HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-20, Page 3(Dreaded anaemia cart b osis IN middle life, when vitality is not as great as it once was, and the blood stream is naturally thinned and de- vitalized, anaemia easily lays bold on the system. At first, just a tired feeling, it quickly results in bodily weakness that ordinary tonics cannot avail. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills then become a wonderful aid. They supply the necessary oxygen to the blood, increase the blood count and renew waning vigor. "I was seizeGl with arise. mia," writes Mrs. Charles Lambert of Port Rope, Ont., "and was in a very bad state. As a girl I` had taken Dr. ,Williams' Pink Pills for a run -clown condition and de- cided to take _ them , once mere... Again the result was marvellous. In a little while I was fully well again." You cannot begin too early to check anaemia. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are sold at your druggist's or by mail, postpaid, 50 cents, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. t -v S45 sob PER SOX Is@VallietiErie.t IP PM PILLS "A HOUSEHOLD NA,M6 tN $4 COUNTRIES" The gelling .novice, 'after disturbing mach turf, turned for reassurance to his caddy and said; "'I have a brother in Australia who playa this game aw- fully well." "Well, carry on, sir," was the dry re- ply, "You'll soon dig hits up." A man who boasted that he was the captain of his sold is married now €ind, leas been :reduced to the ranks. THEE ONLY GIRL First she's on your thoughts a Idt, She has many charms; Soon she's in your motor car; Tien she's in your arms, Then she's in your family; Oh, a lizekaday! Then, of course, for evermore She is in your way. No country can keep out undesira- bles without the hearty co-operation of the stork. •Bertie—"What's the bell around the cow's neck for?" Charley—"Oh, that's what she rings when she wants to toll the calf that dinner':; ready." Some dresses aren't so bad for the shape they are on. Joe: "I've got an invention that will make me millions!" Brie: "What is it?" Joe: "A liquid which, when applied to a girl's lips makes her kisses taste hire oranges." Boe: "That's not so good; why not a liquid that'll make an orange taste like a woman's kiss?" A. good credit can't stand much abuse. OUR FRUITFUL LANGUAGE A girl shows her raisins when she makes a date with a prune for whom she doesn't care a fig. She may be a peach, but they make a funny pear. She may be the apple of- his eye, but she hands him a lemon, although 'she may have a cherry disposition. It is plum wrong, and if her name is Anna he ought to ban Anna. By this time he would realize that his efforts had been fruitless. Hush money probably talks loudest. Aviation at Exhibition Some people try to learn so much by watching the mistakes of others Another giant stride has been taken that they never .see their own. ..in the Canadian National Exhibition's I program. for Aviation, Transportation'' The station -master rushed out of his and` Commercial Travellers' Day, i room after hearing a crash on the Thursday, September 5th. The dis- tant drone, diving roar and intricate evolutions of fleets of planes will slake a spectacle of the sky above Ex- hibition Park on that occasion. De- traveIIing bag. putt' ter G. J. 7)al De is of the "Wfis he trying to catch the train?' Department of National Defense has the station -master asked a small boy notified the Canadian. National Ex who stood by admiring the scene. hibition that permission has been granted for the Canadian Air Force to "He did catch it," said the boy, "but it go away again." •- operate over the park with a fleet of Avion, Avro, Courier, Fairchild,,,, What part of speech is a kiss? Well, Atlas, rSWi and Moth planes. ' it is L. pronoun provided "she" stands Major Wilson, Controller of Civic for it. , Aviation, will send an inspector from 1 his department to be attached to the 1 Canadian National Exhibition for the! Sunday School Teacher: "And why two weeks period of operation from did Noah take two of each kind of August 23rd'to September 7th, 1 animals into the ark?" Rapid progress is being made in the I Bright Child: "Because he didn't•be- negotiations for an airplane Derby lieve the story about the stork." from Cleveland to Toronto, sponsored jointly by the Canadian National Ex- Nature fishes too, with a bait called diibtion and other local organizations i love on a hook called matrimony, and and the United States national air i what a string of suckers she does race committee. Cleveland will be catch. the rendervous for hundreds of planes during the Exhibition. If present All Hien are born equal. It is their negotiations are brought to a success- own fault if they do not die that way. ful issue the greatest international congress of the air ever seen in 1 The thing that interferes with a America will be one of the attractions woman's career mast is either having at the Exhibition. a husband or wishing she had. platform. He discerned a disheveled young man sprawled out perfectly flat ambng a confusion of overt..rned milk cans and the scattered contents of his • Truth For my own part, I are fully per- suaded that, the most powerful god- dess, and one that rules mankind with the most authoritative sway, is Truth, For though she is resisted by all, and oftentimes has drawn up against her the plausibilities of falsehool In the subtlest forms, are triumphs over all opposition. Polybius. - "Greenwioh time", famed through- i out the world, is determined by the 1 Movement .of a certain star which ar- rives clue south once every twenty - lour hours. Men worry a lot about their hair-- when air—when it's half gone, Angus MacArdie could not be per- suaded to attend the village kirk on any pretest whatever. "How Is it, Angus?" asked the minister ono day. "How