HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-27, Page 1Vol. XXIX No Advertisin ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 27 1929.. is the big medium between Buyer and Seller. DASHWOOD Mr. and. Mrs. ,Ativan Hesterneyer aof 'Cavalier, N. D:,, are waking g ry latives 'in this vicinity- Mr. icinityMr. and Mrs. Jr.Teeter and fam- ily of Kitchener spent I•xsr ' 'ednes-:. day with Mr. and Mrs- Hy: Hoffman. Miss Gladys Guenther of Preston,: spent a few days with her brother, last week_ Quite a number from here: ;attend ed Decoration Day at Exeter Cemet- ery on Sunday.. The D.' wnod Bursal also being in attendance- Mr and Mrs- Blake and daughter': •z)f Port Arthur. were week—end vis-, itors with Mr. and. Mrs: Clarence Gale Rev. Saur . and soar: Minta e are at 'tending Camp Meeting at Ottawa Talley, this week On. Thursday, July 4th is the .day; of the ;great ,annual Strawberry Fest- ival'to be held on. the Evangelical ch;, urch .lawn,- afterwhich a good pro- gram will be given. So Don't forget. the date. Dashwood -Band in attend- ance. Misses Myrta Hoffman and Marg- aret Hall. and Mr. Wm. Bergy of -Kit-, chener spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Hy. Hoffman. The ;public school picnic held at Grand Bend last Friday was a grand success. Mr. Clayton Pfile .; spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mcisaac of Windsor were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mcisaac. • tiw♦406111,4,4 4,4,40.4te,.04.Li:«a r4,0 • • o40004T'•••••••••ette ort;; 4. S BARGAITdS Received. a shipment of waterproof Robes which1 am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices get t'our's at Special Price $12.50 Targe size I �iE • THIEL - ZURICH iP�,•000••O4.4, : .44+ar-4,0a,ird-nq.O H'40e.464d4,04.*** u0,e:a•+045tF,k 4 1 9,00... c 1 gewepffiegseeotoseeaeew►e0000e• • 0 s Seasonable Footwear At Reasonable Prices FINEST OF PATENT, NEli,VEST • WOMEN a 0b1 PATTERNS. ALSO IN THE SMARTESTOF COLORS. IN + HIGH AND MEDIUM WALKING HEELS p CHILDREN'S MANISH OXFOR- 3YS AND DAINTY STRAPS. ' s MEN • -0❖P,> .`" ^- SQUARE *TOE, LINDY OX= -- FORDS- HERE ARE ALT;. THE g LAETHERS.. MEN ARE WEARING PATENTS, BROWN AND p BLACK IN QUALITIES THAT MAKE THE PRICES MOST UN- USUAL. • A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RUNNING SHOES FOR EVEB,YY 4 ei •• && Sh O NE_ ' O& 33A413ING SHOES, ETC. R TNG NEAL= DONE" Brown's Slims OUR pWINDOW DISPLAY '004,...4'50 40 49.4' `eaaub+'d..4.00404LOOpAAA0000: V •+4.4,04+tstpCs...4. 4.4 VED TO uarte s HA AL AT 41 4f I 4,i 4 4i 0 ; nI erk 0,041r ltmQa48 .0404 +�?'r .itt'r.+al44, guff if 4C $1 000 Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and Mr, and Mrs. Bennett and Mr. J. Brokenshire of ,Atwood visited Mr. Mark Broken- shire .on Sunday. ' Quite a number from htre attended the funeral of the late Jacob Holtz- man at Crediton on Saturday.. Mrs. Her=man Eidt of Ingersoll is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade. Mr. Stade continues quite poorly. A number of young ladies of the village met atthe home of Mrs. Tay- lor on Monday evening, it being a shower for Miss Nola Geiser, bride - elect. The evening was spent in ga- mes and cards after which a dainty lunch was served. - . Miss Flossie Kleinstiver of Strat- ford spent the week -end with -her, par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kleinstiver. Mr. Urban Zimmer spent the week- end with his father and sister. Mr. Zimmer has a fine salesman position, with the Battle Creek Surgical Sup- ply and Supporter Corp,' with offices in the new Fox Theatre Bldg, De- troit, Mich. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C. Eilber visited with.Hensall friends a few days last week. Messrs. Fred and George Papineau of Detroit, called - on friends in the village on Monday. r. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0, Smith and two sons were Sunday visitors with:fri- ends at London. • Mr. and Mrs, Lennis O'Brein and familk of Detroit, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Wn1 O'Brein. Mr. E. Bossenberry, who has been for the past six months at Bayfield, has returned to Zurich, for the sum- mer, and is making his home with Mr; Mr. Ward Fritz is away- to Oshawa on business. Mr. - John Weido was a recent vis- itor with' relatives at Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. - A, Melick were we- ek-end visitors with friends at Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Merrier of De- troit, were Sunday visitors with rel- atives here. Mn and Mrs: Geo. Thiel and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at Auburn. Miss Marguerite Prang of Detroit, was a Sunday visitor at her home here Mr's. Alex Foster spent a few days last week with friends at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eickmeier and son Bruce, were Sunday visitors at St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs: Harry - ,Siemon of London were week end visitors with friends here, •- Monday will be observedin Can- ada as Dominion Day, and is a Nat- ional Holiday, - Miss Gladys Guenther of Preston, who is spending her vacation with her another here, spent the past week in Dashwood. - Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile, Mrs. R. Geiger, and Mrs. Lydia Pfile and dau- ghter Pearl, motored to Blyth on Tu - e Chester' L. Smith,, Publisher,. $1.25.a year, U.S. $1.50 in Alva,nork• *1,59 INARRGBE WIMPS= ;' Try an AcL, Are You Proud 'To Show'YouWATOTT r LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $s.bo GENT'S POCKET SIZES; FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5,00 TO $25. GENT'S STRAP WATCHES,' VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1929 IMPORTANT FUEL : ,riouucems.ant Effective at Once We beg to announce a reduction elf . 50c. per ton from the winter pricee„ on all 'Grades of Anthracite Coal - In ad•'iti: n, we will allow a disecomet . of 50c per ton for CASH PAYMENT ONLY, on Anthracite and Ail grad ,. of FueI. - - Pricer on Anthrac!te will advance e . June 15th. Take advantage of,these. Rock:Bottox .: Prices, and - lay in your supply, now of The Original and OnlyL: - D. L. & W. SCRANTON GOA Or The Famous ,, D. & H. LACKAWANN.A COAL. Noted for its great kaat. - Cazitelcaa,. H E N SALL — 1Office Phone lOw House Phone IO ,t, -, .. y.';pD'..i i'•g £.,c'$ k++ g1F:'i,,:w'g, gl,g•'g'•g"'l'.g"gg'.;,++ ig•.i°'g°+ ° 4@ 4• sd;a:n:r: y evening. ,i IGH CLASS •UBED OAt- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, - and family visited over Sunday with fri- ends at Kitchener. and Mrs., P. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Heinen and �,,x�*+�ghter Pearl of Manitoba, are vas- � e , g 1926. Ford Coach like new, upholstering spotless, priced very low 4 Mr-. and . 11Irs. Paul Jeffrey and family of Detroit are spending a few days visiting with the foriner's Mother Mrs. Chris. Ayott. Mr. W. Major of Toronto, •was a week -end visitor with his family? who are spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. Major's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. A. McCormick, Mr. N. Dorsh, Miss Pearl McCormick, and -::Miss L. Dillan of Detroit, were Saturday vis- itors with 1% r. and Mrs• Alex. Fos- ter. - Mr. and Mrs. Quimbe N. Taggart, and Miss Myrtle Raabe, of South fiend, Ind.,, were week -end visitors at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. A, F. Hess and other relatives. ,Miss V. V: -Siebert, Zurich's popu- lar milliner, is moving her stock of ladies wear into part of the house owned by„ W. C. Ca]lfes, and just the building west of .IVIerner's General Store. Miss Siebert Will have very convenient quarters in this building, and 'will be in a position to serve the public in the usual efficient way. The Heist Bakery has now been moved into their new quarters, and are now 'using the now and large bake oven rcently built, with a capac- ity of about four hundred loaves. While the interior of the retail de- partment 'is not quite as yet complet- 'ed, yet there is a vast improvement, and Zurich will soon have good reas- ons to feel proud of its Bakery. t Kelvinator FIRST in the Field FOREMOST To -day NOW 'IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR KEL INATOR..DON'T ' WAIT TILL . 