HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-13, Page 5«rsdi y; Tu + ; Z 41 X.1 cif; N E CAP . DUDLEY E.1E1 TES yOSTER, S0L1C1TOR, NOM IARY PUBLIC, we, toner —Hamilton Street, ,Pastotit ?l:ir• Square, GODERIC'H, Ontario. ial attention to Corneal and Court Workl. r. Holmes may be cone crd at tl ederich . by Phone, and Ph charges reversed. leis.... Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D Sr. , DENTAL SURGEON d►tr DEITZ BLOilli---Z13tI'H Every Thursday, Friday, Satuad,ay At HARTLEIB'S BLOOL DASHW OOD Every Iilonde.Y„ Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR Ki OPP er•.aduate Carey M. ones Nat ;ectal School of Axletieneering. Try SIM for Registered Live Stock, P ;;913t Breeds). Term In in Choice ..th prevailing prices. Fps for sale. Will sell anything AssywIsere. Zurich:Ghon a lb -93 or write. licensed Auctioneer 001 HURON & MIDDLESES AEC IN A POSITION TO CON matt any auction Wen regardless vas •to Mae or article tto, WI I gpUisit your business, and 'Et hot hived will mak* xo char,Is4 for Arthur Weber - Dashwood., e 13-57 • Goodyear ires, Tubes New MobjlOiI IJ.S.L Batteries tVT Toil (Worsts, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COMM FOR SALE A limited quantity of seed beans for sale. Apply to Sol, Gingericlt, AUCTION SALE mall REAL ESTATE AND FIRE- WOOD At ZURICH On FRIDAY, JUNE Zlst, 1929 Caramel -Icing at 2.00 o'clock. Property consists of seven acres, .part of lot 21, icon. 10, Township of Hay, •County of Huron. Comfort brick house on premises, also a frame barn. ald quantity of short hard wood. TERMS:—Wood, cash. Real est- ateI0% onday of sale, „balance in '.30 days: Possession immediately. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Alfred Pfaff, Administrator. AUCTION SALE O.f 110l3.SEHOLD EFFECTS At ZURICH On SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd, At 1.30 o'clock. KiLetzen stove, leaf table, a few small tables, couch, meat saw, mirror, pictures with frames, bedstead, Mat- tress, ,springs, number of kitchen chair., some carpets, quantity of grain number commode, num bags, night m �: , g of cocks, big iron pot, fruit jars, quilt frames, knives and forks, bread pans, good lawu mower, curtain poles, number of dishes, lamp, pine boards, coffee grinder, and numer- ous other articles. TERMS CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. W311. S. Johnston, Clerk. Miss Ida Brill, Proprietoress. WANTED We are in the market for a limited amount a;f goon potatoes, act nick. L. Seklilbe +& Son, Zurich II S. WEIN, - Prop vhAsirtvooD Mo'r R 9lRVICII 4 •00,00•••••••••••M••••• rurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING VHA' WE HAVE PURCHASED OVI THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT Ifs DEICHERT, THIS WELL EST'AB 'LIMED MEAT BUSINESS, .AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE H. Yungblut & Sou' COAL 1929 AnnouTl cernent FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed 'in_ 00 pound bags at 4 ria c, per pound. Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalbffleiseh, Zurich. 1 BABY CHICKS Hatched, in the Huron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatching trays before it mixes with the eggs by patent process. Barred Rocks and 'White Leghorns Order early. No deposit required. Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five hnpi, tred ego's. Phone 97r4, Hen- sall. J. E. McKinley. tf-32 n ,RllyiC,a PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR. ;Banton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF lite Cts. Per Ton will be allrAvea for cash. (uches Eerily as prices rill whence en June 15tliv Casa & Son APIs** 36 HENSALL. L I V U LT R Y WANTED lirmik ae Awry Art OK rrtdoc ,p. 10* :acat teed 'fowl mama ancomtus wine bsouLbt I. *best Cask Prices -CASE FOR--. 'lissom and Eggs W. O'Brien tiMemme 400.110e The Imperial Life Assurance Co, of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wu girth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-11 eaararates and Accident Insurance Oldest *ad Stassarsit Co. ha Cenadh Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. • Sorry to report that l4Irs. Harry Yungblut is not enjoying her usual good health. Mrs, Thos. Johnston and daughter Susie, are visiting fgriends in Kit- chener. • Miss Isabel Manson, R. N., . of De troit, is spending a few weess al the home of her father, Mr. JAhn A, Manson, Goshen Line, north. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, north._ G. Thiel, Miss Flossie Weber, airs. Eg Heideman and son Carl, motored to Guelph on Sunday. Mr. Frank Uttley and, C. Eilben are greatlly improving the appearance of the former Commercial hotel with a fresh coat of paint. Messrs Herb Mousseau and Jacob Haberer were up to Stokes Bay on a fishing trip the past week, and re- port fishing as fairly good. and Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier are and this week attending a• Convention at are Sebringville, in the interest of thew; AI.fa Mrs. .Lydia Pfile and daughter Pearl were Sunday visitors with fri- ends at 'liensall. Mr, and Mrss Hilton Trimmer and family, Mr. Ervin Schade, and yliss Susie Jacobe were week -end .visitors with friends at Milverton. Sunday, June 16th, is spoken of as the day which will be set apart for 'eneral thanksgiving for the restor- ation to health of King George. Mr, Gid. Koehler is away to Oshawa to bring back a new Pontiac auto He recently sold two of these popular casr to J. Gascho & Son, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, and Mae accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Truemner of the 14th con., were we- ek -end visitors with friends at Mil- verton. ,,,,, ec4itxi Tr tlle`wud: up tains to meet a girl who disdains th le, powder -puff and lipstick, and whos to hand grasps a pistol of a sword mac ed more readily than s golf club or to nis rachet, Such a girl is Tiger Dawn, t fascinating heroine of Selwyn Je son's latest novel. . Beautiful in fa pphrr inv • ; Irnplements Farm WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR. FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OE MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL' • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS, PIPING AND FITTINGS, • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. • LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL v We have the Agency for this District. ~ "" i • GARAGE SUPPLIES • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND • CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO • • PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME • • DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. • BUILDING BATTERIES • YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases. • Evangelical church. m's and form, she disdains to use 11 Mrs. Minnie Fritz and daughters loveliness as a weapon, •fighting f Veda and Marjorie of London were' her right to a fortune with the va1,+"� Sunday visitors at the home of Priv. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Mrs. Elizabeth Faust, Miss Mary England, Jr: and Mrs. John England of Thedford, were last week 'visitors at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. John England of the village. " 1dr. John. Kipper and sister, Mrs. R. Fulton, of Biggar, Sask., ere vis- iting friends here for a few.'weeks, they also attended the :runeral of their father, the late Lenopper. 1\4r. Ev. Haist is :making *fine pro= gress in renovating his business block; as the interior is being lined with Gyprock wall board,, and partitions put in, and really one would not think it was the same place. • ' The other day a fine deer was not- iced feeding in the t olds along the lloundar read buiweeat Hay. and Stanley, north of 2uricll. A local sportsman states that the deer are be- ing driven out of the north country by wolves,. On Monday last Magistrate Reid, of Goderich, held police court in the Zurich Town Hall, when a case of considerable importance was due for consideration. Two automobile accid- ent cases were on the docket. The Restenheyer-Miller case was settled between the parties. No decision was given in the Foster-Regier case. Messrs. C. Fritz & Son, our pop- ular auto dealers made the following sales during the past week: Mr. Sam McBride, of Stanley, a new Super ix, Essex- sedan; Peter Schwalm of the Blind Line a Ford sedan; M. J. Mollard of Mt.• Carmel„'.a” coupe,• Mr. John Etue, Stanley, Essex seaan; Mr. Chris Erb, of the Bronson, Hay, a 1?ord coach; and Mr. Herb Neeb a Louring model. Mr. Albert G. Hess has installed the new ,model Frigidaire, so:d and installed by Harry G. Hess. T h; - world's standard of value in electric refrigeration is found in this new low priced model. Sixteen years of re- search and experience has given this model every exclusive, time tested feeture. Over three-quarters of a million Frigidaires in use to -day, more then all other electric refriger- ators combined. • And is a product of General Motors Corporation. See the new`nlodel at Hess Radio and Electric.