is it ye won't come tae church?" Angus made answer that the sermons were far too long to please him." "(M," retorted the minister wrath fully. "You'll probably end up in a place whaur ye'll hear no sermons either long , or short." "Ah, weel, -maybe you're richt," agreed Angus placidly. "But it'll no be for want of meenisters,, ye keii!" •_. • G�,tautrve .. x Zkubtesl due to Mkt ACID :TOt10. N ioei HEART Tai Many people;two hours after eating, You will never use crude methods sutler indigestion as they call it. It Is 'visually excess acid. Correct it with !an alkali. The best way, the quick, '.harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with pbysi- Diana. One spoonful in water neutra- lizes many times Its volume In stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disappear iii• five minutes. when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove olit this . easy relief. Please do 'that—for your own. sake—now. Be sure to get the genuine I']tillips'. Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- clans for 50 years in correcting excess acids. - 3ach bottle contains full direct' tions --any. drugstore. New Wrigley y Presented by the Canadian Wm. Wrigley Company to the Monarch Athletic Club of Toronto, sponsors of the first national marathon running championship was wen 'by Fred Dard of. the Milrose A.A., New York City (left), Centre, is the trophy which stands nearly four feet in height and, right Elwood A. Hughes', Secretary of the Canadian Wrigley Company and Director of Wrigley Marathons. IS THERE A BA 317 mi cow Cancekk N YOUR HOME? Chme : Irnmunity Is there a baby or young children in your home? If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's -Own Tablets. Children ailments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Baby's Own Tab ets are the ideal home remedy. They regulate the ' bowels; -sweeten the stomach; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers—in fact they relieve all the minor ills of little ones. Con- cerning them Mrs. Moise Cabotte, Makamik, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little ones. ;, My baby suffer- ed terribly from indigestion and vomit- ing, but the Tablets soon set her right and now she is in perfect health." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, rockville, Ont. Going Hone Going home? Then you will see again The wonder blue of woods in early 11Ia?; Watch April blow with beauty in the lane, Breathe the shy scent of willow palms asway. The soft enchantment of the cuckoo's note Will break the quiet of the dawn - lit copse; Juno .fields, with saffron buttercups afloat, Will shake from glistening blades the rainbow drops. Lime flowers, mist mornings in Sep- ' tember, • Beech trees and oaks burnt copper, scarlet chrome - And frosted nights—alI these things I remember Beoause you say to me, "I'm going home." —P. M. Halling in, The Australasian. The Colonial Empire London Spectator: We are only at the beginning of developing our vast Colonial Empire. It will give us the opportunity to write 'a fresh chapter of Imperialism, and to write it very differently from the old chapters. The vision is of white men and men of other colours co-operating in mutual respect for the wealth and health of Mankind.- The wealth of the tropics cannot be withheld, for it belongs to humanity; but -when the well-being of the native has been secured as the first charge on and the first duty of the developers, there will be au am- ple share for those, including hien now unemployed, who will help to build and to provide the equipment for these great new countries. Canada's Far North Vancouver Province (incl. Cons.): As for the Arctic's resources, they are scarcely appreciated as. yet. But the great pre -Cambrian shield is there, and that has become known as a treasure house. There is copper on the Coppermine River, and copper Is becoming scarce in the world, while the demand foi it promises to in- °rease. There is Zinc on Great Slave Lake. There is oil on the lower Mac- kenzie, an dpossibly further up. There are fish in the Arctic lakes. There are reindeer pastures that have not yet been exploited. There are furs, of course, and possibly other resources as wel, The Arctic slope is stupe to come into its own sooner or later, and its development will give . Canada a breadth she has lacked from the beginning <..,. ,•.:, Mistakes I don't care to hear about my mis- takes of yesterday, but if you have any inside information on any I might make to -morrow --pass it along. Members of the Confucian Society !n China do not believe in divorce; the wife Is subjeot to her husband's a authority throughout her life. Use Minard's for the rub down" Soviets Take Action Follow-:. ing Raids on Harbin Consulate °Moscow,—The Moscow Embassy of the Chinese Nationalist Government and Nationalist .Consulates throughout the Soviet Union were deprived of normal extra -territorial immunities by the Soviet Government. The action was the result of a ser- ies of alleged provocations which were climaxed by the raid of the Soviet Consulate at Harbin this week and the arrest of more than forty persons, including two Soviet consuls - general. At the same time, the Soviet Gov- ernment warned Nanking to avoid "further. tests of the Soviet Govern- ments' patience by provocative acts and violations of agreements: A note couched in indignant terms was handed the Chinese Charge d'Af- faires here last night by L. M. Kara - khan, assistant foreign commissar. The Way It Works Detroit Free Press: Thugs who en- tered a drinking place in Hamtramck recently commenced their operations by shooting the proprietor without. warning. From their callous stand- point there was no reason why they should' not do that. They place no value on lives except their own lives, and the law in this State is