Zurich Herald, 1929-06-13, Page 714
WOMEN of all' )seri
Tv all over the world,
are finding new health in
Dr. Williams' Pink Piils.
A c to a I microscopic
tests have Shown that the
medicinal elements con-
tained hi thein increase
the blood count aid build
up and revitalize the en-
tire system. Miss Juliette
Seguin, of Dalkeith, Ont.,:
testifies as follows :--
"Two years ago I became
weak, nervous and run-down.
Various prescribed treat-
ments did not help me. I
began taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and it was not long
before I noticed a big im-
provement; and soon I was
in the best of health. A year
ago also my mother was
badly- run-down; her nerves
were shattered and life be -
carpe a burden. She began
taking the pills and as a re-
sult she is in perfect health."
Buy Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills now et your druggist's
or any dealer in medicine or
by mail, 50 cents, postpaid,
from The Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Task is India
Manchester Guardian (Lib.) : Enough
has been said about the difference of
caste, creed, language and race exist-
ing in these territories, but we are
apt to think too little of other funda-
mental difficulties which have to be
taken into consideration by states-
men who would construct a palitical
system suitable to. India's need. These
The Figs at Weaning Time I MAIZE HER. BAB' Du
Hog raisers who make it A rule to ff
I3 'la1zei' Pickthall
c I is ll
y -tk a.
remove the litters at, foul" or five weeks
of age can have no Corl'eotidea of the
extent of the mistake they make,
Unless .one has new milk and is very
skilful in feeding the young pigs they
'!'herr T 'iti t} little lad
'4!ith folly on any lips,
Pain was I for jat%r'neying
All the sea in ships.
Nptbing makes a mother moa$ But •nq�v across$U1p soutiaerxl;ativell
are bound :to be given .g "setback" grateful "fila)! a benoi t conlerh`ed.aipon ,
her .child. Mothers everyw1rn1e 'wUo 1 very clMaln 1 hoar
that is ,quite unnecessary end which have Used Baby's Own Tabiets ,far; .Che littie atreanrs rof Duna
requires'a lot of thee'itncl much feed h'unrung ble;lr,
to make up during the following their children .speak in ,eethusiesti4 i i. ren •I was a yawns man,
weeks. M1', Eric 1). McGreer, Sheep teran of their. Per instance. Mrs. Eefoxe !ray beard was gray,.
and Swine Fromoter of the Dominion Zop rin Baby's ''.1'111." T nets aiOilea Befo slrY and gill'
in V Kingston,e Stock Branch,
in laddressing headquarters
speoiai wonderful medicine for little ones, I ',gays my eheart .away,
bog breeders' meetings hi Eastern On- They never fail to•zegulate the baby's But T. Iha ivI any et fire se?l-wind,
tario, recommeocled keeping the lit- stomach and bowels and' IPake hila Antl lila iietrry of the fotlnh, ry•
ters on their mothers for at least six
weeks when two litters a year aro be -
plump and well: Iaiways keep .a box . nu tiro Irttle Stars of 1?una
of the Tabletsin the house andwould 'Cali use horr,e.
big raised, or eight weeks, when the
advise all nhotilei's. to' do likewise."
litters are to come at periods . Wider 11Mest of the crdinary.ailnleuts ot.'ehild- `
apart. hood arise in the stomach and 1).0Weis,
To prepare the young pigs for wean- and can be quickly banished by Baby's
ing a good plan is to feed a mixture of Own Tablets.'' These Tablets relieve
equal parts of middlings and finely constipation and indigestion, break up
ground oats .with the bulls sifted out, colds and simple fevers, expel worms,
It is well to start feeding the mixture allay ,teething pains and promote
dry a handful or so at a time. Skim healthful sleep. They are guaranteed
milk should be given in a separate to be free from injurious drugs and
trough. This should be given sweet are .safe even for the youngest ,and
and not too cold during the first few most delicate child. The Tablets are
weeks. Afterwards it may be fed sold by medicine dealers or ,by mail
slightly sour, but it is` a mistake to at 25c a box from The Dr. William's
feed sweet one day and sour the Medicine Co., Brockvilte, Ont.
next as this is apt to bring : about
digestive troubles. After the pigs
have been removed entirely from their
mothers the daily ration for the next
two or three months may well' eon "Hoiv 'sweet and gracious, even in
sist of a mixture of 1 part of sifted common speech,
crushed oats, 1 part shorts, 1 part Is that fine sense which. men,
middlings, and 5 per cent. linseed oil Courtesy!
meal—all soaked for 24 hours in skim Wholesome as air and genial as
milk. Another mixture may consist light!
of equal parts of middlings and sifted Welcome, in every clime as breath of
crushed oats supplemented with 5 per - flowers,
cent. linseed oil meal; all mixed with
Owl L46
A Girl. Worth Knowing
these' days of •conventioxt it's like
a breeze from the ocean or the moun-
tains to meet a girl wbo disdains the
powder -puff and lipstick; and whose
hand grasps a pistol or a sword numb
more readily than .t golf club or ten-
nis racket.
