HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-13, Page 1Vol. XXLX No ERAL ZURICH THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13 1929. ChbsterL. Smith, Publiarg** 1.25 a year, 1,/,3. $1.50 in Advanall, 411.50 L BCBZ Advertising is the big medium between Buyer and Seller. Try an Ad. 14••••••••&40•444.440444.4..44.44 • 4,4*****40.40.414~4,0aturri ARG IS BARGAINS Received a shipment of waterproof 4 Robes which I am. retailing far be- I low Catalogue prices get your's at Special Price $12.50 large size 4 4 1 FRED THIEL - ZURICH 44.••••••••••••••404144.•••**4‘ • • 011 •••••••••••••••••easeeseseas••••••••••••••••••••••• • 0 : 1 ECet nifcr• ,. i• 2 • • ansific methods sioarrocolt* Foos 7' 1`) I 5 ..lii Exposisitto of slits sterassa se -S - Troubles will b. hest cat cur *tore , , / S---, t N • ' r age Expert' Aram gibranZet Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon motored to London on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener, cal- led on Zurich friends on Monday. Mr. Garnet Walper of Detroit, vis- ited with his parents over Sunday. Do cotton to,takoratEussorvelfailiia opportunity if youloore foottreulle of any Ho& On the above dissease Ain have at our store ets, Export from the staff of the 4Rwidirmat a:voted Orthopedic epecialier—Wou ISLSoholiVILU., lime=cr:16-eseitta4fins3yettryour eteckinged feet endela xpirs any are instep/1y' eslievet ara LiTeause removed. by theneweetinaprovedDr.SditeRFeetCoenfortApph- armee and Rcinedic.' Aredterseis wade for-dne valcabIs aervikao. TIRED ACH1NM PraM Ir.SekarlYer new &Team* Atela Supports watitotat tgosk achiutt feet4,wean tur failket ettelesowelaredeaseentiretamen. ate. 14111. anal easanutiro. Vora t max age. LUZ lee inatientrein, GOWNS Dr. Sahara Zika-pczas firs Commend pain in one agn- ate; /HtellOVV feka0.2 anal Fraseuma, totarat•K oak, orneirkakedistoscles, • 1 • 2 At Zurich,Tues. June 181 REPAREMENG NEATLY DONE oioosmoaoaaegoeeoeoseeeoeioeoimwmia000eeeesaes4WDIDGBWB""PLAY ee • Brewsis Bad Shop ••• 4.4 •4 • *0440 • ••••• •••• • ••• 4. • •••••••••••••••4444.•1. Ne TO e 4 4 4 4 4. Reeve L. H. Rader of. Hay Town- ship, attended the June session of Huron County Council at Goderich during the past week. Mr. Milton Hey, and lady friend of Detroit, were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. A very fine and appropriate event was celebrated at St. Boniface R. C. church on Sunday afternoon, when The Holy Name Society of that church held a grand Rally. Visitors and friends were present by the hun- dreds, and a very suitable programme was carried out. Our worthy Police Trustees have been called upon to make some pro- vision for power to run the pump at the artisian well for the supply tank, as the old gas engine, who has serv- ed for about fifteen years, has finally given out, suffering among other de- fects, a broken crankshaft, and will be replaced with a three horsepower electric motor, and will be installed as soon as possible, this should prove a much more efficient power for this kind of work. Horseshoe Contest A very unique event took place re- cently in Zurich, when Philip Fassold Blacksmith of Dashwood, and Mr. Sam Hey, Blacksmith, of Blake, stood high champions and bell corners. Their marvelous reccii^tr4vas seven games straight in this hotshoe contest at the home of Mr. John Hey Sr, the occasion being Mr. Hey Sr's birthday. Mr. Wm. Hey made the best showing against the champions, ,and might have won lAroviding his partner would have dnne better, namely Mr. John Hey J., who fell down very badly just when needed the most. The boys however had a real time of it, and losers as well as winners enjoyed themselves to the very best. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff of Sarnia, spent the week -end with friends. Mrs. Wm. Stade is spending a few days with her sister in St. Thomas. Mr. Solomon Betchen ofLondon, spent the week -end with relatives in town. Mrs. D. Tieman is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Schaefer of Detroit, is visit- ing her sister Mrs. Gill. Mrs. Sellery of Seaforth is spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wolfe. Czar Steinhagen of spent Sunday 'with his and Mrs. C. Steinhagen. Mrs. Gill visited her sister, Mrs. Heideman in Exeter on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tiernan and Mrs. Ireland sp- ent Monday in Stratford. On Tuesday, June 18th, the Ev- angelical Lutheran Sunday School will hold their annual picnic on the church grounds. Sports in the after- noon and supper served from 5 o'- clock to 7.00. The Dashwood Band in attendance. Everybody welcome. Ailsa Craig, parents Mr. t Kelvinator FIRST in the Field • • 0 4 4, .. .0, . .. .* ''. The Busiaritt took ifl mnhich we have served yea tior the past afour YEARS, BEINC,:SEMIEg, 7.1140E3SOMEO 01RSTOCK i4,2VD3:13N-, TENTS INTO ,BIETX'AX.f.1EICS MOCK "XR31' 4,4 '1'0‘ SERVE 'OU r:Xlit INIEE .111.Fa" 17 IMF (OUR ARTLYrE MitX, SOL, lar 'cora* carMausam m„sgratimgatsuas 'XI% VASE, .1 4 ; .9,4* tea• (il&Segeta two 4 ENSSIV gri m rt4 geo 44I9 foot•Ottiottowo 4**04•4444.••••••••••444,vo coo* ' FOREMOST To -day NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR KELVINATOR. DON'T WAIT TILL THE WARM WEATHER IS OVER, TO REAP THE BEST RESULTS. KELVINATOI?, IS NOT ONLY AN ASSET IN SUMMER, BUT ALL THE YEAR ROUND. SO ANY ONE WISHING TO Gir PRICES ON DOMESTIC OR COMMERCIAL JOBS, COWIE AND SEE ME. The only Refrigerator that gives a Course on Service in Canada, and every Agent is a service man. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch, and Mrs. H. H. Cowen were visitors to London on. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mousseau of McGreggor, Ont., called on friends in this vicinity the past week. Miss Dorothy Brenner left for Kitchener after spending a few weeks with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener visited at the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnson. A. goodly number from the village attended the baseball match at Ex- eter last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, was :a Sunday visitor with her sister Mrs. C. Fritz. - Mr. John Ehlers is spending a few days at Goderich, where he has been sumned as juror. Mr. and Mrs. G. 'lodging and sons of :Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fostet on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ohler of Goder- ich, Mr, B. Bracevill of Toronto, were week -end visitors at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. J. England. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein and faxnily of Detroit, visited at the home of the former's parents, Mt. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peachey and little babe of Belville, Penn., are vis- iting at Mrs. Peachey's parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. Schrag. Mr. Lorne Dreier of Kincardine, end Mrs. Art. Lowe and family of 'Waterloo, were Sunday visitor at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Howalld and family of Owen Sound, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald. We are indeed pleased to see Mr, John Fuss, who underwent a serious operation at London Hospital some time ago, able to take a.waik down town and chat with his friends again. Miss Helen Foster spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster. Miss Foster has a fine stenographic position at the Detroit Creamery Co., Main Office, Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Callfas, and daughter Miss Elda, who have been for some months at London, have returned to their home in town and will likely remain here for the sum- mer at least. and Mrs. Lorne Koch of St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin of Kitchener and Miss Ruth Brenner of Elmira, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bren- ner. Popular Stanley Wedding. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dowson, Goshen Line, Stan- ley, on Saturday morning,June 8th,' when their daughter Miss Veva Marie was united in marriage to Mr. Leon- ard E. Talbot, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, Stanley. Rev. J. Pen- rose of Varna officiating. The wed- ding march was played by Miss Ruby Erratt. The bride Tooled very charm- ing in a white crepe romaine dress with a veil, coronet style caught with orange blossoms and carried a bou- quet of carnations, lily of the valley and maiden -hair fern. Miss Fern Taylor, cousin of the bride attired in tea rose georgette carrying a bou- quet of carnations, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern, acted as brides- maid while the groom was attended by Mi. Anson Coleman. Immediately after the ceremony, a dainty wedding breakfast was served to their immed- iate relatives, the Misses Mabel Cal- ner and Margaret McKinley assisting. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to the bridesmaid, silver salt and pepper stands, to the pianist a silver bar pin, and to the groomsman a silver belt chain. The happy couple left by motor for Ham- ilton, Kitchener and Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in a cocoa brown and beige wool ensemble suit with hat, shoes and purse to match. On their return, they will reside on the groom's fine farm on the Blue Water Highway. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, Talbot wish them a happy and prosperous wedded life, E. ()each, Agent Are You Proud To Show Your WATCH LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5.00 TO $25. GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1929 IMPORTANT FUEL Announcement Effective at Once We beg to announce a reduction of' 50c. per ton front the winter pricee,,. on all Grades of Anthracite Coat In addition, we will allow a discount. of 50c per ton for CASH PAYIVIErra, ONLY, on Anthracite and All grarres, .of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will advance agblt June 15th. Take advantage of these Rock Botta= Prices, and lay in your supply naor-- of The Original and Only D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL• Or The Famous D, & H. L.A.CKAWANNA. COAL Noted for its great heat. Canteion. HENSALL 0141; Office Phone law House Phone Mr 4414++++++++1•.+++++4,44-1444•14,14t++++.÷+i-f+1-11.*+;‘& BA IN-! HIGH OL • + 1929 Ford Model A, Coach, new at a bargain 4.1 Ford 4. Essex 4 -door Sedan, in good condition. Make us an offer. +4. 4* IONS WITH OTHERS WE DO NOT GUARANTEE SPEEDOMETOR READINGS FRITZ & SON SS -USED CARS At Your Own Terms 1926 Ford Coach like new, upholstering spotless, priced very law for quick sale. Sedan, 4 nearly new tires, paint like YP-.14 . Our price only' $126.04) WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE THE CAR YOU BUY. SEE OUR USED CARS AND COMPARE PRICES AND CONDIT-. AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET' SIX CARS. A SEX MT THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. ASK FOR A DEMON.- STRATION. SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRICEI We have opene Our first shipment of Spring Summer Dry Goods WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS RP -PAIRS, • HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN AND 1!?: ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR A.I.A.MIN LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTIJN COAL CV., STOVES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE R. N. DO , GENERAL. MERCHANT L PHONE 11 0- 91 iBLAKE ,„‘„,.........e.omemeamen....4 ,-*4.6',..weleommir....smor.IMPIMPT 4. A 4