Martha Heideman visited at +h*+i.t^..o ,PAS.I►rr,►.t►lh. ►„p. ;,p440044•44*•ob/+ *+►ck4 Kitchener the past week. , .+ Itev, and M:rs. Albert Daters, bridal e, couple, are visiting their parents here e this weak. e Farl'fl , Jrnpieinents Mx, rill Mrs, i+. F. Klopp aiad Mass Veola were recent . visitors at WE AR HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, 1N7 S, AND To,+onto and Elmira. WILL BE CLAD TO Miss Margaret Scjrilb.e was a visit- q SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF or with Kitelzceer friends ,the past . F- MACHINERY TFIAT YOU U it1iMED THE MOST; AND THAT WVII.)i; Mr. and rdr . Hugh. Thiel of •axe + i GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. 14:th ConeConeandandAirs. E.l,�;icteznaiz, ^ otored to Guelph on. Sunday, CARRY A FULL LIME OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS G AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUIYiPS. 3k Mr. and Mrs. J. Gascho, air, and • Elkton, Mich., and ie LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL Wo have the Agency for this District. Mrs W.Craigof .El' P1 1 Mr. and ,1Vtrs. Jackson, of New York, Were. . visitors the past }geek at• the • home of Mr. and ltlr,s, 'John. Gall.rna:i • STA fLEY TOWNSHIP Olt 4. GARAGE SUI.-�PLI i Stephenson Re -Union WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES I A, very interesting and ' import':!nt ; CAN SUPPLY YOU'AND o event took place on 4'Vednesclay It^lxc: * WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AU'aO 19th, when the Stephenson sdnyly, e ofi' PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE 'YOU MONEY ON SAMI, the number of 150 atliered= at the '� DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING IRING AND. RE. a !ionic of Mr. and Mrs. S"i tn. R. Ste BUILDING BATTERIES phezzson of Parr Line. There were YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED members present from Mariotte, Mich : London, Wingham, Clinton and lien- m Tires, Tubes, 'B l Grr,, „all, and a large number from Stat- s � .. ley, the original horns of the Steph- ® L. /� . cl;>ons'. It z'; 20 Zea;:; sincearc'- Prang Zurich union was held and quite a number o who met at that time h'we silwt' p.;s- a.sa- •,'3•eL'8•a • A+&W 4.tiy:°lS+p3 .p•...t-'. t-.. 44.4.4).6,0,04$4, e 4,„d fi4,4,,,,,,,,,„, 4 41) sect over the River of Time.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, Sr.,came l'+++44+14++1.444-4<<.-.4:.+�.. •t.,, to Stanley from near ,Port Rope in *�° ,,•++.144.40.1041.4.4,40+.4. .1 the early 40's when this country was .g. almost an unbroken forest. They, 2 with their family of seven sons and three daughters knew well what the + hardships and trials of pioneer lir 1, were. Mr. Stephenson, Sr., passed away in 1878. Nearly aii the family married and settled in this vicinity. Some later moving to• Michigan, and some to the West. But a number still remain in Stanley and are high- ly respected citizens of which any co- untry might well be proud off. There are a number of clecendants in the 5th generation, but only two of the sec- ond generation remain, Mrs, Ralph Stephenson, aged 90, and Mrs. John Stephenson, aged 87. These ladies 'e 0a LBFLEISC are a connectinglink of the PHONE pioneer 69 days and the present. They are men- tally clear and like to talk of the early days. The gathering last Wed- nesday was successful in every way. Oo the hcompany very fine dinnerarrival was of setrveed, follot� inga wh- el• •iteeeetteeeeessee see;•egeenteeebe € eeeseeeeeseee•m•se e ich a good program of speeches aru1 • ;:r • 4 he Winter e ,14,' IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS a. LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 'l_J ZRI cIj 4, 4 ar .1+ 4. 4' +.1.44.4:.444...44..1.4.4..1.++++++.4!&+.1.4i •2 3� + ' +++f4 44.+ F+ P I -HE music was given, .`hen games e +, 8 • en there was the social intercourse, a e the contests were held, then al o Announcement- • se acquainted which is perhaps the most i ••• Then the day was finished up it-• We have opened up a Garage- • IN THE STAND FORMERLY : OCCUPIED BY Mr.. LENNIS O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL BARNS • remembered clay. • • Important feature of such gatlaernig s. ; • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • Oils • • • • • • • ZURICH, • 0 ••A••••••••••••••••• eM••t!•'O •••®4••6•A•0 om••s'ascs•••0 another feast, for that is what makes the Stephenson family the physicalforce they are to -day. After the conn S pany dispersed feeling that they had • spent a very pleasant and long -to -be- • ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 10. a. m: .German Service. 11., 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. Everybody Welcome to all Set vices. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. e Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT. Forcible Feeding, or Hunger Strike Once on a while imprisoned trans- gressors of the law refuse .to take nourishment so that others are com- pelled to feed them by force or let them die. The same thing happens in the church, because some will not eat the Bread of Life offered them from time to time. The minister knows that forcible feeding doesen't feed, yet many a pastor stands in the pulpit, or calls at the homes and urg- es obenience to the word, faithful ch- urch .attendance, mid week service and Sunday School Session without results. But in the long run does urg- ing get us anywhere? If one does duty, simply because he is crowded into it, is there any lasting value in it? There are instances because of the barreness of the pulpit, hungry christians must go unfed, but nowa- days many are not hungry for spirit- ual food. They are filled to the chin with the worldly, and lack appetite for the Bread of Heaven. When the souls of people get as hungry as their stomachs do, We will have to enlarge all our churches to contain the crow- ds. Tis sad • indeed, but true, that over many a church membership it . must be written: "Soul extinct, but stomach alive and going strong.” Thursday 7.80 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 'J,3O p.m.—Senior League Friday 5,30 jo.m.—Choir+ Practice SUNDAY SERVICES Worsht 10 A. M. Nowell Geiger will be in charge. 11 Gino -4010 School, Cia9eha, Suiperintondcnt. Worship:'/.30 i'. M. 1)r, A. J'. Irwin, IS. A^, fi. D. of Toronto. Bev. 01, V. 131,:1614 .11814* AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT MECNANICAL . , SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS.... WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE WHITE STAR AND STAROLINE GASOLINE Greases FAIRBAIRN & HUDSON • • •• Tires• • • • • ... DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE • Phone 149 ri1WWWWWWWEVIMMAIMWANWWWANIWAI 1 Zurich Drug Store Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations School Diamond Supplies of all Dyes and P'lutn.am's Fadeless Dyes KODAKS AND FILIMS kinds 1 1 R war Or Ws it Mac1innon,ZU1Oh:, fir. A. S. w k;t` ��tt ��st �' � li '� �l t t �s °1 M� tI�?t �;� �. j/Y7fi t1 a t : s 'li' 1IMI1i11} `tl u"li Uri Y ti I]'IM y MIS y;