Such a girl Is Tiger •Dawn, the
fascinating heroine of Selwyn Jep-
son's latest novel.. Beautiful in face
and form, she disdains to use her
Ioveliness as a weapon, fighting for
her eight to a fortune with the valour
of an adventurer of cld.
"Tiger Dawn" is a book to read on
holiday; It is full of that .speedly
movement and thrilling Plot which
every novel -reader likes. The char-
call acters live and love. So don't miss
"Tiger Dawn," or you'll miss a good
the thing,
A Complacent Victim
Leo Maxie in the National Review
skim milk. If skim milli is not avail-
able digester tankage, which can be
purchased at feed stores,may be sub-
stituted at the rate of 6 per cent. to
8 per cent. of the meal ration.
It is a good plan with pen fed pigs
to scatter a little dry grain, oats or
cracked corn in the litter.
—Issued by the Director of Publicity,
Dom: Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa,
"Listen," remarked the exasperated
driver over his shoulder, "Lindbergh
got to Paris without any advice from
the back seat."
Germany took only a few hours to
invade, but is taking many years in
evading.—Atlanta Constitution.
When the cold is in Baby's head,
you can make his breathing easier by
putting a few drops of liquid albolene
in his nostrils several times daily. But.
to throw off the cold completely, keep
are the difficulties which arise from him warm, and make his bowels move
the vastness of the country's popula- freely. For this purpose, doctors ad-
lation, combined with its poverty and vise Fletcher's Castoria, because it's
Ignorance, all three connected in a purely vegetable and harmless. It
vicious circle. The sums required to acts as quickly •as castor oil and
enable the next generation in India doesn't gripe or sicken. Millions of
barely to reach the standard of liter-
acy are big enough to appal the finan-
ciers of New York. Yet India's credit
depends ultimately on the productivity
of her workers, and that productivity
cannot be increased till they have re-
ceived an education good enough to
give them a new outlook on life.
mothers know how easily Castoria
soothes crying, fretful babies and chil-
dren to sleep; how quickly it relieves
those common ailments, such as colic,
gas, constipation, diarrhea, etc. To
protect you from imitations, the
Pletcher signature is on every bottle
of genuine Castoria.
�.I �c�,yrs":r"-A4:, �,, s7•re''rR•9°%:'.wi .7'M k'r'�`�; s. r ..,'.;F1x�`1.r'bJ �?-`7-+tl; �=".f"�we-`•�i',- •c‘..(4WAI
%elk, eyWyta •
You Must Enlist in the War Against Flies
11 !lies were only a nuisance, we would'nt ask -you
so urgentlyto join in the fight against them.
But flies are disease carriers. They carry germs of
typhoid, cholera, etc., into your food.
This is a, danger not • only for you but for the
whole community. -
You must act or be branded as a slacker..
Now, it is proven that one of the most efficient and
convenient means of exterminating the fly evil is
Convenient .`►because bf the push -pin.
Hygienic r, ,once caught, the flies never get away to die
.„ ,w. , elsewhere.
,Lasting r Each, spiral give three weeks' perfect service.
Sold at drug, grocery and hardware stores.
f... La Cie C. O. Genest & Fils',Ai
t Limitee .�a'
alifirt /0
0 111 this 511T;j II 11,
il 1 '
NEWTON A. HILL, Distributor for Ontario
ss front St. E., Toronto
It transmutes aliens into trusting
friends (London) : All political parties have
And gives its owner passport 'round done extremely badly by the British
the globe." taxpayer, who, as we have frequently
had occasion to point out, is "let
"How do you get • rid of these , down" over every international cash
cooties?" (transaction, because while everybody
"That's easy. Take a bath in sand is out to "do" him; he has no one to
and rub down with alcohol. The !champion his interests except "Inter -
cooties get drunk and kill each other nationalists," ho are too "broad -
throwing rocks."i d d" to adopt a "selfish" British
m rh e
standpoint, or sentimentalists, who i
No matter what's the matter, fish- : conceive their whole duty as consist-
ing's good for it. ling in getting some other Power "on
its legs" regardless of the fact that its
Clothes don't make a man, but his main object is to knock us off ours.
wife's have been known to break him
When postage stamps are sticky it
will rain within twenty-four hours, re-
gardless' of what the weather man
"My sister is awfully lucky," said
the little boy to another.
"She went to a party last night
where they played a game in which
the men either had to kiss a girl or
pay a forfeit of a box of chocolates."
"Well, how was your sister lucky?"
"She came home with 18 boxes of
By the way do you remember the
names of the winners in the channel
swimming stunts. We thought so,
but such is fame.
Nobody can build a fire to suit any-
body else.
Why Some Men rail
Too much talk;
Not enough walk.
Too much sigh;
Not enough try.
Too much: bask;
Not enough ask.
Too much blow;
Not enough go.
Too much blink;
Not enough think.
Too much mope;
Not enough hope.
Too much shirk;
Not enough work.
The result is,
You miss the biz.
•' olvoncler°Sntari Hower/ arm
so popular! They cud so easily'
and wirth such li 1e"pusie".