no more severe on robbers who kill than it is on robbers who abstain from killing. The Legislature did its best, but the open season for murder continues. .After eleven years' work, ,during which awards totalling nearly £9,- 000,000 were made, the British' War Compensation Court has just made its final report. Allore cups to the pound, more lawn' in the cup, more tang to the taste. That' t what Makes Red Rose Tea so popular, fgvery pa,el age guarantoe.ai oz bb o 1 RED, ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is'exfra good Riddled old and New What is the difference •between. Noah's Ark" and Joan of Ark? One is made of wood and the other is Maid of Orleans. When is a sheep like ink? When it is put into a pen, What tree is the most important in history? The date tree. When does a caterpillar improve its ways? When It turns over a new leaf. On what two occasions is the fire angry? When it flares up and when it is put out. Why would a woman lose her re- ligion if she changed her sex? Be- cause she would be a he -then. Why is a watch like a river?—Be- cause it never runs long without winding. When is a pudding like a famous school?—Whan it is Eton. Why is a raven like a writing desk? Because there is a B in both. What table do we all have to sit clown to at school? The multiplica- tion table. When has a man four hands? When he doubles his fists. What islands prcluce the best sing- ers? ingers? The canaries, If a forest were ,burnt down what tree would be left? The ash. Victims of . the Market New York World: It is the small and inexperienced traders who are the last to go in and the first to get hurt, and who usually get hurt the hardest. They are victims of whatis sometimes called the "psychological lag." Their bullish enthusiasm comes too late and is poorly directed. Instead of cau- tiously investing they are prone to buy volatile stock on margin and thus play - into the hands of those who know the market better and who can afford to indulge the luxury of a chance. The experience may be worth something to then, but it comes too high. Keep Minard's in the Medicine chest.. The local train was slow and dreary, and the traveller was impatient of the many stops. Finally he stopped the conductor in the aisle and said:. "Good heavens! Can't you go faster than this?" "Och, yes sirr. But ay must stay with the train, sirrr:' Classified Advertisements wort carom Ap 13ABY OH IONS. WG ElATCI.1 "" C. four varieties, price 90 up. Write for free catalogue. A. ti, Switrer, Uranton, Ontario, (1 A.NADIAN WAG AiINE fl) QU111ES ') ipeal agents who are atnbitioue. Generous commission. Lists supplied. 341 Adelaide lit. West, Toronto. According to a wall tablet in Fier - eines, Italy, spectacles were invented in the thirteenth tenting by an in- habitant of this city. "I'm afraid your wife is going to have pneumonia!" "Afraid? Areal you sure, doctor?"—Judge. The cleansing,- healing service of a soap that's meant, .for you Cn i , r . Soap Leith a heritage or 50 years or higheut commendation Sold Everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25r. 50m. • 011 Your Holiday s Be surd to take Minard's along. It will come in useful for any of dozens of emergencies. Plashing Eyes Laughing Eyes DowncastEyes -Eyes tell Your Character Brown eyes for strength—Blue for generosity --Gray eyes for jealousy -Sparkling eyes in- dicate beauty, yes, and good health, too ! Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow —indicating an out -of -sorts condition — due to constipa- tion? If so, you need Try a regular daily course for a short period. td. u eyes will " 4 Vegetable story.tellProduct szs Read about G&aracfar from the Eyes in future $eechasn Adt'ertasrusr:as. Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Limited, Toronto rEatiT,� rtarminA Mowers rl Cat cat with razor -like _heelless -1 ii ASmart.'t-Mo:verwilfkeep' your lawn /rimandn.eab Thor'oughlyre/iab/e,cbsoftj,W I �t goorpnfeed. Atyourhard-, ware dealers. .-•a JAM OSOSMAe TNPLANTO. CA _ .., a ,, e., . .. Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. )3ut you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do —what most physicians would tell you to do—give a few drops of plain Cas - toile. No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief is just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your child without use of a single doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable, So it's safe to. use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the crueler pangs of collo, or constipation, or diar- rhea; effective, too, for older children. Twenty-five million bottles were bought last year. CASTORIA,. Ilithcithe Yoii !dist Do Yotir Bit in the war against the fly, carder: of germs and breeder of disease. +•W,.r,w.w4Nnw•.awi!•y. ....»«,r,di5,tw., ,1. it Is proven that AEROXON is one of the most convenient end most 'efficient means of combating this fly evil. It, is convenient, because ' 'of the push.pin. !e i4 hygienic: { flies never get away when once caught. Each spiral gives three 1weelta' perfect service., - BEWARE OF IMITA'riONS NNW` drug, grocery and hardware stares. k.La CieC. 0. Genesi &ails, Lilaitie seresseese. qua iii y, sora aornrs, e Weir:hitter for Orithnid NEWTON A. I- ILL 86 1' out St. E., "roroiite "I think Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful! I have had sin children of which four are living and my youngest is a bon- nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have takers. your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. I urge . tngv friends to take it as I am sure they will receive the same help I did." Mrs. Mitten McMullen, Vanessa, Ontario. dlf E,• Pinkhain,s Ve tab1.:Compound L-rd;a:l. PJdkhsls•- Med. 66., tr.'s'''. Mate U. ' 5:. :4 - 'and•0a6eutp. Ogiatin. Bsdada ISSUE No. 24—'29