—Adv. Phe `�veat'll'grAiairrseeinsdtt 'nuti . t ' • dish up the kind of weather we would • like to see. A few weeks ago it was so wet that we thoughgtg • gthat we would not require any .rain all sum- mer, but a sew weeks without rain makes avast difference, and now we would' n welto 1e a nice little shower to soften up the hard baked land. But regardless of the draugth, there is splendid growth, and probably the Providence knows all things best. The streets of Zurich have on Mon- day received their dust, prevention treatment. This year it is an applic- ation of Calcium Chloride, which comes in the form of a salt, and is put on the roads with a lime sewing machine. This kind of treatment is not entirely new in Zurich, as it was used a few years ago, and gave good results. It is odorless, and per- haps does not quite so much ,adhere to things it comes in contact with is the usual road oil, anti besides the people aveld, the disagreeable odor that usually goes with the road oil. What is known as the Zurich Road through town,has however not been treated as yet, as this portion of' road is being maintained by the co- unty, and will likely receive a teeai ment of road oil in due time. r TENDERS WANTED The Council of the Township of Hay will receive tenders up to ?.30 o'clock, p.m. of June 15th, 1929,.for delivering crushed stone and lake gravel on Township Roads. Tenderers to tender per yard mile. All tenders must be in hands of Township Clerk on or before time mentioned hereinbefore. A. F. Hess, Zurich, Ont. Township Clerk, Hay. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 10. a. in: .German Service. 11.'.5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Monday—S. S. Teacher's Meeting. JA N N O ld N 1C I N G NEW DOMINION ROYAL CORD A +lia•e hunt to stand the strains of 19211 stnetor- lag --sudden braking, quick pick -to, higher sp Itr� $aper -strong carcass combines mew enit• raeertog principles, new construction. Slate -midis are strongly buttressed to resist r1 lowiporintlim...s ads curb smear,e. b6v '::'6 a lois mo, Ittreailthicker, with deep -tut blocks to give •rsr eon -skid mileage. ;v., The New Royal Cord is the tire tuq tallot Will r t• *et the heat froth year car. OOMINIONTRE DEPOT ...., ,; , do MusuNaelsm 'Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT Dewdrops It is easier to he enthusiastic than to be patient. [t is just as costly to be miserly as to be a spendthrift. It is easier to overcome the first evil tendancy than to practice it °for a'season and then uproot it. .It is easier to pray loud and long than' to be a powerful, Christlike in- fluence and example in the cause of 'righteousness. It is easier and more certain that you will echieve a single 'lofty pur- pose on which you earnestly concen- trate, than that you join a thing that is only vaguely and carelessly desired. It takes little effort to follow the crowd that goes the wrong way but it takes redblooded courage to stand alone and succeed. Some people are so busy improving others that they forget improving themselves. The sure way to miss success is to miss,' opportunity and responsibility. Wasting time is squandering some- thing that isn't yours. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. -•Jr. League. Thursday 7.S0 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.39 p.m.—Senior League Friday S,3** p.m.--QCbotr Practice QUflAA,.a ;f #1).m:..Ay SERVICES - �n Worship 10 A. M; Wonder Wonder of the 'atherts Love. 11 a.m.-4304n Sei►nol, Gaeeltq, Superintendent, Wrehipt 7.30 P. M. Subject --Ruin and Redemption, alit, irt. beseWro 11.641 ii L. A. Prang • - Zurich • ••• • •• • s a..i••••••$•4L44,0+Yaim b .444)•41,e..4,44 Pd•4A84?4,4440.404.4. ➢••1110� ++++++4.44++++++++++++++++0 .,..,,.;- int -e• e* 4^++++•F3 -i +++0 +I• The Winter Season • IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY Fe C. J±ILEISC a PHONE 69 f1 11 MB 111 ZURICH I 1 +?E! +L.4t+ii^icE._+i4.4+4+ •+ ++i•444.++*+4+d*44++ F44MR**'>E 4!:F. n4. -- samems•i4.esecee8e•aye•••°itsseam emeeseeze4 gemesoos3m4! • 0 iA • • • • • • • • S • AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT MECNANICAL . SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS.... WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE WHITE STAR AND STAROLINE GASOLINE Arrnouneement We have opened up a Garage IN THE STAND FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Mr. LENNiS O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL BARNS • • Oils Greases Tires FAIRBAIRN & HUDSON ZURICH s, DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phone 149 ••••s••a••••••o sr••••*•••••••••••••••• •••••0064•00 miwiwAmmimmimiwvaiwwwwwinui ZUtICh Drug Store Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations School Supplies of all kinds Diamond. Dyeaand Puttxa'rr1ia Fsdela$s Dyes KODAKS AND FILI1VICS 4 1 I 1Dr A. J. MacKinnon, Z