HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-06-06, Page 1!� o %XIX No47 47 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 6 1929. t Molter 311; WWI PORAIRIC F ' a M* ogi l Zf3.60 II+?,A,RR UR9, •.(I* BE OHAR6FISI P Advertising is the big medium between Buyer and Seller. Try an Ad. i- BARGAINBARGAINS , i 3 -Received .hipent of waterproof •nm retailing fax be Robes which I, aG a . tales Catalogue _ et 37oU.r's a ..▪ low �a� � prices� a a Special Price $12.50 large size . a t_ r FRED THIEL - ZURICH- Q. `• 44...••••••••.o.......•4••A•••••••.•••••• *••••••ltaltQf•••0631tT;*veass4> avese••••••••es • • er • • ere • •0.0.041 • • • • • • • • • 4 • • An Exprasition, of !mss aaecr vl sci- enti f c rnehods of carceedrig. Foot • T r oabtes wilt hes Rea do cava- stare Bzwere Front +nla: i3' Do not felt, fatale a&gctenge of this opportnnitp'i€you have foottroulde of any kind:. OE the: a. a vt; a3ote we shall have .at our store au Expert from the staff era the; Mketd's WW2 nosed• :hopedra speeialisr — Wm. IL Sehal:41431. ISIewIllgiveyottas4encifinunalyfrils olyour stool Inge feet and explain and show how tise.ucagt painful afoot troubles are instantly reqta,oel. aazcl! their cause removed by the ncweafiampkri akDz.'Sclitaia<FootComfortAP IL ances and. Receedies. . a charge is made for -this valuable service. TIRED Ia ;EF 13r_ Schen', new ismpv.movt 41 oda Sopporm volitive oirtvh',; oohing fier -Nook OLS claim archco sr•mpc3totsio aYtux r, etc., light anal wonfxvahlr Worn in aux uh[tr. .list' RP . $ 5.00paztaaz., t Z r }fir. Schairff Zina-poas for Boob'pent retie rant Me; retnave f;kt€c, anti pft'.Nolre Gr t e; marc, eoctrtigg, hcaliog. SSaixu„ h Tues. '. REPAIRING. 'NEATLY DONE SITE '01131t . r i t WIIATDONii DISPLAY AY .4 .r w4 G A:SCIEGS, ' titer MUSS lark 4e400...+lH*40**'0071t r�4klFari +f�dk•'� to <�<e go*. CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Leno Kipper wish to greatly thank the nei- ghbors and friends for the kindness, assistance and sympathy shown dur- ing the funeral of the departed. LUTHERAN SYNOD The sixty-seventh convention of the EEvangelical Lutheran Synod of Can- ada was held in .St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich, beginning Wednes- day, May 29th, when Rev. C. J. Maas prreached the preparatory sermon in german, and Rev. J. Schneider offici- ated at the communion sermon in English. Officers were elected as fol- lows: President, Rev. J. Reble of Hamilton; Vice -Pres., Rev. J. Maurer of Kitchener; English Secy., Rev. C. H. Little of Waterloo; German Secy., Rev. H. Shorten of Waterloo; Treas. Rev. E. Holm, of Conestoga. The roll call showed 50 pastors and 32 lay delegates present. The Synod consists of 56 parishes, 25,210 bap- tised members, 16,639 confirmed mem bers, 87 congregations, 77 Sunday schools, 802 officers and teachers and 6,300 scholars. Rev. A. Traver of New. York, General Secy., of Luther- an Leagues of America dealt with the different causes undertaken by the League, The Board 4f (we/71°n9f 1 i�imrfy of Parkhill Gpeu Wt 1 S td Mr. and Mrs. Witwer of ,Kitchener, were visitors with friends here. Mr. Lawrence Dietrich and his bride from Detroit, spent Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deitrich's. • Mr. John Laporte, Essex dealer, has sold to 'Mr. Jos. Gelinas, Jr., a Essex car. Messrs Herb. Neeb and Mr. Chris. Erb, have each purchased used Ford coaches from C. Fritz & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weir of Lon- don, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Wein of the Babylon Line on Sunday. Nir. L. W. Hoffman has vacated the Store in the Gascho block, and has moved his goods to the tailoring buil- ding owned by his. father, where he has very desirable quarters. Mrs. Frank Wicke and son Byron and Miss Elizabeth Lei,beld of Strat- ford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leibold. .Are You Proud To Show Your WATCH LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5.00 TO $25. Mr. unci Mrs. Wm. Lindeniield and `f a er oo ennnary pi'rsen a a re- ( the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Deit- port of their activities, ad recommen- rich ded that the Synod assist in the camp- aign of $150,000 for endowment. A Mr. Calvin Williams, accompanied resolution proved that out of the fund by Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Ii i.ng and dait- to be raised in 1930 and 1931 for ed- ghter of Buffalo, visited with the for- neational purposes $30,000. be set mei's brothers• and sister, the Wil - aside for the endowment campaign Hams family the past week. • was adopted, 54 to 8. The annual Mr.. and Mrs. J. Klinck and Baugh meeting of the aluni of Waterloo ter Jean of Ehnira and two sons, Seminary was held on Thursday. Four John of Leamington and Caul of Wat- new members were received; H: erloo Seminary, visited with Mr. and Baetz,• N. Keifer, A. Datars and G Mrs:.A'. A. We on Sun;iay: 0 1 Schultz. Three of these will rennin hi. the Canadian Synod. and one will • joi the • Michigan Synod. The • fon).- were our were ordained on Sunday. At the close of the Thursday meeting a ban- puet was enjoyed at the Dominion. Hotel dining ,room.. On Sunday a large gatherig from near and far took place, and all enjoyed the splen- did addresses by the various able spe- akers, and 'the Synod meeting .came to a close on Monday noon, and con- sidered by all as a most successful event. while the local congregation are to be congratulated on the fine hospitality rendered. • 0 0 0 • 0 a •0 • 0 Cb 1 0 • 0k • 3 0 • 0 1,42•414•900000004004:41W600.61•000000 , dstS 4esee4;.. J<r,;adr4F�v'�4� •teeo-4+.***l *.e.FQ�eo,e,,bd3B v^+�r uarters A• he Bub* Bice `I: whiff we iter ‘the e + . `t - r YEARS, BEING S'1 s 11.711 .iaiitGl ae OMR SWIM ' A•1 l 21,11G-, TENTS 11L 11 " 0.414. ;R.S ?i33:i£�CI4:. 'WHERE WE W9'31/3.'RY TO SER. yore -irk` "'31-1:E .REST F ()UR AMITY :,F"5'.SIR :.Qli RC[T Y 11d C "1ONIEXC 1".rA ..114'.1I�P' h" L: W. 8�3FF Russell McGregor, aged 20, of Grand Bend, charged with driving the car which struck and killed Miss Diana. Spiers of Queen Alexandra Sanitorium, at Springbank, on: May 2, appeared in the County Police Court, London, the other morning and was committed for trial at the Fall Assizes by Magistrate Hawkshaw. McGregor, who faces a charge of man slaughter, was released on bail of $10,000. • t� The South Huron Liberal Associa- tion is holding a picnic at Grand Bend, on June 19th. The chief spe- aker will be Hon, Ernest Laponte, Minister of Justice, the silver tong- ued orator of Quebec. Associated with him will be Hon. J. C. Elliott, Minister of Public Works, Hon. E. D. Euler, minister •of National Revenue together with the local member, Thos. McMillan, M. P. and all the : other Ontario Ministers and many of Ont- ario's ntario's outstanding M. P.'s. All are cordially invited to attend and hear National 'interests discussed by those able exponents of Liberalism. Come and bring ,$ ur lunch basket and en: - joy a 'half holiday, at Grand Bend on June '19th. :etch Ts Space fo• r tr Reifridgea ion ,►eft GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 WATCH ,SND' CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY OQAL 1929 IMPORTANT' FUEL Announcement Effective at Once We beg to announce a reduction ne 50c. per ton from the winter price on all Grades. of Anthracite CoaL In addition, we will allow a discount of 50c per ton for CASH PAYMENT, ONLY, on Anthracite. and All gradeat: of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will advance< oaira June 15th. Take advantage of these Rock Bottom, Prices, and lay in your supply now. of The Original and Only , D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL. Or The Famnous D. & H. LACKAWANNA COAL Noted for its great heat_ 'ta m c talo ,. Hess, The Jeweller HENS LL Office Phone lOw House Phone 1 Rev'W. Y. Dreier, Pastor of End. ax_ fel" Evangelical ;Church, Zurich, has, gone to Port Elgin to .assist Rev..K. Gretzenger, in Evangelistic Services for the week. The staff of the Zurich Public and Continuation School extends a hearty invitation to the people of Zurich and community to attend their . annual school picnic to be held at Grand Bend an Wednesday, June 12th. Races, sports, soft ball matches for young and old will be held. The Zurich Jubilee Band will be in at- tendance. A meeting will be held on Thursday evening, June 6th at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall, to arrange committees, etc, All those interested please attend the meeting. Prof. S. W. Hirtle, of the Luth- eran Seminary, Waterloo, and one of the Ministerial Members 81 the Can- adian Synod of the Lutheran Church, which has just concluded their Con- ference session at St. Peter's Church, Zurich, was the acceptable preacher at the Sunday evening service at Em- anuel Evangelical Church on Sunday June 2nd. He was greeted with warmhearted welcome. His message was'inspiring, heart kindling and stir ring. The congregation tendered him a rising vote of appreciation. Come again,, Prof, Hirtle. Late Leno Kipper The funeral of the late Leno Kip- per of Biggar, Sask., and formerly of Zurich, took place on Saturday morn- ing, June lst, from the home of his. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bender Goshen Line, south, to the St. Boni- face Catholic Church, Zurich, where High Mass was read by Father Power assisted by Father Sullivan, of Clin- ton. Deeeased•was 73 years old, and was ill for about six weeks, Surviv- ing him are two sons: John and Jos- eph Kipper of Biggar,; Four daugh- ters, Mrs. Percy. Weston of Kitchener, Ont.; Mrs. Wm. Bosncll anti Mrs. R. Fulton of Biggar, Sask., and. Mrs. Herb Bender of • Zurich, Ont. Ten grandchildren and two great grand- children, • also three aged brothers and two sisters, besides many friends in •Biggar, Sask., and Zurich, Ont. The esteem and high regard of the departed was shown by the many Floral tributes and Mass Cards. Thoes who attended the funeral from a. distance were:. Mi: John Kipper' Mr. and is. R. Fulton of Biggar, Sas; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston, Mr. Joe Kipper and son of Kitchener; Mrs. Dan. Bennetts Mrs, Thos. Emery, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Bosseriberry of Sar- nia, Elizabeth Webber of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr, and Mrs. John Hartman of ;Seaforth; Mr: Herb Hartman, of Lansing, Mich; Mr. McConnell and da tighter., Mrs, Jane , Rrauskopf of Dublin, Ont, ; _ _ _ _ . . ♦ .. rt. O.P..AiN.'I.',SF.�ie.Sf 4. 4. llfflll LASS TJBRD OARS Zits At Your Own Term ti • 1926 Ford Coach. like .a.'w, 'upholstering spotleess priced very row ' g .€. 1929 Ford Model A. Coach, new at a bargain • 4 + ▪ Ford Sedan, 4 nearly ntW tires, paint like r:v.. Our price only • Essex 4 -door Sedan, in food condition. Make us all offer- l •yet • SEE OUR USED CARS AND. COMPARE PRICES AND CO11'I;DIT. • • WE DO NOT GUARANTEE SPEEDOMETOR READINGS, RV ¢lo C FR TZ & SON fiF • AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX CARS. A Six ori THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. ASK FOR A DEMON- STRATION. SECOND HAND FORT) PARTS AT HALF PRI for quick sale - WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE THE CAR YOU BUY, $125,tb& 4 • IONS WITH OTHERS .,L '.e .+ + +++++++++++++++++++*++ ++4:. +•k ++++++++++x'44.44-84 ,:. We have op one$ gym. Our first shipment of Spriu g au " Summer Dry Goods WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF. HARNESS .i I7 S,; HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN. . Aft' D ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALg?D.DI<.1 LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION COAL Et: „ STOVES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE R. N.DOLAGLAS GENERAL MERON A N 7" • PHONE 11 - 97 tElitLAK