Warta/ owe/ 'Won&maAsh ip Ouarande4
litiending Red Rose Tea is an c irk, To obtain the .no
T r
flavor and full-bodied llOdied.:�zchnes� resll�ll'�d years �� �x�erz-
,erica, Every, package guar aliteedf 45;
RED ROSE ORANGE P 'KO is cit a good
Still, maybe your wife would he as
wonderful as that one in the movie
if she had a husband as wonderful as
that one in the movie. "Newark
Keep Minard's in the Medicine chest.
Furniture dug un at Herculaneum
has been found In perfect condition.
Evidently there was •no moving in
those days. --"American Lumberman."
Strange! Day Breaks but never
falls, while night falls but never
breaks,—'Glasgow Eastern 'Standard.'
saturates every fibre and
every strand of every
cord with pure rubber,
serves the same purpose
as that of a cobbler wax-
ing his thread .
prevents friction' and
multiplies strength. ,
This extra strength mul-
tiplies mileage, and in-
creased mileage with no
increase in price means
lower cost per mile.
That's why Firestone
Tires give
Made in Hamilton, Canada by
Firestone Tire & Rubber
Co. of Canada, Limited
Classified Advertisements
Busi EssEs x nl y'?Ftor-ZETZEs
properties 'wanted. We can se:
your,business or property; send doscrip-'
tion and Price, and we will submit plan
for converting it into cash. Caplin
Toronto Arcade1'TorontoiOnt'years), 49
1 tour varieties. price Se up.
Write for free catalogue. A. IL Switzer;
Granton, Ontario,
NJ Meal agents who are ambitious:
Generous commissipn. Lists suPpued•
347 Adelaide St. West, Toronto,
The delight of opening a new pur-
ursuit, or a new course of reading, im+
parts the vivacity and novelty of
youth, even to old age.—Isaac D'Israeli,
To keep a young man at a distance
—marry him. -
Edge -Holding Saws
Fast Eesy-Cutfing
ND•' a
Guaranteed becausemade
from our own steel
T enllig and I -all
Players eversnhere use Min-
ard's to ease sore and tired
Tommy: "What do you call a wom-
an who has lost her husband, daddy?"
Daddy: "Very careless, I should
A boy who doesn't want to eat
things that make him sick is sick.
"You've seen them feed camphor to
the elephants in the zoo, haven't
"Why do they do that?"
"Ori, just to keep the moths out of
their trunkb "
Preaching politics and 'practicing
religion simply can't be done by the
same preacher.
court the other day, we listened
to a smart witness. The prosecuting
attorney had encountered a rather dif-
iicult witness. At length, exasperated
by the man's evasive answers, he
asked him whether the was acquainted
with any of the jury. .•
• "Yes, sir," replied the witness;
"more than half of thein."
"Are yal willing to swear that you
know more than half of them?" de-
manded the lay.
The other thought quickly.
"If it comes to that," he replied, "I
am willing to swear that I know more
than all. of 'em put together."
In clays of old, men became great
by using their "heads; now most men
prefer to hire press agents.
Home without a mother is little,
more than a vacant house.
ou can't know too much about
Your business.
tise Minard's for the rub down.
( Call it Gayelert )
More Detail
Rai or Shine
co it
Produces Clear Sparkling
• Negatives
Any Hour
Any Day
Any Season
Still or swift -moving
Insist on Gevaert—the faster,
better filar: You'll have fewer
failures and enjoy the thrill
of better snaps.
Ask your Dealer.
-- The
OP Al4ii2R1CA
ISSUE No. 23—'2
� {te,.r Just place a
""e glass or cup
over the open -
sed tin and the contents
will keep perfectly. Eagle
Brand has been the leading
baby food since 1857.
Write The Borden Co,, Limited,
Montreal, Dept. n 46, for Baby
Welfare Books.
Woman Strengthened by
Taking Lydia E.
Pinkhai n's Vegetable. -
Port Colborne, Ont.—"After having -
an operation, 1 was very miserable •
MIMS weak, nervous and
ery near unfit to
ork. I saw Lydia
E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound
advertised and,
ried it and believe w,
it helped me won
derfully. ): have no
weak spells any,
more, the pains
have left me and',
naynerves are muCht
better. 1 feel safe
in saying Lydia E. Pinkham's meds
cines have helped me wonderfully."— „
Mi s. WM. H. BEECHTELLER, Box 143,1 a+ -
Port Colborne, Ont.,
osf m Giyk,�
For Trouubles
due to Acid
henr:.,• s
What many people call indigestion1
vary often means excess acid in the
stomach, The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours.
The corrective is an alkali which
neutralizes acids instantly. And the
best alkali known to medical science
is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has
remained the standard with physicians
in the to years since its invention.
One spoonful of this harmless, taste.
less alkali in water will neutralize 1t0
stantly many times as much acid, a
the syinptoMs disappear at once. Yo
will never use crude methods whew
once you learn the efficiency of thid4
Go get a small bottle to try.
Be sure to get the genuine P111113paa
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pllys«
pians for 60 years in correcting excel ,
acids. Fadi •bottle contains toll hired,
tions ---any drugstore.