'WARM WEATHER IS OVER, TO 1tEAP THE BEST RESULTS, 1 ELVINA:TOR IS NOT ONLY AN ASSET IN SUMMER; BUUT ALL TPIE YEAR :ROUND. SO ANY 0 WISHING. TO GET PRICES ON DOMES'T'IC OR COMMERCIAL JOBS, COME AND SEE ME. Tire only Refrigerator' that gives a Goxzrse on ;""service in Canada, and every Agent 'is a service matt. Oesch Agent a� 'arouiad here renin • at the' home .fair. and Mrs. S. Jacobe.They came clown from the West by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schluchter, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Schluchter of Cavalier, N. Dak., are visiting a few days at the home of Mrs. G. Hess, and - Miss Anna. 1VIr. and Mrs. Jac. Schwartzentrub- er and son Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Oesch, of the Bronson Line, were week -end visitors with friends at Kit- chener, New Hamburg' and Tavistock. Mr. Theo McAdam's father and step mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Adams and Mrs. Chester McAdams and two children all of London, vis- ited the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams on the Bron son Line. - A rather unique event was enjoyed by Mrs. Mary Stelck of the village on Sunday, when she accompanied Mr. and Mrs. ..Harry Solday and Mrs. Johnston of Hensall on a motor trip to her birthplace at Sebastapole, at Tavistock. It -is 68 years ago since Mrs. Stelck last saw the place of 'her birth, when she was 12 years of age, and she saw the same house, although somewhat remodelled. Mrs. 'Stelck quite well remembers some of the flower plants that are still there, and she plucked a nice bouquet as a souvenir to bring home. It was ind- eed a day's outing not to be forgot- ten for awhile. At Your Own Terrns- 1929 Ford Model A. Coach, new at a bargain Ford Sedan, 4 nearly new tires, paint like new. Our price may Essex 4 -door Sedan, in good condition. Make us an offer: • WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE THE CAR YOU BUY., SEE OUR USED CARS AND COMPARE PRICES AND CONDIT- IONS WITH OTHERS 4• WE DO NOT GUARANTEE SPEEDOMETOR. READINGS • 414 for quick sate; .- 4, $125.e9 0 FRITZ Z & SON AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX CARS. A SIX EN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. ASK FOR A DEMON- STRATION. SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRIM Daters'--Fries St. Mathews Lutheran Church, Kit- chener, was the scene of a pretty Julie wedding on June 13th, when Leona Alberta, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Pries, Gaukel St., was'uanted in Holy Matrimony to Rev Olbert Daters, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daters of Zurich. Rev. . A. Mehlenbacher, a close friend of the groom, officiated, assisted by Rev. J. chneider, pastor of St. iVlatthews Church. The bride who was given a- way, by her father was -attractively - gowned in ivory crepe with veil to match, and carried a bouquet of or- chards baby breath and Maiden hair xern. The bridesmaid, Miss Eila Ritz, wore a'yellow ensemble and carne a bouquet of sweet, peas and maiden lair ton. Mr. 'l'i.d Goss of Gan anopua acted as best man. 1"ollow, nig the ceremony a .reception was held at the bride's home to about 40 guests. Later in the evening, the newly wedded pair left en a motor trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto and Oshawa. On their return Rev, and Mrs. Daters will reside in Detboro' ' where the groom is pastor of the Lutheran church there. Their many Zurich riencls extend congratulations We have opened u Our first shipment of Spring wed Summer Dry Goods WE ALSO CARRY A. FULL LINE OF HARNESS RE?AfRSi,, HARDWARE. SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN AN ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALAI.;Dli tt 1 AMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION COAL OI'.L,,. l STOVES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL IVIEROHANT' PHONE ii' - 97 i L E portammerIQYmenco sgsau enettel1>e.,�eef[p" •