HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-06, Page 5tharsaai, Tu etbe ,011 amass cARDs Toys Vireets, For Sale. Lost, Found ii Notice. Etc m Ads DDIDIAtrir E HoLwIi SIN, von comnino ISAMISISTER, SOLICITOit, NOT IARY PUBLIC, RTC. OFFICE-Kamilton Street, 31trit 0112 a* Square, (310DERICH, 'Ontatio. Special attention to Coumeel enela Court Worikl. lnaY be eenellTt%i 1 difroderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. br. 11. H. COWEN L.D.S. D. D DENTAL SURGEON DMZ 13LOON-Z WiO Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IiARTLEIB'S BLOCg, DASHWOOD) lElvery Monday, TuesaaY *Ina Wednesday FOR SALE A limited quantity of seed beans for sale. Apply to Sol. Gingerich. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at Ilensall, Mill St., on Saturday June 8th, at 1.80 p.m. 'Everything goes to close estate Of the late Janet Carmichael. -n-)sear Klopp, Auctioneer, - , OSCAR KLOPP •Sritduate Carey M. Jones Nat- Siaani School of Auctioneering. Try sate .for Registered Live Stoch, .1Breed). Terms in ItespOg with prevailing prices, Choice Varros for sale. Will )$iell anything ilterywhere, Vkone 18-93 or -write). Zurith, licensed Auctioneet • 'NOTICE. :ally each week, Tuesday, Thursday, 'Rolling will be done three half days Beginning June lst, Chopping 'and and Satarday afternoons. ' Zurich Milling Company. FARM FOR SALE WOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON zAnict any auction Sale, eg ar (item Ors 'to Irian or article to limn. 31 avoilcit /our business, and if not 'nectialied will make no chargeor liteorolces. Arthur Weber - Dashwooa, Aobone 13-57 44300d year Tires,Tubes A fine 100 -acre farm in Hay rownship, has been placed in my hands for sale. The farm is only a, few miles from Zurich, has good 11/2 story cement house, large bank barn and other outbuildings in good re- pair. About 4, acres bush and 2 ac- res orchard. Well fenced and dra- ined, and has never failing supply of pfing water. This is a very desir- able farm and is in a high state of eultivation. Good reasons for selling. Apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich, for par- ticulars. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that in future I will not be responsible fol any debts contracted by my son Edward Thiel. William Thiel, Zurich. Ont. WANTED We are in the market for a limited amount of good potatoes, act quick. L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4 per pound. Fed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Frred. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. BABY CHICKS Hatched in the Huron Mammoth, New machine going, Cleans the air from the cleanest and healthiest*,hatching • the hatching .. trays before it mixes _with the' eggs by patent process. S L Batteries trerdeLoiyeks. axed deposit 11..Ziorrends. • Prier. guaranteed satisfactory ten TJa days before shipment. Custom hatch - +1. S. WEIN, Prop ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five witscrwoop vro,rou, In7"11red ml:Khleey.97r4, rt. -T- .) 13Ra. urichs' PopularThe hnperial Life MEAT MARKET Assurancq Co. of Canada uatAD OFFICE - TORONTO ANNotimibm VRAT WE HAVE PURCHASED' E. E. Wuerth-Agent MROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT f& DEICHERT, TRIS WELL ]STAB 'ILISHED MEAT ETLISINS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE BL Yunghlut & Sou •116**********2001/90.0060**** 100 AT 1929 Announcement !-SPRiNG PRICES NOW' IN EFVECT FOR Beranto Coal Coke Alberta Coal am4 Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCO LINT OF Be Per Ton will be allowed'. fear wast. rifiet Early as prises /6411 asdatessce csal June 248t,la.. Case & Son 4P,Isonso 35 14,E.h.3SALita. LIVE POU LT R WAN It D ltsikee every day tin Se'dOektp,:m. Akt wig feed Pawl Mama Morning whet; brought ht. 'Uglest Cask Prim --cAss Fou-: Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Alia. alai.* lie tts • „ iiiii*** a ZURICH Phone 11-81 enarantee and Actident Insurance Olaast and Strongest Co, in Caned.) . . Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Surerda of Detroit were visitors with relative and- friends here the pad Week. ' Mr, John Decker Sr., has returnee from a pleasant visit with relatiwa ,arid friends at New liarnburg,-.)5rler_ and Kitchener,. .Mrs.. C. Price, Who has been for some time in Detroit, has returitte. to Zurich, where SILO WM $Pend h • uMmer •rnoriths; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leibold of Strat • ford are visiting with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Leibold of the Babylon Line, • Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Geis of -Water- loo and Mr, and Mrs, E. Filsinger Kitchener, visited at the home of Rev, and Mrs. W. Y, Dreier, over the Week - Thursday last was Decoration Day in the U.S.A., hence there was a•large influx of Americans in these parts ,and we say many faces of :old hey:- . and girls of these parts. Mr. and Mre. Whitney• Lang, am.' son Jack, ktiss Luella Poster of Kit chener, Miss Georgina Foster of Sia atford and Mr. Edgar Foster of En: lau, were week -end visitors at t .home of Mr. and Mre. Nicholas Fos ter of the Babylon Line. The regular monthly meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Women's Ir stitute will be held on Tuesday even- ing:, June 11th, in the Council Cham- bers, when the following prograrnna will be carried out: Address -Firs'. Aid, Dr. P. . O'Dwyer; Roll Call - Hot Weather Drinks; Committee - Mrs. E. Klopp, Miss Jane Lamont. • Birthday Party A pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Reichert, at Zurich, on Monday night May 27, when their children, grandchildren tied greatgrandehildren gathered to honor Mrs. Reichert on the occasion of her 75th birthday. Her children and grandchildren presenting her with an electric Rangette. The pres- hntation being made by MM J. M. 'Richardson and Mr. Ed. Reichert. The following address Was read by Mrs. Edward Reichert: Dear Mother and Grandma: • It is with great pleasure that we have assembled here to wish you many happy returns on your seventy-cohh birthday. We sincerely hope you may be spaA to celebrate many more birthdays with us. It is only fitthig that we Should- remember yott because you have always been so kind and genor :tts to us. Oftentimes ha falied to show our apprec- iation of your sv•:.riaces, but we real- ize you always put your family first and so we are very greatful to you. We wishyoh to accept this stove from your family and grant and these titre -ors from your great grandchildren, as a slight token of rememliranee on your birthdey. Your Family and Grand...iiildren. Dorothy t':en pl,es.-nted her with u large bouquet of pink and white Cara:Ade:1,-1 and fern, fru m her four great grandclificirin, Douglas Ashman, Earl Stoinbarh, Dorony and Helen O'Brein. Mrs. Reithert then thanked them in her rural pleasing, manner ('he remainder of tile ev- ening was spent in a social manner. After which a dainty lunch was ser- vil consieting of a three :moly birth, day cake: which was beautifully de- corated and ,eirried a lightA candle for each year. ?hi 13:0VAL MASTER. • Aiuxury Tire? Yes and. No! if you drive a car for one year only, Royal Masters are an extravagance. They last too long. you. drive a car es long as die average roan does, Royal Masters are a positive economy. One set will see you through. 71-4e Royal Mister is the best tire ever made -- built with delihoutte disregard for costs. • , The tread is double thick. Side-walls are made with cam plies of web fabric, guarded against scuffing. Not one Royal Metter ht a thousand• will ever hutto. , tare. Not one in five thousand will blow out under two years of servite, 'On„, sa. te at every INION TIRE DEPOT Mr. Theo. Wagner , of Kitchener, .as a visitor at his home here. Merrsr Oestreleher and Kuntz • of • 'rediton,- were • Tuesday -.031W118 Lrl 'town, ••• S. 'Williams, of New Ham- airg, made a call on his hieee, Mrs.. '3, L. Smith, on. Tuesday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich 'Pent the week -end with relatives at Kitchener, "laden and' New 1iambi:17g. Rev.. and Md rs. F. L, Howald an .family of Ehnwood were visitors town the past week and also taking in the Lutheran Synod. Rey. and Mrs. L. Kalbfleisch -of Elmira, spent the week with relatives in town and also taking in the Synod. Mrs, C,P7uS Cclo7:ky is spending the w'Ac 'Stanley at the home of Mr. Thos, Stephenson, whose mother is ill. Mrs, Stephenson is 90 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. C 0. Smith of St, Joseph and family and Mr, Arthur Weber of the Bronson Line, spent a few days with friends at Kitchener, and New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Haist, our popu- lar bakers, have moved their house- hold effects into their new:home they recently purchased from Mr.. J. E. Gsacho. Ma. Heist has woramen busily engaged in renovating' the in- terior of their business block, and in the matter of a few weeks, will have everythingg in order to do business. BORN Miller --At 14th Con. Hay Township on May 23rd to Mr and Mrs. Wo] - ter Miller, a daughter Green -At Grand Bend, on May 28, To Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green, a son. McBride -At Stanley Township, on May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs-. Roy Mc- Bride, a daughter. Patterson -At Stephen Township, on May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Patterson, a daughter. NOTICE 1 A public meeting will be held in School House No. 1 t!, Hay, 4th eon., on Thursday eve. June lf-lth,ht the interest of Co -Operative market- ing. TENDERS WANTED "re Ph* *•••••••••............