HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-30, Page 8i OW ZUIIICH .Htic.hLUJ THE STORE Y. Y ITU THE STOCK 4ntorostingItems In. House Furnishings A NEW ASSORTMENT OF DRAPERY MATERIALS ON DIST PLAY. ,-• •FINEST NET PANELS AT FOLLOWING PRICES.. $1.25 $1.75 $2.00 .50c Colored rayon, valance to $2.25 to $2.75 75cl to $1.25 40-inx2 14 yds. • 40-inx2 x/.4 yds. 48-in.x2 V/h yds. Door Panels at Frilled Scrim Curtains, Bordered with match, very Special at Plain. White at pair New Tapestry table Runners and Cushions to Match. We carry in stock a complete Range of Window Shades, Curtain Reds, Shade Rollers, and Special. Attention given to orders for Made -to -Measure Shades, in Royal Standard, or Linen Tint shade Cloths Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs, 5 Pieces 4 yds. wide Linoleum.to Cho:,e from, also Congoleum, Inlaid Linoleum Floor Oilcloth, Feltol in c:1 widths, New Congoleum Rugs,. New Congoleum Hall Runners, lxordared 27 and 36 in. widths. Special Prices on 2 only Linoleum Rugs 12x15 feet. • SEEDS! SEEDS! A complete Stock of Garden Seeds, also Mangel, Turnip, Carrot and Sorghum Seed, Chick Feed, Chick Starter, Oyster Shell, at right Pricer. Special! Special REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR, Cwt. $5.85 DO?I.iNION GRANULATED, Cwt. . $5.75 GET YOUR SUPPLY FOR. CANNING NOW AT THESE LOW PRICES J. ; . ;.SCHO Produc,u Wanted SSY r t S Phone 59 11 The Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation 'he Canada Trust Company NOW PAY 5 r:;' PEI: A' •.1NUM, PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR, ON ANY AMOUNT )VEP $100.00, FOR ONE TO, FIVE YEARS. - CONVENIENT )- DEPENDABLE AP l'!.! CATIONS FOR HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ......J.W... - e.9....LL, fl.,. ®. r 1 11 tti-, n 4 ..- c0600•••000•000,000•0000h0•000•4111110•000•1100000 • • NOW Is The Best Time TO FLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS I..':T US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE • • • • O • • 0 • • • • A • FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE 1 0 It YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING YEAR, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US AND OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. • A NiCE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOME WILL AL: •j WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. WE •• CAP; SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. BEST MONEY CAN BUY. SF��I�►,I� P.I this Week at Merner's • Store For Prints, Reg, 29c. at Yd. 23e Prints, Reg. 35; at yd. ........28e Printed Broadcloth, Reg. 35c at 28c Men's Balbriggan Underwear, two Piece at Garment 59c Combinations at , ....... ... , 98e Work Shirts, Reg. $1.25, at .. $1.00 Work Socks, at 2 pr. for .... . 25c 15c and 19c. per Pr. Men's Medium weight Work Pants at Pr. ...........$1.25 WE ALSO SELL GROCERIES J. 'ER"EW. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. t45 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, of the Blue Water Highway, Stanley; celeb- rated their fourtieth wedding anniv- ersary on Wednesday, May 22nd. They received hearty felicitations for many more years of wedded life and prosperity, from a host of friends. in the evening a surprise gathering of the family at their home, presented, them with a beautiful reading lamb. Of their three sons and four daugh- ters, only one was not present, Mrs. Vodden, who is living in Saskatchew- an. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot are prepa_ ing to leave their fine farm on the Highway, to their son Leonard, and to retire in Bayfield. June Rod and Gun Indicating the special delights of Ontario to the sportsmen tourists, the June issue of the national outdoor magazine, Rod and Gun and Cana- dian Silver Fox News, as in former year again takes the form of a spe- cial Ontario Tourist number. The contents of this issue include several splendid Ontario features and articles by such well known outdoor writers as Ozark Ripley, 1llerrili 'Denison,' Robert James, and a message of wel- come from the Premier of Ontario. • These are all additional to the regu- lar features of national interest to all outdoor love_: on angling, woodcraft, guns and ammunition, dogs and the silver fox industry, written by well known authors. Rod and Gun and Canadian. Silver Fox News is publish- ed monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, f ia need of new furniture, don't I forget; we have it! `A &WEIDOJ ZURICH ONT. j Ib0400110000•000000004110000,00•0000000 1 dA 1 Woodstock, Ont. Meeting to discuss Weed Control A meeting of the Weecl Inspectors of all municipalities of the county of Huron and others interested in weed control, will be held at the Agr-i icultural Office, Clinton, Tuesday, 1 June 4th, at 1.30 p.m. sharp. The object of the meeting are: (1) to ac- quairpt-the inspector and all interest- ed with the weeds and weed seeds and their control. (2) To study the we- ed Act and to interrupt it in the best interests of the farmer and the muni- cipality. (3) This meeting will also permit the inspectors in the county to become better acquainted with each'other and they will have a bet- ter chance of knowing how to carry out the work with some degree of uniformity. If we are to meet with any degree of success in the camp- aign against weed, it is essential that we have the whole hearted co-operat- ion of all concerned. If you'can g- range to be present at this meeting we will be pleased to have you with us. -G. A. McCague, Agricultural Representative, Clinton. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance CO OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing. Business in Ontario- Aniount of Insurance at Risk on Dee, 31, 1927, $22,8135,735. 735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates -$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years, E. F. Klapp -Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lifihtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance flk11ng Sold AS WE HAVE TO VACATE OUR STORE BY THE 15th OF JUNE TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW BAKE SHOP AND AT PRESENT THERE BEING NO OTHER VAC- ANT BUSINESS • PLACE, OUR WHOLE STOCK MUST BE SLAU- GHTERED OFF. 50 Straw Hats in all the leading Shades, Reg. $3.50: $6. for $2.85 12 Hats for Girls and Young Women Reg. $6.00 for ............ $3.85 25 Summer Felts in all shades at $2. ORNAMENTS AND FLOWERS FOR. COATS AND DRESSES Al" HALF PRICES. 25 Children's Hats, Reg. $2. for $1. 7 Baby Bonnets, Pink and White, Reg. $1.25 for 85c 2 Felt Tams, Reg. 75c for ..... 45c 30 Matron's Hats in Large head Sizes in Black and Colors, Reg. ..$4.00 to $6.00, for $2.85 We have a limited number. of Hats ..we are offering from $1.75 down- wards. Every Hat must be cleared out so its up to you to make use of there 'wonderful bargains. The Hat Shoppe V. V. Siebert Zurich At trivial. expense Gyproc wilt convert space now wasted into one or more , extra rooms. 215 Fireproof 'wallboard. I -Volt Salle /3F Fred C. KalbfleiscW' - . .� ,. .. Zurich, Ont, 'Thrnsda)f a. , Qtl1, 1923' 4*4 .+ff++.++ 44-4•444.4.4.44.+++++++.0.4.4.+4 Seasonable Goods fk �, Noir is the time of year to fit out ; your home with new Furnituretr r 49.1 Also ons Guaranteed Springs: and. Mattresses 0 ••••••••••••0000•.•0.0••e sesseeei seem ease vimso Soarfe's Celebrated Paints and Varnishes FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL, 4. 4. CHI -4. NAMEL VARNISHES •e••••oeimeeseec•a••+seeme eme•eew•eeGaieses•••• 4. 4. 4. All Lines of Hardware .1. ;. 4. and Tin • ware it ,I, GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE t TMILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERSZ. 4.4,, SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS, I PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. I' CALL AND SEE US Johnstan.Johnston,Sa Kalbfieisc]j. Hardware & Furniture. Phone. + .•,..g +4.,F,i4+ ++.1- '•44+4..+ ,1t4k+ •it'tk+ ^+++ rb++3r+++++•1•+•b+4*^t °F -!t" z If!VIII(filfllf4NViNN(!I�li`�NNi1�NMtli�t",�I+?fc,blit!inif6i�i;�N�11i'i6NNNID!'16l(IIfNC'.i(d''!�!'d!1; ift'tt'l:�'lINN1NlINNllfigfllJGl,",ii;';fi�IG,�u�.l�:'iu'+G�nr,�:w;,,TM.,, .:.•��r LH- ()TICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH INIMIINt?A1!IIlNIIfNIIIIIIII.MI,7ZLii i! I, «u Intl,i,N1 Jl'L' !1'.4NINarORliTt.;??k7E iiH I t�lMIiHN[91t!I 1: ' 1"lT±7t 1E m p. T:'7T y i°÷+.thi../.4-4-t-t. a"cq.N'..$°...Q.'t-t.",K".t.÷.....a"'=^`H-,r.(.,}.'yi.'i'*..1•, ..1.. `.lE°"k�..;'•'y'. F,..` •:+. ANNOUNCEMENT ti: !:We have been appointed Agents direct tor: 4 E. ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF 'g' I. TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF '47.WHIPPET Ya. HIPP{°T Fo ffn ARISTOCRAT OF fTRE LOW PRE - CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT'i COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICY}, A TRIED 0, AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY YV III 'PET SIX THE LOWEST PR/CBD SIX ON ,It THE MARKET. A CAR WLTH A 4 SOUND REPUTATION , Wll ys night TWO FAMOUR PROVIDED SLEEVE VALVE t MOTOR. LF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US '- BEFORE BEFORE BUVPNG ELSEWHERE. 'A SATISFACTORY UMW ASSURED, BESIDES: 4. `WE GIVE.1,.YOU SERVICE" 1 4. H. Mousseau Zu.rioh -11f-10. * - ; --.--Ba a, -..a--.-- -., 1. WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. $BITS 801T8 To the man who regards a well dressed !appearance,. we reeonimehd you to come and look over our fine range of THE NEWEST WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Olt MONEY GLADIar REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE I HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN M tD.II TO ? A$r BRE CLOTHES-CORNELL,; Wu Him HOFFMAN 14L1? RCIEANT TAILOR, W. H.Stdifi'F91St' AS 4 /kilt - l4'IAII *161 sII'k l! !AND FUNERAL DIR1 CICO a Day Old Night negro e Nat ft ih-47.*'ii «:,^SGT" •, lttr. tr.,.' ro. x" -.. `6"'" 7..04 q y "a-