***********•****************** Farm- Implements WE ARE ,HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIN» OP. MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL: GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY. A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. • • GARAGE SUPPLIES • • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases: L. A. Prang - Zurich 1 .11.***441-40,..o.4.4.4,44,4,444.1..64.40, ..00.o.o..e....000.o,or,v,,o42.41.4o,e,44,..t***i ..1, 4. The Winter Season * + 4. IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS + 4, OR DOORS WITH THE 'MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR a, 4. FRENCH DOORS 4. .1. LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND a.., .-• .1. 4. KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVEhY 6 PHONE 69 LBFLE_Se ZU RICH +++++++++++++++++++i +4-1.+++++++YA+++++++++_€,EMI seu3e306eitoost5aaa 8 7 0 The Council of the Township t,f 3 Hay will receivt t7-nders up to 7.'.0 o'clock, p.m. of J u tie 1 iith, t:?29, fur delivering crushed one and itito. gravel on Township ":.loads. to tender Der yard irdle. All tenders mast 1.,e in hands ef Township Clerk 011 c: before time mentioned hereinbefore, A.. F. Hess, Zurich, Ont. Township Clerk, Hay. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 10. a. m: . German .13ervice, 11.'5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service, Monday -S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Plactice. Everybody Welcome to all 3i.11.Y.ite.. E. Tueritheim, Pastor. g 3 3 1 • • • • • • • • • DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE • • st0,500000541)4.1444bios46,12****411002000414tro.$06.5Vvb dicOrioadlie 00DWECSOefittitetiteVOU'Er446340906100188648 Announcement We have opened up a Garage IN THE STAND FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Mr. LENNIS O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL BARNS 4. 4. 4. 4. tak • • I• AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT MECNANICAL ..SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS.... WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE WHITF, STAR AND STAROLINE GASOLINE Oils Greases Tires FAIRBAIEN & HUDSON ZURICH Phone 149 2 • • • 1$ to • • a iewwwwvvmmiwwwww,mcvamiAtwammit EVangelical Notes ZURICE - ONT. Friendship: Friendship is valuable b6yond we- alth, honor, popularity and fame. It is the fusing of noble souls. Charac- ter is so largely affected by associat es that we dare not be indifferent a- bout the kind of friendships we form, 'They write not only their names into their albums, but they live thernsehe :ha es into .our our heart and line make us what we are, If your Iri end insists on forming friendships with evil, then you must win him to the pure and the holy, vi' part rump any with him. Friendship is like the refreshing dew upon a thirsty mead ow, or it is like the 'poisonous mill - dew upon vegetation, Friendship apla like a log won' t burn alone, it needs re7.2 another warmth and sympathy. Just ashes are we if we have rio friends "1161 with whom the heart and mind can blend. The log, it cannot burn alone 0: The heart untouched is cold as stone. a7+4 All tinsactified, unchaste, unholy fri- -C- endship will prove a course and a dead weight to drag us down.. Only L'its Christlike friendships are ideal and worthwhile. Make Jesus your first `hea and foremost friend and only quality afs' friendswill gravitate yourward. Tuesday, 7.16 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 1.80 -Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m. -Senior I.,sague Fridley 3,30 p.m. -Choir Practio• SUNDAY SERVICES Werihip 10 A. M. Subjettaeltining in 'at the. Jazzless Broadcasting Station. 11 asne,aiblo School, Gateho, Superintendent, Woridiip: '7.39 P. M. ,Thlbjt:et - • Canada Cortft,rence Branch W. M, S. hiClibes. sati, itto 14 0,0000. tit* Zufich Drug L01,016 tationery We keep writing tablets of a 1 sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles - Preparations School Supplies of all kinds Diamond Dyes and Fadeless Dyes KODAKS AND FILMS br. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich:7 lownymmtmiwwwwwwwvMMM ,f4 17, P titnarfi9 SIC MIC it4C